Law Office of 
Elyssa Korman Williams - DUI, Criminal Law
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100 Roswell, GA 30076 - (678) 613-5732

Our practice also handles family law cases, including divorce, child support, prenuptials and child custody.
Visit for more information.


Practice Areas:

     • DUI
     • Suspended License
     • Hit And Run
     • Racing
     • Other Traffic
     • Battery
     • Domestic Violence
     • Marijuana
     • Under Age Possession
     • Theft
     • Other

     • Drug Trafficking
     • Drug Possession
     • Sex Crimes
     • Burglary
     • Robbery
     • Aggravated Assault
 Probation Violations
 Bond Hearings

Office Location Map
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A criminal record will follow you around for the rest of your life.

Get the Right Lawyer to Help You Fight for your Future!

Not all legal services are equal -  Beware of the one size fits all attorney!

Don’t Just Plead Guilty...

Being charged with a DUI or criminal offense is no small matter.

The police, prosecutors, and judges aren’t on your side.  Even your own friends and family can be quick to presume that you are guilty if you have been arrested.   With no one standing up for you, it is easy to think that you should just give up and plea guilty, sometimes just to “get it over with”.

Sadly, every day, people are pleading guilty to cases where the police or prosecutors completely screwed up, maybe constitutional rights were violated, or the case facts just don’t add up.  These cases COULD HAVE BEEN WON.

Every year, I hear dozens of stories of people who plead out, but should have won their cases, if only they had the right lawyer.

Do you know the real consequences of a criminal charge?

Sure, you can go to jail or prison, but did you also know that criminal charges may also affect your driver’s license, professional license, current job, future potential earnings, insurance costs, and the custody of your children?

In some cases the government can even take your car, boat, or home from you.   And you’ve probably already noticed that the stress on you and your loved ones can really take its toll, not to mention the damage to your reputation and self-esteem.  

So, now that you know that you want an attorney, How do you find the right legal help?  Do you really want to trust your defense to just any lawyer?

After all, just because someone has a law degree and is a friend of your Uncle Joe's -- doesn't mean he or she is the best attorney for you.  Click HERE to read the 6 most important things you should ask before hiring a lawyer.

What you need is someone who knows their way around a courtroom, someone who knows what they’re doing in a criminal case, and someone who will aggressively defend you, no matter what the facts are.  Winning a criminal case is not like doing someone’s divorce or drafting a will.

You need a skilled lawyer who will fight for your rights, someone who knows the ins and outs of a criminal case and has a proven track record --so you'll have the best chance of keeping your freedom!

Free Case Evaluation
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Payments can be made using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, E-Check, or your PayPal account.

Call us today for an initial consultation. (678) 613-5732, or by email
Disclaimer: The Law Office of Elyssa Korman Williams provides the information in this web site for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute legal advice. The use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship. Further communication with our attorneys through the web site and e-mail may not be considered as confidential or privileged. Please contact Attorney Williams if you wish to discuss in more detail the contents of this web site.