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The Fosbury Estate

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The Fosbury Estate was an English country estate on the eastern edge of Wiltshire, which partly extended into Berkshire and Hampshire. It comprised the hamlets of Fosbury and Oxenwood and a number of outlying houses and farms. The whole estate belonged to one landowner whose 'country seat' was Fosbury House.

This website is intended to provide information on the Estate and the people who lived and worked there, especially in the Victorian period. I believe that it was fairly typical of the many country estates which existed all over England at that time. In the case of Fosbury it continued as a country estate where most of the population were employed within the estate well into the twentieth century and it has only been towards the end of that century that it has been split up and sold off.

I spent my childhood in Oxenwood and members of various branches of my family have lived on the estate from the 1780s (or even earlier) right up to the present day, when a distant cousin still lives in Fosbury.

I have transcribed the censuses from 1851 to 1901 for the area and used this information and local parish registers to try to piece together the lives of the families who lived there during that period.

Please follow the links below to find information on different topics:

ContactsFamiliesFarmsFosbury HouseGenealogyGeographyHistoryOccupations