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In Love with Life

Walt Whitman seems to be in love with life. His poem, Song of Myself, proves that very well. He takes the ups and downs of life and sings heavy praises about them. Even the seemingly negative parts of Song of Myself seem happy and upbeat. It is so hard to be depressed after reading this poem. In fact, it could bring back happiness to even the most depressed person in the room. His poem celebrates everything. Whitman is happy to be alive. He happily talks about his fellow man in terms of siblings, friends, and lovers. The man says that he loves them ever so dearly. Whitman sings praises about nature ever so heavily. He happily talks about God as well. There does not seem to be a single negative thing in the whole poem. It is all just positive all over. Such love for everything comes to mean that he has an open mind and is really confident about himself. He believes that living and enjoying life is the key to true happiness. One has to learn about loving themselves before they can live. In other words, thinking positive and loving one’s self makes one live a longer and healthier life in the end. After reading this poem, it is easy to easy that Whitman just cannot explain about the simple beauty of life. Everyone can call him an optimist. He is just in love with life and living.