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Arthur Applin




            Chorus Girl [f|1906]
Devil And Dolores [f|1907]
Butcher Of Bruton Street [f|1907]
Children Of The Gutter [f|1908]
The Stage Door [f|1909]
Van Dylk Diamonds [f|1909]
The Priest Of Picadilly [f|1910]
Pearl Necklace [f|1911]
Her Sacrifice [f|1912]
Into Thy Hands [f|1912]
Lady Dorothy's Indiscretion [f|1912]
Shop Girls [f|1912]
Love Conquers All Things [f|1913]
Stories Of The Russian Ballet [s|1913]
Fallen Among Thieves [f|1914]
His Mexican Wife [f|1914]
Life Of Admiral Jellico [f|1914]
Blackmailed [f|1915]
Blackthorn Farm [f|1915]
Woman Who Was Not [f|1917]
Footlights [f|1919]
Daddlums [f|1920]
Desire Of The Desert [f|1925]
The Beautiful Miss Barry [f|1925]
The Chronicles Of A Gigolo (ps: Julian SWIFT) [1929]
Come With Me A Little Way (ps: Julian SWIFT) [1930]
God And Mrs Broom (ps: Julian SWIFT) [1934]


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