For the Beautiful People
I have come to love Boone over the semester. The city and the people are great. I think I like the people at the Playhouse. The volunteers are from school and they are trying to get their SL hours in as well. A small amount of kids come in on Fridays at about three o’clock because they have school. I have noticed that the parents come into the Playhouse with their kids and play with them until it is time to go. One little girl was banging on the piano downstairs while her mother sat nearby. The mother with the two boys in the last assignment sat outside and watched her children play. Another mother came in to inform the girl working the desk that she could not make it to Parents’ Night Out because her son was sick. It makes me happy to see responsible parents playing with their kids and there are people close to my age helping. It brings little smile to my face.
I do not think I need to do anything better with this little set-up. The parents are taking care of their kids the best way that can and the volunteers are helping to make that mighty ship sail through beautifully. Yes, the Playhouse does not need me to fix it up at all.