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Live to Tell

The Playhouse is worth talking about to people. I would tell everyone with small children that need a break from them about the Playhouse. I would talk about how it works and what goes on in there. Hopefully, that will help both the place get more children and help those parents to be able to take a break for themselves. I hope to learn more about the people and the Playhouse itself. I plan to use the information for writing and when I end up having to take care of children again. Maybe then, I will be a little more productive and patient with everyone in the future. Even though it is slow at the times that I get there, I should be able to work and learn a little bit more just by being there. That is part of growing older and getting wiser. The more you learn about things like how to interact with children, the better you will become with your own later on down the road. That is how I see it at least.