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The Lyme Disease Memorial Page

"Ill-favored ticks ...the foulest and nastiest creatures that be."

- Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.)

People Who Died of Lyme Disease

Adam Rowett, 18
Gloria Jean Baglio
William A. ''Bill'' Mattson, 62
Catherine Klapak, 44
James Sanders, 55
DeWayne Murphy, 34
Mike Thomas, 48
Barry Horton
Robert Michael Hanson, 49
Edwin John Parssinen, 86
Peter Anthony Banducci, 45
Diane Varsi, 54
Randy Stevens, Jr., 6 minutes
Stewart H. Dowell, 62
John Thomas Pitner, 28
Rude, Charles Lee, 54
Jerry Balistreri, 51
Stanley V. Piser, 90
James W. Loughran, 63
Doris Grade
Rick Fincham, 44
Ted Paul Richard Hoggard, 21
Terri Dahl Fishel-Hokit, 61
Brian Hirsch, 43

People Who Died of Lyme Disease (not linked yet)

Hilary Skinner, 43
Dr. Corey Brian Schmidt, 53
Carlton Tucker, 38
Kenneth Hagen, 39
David Cole, 65
Polly Todd
Richard Holtry
Bonnie Borntrager
Dana Hathaway, 51
Paula Rae Lipkin, 52
Robert Silverman, 45
Ronald S. Ferris, 55
Michele Rose-Clair
Sarah Minor, 44
Helenette Suchocki, 67
Tim Snow, 44 *
Kevin Smith *
Watt Carter
Susan Hawkes-Koons, 57
Theresa Nelson, 38
Terry Allen Wood, 48
Luther Conant, 51
Carmen Charles Casciani, 64
Alfredo Mathew Jr. , 59

People Who Died of Lyme Disease (most not linked yet)

Ann Vesonder, 46 *
Karen Sullivan, 48 *
Hartley Everette Jackson, 87
Chantal Seaman, 62 *
Donna O'Toole, 35
Katherine Alderson Crowe, 77
Peter Vyselaar*
Linda Fuller, 57
George Wendell White Jr. , 83
John A. Every
Stephen Dolan, 30
Possible Lyme-Related Deaths
James Andrew Anderson, 58
Dennis Stephen Johnson, 58
Richard Delano Thoner
Philip J. LaMonico, 69
Guy Sumner, 66
Thomas Roberts
John Martini
Lyme Homicide
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