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Some dogs enjoy getting bathed and some dogs absolutely hate it. But love or hate, dogs tend to run around like crazy after the bath is over. Just what makes them turn into a burst of super canine speed after these baths?

Well, when you give your dog a bath, he is being forced to do something. You have them totally controlled when you give them a bath, and they don't like that. Therefore, when the control is over, they enjoy the fact that they have been turned loose and they release their energy by running around.

When we bathe our dogs, we are taking all of their natural smells and any smells they have rolled in lately off of them. Part of the reason they run around after baths is to try to make themselves smell more like dogs again. Often times they will roll themselves in the dirtiest thing they can find after their bath. Then you are right back where you started before the bath with a smelly and dirty dog. So, what can you do to prevent having to bathe your dog all over again?

One way to keep your dog clean without the dripping wet mess, is to give them a waterless bath. Pet stores sell products that you can rub into the coat and then brush out. It doesn't require any water. Since using this product seems more like giving a massage to your dog, they aren't likely to feel that they were controlled and are less likely to run around and get dirty immediately afterward.

Another way to keep your dog clean is to dust his coat with a mixture of cornstarch and baby powder, then bursh it through their coats. The powders soak up the skin oils and help eliminate smells. Your dog may still run around afterward, but since there is no water involved, he will pick up less grit and grime.

Since dogs don't get many baths, they tend to get worked up when you try to give them one. Some of the running around after a bath can be eliminated by making their baths less exciting and more business like. First set out everything you need. You will need shampoo, conditioner, brushes and towels. This way, you don't have to leave the dog to go looking for things which would give him time to have second thoughts about the whole bath issue. Also, you must move quickly when giving the bath.

As soon as the bath is over, put a leash on your dog and get him outside to a location where mess won't be a problem. You could also keep your dog in the bathroom after the bath. The burst of energy that the dog will have after a bath will only last a few minutes. He can zip around the bathroom and the mess will be confined. In this way, he won't have a chance to get dirty before his coat is dry.

Hopefully some of these suggestions will help make bath time more pleasurable for both you and your dog and you can control the wild running around that your dog will do after a bath.