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Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews




            Vive L'Empereur [1902]
A Kidnapped Colony [1903]
15906 A Good Samaritan [1906]
12830 The Perfect Tribute [f|1906]
Bob And The Guides [1906]
The Better Treasure [1908]
The Enchanted Forest.. [s|1909]
15496 The Militants [e|1909]
15894 The Lifted Bandage [1910]
The Counsel Assigned [1912]
The Eternal Masculine [s|1913]
5825 The Courage Of The Commonplace [1912]
The Three Things.. [1915]
18529 August First (w Roy Irving MURRAY) [1915]
The Eternal Feminine.. [s|1916]
Old Glory [1916]
Crosses Of War [1918]
Her Country [1918]
15796 Joy In The Morning [s|1919]
His Soul Goes Marching On [1922]
Passing The Torch [1924]
Yellow Butterflies (w ?) [1924]
Pontifex Maximus [1925]
A Lost Commander [1929]
The White Satin Dress [1930]



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