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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deanice Hinton, 49, Oklahoma Deanice Hinton died of lyme December 11 of 2004 at the young age 49. My mother was infected in 1984 for 20 years she suffered with lyme. I thank each of you for your stories and help. Keep fighting and telling your stories or those who have passed will have died in vain. I will not allow my mother to die in vain come the spring of 2005 I will be entering medical school, also if anyone knows how I would like help in organizing a walk for lyme in May in the state of Oklahoma in honor of my mother. My thanks amber Hinton My mom did respond to the antibiotics the problem was getting them, she was off of them for 3 months and had a severe yeast infection, when waiting for the rocephin to come she was being treated for the yeast. The doctor ordered her not to be exposed to anyone sick because of her depleted immune system, of course people didn't beleive that. I contacted the CDC and the Oklahoma department on health today. The CDC apparently don't receive many lyme cases from Oklahoma because in Oklahoma the doctors are not required to let the CDC know about an infection because it is lonestarie another strain of lyme.