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Testimonials, Praise Reports &
Inspirational Stories

"For the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You shall not steal,' 'You shall not murder,' 'You shall not bear false witness,' 'You shall not covet,' and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. And do this knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill it's lusts.

Romans 13:9 - 14

LOVE. If we will live in the love the Lord our God has for us, we cannot help but obey God's law. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Who mistreats themselves? Who gossips about themselves? Who backbites about themselves? No one. Guard your tongue, Open your heart, Widen your eyes. He's coming in the eastern sky, are you truly ready? Are you walking in love. Chapter 14 of Romans teaches us about being a stumbling block for other Christians. Are you edifying or discouraging your brothers and sisters? Understand Who and What you represent, and be all you can be for Jesus!!! God Bless!

We would like to share our testimonies with you. You see, God tells us to pass the blessings on when He blesses us. By sharing your testimony and reports of healing, salvation, and abundant blessing, you give glory to God and you are able to bless others. It's a never ending circle. We have been blessed with mercy, grace, and love, so we would like to bless you!

PRAISE REPORT!!!! To all my Brothers and Sisters I come to you in the name of Jesus. I went for my doctors appointment today and news from MY LORD. Doctor said I had won the battle with cancer. My physical exam was real good and my PSA was way down which is excellant. To GOD be the GLORY. Thank you O HOLY JESUS.... I go back in three months for another psa to see if it is staying down. Down means there is no cancer. He understood the pain I have been going through but that was part of the course of the healing process. He said a few more weeks and I should be over all of it. Ain't God Good! Thanks to all of you for your prayers, your Love, your concern. I love you people very much. See you down the road my Brothers and Sisters. Let the world know GOD is alive and still on the job. He told me all along: BY MY STRIPES, JIM YOU ARE HEALED. I believed and I received.Jim Welch, HSMM, Ellaville, GA

My name is Spencer Mercer, and I am the current Co- Road Captain of the Tifton Chapter of the HSMM. I want to share with you what God can do for you or anyone if you let Him. At 12, I was smoking pot and drinking. I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan youth corps. Racism and hatred were already a big part of my life. When I was 15, I was given 4 months at a youth detention center for being unruly. I was already getting aggressive and my parents couldn't control me. I became sexually active, which just added to my downhill slide. By 17, I had my first DUI and was experimenting with cocaine, qualudes, opium and other drugs. After I graduated, I was selling drugs, chasing women and just being wild. by 21, I got another DUI, driving on a suspended liscense and had lived through 2 or 3 car crashes that the cars didn't make it out of. I wasn't a real nice guy and hadn't been for years. I got married at 22 and things didn't change much. I was still pretty bad. Adultery, drinking, and verbally abusing my wife were the only things I was good at, besides riding my motorcycles. A court date came up and I was sentenced 5 years for habitual violator with 1 year to serve. I got out of that "somehow". I paid a lot of money, did a lot of community service and served probation time. At 24, my son was born, which one of the best things in my life! It didn't change me, though. After almost 9 years, my wife left me. I got custody of my son, "somehow". I was probably drinking about a fifth a day by that time.
I started having health problems. I quit drinking, but had to have heart surgery in 2005. I had a hole bigger than a silver dollar between the left and right chamber of my heart. All the drinking, drugs, smoking, and just general hard living and I was still alive with a hole that big in my heart, "somehow".

In 2006, I asked God to forgive me of all my sins and I received salvation!! God forgave me of all the wrong and rotten things I had done, which was the VERY BEST thing that could have ever happened to me. I continue to try and succeed at having a closer and more personal relationship with God everyday. He delivered me from drugs and many other bad habits and bad attitudes. I'm not perfect, but I'm learning everyday about God's grace and the perfect plan he has for all of our lives. I now know all about the "somehow". God will show you grace and mercy, more than any of us could imagine. God also let me have the Harley of my dreams to use in His name, and provided the Heaven's Saints Motorcycle Ministry for us to work through in His name, glory and honor! For those of you who do not know Jesus as your personal Saviour, beg you to get to know Him. It is so simple. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and ask for forgiveness for your sins, truly accepting Him into your heart. "If we confess our sins He is faithfull and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 Live by faith in Him, trust in Him. "For we walk by faith and not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 And for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, "Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess." Hebrews 3:1

The life of a outcast.
By: Daniel Howard
I live in Southwest GA, but I was born and raised in southern CA. My father was a lay minister at a church in Carson CA. When I was about 11 years old I started to hang out with the “cool kids” around the neighborhood, but the cool kids were gang members. At 13 years old we moved to Moreno Valley CA. I thought we moved because of my friends that were getting my into trouble, And by now I was a handful, I guessed dad thought the move would help. It did for a short time until I found new cool kids in that town. I didn't find out until years later that my parents were having problems and the move was to help them get a new start. (It didn’t help,) They stopped going to church and I started to make more friend who were not Christians, I ended up join a gang. It was a Crips posse. When I turned 18 I left home and moved to Victorville, CA. were I helped a upcoming posse try to get control of the drug traffic there.

My life became a mess, I was addicted to crystal meth (my drug of choice) And used anything else I could get my hands on. The battle for control of the town was coming to a head with a rival gang that wanted control of the drug traffic themselves. In the spring of 1991. (I just turned 21), we were about to have a war with our rival and I am not afraid to tell you I was scared. I remembered all the Sunday school lessons I was told on Sunday morning and I knew if I was to die in that fight I would go to hell, but I thought I was a man and that’s what men do, die for their cause. I have not seen or talked to my parents in three years, but I had a strong feeling I needed to see my mom to say good bye. If I was to die I wanted to tell her “it’s not your fault, I chose this path.” I tried to call her, But there phone was disconnected, so I called a friend of theirs, That’s when I found out that they moved to Lancaster, CA.(High Desert, North L.A. County) only an Hr. drive, So I drove to there house but they were not home. A neighbor told me they were in a camp about 30 min north at a lake. It was a youth camp. I found out later my mom had been fasting and praying for me, She told me God put a heavy burden on her for me. She was praying I would show up at this camp and turn my life back to God. She didn’t stop praying or believing I would come even to the last night of the camp. So when I showed up on the last night of the camp She was not surprised. The service was just starting and it was an out side service.

My mom was the piano player, so I had to sit through the whole thing If I was to talk to her. (GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING!!) Needless to say I got saved that night.I asked Jesus to live in my heart and to help me change my life, and to deliver me from drugs.To make an already long story shorter, He made a way out of the gangs and allowed me to keep my life.I have been serving Him ever since. I moved to Lancaster Ca. were my parents lived and started to attend the First Assembly of God. That’s were I met Tammi Marie Crump. We got married in 1992, I was 22 years old she was 21; We moved to GA shortly there after to start a new family.Now I am a minister in Gods army reaching out to the outcasts of this world, Were ever and when ever God opens the door to witness.

I love riding motorcycles, my dad was big in dirt bike riding and I started riding at 5 years old and never stopped, going from dirt bikes to street bikes around age 17. I'm a Christian biker and have a heart to reach out to bikers. My wife and I are Blessed to be a part of Heaven Saints M/M and we are on the five fold ministry team at our home church, Journey’s Road Ministries, “A Home for the Outcast” In Americus GA.

Church Web site:
An Outcast for Christ: Daniel Howard

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