Area 51 Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch
Boomerang´ 4/6/2004 12:19 pm EDT Page 36
Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) GLP FORUM
Indeed, extremely interesting Skywatcher (Bill Hamilton), thanks.
"My interest in the sun has recently been stimulated by reports I have received from a man, Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch, who claims he is a microbiologist who works for a shadowy arm of the government. He tells me that preparations are being made for a coming catastrophe in the year 2012 that involves changes in our sun and its effects on the earth. This is, of course, related to deciphering the Mayan symbols that seem to point to the winter solstice of our year 2012."
And below Dan´s own words.
Dan Burisch: In 2012, the Sun will shower the earth with waves of energy, bound to the Einstein-Rosen Bridges that are clumped together at the Galactic equator.
DonDep: is this the same group of et´s that "gave" us the saucers and then sat back and laughed as our war machine tried to use them, fallingflat on their face?
Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...
Dan Burisch: Well...yes, kind of.
DonDep: is one of the stargates in Iraq?
Dan Burisch: Two.
Dan Burisch: We have 1 of them.
Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...
Dan Burisch: something wonderful will happen.
Dan Burisch: What that means...I don´t really know.
Dan Burisch: But, if we do not capture and disable the manmade ones... [scroll down this page]
Dan Burisch: the record books read that we will undergo a tragedy.
Dan Burisch: 4bill at minimum dead.
DonDep: why must we disable the manmade one?
DonDep: ones?
Dan Burisch: The excess energy from the activated stargates was theorized by the folks from the future to have been a main cause of a pole shift, first
Dan Burisch: magnetic, then geophysical.
DonDep: so how does the Ark and Planet X fit into this scenario?
Dan Burisch: The Ark is being built in the United States. Where? I shouldn´t say to you.
Dan Burisch: It is the progentor of the ones that go to the moon and Mars.
Dan Burisch: progenitor.
DonDep: I learned from good-hearted people close to you that you finished the project for the Ark back on Dec 4; (typo excused)
Dan Burisch: The remaining peoples will comprise that group which will lead, through microevolution, to becoming ds.
DB: You know of what has been happening?
DB: Aside from the big Sun-flap.
marcmann318: BEEN PAYING ATTENTION....
DB: Good. Look to the cornona...many archetypes escaping the gate.
DB: (corona)
DB: So, too, we find that the orientation of magnetci swirls from the Sun follow such a shape. Yes, with sound...Fuller investigated that well...standby.
DB: So, too, we find that large clumps of strings of galaxies orient themselves into octahedra...
DB: Not that it isn´t applicable...sometimes.] marcmann318:--------------
DB: So, I ask...why not manifest in the macro?
marcmann318: ABSOLUTELY
marcmann318: AS ABOVE SO BELOW
DB: Yes.
DB: You are the second person saying that to me within 24 hours
DB: We are nearing the central rift of the galaxy.
DB: We bobb up and down, so to speak.
DB: The looking-glass was built to study time differentials and the manipulation of time on a small scale--as I was told.
DB: The technology came from the Orions. As I was told.
boomerang19582003: Told by?
DB: It was also based on ancient Sumerian technology---as I was told.
DB: J.
drbknows: But the Sumerians are our offspring, as well as our ancestors, no?
DB: I remember reading from the briefing docs about it, but the primary info came face to face.
DB: The so called gods of ancient Sumer, yes.
DB: The people were basically linear descendants.
drbknows: Is the "seaworthy boat" you and others prepared what is to become the Ark of the Covenant in our past?
DB: This technology, LG, was witnessed by me when the LG team was trying to move a human being from one point to another.
DB: The human being did not survive.
drbknows: Did any other object?
DB: Later, I hear, yes.
DB: Inanimate cbjects were transferrable
DB: Einstein-Rosen Bridges....
DB: Point of fact 1- I am not a physicist.
Now, the follow up questions......, have you any theories as to how these events stimulate the (so-called) Stargates into activity?
4/6/2004 12:29 pm EDT
Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)
Notice the figures mentioned here? What´s the current world pop? approx 6.5 Billion, so 2/3rds of world pop zapped...But what is being worked on that can prevent this?
It has been said that if all the manmade gates are destroyed, the event can be curtailed?
Hmmmm, something more to this than first meets the eye I feel.
(12th November 2003)
Dan Burisch: But, if we do not capture and disable the manmade ones...
Dan Burisch: the record books read that we will undergo a tragedy.
Dan Burisch: 4bill at minimum dead.
DonDep: why must we disable the manmade one?
DonDep: ones?
Dan Burisch: The excess energy from the activated stargates was theorized by the folks from the future to have been a main cause of a pole shift, first magnetic, then geophysical.
April 20, 2006 6:15 am
Dr Burisch relates an updated view of "a cataclysm"
5/15/2006 ~ Dr. Dan Burisch
"...the trigger for the catastrophe is being handled. That trigger is a variety of technology which would perturb the earth as we experience higher energies from the Cosmos and our Sun...."
"...We then viewed the confidence data, suggesting that the amount of time spent in one scene, versus the amount of time spent in another scene, indicated mathematically that there remains a LOW LIKELIHOOD of catastrophe...." - Project LookingGlass
April 10, 2008 ~ The Orion Cube
What follows is then what is new. Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence and old MJ-1 - and who is a good man (in Dan's words: Majestic's moral compass) - was so incensed at the current administration's glee at the prospect of Iran attack that he instructed his intelligence apparatus to publish the National Intelligence Estimate, in which it was stated that Iran presented no nuclear threat. This was the first major change in variant 83. [Timeline 1 variant 83]
March 28, 2009 Transliterated from the private diaries of Dr. Danny B Catselas Burisch, as listed on August 1, 1995 and September 8, 1998: "Beenie, record we minus to stars home star of ancients joined brethren ert. See. Waters cover half 24 Nsn6 72/24 ing universa ante end Marse 5769 Nsn3. Joined no more see. Time ancients must decide joining.
"This basically translated: 'Owing to sidereal and solar days, the conjoined people of earth saw the oceans overflow at about Noon at Universal Time on March 28, 2009. The joined resonance was no further seen by us.' (We separated as a species.) 'We have the ability to decide to remain together.'
Boomerang 7/15/2004 GLP Forum
Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 16:) Page 34
This message was a response by Dan to another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist.
This is recorded for posterity for it will be those who inherit the future who will discover the truth or falsity of these statements. The first information will be Dan´s ´non-technical´ statement about his work.
Quoted as dictated by Dr. Dan Burisch Dear Politically Prepared:
This question stirs memories of my best buddy (we will call him "Mike") and myself when strolling near the Old Chem Building, it seems not so long ago. He met with me, between my having to attend a lecture and going to another session with a seasoned professor trying to straighten up my youthful "problems" at that time with my "melting point unit" technique--but that would be another story. :) [I still hold that it was that particular damned machine´s fault! ... :()...]
Mike told me, between my over-eager questions about the blackops community I was preparing to enter, that a man of science, in our community, was only as good as his ability to explain himself: to his God, other scientists, and the non-science members. Thus far, I pray I have at least fulfilled the first two in the list. I feel comfortable with the first (God), and given the support of the various National Laboratories and their quiet assisting scientists, okay with second. The third seems to be the greatest challenge.
If you have college preparation in political science, I am hoping that you have had at least some basic undergraduate preparation in biology. If not, I fear that I will not have the time necessary to explain myself, before I am due to return to the Shady Rest (Area 51). If I fail, I apologize in advance.
For so long I accepted the classical mechanisms that Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian Theory provide (together with other genetic / population dynamics data), and extended my science into their accepted belief system: the one that leaps from micro-evolutionary changes that result in speciation, to the dogma of the common ancestor which links the evolutionary path (albeit dated) of the earliest bacteria to the human.
I laughed with my fellow theorists at the Creationist´s "misinterpretation" that inanimate rock gradually yields life. I relegated the Creationist belief system to fanaticism and the Darwinian belief system as science and truth. Frankly, my experience in "training" for Project Aquarius and the J-Rod extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) did nothing but enhance those beliefs.
As our future plays itself out (within the conditions I have read), the genetic divergence which caused the difference between we (now) and us (the J-Rod species, later) fit well within the same mechanism posited for our gradual development from a pre-hominid to the modern humans we see today.
The interrelations with the Neanderthals, and our current body shape also promoted me along the trail of Darwinism. This, together with the psychological nature of the J-Rod (a future, evolved, logical, and mathematical / scientific kind), made an easy fit with the dogma of modern evolutionary biology. It was all good, and all my training seemed to match. Then I became his friend.
My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me. Was his willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of favorable characteristics? Well, it could have been, and that was my supposition before friendship.
His current state may have had sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could have a future treatment, that was not his major concern.
Rather, this logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). I had only really heard about the so called "Orion Beings." He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother´s" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the bio-molecule...something he called the "joined resonance."
I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called ´Homo sapiens sapiens´, and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn´t the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember)
´We are here in your present presence asking for help.´ This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers," yourselves?
I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance."
In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time.
The J-Rod rapidly approached me and grabbed me, knocking me to the grated flooring of the clean sphere. For the next 20-30 minutes (until my fellow scientists could drag me from the clean sphere -- they didn´t have secondary suits ready to immediately enter ... and we are all told before entering of the possible things that can go wrong!), he flooded my mind with moving images (like a 3D movie), thoughts and dulled emotions.
Some of the thoughts appeared more as metaphors than concrete reality. He showed me the process of genesis from the perspective of his interaction with the "Brothers." [So, I guess you could say that it is some kind of extraterrestrial hearsay? :) ] The images, I later found, were close to the ancient mandala of creation, the sri yantra. I saw a pearlescent lotus flower emerge from a near spherical crystal matrix, in which resided an object that looked like the sri yantra. The sri yantra collapsed into itself through successive stages that looked like the platonic solids, and was carried along like a seed in a river of light to an oscillating drop of water. It entered the drop of water.
The drop of water divided into 12 parts by pinching itself off into 12 separate locations while each location stayed in contact with the seed. The seed divided (or ´budding´?) itself into each of the 12 drops. I was aware enough to count the parts and see that each parts´ substance coalesced into what appeared as fully functioning prokaryote and eukaryote varieties. I witnessed one of the drops, with rapidly dividing cells, as it seemed to become covered in a dark red material.
The material pushed itself away and a looked into the face of a man. He felt like he was there and I could swear I felt him breathe in. Was this the dawn of humanity?
I struggle with the potential and am torn in my soul, to this day, with the possible reality. I didn´t see the destiny of the other drops, but since that time of experience, my thoughts have been very fertile!
For a few years I plodded along with the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory of Eukaryote Origins, (This is a cute way of saying that the so called complex cells are composites of simpler cells that once danced the minuet of "I´ll eat you or you´ll eat me"; then almost mystically agreed to remain one within another giving a competitive edge in survival) and then posited a large virus which may have seeded the garden called earth. (Sound familiar?)
The totipotent virus would necessarily possess a unique genetic package sufficient to be the forerunner of all earth life. I covered this research, as I was still engaged with the Maji in other pursuits and had not informed them of the content of the message from the J-Rod, within the framework of an endosymbiotic research project that was originally called "Mission Genesis", a staged logical next step from an endosymbiosis project with which I had been involved for a number of years. (In that early research I was originally looking for ways to extend lengths of time for bacterial and algal samples to remain alive after they had been engulfed as food by protozoa. I was also conducting research into possible chemical signals being exchanged between the foodstuff and the hungry protozoa.)
During the early stages of Mission Genesis, I began looking into the data points and resultant statistics of that very early research project, which had become known as the FBM Project ... or Fresh-Brackish-Marine ... as salinity levels were employed as one of the variables (oxygen levels another). During that project, I found points at which the hungry protozoa began to behave unusually, that is "predictably," in their retention period of either respiring foodstuffs (for example a variety of bacteria) or phostosynthesizing foodstuffs (for example algae). I thought, "My God, have I found some kind of biochemical or behavioral trace to an original engulfment, which according to the endosymbiosis theory ultimately gave rise to mitochondria and plastids like chloroplasts?" Looking further into the data, my team observed clusters of data points in areas that could be easily mathematically related to the Golden Mean / Phi Ratio (an important number in nature), the age of the earth as currently determined by science, and the incorporation / retention rates of viral strands in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
Mission Genesis was then moved forward to confirm the original FBM results and to further elucidate the data points. Further, I determined that it may be good to test these hungry protozoa in the presence of strata of differing ages. I placed this subset of the project in motion just in case variance may be found amongst the behaviors of the hungry little protozoa, when they were in the presence of the minerals from rock of various ages. (Refer the data points relating to the earth´s age!)
Frenchman´s Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present. The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members.
Soon after research was initiated, and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rock´s electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was also observed, nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit ... and the so called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. The infrared streams interested me and I repeated the experiment using a great deal more electricity. This test (May 31, 2001) resulted in a heat liberation I termed a "flare".
Further tests were conducted using varying electrical pulse levels until the high limit was found that would be detected on infrared, but not visually. That level was employed during microscopic analysis of the rock´s crystals, in the presence of strands of algae. (This ultimately led to the discovery of the so called "Ganesh Particle.") At that point, the Maji asked me ´... just what the hell ...´ I had in mind with all of this and where did the idea come from? I seemed too prepared for the results and was the one that had requested the massive infrared study be concurrently conducted during my early tests at the Vishnu Schist. From their viewpoint I seemed to be working a process with one stated framework, but really was engaging in something quite different. Oops, I was caught! :)
A deal was struck, one that you will readily understand ... quid pro quo, anyone? In exchange for knowledge of the "big" interaction with the J-Rod, the day I saw the images, I would be placed in the need-to-know about the Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox (DCTP), something I was barely allowed to know about ... and only because I had told them about some of his (J-Rod´s) responses to my early questions. As I saw images, that day, of what looked like Inca City, Mars, but in its heyday ... I wanted to know how all this figured together. The totality of my knowledge of the DCTP is known information within this community. I doubt I could add anything of interest (save one aspect to come that could possibly utilize the Lotus to assist the J-Rods and "Brothers"). The thought that the gods of Sumer and other places, were the misinterpreted future humanity; viewed as magical instead of technological, strikes me deeply. What could have they been thinking, to tinker with the pulse of time and alter our genome and history?
I hope that my giving to you the association between what is now called Project Lotus and how I came upon the idea, satisfies that part of your request.
After the deal was struck, the research continued. I had long felt and related that should a huge virus have been the progenitor of life on earth, that its artifact would be found in the strata as well as within the living cells. The aforementioned data also leaned me in that direction ... "
[This letter continues at another location in it's entirety]
Dr. Dan Burisch
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:34 pm
"For those new, I know exactly what it sounds like, but it is at the center of a great problem being worked by many people the public will never know about. The issue relates to something called the DCTP, or the "Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox." In other words, it's a paradox situation within which we reside, the more the tinkering with future-past occurs, the greater the number of "overlays" into our reality which then exist in our apparent "linear timeline."...
(continued at
Location: Eastern England
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:58 pm
Post subject: backburning the eschaton
The above link [WM's Corner regarding "the DCTP Debriefed" Part 1] at may have slipped by unnoticed from some readers, but it's a very interesting read.
After reading the tract a couple of times, I get a better impression of the reasons why Dan wants to leave all mention of the possible catastrophe on the backburner.
kerry 8/4/2006 Location: Los Angeles ~ posted
"... Hi Don,
Thanks for the considerate reply to our posts.. I wanted to pitch in regarding the question as to a coverup aimed at absolving the PTB from blame..
RE: The the guise of the '45s and their role in the so-called coming is significicant that those who go underground to avoid the results of their bad deeds and the overloading/use of the man-made stargates/looking glass tech are really one and the same --in time they become the P+45s...which means they are responsible for what may ensue in 2012...
The point here is that the emphasis on the P+45's being at fault for bringing in the Looking Glass tech and encouraging its misuse is in fact an effort not by Dan (who is only telling the story) but by the PTB to distract blame away from themselves in the 'now' by concentrating on their 'bad guy' future counterparts the aliens from P+45...and figuring most people won't see the obvious link between the two.
Best wishes,
"A detailed page on Project Looking Glass (including images)"
As each particle (dense collection) passes a nearby living object, the image of the shape of that object appears to bend over and onto the particle, giving the false appearance that the particle is actually such a prosaic item. When it nears its destination (the method of that target determination not yet known), it hovers above the target cell, then chemically communicates with it by spraying what appears to be chemical substances upon the target cell´s surface. It lands and instantly begins a rapid division process that ultimately results in a bridge of cells that connect the target cell to a nearby cell. The cells of the bridge stop their life sequences at particular points, offering some kind of frozen library from whence the target algae cells could be given necessary information to change and help them.
A tube with a needle-like penetrating end, enters the nucleus of the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge. This tube (for purposes of name assignment called the Shiva Linga) winds all of the way through the bridge between the two cells (the target cell and the one on the other end of the bridge). The tube can be observed entering the nuclei of all of the bridge cells between the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge. After a few minutes, the bridge detaches and disintegrates. Biochemistry of the surrounding medium revealed no traces of the substance that created the bridge.
It is possible that the bridges are composed of some kind of condensed electromagnetism, taking the form of cells. Damaged cells were exposed to the particles. The actions of the Ganesh Particles resulted in both partial and full restoration of normal cellular function.
It has been recently determined that Ganesh Particles will attach to normal cells, use the penetrating tube to enter the cell´s nucleus, but not form bridges to other cells. The results of the communication between the Ganesh Particles and normal cells remains unknown. The cells of the crossbridges are as tenuous and fragile as clouds. The restorative ability ascribed to these particles is being investigated as a possible treatment for the J-Rods neuropathy. To date, the Ganesh Particles have not been used in vivo, in J-Rods.
Theorists are also working on the possible uses of the Lotus (rock emission component + Ganesh Particle + cell interaction component) for everything from ecological remediation to how its use could reset certain aspects within the DCTP. I remain opposed to any application until much more is known about it.
The origin point of these particles has been determined. It´s quartz. That is, the vibrating quartz crystal. I am under direct order that "I am not at liberty to at this time announce the form of quartz or how the crystal may accommodate the liberation of Ganesh Particles. That order also holds for known changes in the genome of the cells targeted by the Ganesh Particles."
There are implicit weaponization issues that cannot be broached in this medium. Albeit this whole paper will be set for some kind of classification I am sure! :)
The base pairs, decoded from a world-wide detection of Ultra Low Frequency emissions at 1.618033Hz, appear to match certain base strings found in the target (injured) cells while they are being repaired through the actions of the Ganesh Particle created cells of the bridges.
The strings, working in concert with resident viral components of the genome (what I will call the "Vishnu" part of the Lotus) appear to set in motion a rapid cascade of activation and deactivation gene switches that promote cellular repair. I am not allowed to speak more to that issue at this time. By the way, if you are from Sweetness or working for, or in cooperation with that unit, I won´t help you anyway.
In nearly every paper I have authored about the Lotus, I have given a warning that the Ganesh Particle (what I believe could be the seed of life) is not to be toyed with.
Further, that it may play in the higher scheme (the Tree of Life and the Fruit of the Tree of Life), found detailed in sacred literature throughout many cultures. My warnings have seemingly come true in a few instances.
Some attempts to use this project in manners that would immediately lead to an applied technology have resulted in bad things happening to those doing it. Reports of angelic beings, described in a manner very like how the Kerubim allegedly appear, have been detailed to me.
A noted occurrence at the Shady Rest resulted in physical injury to certain personnel and massive property damage. Other reports, centering around the Staar-Flower (originally called Star Flower by me ... I guess they like their spelling better!) team at the Frenchman´s Mountain detailed severe physical and emotional injury to personnel, and the loss of personnel altogether.
The alleged beings have red-coal-like eyes, multiple (4) faces, and are dangerous to those not heeding warnings to give distance. It remains unknown whether the Frenchman beings related to the Lotus or the alleged stargate. The beings reported having done damage at the Shady Rest, were described in a way that could lead one to the belief that they are Kerubim, and such beings allegedly did directly announce that the Lotus is related to the Seed and Fruit of the Tree of Life.
I say: be careful! That´s all I can say. I am trying to be careful and respectful. We have enlisted the assistance of a very professional remote viewer who is attempting to help us clear a sacred path that doesn´t upset those seemingly in spiritual charge of this phenomenon. Results of the remote viewing exercises have assisted us in seeing the phenomenon from a philosophical, spiritual, and sacred geometry perspective. Some may conclude that such application (even in such an advisory capacity) isn´t doing science. That´s fine with me. We will continue to use it and hold its results in the right frame of reference. As previously stated by me in other papers: the Cosmos, Life preceded the tool of the whim of man, called the scientific method.
In conclusion, I want to thank you for the request, and say that I hope I have in some measure answered to it. I suppose when we arrived at our mutual destiny, we will know whether this project was of benefit. I seek a future not filled with the paranoia of such projects as the Rain Dancer, and its needless introduction of an agent to the sum of humanity. In that vain and with those things of this project to which I have just (in the last few hours) been made privy and am sadly not allowed to say: I see a future filled with the "Fruit of the Light of Loving-kindness" and "Healing through Togetherness".
Yours very truly, Dan Burisch
ADDITION: 8/11/2007
"... life beyond earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks... a possible new explanation for the origin of life on earth..."
Dan Burisch
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:43 pm
Post subject: ---FOR BILL---
Hi, Bill...
I've decided to make a public post about this as I feel very strongly that you are on to something very important here.
During March, 2004, I had reviewed two of your papers: "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" and "The Continuous Creation Process". Further, I printed and have subsumed the links for both. You recently remailed the latter of the two to me.
As you are well aware, the presently weakest portion of the Lotus Theory is concerned with the actual physical process whereby the portals open, and as a conduit of sorts, emit their "cargo." Hypotheses regarding this process range from micro-worm-holes to effecting holography.
What no one may know is that it has become my intention to eventually bring the Lotus Theory to a publishable form. The working model (what happens after the "particles" are on this side of the veil) is, of course, already "stored" somewhere. I have held off publishing because the data is still being collected and I must be very careful with certain numbers. I am reasonably certain it can be done, however, without handing anyone an energy weapon. The "widget" may be used in that process.
I believe that a few of your papers, when combined, will form the accurate physical definition of the "formation ---> emanation" process. Of course, you would receive the credit due. Your name will be placed as the discoverer of the physical theory. I should be able to integrate the counterpart metaphysical definitions into the physical ones.
Can you produce a physically viable combination of your...
(1) Vortex work (including Moon's work and the platonic-atomic description).
(2) "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix"
(3) "The Continuous Creation Process"
I have been watching the reality of process court you for some time, and I feel that you are very close to the condensation of the physics.
I am aware that implicit in this process would be the temptation to produce a Mathesis Universalis (God forgive me Leibniz and Descartes!) and then concretize it via a calculus ratiocinator...I believe that the integration of your papers into a single one containing the above information is the appropriate first step (together with my team's Lotus Model) toward the same. We will leave the implications to the Darwinian paradigm alone, for the moment.
It would take a bit of work on your part...but you are a hard worker!
Wanna do it? ... (Bill Agrees)
More Posted here (Dec 4/05) ->
Publius "...we have the Ganesh. That is: Dharmakaya. When most concretely conceptualized the Dharmakaya is personified as the Tathagata. This is therefore an apellation of the Supreme Being. This entity unfolds time and space and transcends time and space. Dan Burisch of course claims to have discovered the materialistic Ganesh particle that transcends time and space.
So to restate a Buddhist gatha in Burisch language: The Buddha Body fills the world (Ganesh standing for Buddha Body) Being immanent universally in all things It will make itself manifest wherever and whenever conditions are matured
Though it never leaves the seat of Bodhi What I am saying is that the Ganesh particle is the Buddha Body and not a materialistic atomie. The Ganesh we are told penetrates time and space and we encounter everywhere this indwelling body universally immanent in all things. Like the Tathagata, the Ganesh we are told animates all that is. It's essence is infinite, but its manifestations are finite and limited."
Dan (Burisch)
Joined: 08 Sep 2005
Posts: 181
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:44 am
ubleck wrote:...some biophotonic information, one pretty good sourcepage...
Ubleck...that's fantastic...thank you! It's going to be quite a chuckle when all those who say that the Ganesh Particle doesn't exist, find out that it is simply a composite of biophotons. Let me see here...aaaah...egg of zee face, no?
Have a good one my friend.
skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 8/6/2004 10:19 am EDT
Dr. Burisch Catselas. The Re/Search for the Truth Volume 18 Page 34
There are those who have come on this list who seem to be missing parts of what Dan has said or are not reading the documents.
The question has been asked as to why the J-Rods need us and would travel back in time to seek our help with their neural condtion.
Dan has answered this question some time ago. You are free to reject his answer, but this is what he discovered...
He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother´s" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance". I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called ´Homo sapiens sapiens´, and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn´t the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember) ´We are here in your present presence asking for help.´ This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance". In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time.
Dan is not the only one who has revealed that some of these beings travel to us from the future. The formation of a number of diverse species from a single ancestral one is called an adaptive radiation. Geographical isolation is one of the many mechanisms of evolution or the adaptation of a species to a new environment. Zeta Reticuli 2-4 would certainly constitute a new environment and would isolate the migrating population from its origin.
Also, there may be many types of Gray alien and they may not all have the same origin, mission, or psychology.
Morpheus Here (Bill Hamilton)
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:15 am Forum
subject: One Last Post On Sacred Geometry METATRON'S CUBE
First, Don, I hope you got what you want and need now. Yes, there is more as there is always more isn't there?
As to the message from the INNER SANCTUM, I will not answer that here on a public forum, but there are some things for the thoughtful to consider.
As we tip the Metatron cube forward, we see the sphere of the center now occupy the position where the three planes meet. The spheres in motion are toroidal vortices.
After the creation of the" Seed of Life, the same vortex's motion was continued creating the next structure known as the" Egg of Life". This structure forms the basis for music as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division. (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight ).
It was Michael Helios who discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tone scales for each of the Platonic shapes. He even tuned his keyboard to specific frequencies in order to achieve exact proportions.
In the Circle of Fifths we see another way in which the musical scale is related to Sacred Geometry, for the musical progression is an exact parallel to the Fibonacci sequence.
As we know, the Fibonacci sequence starts with the number 1, and proceeds by adding the two previous numbers. So the second number in the sequence also is 1, then 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on. And a graph of this sequence almost exactly matches the spiral graph of the Golden Mean sequence. One is finite, the other infinite. "As above, so below."
Fibonacci realized that the natural branching, flowering, and spiraling forms in Nature followed the same uniform laws found in musical scales, for his sequence mathematically predicts all of the intervals that comprise the chords of music. Plato, discoverer of the "Platonic" solids, believed that music was the strongest of all life's influences. In his treatise the Timaeus, he describes the numerical (vibrational-musical) creation of the physical universe and the soul that animates it. He called upon his students to activate the ancient shrines and sacred temples of the earth with sacred song, employing "perpetual choirs" in order to echo the harmonies of the Heavenly Choir.
The work of German astronomer and mystic Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) focused on the five Platonic solids, their harmonic ratios, and how these shapes correlated with planetary orbits and sound frequencies. He found the musical tones of individual planets, and the musical scales of planetary movements. As Stephen Hawking reports, Kepler was even able to determine that "four kinds of voice are expressed in the planets: soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass."
Excavating Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the Knights Templar discovered vaults of hidden artifacts and scrolls that described the alchemical sciences of sacred geometry and architecture and their relationship to sound, astronomy, and genetics. Ancient sacred relics also are said to have been found, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and secrets pertaining to Mary Magdalena and a Holy bloodline.
Inspired by this material, the great Gothic cathedrals, including Chartres, Notre Dame, Salisbury, St.Denis, and Cluny, were designed and built using the principles of sacred geometry and harmonic acoustics.
The angel appears with sphere in hand and an emanation from the flaming letters of the Hebrew alphabet emit a tone and windows shatter. The tone of creation and destruction. The golden spiraling waveforms produce a set of notes related to the flower of life.
The Aleph is symbolized by the "apple" and has the number 1 or 1000 and one proceeds to the left as in the archetypes until one reaches the 27th symbol Zadi and has the number 900 (9 x10 x 10) which is symbolized by the "tree" so one can see that the apple produces the seed which produces the tree and thus the cycle turns upon itself as in the fruit of life, the tree of life. As above, so below and tree and the fruit are also in the body and in the mind. These 27 compose the music of genesis.
This can be modeled also as 3 coils with 9 letters on each coil, now you rotate from Aleph to the right to BET symbolized by the House and Open the gate. Each of the 3 coils corresponds to 3 layers of a 3x3x3 cubic matrix. Aleph is ALL. Aleph is Oneness.
He who occupies the Inner Sanctum may be interested in this rendition and will comprehend its meaning. To those who are wise, this will have great meaning and to those who are otherwise will have little significance.
I will be away on vacation for a few days, but those who know me will know how to reach me. My salutations to the Good and Wise doctor. Blessings to the wise
Bill Hamilton speaks about 2012, Ophidian, Ganesh, quartz crystals, chakras, Galactic Center, Stargate, Etc.
"...So if these ideas are accurate; the outpouring of energy from the sun at the Winter Solstice of 2012 could stimulate and reprogram our DNA. Enabling us to get back the missing information lost when the J-Rods attempted a genetic change at the time of Genesis..."
"...William Henry writes how in 2012 a healing ray or tone emanates from the Hidden Sun at the Galactic Core. This transforms our souls, which then emerge from the heart centre or core of the Milky Way galaxy. (This is where William Henry interprets the location of Christ's Court to be.) He therefore believes Christ's Court is located at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy at round 26 degrees of Sagittarius..."
[Refer To the near bottom of this page]
Dan Burisch
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:31 am
"...I was recently solicited to produce a statement on Lotus, for a meeting of minds in the United Kingdom. I am attaching it as it may assist you.
God Bless,
Project Lotus
During the "time before time" and that of the Vedas, a cosmological paradigm describing a hidden order was revealed to humanity. Visualization of the geometry within this sacred order was said to connect one with the Universal. Immersion through music, dance forms, concentration on mandalas, centering meditation and reflection, all walked the Initiate toward oneness, as a process of revelation and life renewal. Shadows cast within "meeting tents," worldwide, forever connected their Holy Scripts as the nexus between we, our simple utterances, and the sublime; the same being found in the Universal's Supreme thought forms and frequencies.
Following a gap of time and presumed cataclysm(s), not unlike the fits and starts found in the fossil record, a re-emergence through Divine inspiration and rediscovery, matching the precision of mathematics to philosophical boundaries and discourse, once again brought forth the notion of this same order – calling us all, connecting each of us to every other being, and we to the Universal. Nature was 'captured' in the mold of transmission from the "ideal forms," and from thence to the "platonic solids" and their Archimedean composites. This assisted our glimpsing of an unfolding reality, infinitely and perpetually recursive, and only partially judged by our perceptions and the relationships they revealed.
An ever expanding statement of the holographic underpinnings of this matrix, we term the "Fabric of the Universe," has borne us along in the tributaries of time as counterparts with the Maha Vishnu, sailing within the beauty of the foaming cosmic sea. Our observations of the worlds of soul and spirit, the Holy Flame Letters from the breath of the Creator, thought origination in the "One", then to emanation into our physical reality, has once again united with the testable. We, in this thought from the progenitive 'Oneness', have conceived of Quantum Physics, the definitively active yet seemingly temporally recumbent chance and necessity of genetic mutation and recombination, and the force of "natural selection." Fractal models now allow us to empirically justify once only philosophically-based beliefs in the recursiveness of Nature and the patterns of equilibria within her machinations. Geometric relations between nodes on basic shapes, such as circles, are found related to ratios in music. Each of the aforementioned are uniquely tied to the 'Platonic' exposition of "Timaeus." Now, they give rise to yet another metaphor for the sustaining, multidimensional Tree of Life and Continuous Creation. We humbly call this metaphor: "Lotus."
Uniting, in process, the Creator Spirit to the Merkabah, its light code to the sacred tree, and on to the deca-delta mirroring manifold to the directional attributes of DNA-RNA and their legacy – the proteins; a new science emerges. With light frequencies and a defined level of force maintaining an electrical pressure between two points in a system, any silicon-oxygen bearing molecule bathed in the saline of the oceans, may act as an antenna to direct and temporarily sustain an extremely low energy hyper-vortex from the "matrix" – the template which some have called the "Higg's Field." This hyper-dimensional vortex of the formed, emanates to us as a microsystem of colliding photons moving in angular paths. We have called this structure, appearing as would a rotating oval mirror make one reflect to a child's gyroscopic wind-up top, a "Shiva Portal." Upon collision and intermingling of the photons, a bio-photonic-like burst yields discrete bundles of "subtle matter," believed to be the "Pavitrakas" of the ancients. They follow access rivers which proceed as tendrils of electromagnetic field concentrations, to cellular target locations in their immediate environment.
Three classes of such bundles, we have labeled "particles," carry (depending on their category) genetic-modifying packages and direction-of-path modulating capabilities. Simply put, some of these particles modify cells, others seem to act as "direction finders." Adherence and penetration to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is a primary function of one class of these particles. Once done, delivery of genetic-modifying information eventuates in manipulation, repair, and/or reconstitution of target cells. The particle's material, after completion of activity, diffuses back into the medium (and possibly the matrix from whence it came) in a nearly undetectable fashion. By population, most particles appear to reabsorb immediately after emanation, with no known action on cells or their environment.
The elucidation of this phenomenon, currently underway, may help us understand not only such grand events as the Cambrian Explosion, but also the interplay between Gradualism (G) and the dynamism found in Punctuated Equilibrium (PE). We should not dismiss any such evidence, such as for G, in favor of a sole option of PE, even while defending the Darwinian paradigm, but rather look to incorporate the two with the "Lotus phenomenon" as the common bridge. Such a synthesis would fuse evidence for 'far from equilibrium' thermodynamics (such as Belousov-Zhabotinsky) between the two competing approaches (G and PE) and possibly offer a resolution to the filling of biological "gaps of potential," by the exaptive pool, while removing the sting thought to be incumbent within the so called 'specter' of directed variability. Just perhaps, a peace offering between the infinitely ancient reality of God and the young sciences promulgated by humanity, is now being given to us, in this next stage of history.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
"And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life." (Gen. 3:24 NWT)
Dr. Dan Burisch
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:27 pm
Post subject: Re: Is it possible to see Ganesh Particles ?
Alpha Grey wrote:Dr. Burisch Is it possible to physically see Ganesh Particles around you ??
There is a reason I ask this.....although a bizarre one.
Great question! I can't do more of this, as I think Marcia wants me to produce an individual video about Lotus, as we are now up to tens of thousands of hi-res images and hundreds of hi-res videos...but...
Yes, possible, via two known modalities... (...there may be others...)
1. The right light pulse and an excess of electrical voltage are applied to any SiOx bearing crystal, from SiO2 to the beryllium aluminosilicates (look up what X-Ray diffraction pattern the mineral "Beryl" makes...hint, hint)...if the right excess if provided, a flare trackable in the visual spectrum and the infrared can be produced. It appears that an energy conversion occurs, moving to the infrared, and such a flare can become macroscopic.
2. It appears that Ganesh Particles may (I say "MAY") enter our dimensional fields over varying scales. I have some imagery suggestive of huge particles, but hesitate to publish it publicly at this time because of so many nonsense factions trying to establish false claims about me. The subject will be dealt with, properly, if I am able to do such a product for public release.
Dr. Dan Burisch
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:09 am
Damn! There goes Pagemarker drawing me into the public, again! What is it about this guy?
PageMarker wrote: Did someone say 'Ganesh?' Those tasty little tidbits go so well with whole milk!
(Dan)--Welcome home.
Careful Dan, wars with 'Barbarous Pirates' have been fought over things less civil than adherence to copywrite and patent laws.
(Dan)--All my Lotus research is now under copyright. I am not worried over usurpers.
So, beryllium gives us the hexagonal form but the SiOx provides the tetrahedronal platonic solid designs you tend to be so fond of?
(Dan)--Just a personal thing here, but I am less fond of the tetrahedron than the octahedron. I am going to proceed a bit "coded" here and the truth be told...and this will be shown to the public at some point, that the right relationship between spinning ankhs and the linkage of octahedra forming the vesica can find interesting things, some say a grail cup and a cross of equal arms. Play with the'll have fun! (Yes, I hold a dated copyright that too! If not, you would think less of me I'm sure! )
Is the application of the small electrical voltage possibly releasing the negative surface electrostatic potential of the crystal? I think a couple of test runs with your rock collection (I have one too!) would bear that out.
(Dan)--Any such potential would necessary go right before the presence of portal formation, I'm reasonably sure. Remember the drop in resistance?
Think of the 'widget' as 'Spock's locator device' or a 'Geiger counter for gold!'
Induced or natural phenomenon? Both, I suspect, but not naturally occurring enough without HAARPs help and a solar reflector??
(Dan)--We'll know if the Widget is possible within a year...rather, more succinctly said...we'll know if Lotus is natural within that timeframe.
Have you considered the possible existence of an 'antiparticle' to the Ganesh particle?
(Dan)--The so called "Ganesh Particle" is not a "subatomic particle" but has been called "particle" for convenience. We had to call it something! It's a bundle of highly organized electromagnetism. You will find, sir, given a universe built with contained dualism, that "anti's" exist to everything. From me personallly to you personally, speaking formally, an approach to the Tree of Life as I would posit a Kabbalah-construct, for instance, must be made with the humility of a broken heart and through Love, and should be preceded by oral instruction from an adept. Even then, its unbalanced counterparts must be left alone, or we may find ourselves experiencing negative veils for which the human mind has no capacity to understand. At that place, my friend, the meaning of "Here be dragons!" becomes real and a possible danger to one walking that path. It is difficult to remain balanced when when goes to a place without fulcra. Take great care...while the spirit and soul may fly the flight of angels, the rooting of the mind by the brain imposes limitation.
"Just as the emissions originate from a matrix which may be modeled by us as an infinite flower of life, so too may the circles be drawn on an infinite scale. "
I don't buy this, Dan. I don't think this is how the universe functions. For example, you have a limited emission rate to begin with, and 'originate' implies a source. The 'flower of life' I perceive as 'eternal,' and not 'infinite', much the same as you draw the distinction between the 'seeds of the tree of life' and the 'tree' itself. I know you are not playing semantics with these terms, either. A circle is inherently finite.
(Dan)--No, not intended as a semantic game! I suppose an infinite holographic overlay with infinite depth, and infinite scale. While the course of a single circle about a point is finite, given its defined radius, the numbers of such are not, nor are their variations in circumference. Such is the beauty in a gift (our universe) of the Eternal!
"I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space." (Ham. II, II 264).
Thinking it doesn't make it so..
(Dan)--Indeed it does not, making our toilings in the soil even more important, but perhaps only to us!? It also makes us take stock in a common concept, often times with friends, so that we may perceive the subjective real to the many versus the even more subjective real to the one.
Take care, talk with you soon. Dan
3/30/2006 ~ the Solfeggio
" 'It' has arrived on the front page of It appears to be a 4 dimension tesseract made of a mirror of cubes. Burisch and McDowell lifted the Solfeggio into 3D then 4D. When the Solfeggio is lifted into a 3D cube, it creates a matrix of numbers including 219Hz which is an A-tone just like they said..."
Dr. Dan Burisch ~ the magnetic poles
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:33 pm
"...While not a geophysicist, I do not regard the present movement of the magnetic poles as any false alarm whatsoever...nor to I regard their movement as an alarm either...aside from the many effects which may impinge satellite function. The present movement seems to be a natural event, part of a long natural cycle. That said, natural events (of other kinds) seem to be increasing in severity, if not in number, worldwide. Some of those events seem tied to natural cycles, others seem anthropogenically perturbed, and still others are being expressed as a function of our present position within the galaxy. Are the magnetic poles moving as a function of a "flip" of such poles? The reports I am reading suggest the answer to be "yes" however, a reversal of path, as the function of some sort of oscillation of the poles, may also be the answer. We will know as it "shows" us.
I am here to learn too! Could our current position, and vector, be promoting the movement of the magnetic poles as we are observing. Yes. Do I know this as a certainty? No. The information on T2 to which I was privy stated that just prior to the alleged future event, a magnetic pole "flip" had occurred. That said, given that we are as close to completing the transition as we are, and given the movement of the magnetic poles...the present evidence supports either conclusion...that we are going to survive the events within T1, or that T2 would occur right on time.
We are in a very pregnant moment right now...and the solar system is ready to give birth as the time of flowering.
Dr. Dan Burisch ~ J-Rod
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:29 pm
UncleJohn wrote: Uncle John here: Dan, were you able to ask any question to the jrod? If so, what were some of the unexpected questions and answers?
How many separate times did you have contact with the jrod? Were you debriefed after contact with the jrod?
Yes, the conversation between myself and the J-Rod flowed freely. It was, however, totally against the rules. We were only supposed to have formatted discussions, indicated precisely in our protocols. I fulfilled those protocols, but we also chatted as friends. The most unexpected things, just right off the cuff, was his explanation to me about Christianity, his concept of a Cosmic Christ and the integration of certain ancient symbols (like the Ankh and the galaxy) into that explanation where I had never thought of the two together prior to that occasion. His first occasion of speaking to me, while I was part of a B-Team on the s4-4 floor, preparing the receiving devices for another's (A-Team's) entrance into the Clean Sphere, was the most shocking! I initially thought it was extraneous thought as we were warned we could perceive while near the enclosure. I slowly figured out that he was speaking directly to me, even while he was at the far left...his normal position, and while I was across from him almost the diameter of the hemisphere's circle away.
His wit always gave me profound pause... While in the introduction gantry, just prior to entering the sphere, he told me we were "both captives" at that moment. Then, his statement to me, during post enclosure egress protocols...
..." an indepth report by Dan continues in follow-up threads...(continued) @ " 11:29 pm "
Dex ~ J-Rod "joined resonance"
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006
From Bill H. (Hamilton)
Here, from Dan's own writings, are the original statements he made
concerning the "joined resonance". I do not know if they will clarify
anything for you. It is my considered opinion that we know only what
Dan has said about this which is not much and I have not heard it from
any other sources to date.
"My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me. Was his willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of favorable characteristics?
Well, it could have been, and that was my supposition before friendship. His current state may have had sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could have a future treatment, that was not his major concern. Rather, this logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). I had only really heard about the so called "Orion Beings". He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother's" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance".
I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called 'Homo sapiens sapiens', and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn't the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. <>He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember) 'We are here in your present presence asking for help.' This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth.
He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance". In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time."
"...Dan discusses his experience in Area 51, where he befriended a captive J-rod called Chi'el'ah; his complex relationship with Chi'el'ah, extending across decades and timelines; his connection with Majestic-12; the war between Majestic and the Illuminati; the race to close down the Looking Glass technology and secure the man-made stargates leading up to 2012; the calculated chance (19%, or 1 in 5), that 4 billion people will die from natural catastrophes triggered by the activation of the manmade stargates; the twists and turns of the convergent timeline paradox that affect the aliens from the future as much as they do ourselves; and much, much more.
In this unique interview,
Dan is entertaining, humorous, serious, emotional, articulate and sincere, as he responds to incisive questions... all the questions we ourselves wanted to ask in order to better understand his experiences..."
Alledged J-Rod footage from 1993 - Given Feb 2007 disclosure date.
Updates Part 24
Dan Burisch 12/19/2006 neweaglesforum (majestic 12 created forum)
Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/19/06
enki wrote 12/18/06:
"As you have said before [Dan] the deconstruction or total destruction of the Looking Glass technologies will cause the earth to travel through 2012 with the mental evolution of it's people... Will these technologies ever be used again? can they? It seems to me that such technologies would be dangerous in the wrong hands. So... who has the right hands? - En.Ki"
Dan: The upgraded technologies, along with the cylinder seals from whence they were originally taken, will undoubtably be used again. The deconstruction of the units, in each case (including the ones taken from governments by force*), was done methodically.
The parts were stored. [*For instance: During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Deborah (wife, Remote Viewer) actually supplied the location of one of the stargate units to military (with blackops) entering an area south of Baghdad.
The raid was reported by the press as a suspected possible WMD area with a "ring-like device" they thought was a centrifuge. It was no centrifuge. Another ring unit was destroyed by coalition airraids.]
I'm not sure what are the right hands. My personal feeling is that those damned things should have never been built.
What I do know is that the devices are in the hands of people who know when NOT to use them. Further, they are being transferred to the hands of people who have every intention of living long lives and handing their service off to their own children. My service ended, in that knowledge. I suspect that may not give anyone a warm feeling inside, and it doesn't me either.
The stargates are now in the hands of the "new body", who will store them until such a time as the transition is completed and I understand until well after.
Once done, I would expect they will hold long and hard conferences as to what to do with them. That's all I can really say.They certainly won't be handed to people who might just want something negative to befall humanity. Dan
Interview with 'Henry Deacon', a Livermore Physicist confirms Dan Burisch
" ... He said the Iraq stargate was what the Iraq war was really all about, that its location was one of the biggest secrets, and that the war was at least partially about control of it. ... "
" ... Henry clearly confirmed the existence of "Looking Glass" devices which could "see" into the future, or into possible futures. It was the details of the type of technology described by Dan Burisch (see this page) which Henry was unable to confirm personally.) ... "
NOTE: A Criptic Message From Dan About The War in Iraq - Updates Part 26 - 4/28/2007
From '"notes" thread 12/19/06 (majestic initiated forum) ^
» ... I have received a few PM's...most this time aren't for public view...but...and I'm saving the best for last...(1) One person asked if there was any other person who could testify about the Looking Glass? Yes, in fact, DVD #2 will include the eyewitness testimony of Will Uhouse who observed the Looking Glass function in person. Further...there's more...much more...but I cannot comment on that at this time. The public will have to wait..."
"ClearEyes" wrote at PWR ......
I used to go to the chat rooms that were set up with him. We never knew when they would happen because it was up to Burisch and those of our little group who could be reached were invited.
One night the discussion was star gates, which he said was the reason the US invaded Iraq, to control the star gate at Babylon. He said there was another one in Bam, Iran, at the Citadel, and he thought if the US could not control it, they would destroy it.
Within hours of the chat there was a major quake in Bam, Iran, that destroyed the Citadel.
Dr Burisch 12/21/06 (excerpts)
Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/21/06
" ... During the time of the Cycles' Cross (a time to begin within a two year period before or after 1982 AD, with a middle danger point within a two year period before or after the Summer Solstice of 1992 AD, and ending within a two year period before or after the Winter Solstice of 2012AD), that the efforts of the militaries of the aligned nations, of the world, sealed by their representatives in the Tau-IX treaty, with the Future Potential Extraterrestrial Intelligences, would require that assistance deemed necessary by the ruling organizational body (Majestic 12) to avoid the time of the determined cyclic catastrophe ... "
" ... "During the time of the Cycles' Cross" This is the period of the erection the Holy Cross...where we stand at the intersection of the Galactic Plane. The period we are now in...the one spoken about by the Maya ... "
" ... We learned a little more with the Looking Glass...that the period of greatest danger (physically) wobbled forward just a 2006 and just beyond ... "
Dr Dan Burisch 12/28/06
" ... The facts behind that "truth," certainly enough to establish it as such, will be presented in the Lotus DVD, in 2007. (We will take great care with how the information is there are many scientists...worldwide...who are concerned with the possibility of being treated as we have been treated ... "
" ... I think it's wonderful! With respect to my previous statements, I have made it clear that I believed the electromagnetic bundles we called "Ganesh Particles or Class "A" Particles," "Pearls of Brahma or Class "B" Particles," and "Selkies or Class "C" Particles" were probably at least associated with the ancient Hindu Pavitrakas. I can honestly say that I am certain that I will be the first one to embrace postive claims of replication, previous discoveries, etc.
... "
Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/28/06
Dr Dan Burisch UPDATE: ~ 2/4/2007
As for the Ganesh Particle...I have to be very careful here before certain publications and such come out...but I have concluded from reviewing the work of at least 2 others ( I HAVE THEIR MICRO-PHOTOS! ), that the Ganesh Particle (Class "A" 'Particle')...albeit named differently...has been previously discovered!
The Class "B" (virus-like transmission 'particles'), Class "C" ('Selkie's' which act like acoustic crossing guards), and "portals" seem to be (as of today) our sole novel discovery.
Give it about a year...and quite a bit will come into focus for everyone. We have things we have to do, which will come to fruition in about a year. Patience. Dan
Addendeum so I am being wholly and completely correct and truthful: One of the images I have may show a Class "C" Selkie (a Platonic cycling form...however I have no comment at this time as to specifically what Platonic Form), but it appears that the scientist producing the photomicrograph did not realize its presence or novelty, as he did not detail it in the description of the objects in the image. So...the realization of the Class "C" 'Particle' existence still seems to sit in our favor. Once more...I am not out to make a discovery...we may have...but I am trying to describe a phenomenon in nature which may act as a direct conduit of natural forces which interplay in evolutionary processes.
" ... Dr. Hyman and his his fellow researchers detected an intermittent signal that seemed intelligently directed. The signal consisted of five highly energetic radio emissions of equal brightness that lasted 10 minutes each and appeared every 77 minutes over a 7-hour period from September 30 to October 1... "
"... The discovery has left Professor Scott Hyman and the entire astronomy community "scratching their heads ... "
" ... Radio bursts from the Galactic Center (Hunab Ku)... "
" ... Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme God and ultimate Creator. It represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayas, is also the Consciousness which organized all matter, from a "whirling disk", into stars, planets and solar systems. Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth. They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts ... "
" ... What caused this sudden leap forward? The Cygnus Mystery proposes that it was a dramatic rise in cosmic rays reaching Earth - and provides evidence that the rays, which left subatomic traces in those same deep caves, emanated from a binary star system known as Cygnus X-3. These findings, Collins explains, challenged the certainties of the scientific establishment - until, in 2005, a U.S. think tank went public with its own conviction that a binary system producing powerful jets of cosmic rays triggered a rapid acceleration in human evolution during the last Ice Age... "
".. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm of the Milky Way. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy."
Mayan Calendar: 2012 or 2011?
Bottom line is that the Mayans had two concepts of time, a linear time recorded by the Long Count calendar, and cyclical or synchronistic time delineated by the Tzolkin and Haab calendars ....