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The Republic of



This site is for fourth grade students learning World Geography. This is a country located in   Asia. What will be covered is general information that is more in-depth than what is discussed in standard textbooks; population, cultures, ethnicity, religion, weather, climate, and attractions.



The present day Belarusian flag was adopted on June 7, 1995.



The green stripe symbolizes the future. Green is the color of hope, spring and revival and the color of Belarus' lands forests and fields. The red represents Belarus' past and the blood of the country's defenders. The Belarusian flag's decorative pattern symbolizes Belarus' rich cultural heritage, its spiritual continuity, and the unity of its people.


The National Emblem of Belarus, which replaced the historic Pahonia arms in a 1995 referendum, features a ribbon in the colors of the national flag, a map of Belarus, wheat ears and a red star. It is sometimes referred to as the coat of arms of Belarus, which is incorrect due to lack of several heraldic elements. The emblem is an allusion to the one used by the Byelorussian SSR.



The picture in the top left: President since 1994 Lukashenko inaugurated . The picture in the top right: A library in Belarus.

The picture in the bottom left: Old World winters in Minsk, historic capital of Belarus. The picture in the bottom right: Children in Belarus.






Belarus History


The first people to appear in the Belarusian history were Slavs in 100-35 years B.C. The ethnic groups of people who generally reside in Belarus are: Byelorussian, Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian who speak Byelorussian and Russian. Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim are religions that are practiced in this country. The total population is 10,293,011 with 81% being native Belarusian and over 71% living in urban areas. The currency used in this country is Belarusian Ruble (BYB/BYR).


Belarus is located in East Europe, east of Poland. Belarus is country composed of six provinces, over 80 cities, Minsk being the capital and 11,000 (mostly very small) lakes and three rivers. The land is relatively flat with tracts of marshy land. This country has colds winters, cool and moist summers, however because of the patterns of the climate across the planet it has been predicted that the average temperature in Belarus will rise by about 5 degrees. During the warmer season it rains 70% of the time. Due to the weather the natural disasters that affect the country are floods and droughts. One third of the land is covered in forests which makes forestry products great natural resources. There was an disaster that affected Belarus over 20 years ago. The Chernobyl disaster started at 1:23a.m. on Saturday April 26, 1986 in a civilian nuclear power station in Kiev Oblast in the Ukraine soviet union. A chemical explosion at the station's fourth reactor and an uncontrolled graphite that followed that led to the release of more than 450 radio nuclide's. Thousands of people died and although nuclear radiation is no longer leaking from the damaged reactor, this event is not at all over.


Belarus is not the most progressive country compared to some other independent countries and a lot of the historic structures are gone. What is a major attraction to the country, however, is the wildlife and countryside. From the natural point of view Belarus has a lot to offer and see. Other things are of course historic figures and monuments, castles, cathedral , lakes, motorcycle factory, bars and nightclubs, plazas, town square, casino, and a national park between Belarus and Poland with European buffalo - Zoobr, .






The Geography Standards that relate to my lesson on the brief history lesson above are: 2 - how to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environment in spatial context because as I read more about the country I noticed that there is a lot of the land in Belarus that has forest and lakes. 4 - the physical and human characteristics of places because the way of life in Belarus is based upon the history, culture of people and the religions. When you read or visit a place like Belarus things are a certain because in that country that is the way things are. 6 - how culture and experience influence influence people's perception of places and regions, 7 - the physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface because when its not cold Belarus is generally warm/moist with a lot of forests. Therefore naturally there are times where Belarus experience droughts from no rain or floods from too much rain. 12 - the processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement because most of the people that live in Belarus are from Belarus because they know where they are. Furthermore most of the population reside in urban areas to be around other people and where they conveniently near everything. People seldom want to live in isolation.




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For More Information on Belarus click on one of the links below:

Belarus: History, Geography, Government, and Culture

Belarus - Population, Health and Human Well-being

The People of Belarus

Belarus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia