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UKC/AKC CH Hedgerow's Seriously She's A Ten CGC


Meredith was the tenth born puppy to Yoda and Maddie

In training for agility




Few days old
First Major at 6 months!

Meredith is currently training in agility and we hope that

she will be blessed with some puppies this summer with Chance

Meredith currently resides with her grandmother BB


GRCH Am CH. Hedgerow BJ's Rum Raisin ROM bronze

BB's pedigree

BB's Kids

CH Rememberance Blues N TH Nite
CH Windshyre's Tuxedo Junction
CH Rememberance Pianoman CD, RN
CH Windshyre Stormy Weather
CH Windshyres Mariah
CH Cardach Windshyre Midnite HR
CH Rememberance Blues Traveler
CH Remembrance Blue Danube
CH Rememberance Old Black Magic

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