Dusty Bowl
I have read the Grapes of Wrath for my junior year in high school. It actually turned out rather nicer than I expected it to be. Chapter two is one of my favorite chapters. I like the main character, Tom Joad rather nicely. He became the inspiration for one my own characters in the many series that I write about. He is a carefree just released from prison for murder. I cannot really explain why I like his character so much. Tom does not seem to have any decent qualities at first. He does not really care about life. Tom just wants to drink, smoke, sleep, and sleep around. The man could be described as anti-hero. Chapter two is where we all first meet Tom Joad. He was hitching a ride home. He persuades a truck driver to take him all the way home. The ride all seems nice and normal at first. But then, Tom offers the driver some liquor. The driver refused and Tom drank up some. That loosened him up some. The man lit up and cigarette and confessed his crime to the driver. He said, “‘Homicide,’ he said quickly. ‘That’s a big word—means I killed a guy. Seven years, I’m sprung in four for keepin’ my nose clean.’” (Pg. 13) He said it in a seemingly creepy way as well. Tom scared the driver nearly to death. After the ride, Joad goes all the way home. Chapter two made me went to ride on either more in the book.