Gray Panthers of Wash, DC
Gray Panthers
of Metropolitan Washington, DC 20001
(202) 347-9541
(202) 347-9541 Fax Number
In 1973 Janet N. Newman, with the aid of
a few of her friends, organized Gray Panthers
in this area. A first accomplishment was obtaining free checking accounts for elderly people in local
The following year, GPMW began an on-going effort to get rent control and helped pass the rent control and condominium conversion laws.
In coalition with other groups, we are continually pressing for improvements in public housing and have brought the attention of the public to grim conditions in which some seniors citizens now
We have fought against the enormous rate increases and demanded by the gas, electric and telephone companies and take part in the work of the Consumer Utility Board. We also joined in a coalition to increase Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and to obtain Family Leave for parents.
Universal health care has been a continuing
concern, locally and nationallly, and we have campaigned for a single-payer system. Until that comes about, we fight to preserve Medicare and
Medicaid, and we suggest a quote "Medicare" for
We have had particular concern for the
healthcare of low-income and uninsured people,
and Gray Panthers were able at one point to prevent
the Dirstrict government from cutting 40,000 people
off the rolls of the "medically needy".
The GP also published a model guide entitled " DOES YOUR DOCTOR TAKE MEDICARE
ASSIGNMENT" which pressured the Federal Government to distribute this information around the
GPMW has played a leading role in the
fight to maintain hard-one social security benefits.
GPMW believes that financial security during retirement should be an established right of all
citizens, and not subject to the whims of political
We organized the Coalition for Adequate Income and we obtained a city supplement for people
on Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
While we work to improve living conditions
in the District we recognize that one serious problem
is the large percentage of our national budget that
is used for defense. We have campaigned for
economic conversion of these funds for peaceful
endeavors and the improvement of the environment.
We cooperate with local unions in their
efforts to unionize workers, particularly those in
the lower end of the income scale.
Also, we take part in various educational
programs each year such as the Hiroshima/
Nagasaki Commemoration and the "Toys-of-Peace"
(TOPS) campaign.
Click here for spring 1999 Newsletter
Clickhere for membership application
Click here for DC Gray Panther History
Click here for National Gray Panthers
Email: gpanthers@capaccess.org