Some Reflections on the Debs 2000


The Riversdale Community College Debs was held last October in The Ambassador Hotel in Co. Kildare. Organisation of the debs began in fifth year, the main organisers being Elaine Crabbe and Leanne Dixon. It was a great night and it ended far too quickly.


I remember all the preparation. Not a day would go by in school when we weren’t all sitting around discussing what colour and style of dress we were going to wear (never mind who we were going to bring). When the Leaving Certificate was over and everybody was stress free, the debs seemed just around the corner. Limousines were booked early, dresses were made and suits were hired.


I’ll never forget the day itself. I remember sleeping on that morning and waking up to a big breakfast that my Mam had made for me (she knew with all the excitement, food would be the last thing on my mind). I sat on the phone chatting to my friends, Laura and Lyn about all the girlie things that we had to do that day. (I think for most of the girls, the day was spent getting pampered and getting ready, something boys will never understand!).


I was ready for 6 o’ clock and everybody including family, friends and neighbours came to my house to see us off. The limousine came at 7 o’ clock. From my house we picked up Laura and then Lyn. The same excitement went on in each house, including endless amounts of photographs and that proud look off our parent’s faces.


The meal began at 8 o’clock and everybody arrived on time. Everybody looked fabulous. After the meal, the Riversdale group went into the nightclub, where the night really began. Teachers including Mr. Scarlett, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Anderson, Miss. Moylan and Mr. Allen turned up. Everybody danced, sang and seemed to have a great night. There was a karaoke after the disco and I remember Laura and Leann getting up to sing All Saints, and sounding pretty good. Breakfast was served early the next morning just before the coach’s came to collect us.


It was a night that I will never forget, especially since it was our last night out altogether as a class


Debbie Reid,

Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown.

( Leaving Certificate Class of 2000)