Lace and Democracy
The best way to get a project done is to let everyone throw in their own ideas on how things should be operated. Democracy helps creativity flow in a group project in the arts. Here at Angelic Delights, I run my company in a democratic way. I give my fellow designer employees here my ideas on how the lingerie should be designed and they give me their ideas in return as well. I run things with a balance here at Angelic Delights. When there is a balance of power and ideas, work gets done faster, creativity flows more freely, and the end result is a rich and glorious thing in the highest chain malls!
Democracy is the best way to run a business in most cases. The people can give the leader their own input while the leader can have a say in the choices being made. A project in the arts gets done much better and faster when everyone participates. Plenty of time and energy is saved when it is not all wasted on pointless arguments and rebellions. If a conflict does arrive, however; both the boss and the employees can sort out the problem in a compromise. As a result, the design project would still look just as good as it started out on paper.
An authoritarian leadership does not work for a lingerie design company because the boss may have some great ideas about the designs, but not all of them are going to really work. Plus, if the boss tries to take over everything and not let the people have a say in how the project is run, the employees will try to rebel against them in the end. A boss does not need a rebellion when a project needs to be done. The only time an authoritarian leadership is called for is when the lingerie project is a last minute one and the deadline is in three to four hours.
Laissez-faire on the other hand, does not really work for a company either. There is no control on how the designs are being drawn up. The fellow designers could come up with the worst designs on the planet and the boss could not do anything about it. All the boss can do is just sit back, watch, and hope for the best. Plus, there is always the chance that the designers can goof off or get caught up in their own personal dramas and be distracted from work easily. As a result, the project really does not get anywhere at all. Laissez-faire only works when the people know what they are doing and are trained perfectly to do the job alone.
Democracy is the best way to run a business. Both parties win with this approach to leadership. The leader gets to maintain some control of the group and throw in their own ideas in the process. The workers get to do as they please with some of the control on them. As a result, work gets done faster, time is saved, and the products are at their finest.