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Kate's Jokes

Click on the link below to see the sites past, present and future updates!

Site Updates

5/07<>I added a new Little Johnny joke and plan to update the site very soon. I will finally be adding those quotes as well as my favorite jokes!

To read any of the jokes, just click on a link below. Even though it took me a long time to set up and all that, I have divided all of the jokes into categories. Just click on the category of the type of joke you'd like to read. Enjoy!

Bartender/Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Doctor/Hospital Jokes
Game Show/Radio Station Jokes
Genie Jokes
Government/Cop/Lawyer Jokes
Heaven/Hell/Church Jokes
List/Thinking Jokes
Little Johnny/School/Teacher Jokes
My Favorite Jokes
NC-17ish/Sex Jokes
Other Jokes
Picture Jokes
Relationship Jokes
Transportation Jokes
Yo Mama Jokes

Links To Other Joke Sites

Disclaimer: All of the jokes found on this webpage are not meant to be offensive. They are posted for humor and nothing more. Also, not all of these jokes are mine. I got some of them off of other sites so they do not belong to me in any way, shape or form. Other than that...Enjoy!

Links To Other Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Kate's Fanfiction Site
Kate's Xanga
Kate's Myspace
