The Tuoni are members of the Kalevalans, an extra-dimensional race of beings worshipped as gods by the to the ancient Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. The Kalevalans are native to the other-dimensional realm of Celestial Kalevala named after the area of land later known as Suomi and most recently, modern Finland. Celestial Kalevala is made up of a number of lands including Tapiola, Ahtola, Metsola and Manala, the land of the dead, where the Tuoni dwell along the Tuoni-Manalan, the river leading the way into Manala. 

The Tuoni are the daughters of Tuoni, the underworld god, and, Tuonetar, goddess of the dead. In ancient times, they were respected as the goddesses who accepted the shades (spirits) of the dead as they arrived into Manala. Guarded by Surma, a ferocious wolf similar to Garm of the Asgardian gods or Cerberus of the Olympian gods, Manala is accessed by the Tuoni-Manalan upon which the god, Tuoni, brings the spirits of the dead, assisted by his daughter, Kalma, the goddess of death. Upon arrival, Kivutar, Loviator and Vammater prepare the table of the dead for the arriving spirits. Those who eat from the table of the dead are not allowed to return to Earth, but the magician, Vainamoinen, was able to ensure his escape by not eating from the table. Even then, Tuonetar tried to prevent him from escaping by having Kalma, Kivutar, Loviator and Vammater block the Tuoni-Manalan with a net, but Vainamoinen managed to turn himself into a salmon and slip through it to return to Earth. However, at some point in the Earth's past, Tuonetar was forbidden from accepting any more acquisitions, and much like the gods of the dead of the other pantheons of gods native to Earth, she is no longer allowed to acquire more human souls to her kingdom. 

The Tuoni possess certain superhuman physical attributes akin to the other known gods of Earth. They are extremely long-lived, but they are not immortal like the Gods of Olympus; they age at an extremely slow rate upon reaching adulthood, and they cannot die by any conventional means. They are immune to all Earthly diseases and are resistant to conventional injury. If one of the Tuoni were somehow wounded, their godly life force would enable them to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of their bodily molecules to cause them a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Ukko, Tapio or for a number of Finnish gods of equal power working together to revive them. They also possess superhuman strength; the typical Finnish goddess can lift (press) about 25 tons. Kalevalan metabolism provides them with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Kalevalan flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Finnish gods.)

First Appearance: The Kalevala by Elias Luonorot


Real Name: Kalma
Occupation: Goddess of death
Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Kalevala
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Kalma except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: None known
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Manala (father), Tuonetar (mother), Kivutar, Loviator, Vammatar (sisters)
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Finland
Base of Operations: Manala
First Appearance: God of the Dead #11
History: Kalma was worshipped as the goddess of death by the Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. She was responsible for guiding the spirits of the dead into Manala. On Earth, she was known for lurking around tombs and cemeteries looking for wayward ghosts.

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Strength Level: Kalma possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Kalma possesses the conventional powers of the Finnish gods including a susceptibility to paranormal phenomenon and an ability to withdraw the astral energies of living beings.


Real Name: Kypo-Tytto
Occupation: Goddess of pain and anguish
Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Kalevala
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Kivutar except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: None known
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known RelativesManala (father), Tuonetar (mother), Kalma, Loviator, Vammatar (sisters)
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Finland
Base of Operations: Manala
First Appearance: God of the Dead #11
History: Kivutar was worshipped as an underworld-goddess by the Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. It was her responsibility to supply the food of the dead to lure the souls of mortal man to Manala; once the dead consumed this food, they were bound to the underworld. 

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Strength Level: Kivutar possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Kivutar possesses the conventional powers of the Finnish gods including the ability to place enchantments on individuals and objects to cause physical or mental pain.


Real Name: Loviator
Occupation: Goddess of plague and disease
Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Kalevala
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Loviator except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: None known
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Manala (father), Tuonetar (mother), Kalma, Kivutar, Vammatar (sisters), Nine daughters (names unrevealed)
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Finland
Base of Operations: Manala
First Appearance: God of the Dead #11
History: Loviator was worshipped as an underworld-goddess by the Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. It was her responsibility to supply the food of the dead to lure the souls of mortal man to Manala; once the dead consumed this food, they were bound to the underworld. She was also mother of nine goddesses of disease by the war-god, Tursas, who were kept imprisoned in the underworld.

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Strength Level: Loviator possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Loviator possesses the conventional powers of the Finnish gods including the ability to create and cast spells that simulated plague in her victims.


Real Name: Vammatar
Occupation: Goddess of anguish and misfortune
Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Kalevala
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Vammatar except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: None known
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Manala (father), Tuonetar (mother), Kalma, Kivutar, Loviator (sisters)
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Finland
Base of Operations: Manala
First Appearance: God of the Dead #11
History: Vammatar was worshipped as an underworld-goddess by the Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. It was her responsibility to supply the food of the dead that lured the souls of mortals to Manala; once the dead consumed this food, they were bound to the underworld. She was often called upon by practitioners of dark magic (witches), such as Louhi or Baba Yaga, to create curses.

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 380 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Strength Level: Vammatar possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Vammatar possesses the conventional powers of the Finnish gods including the ability to cast spells and hexes that resulted in negative events to others in the form of "bad luck." 


Updated: 09/11/2012