Mexico and Spain
Both Spain and Mexico are Catholic and like bull-fights. Mexico's main population is Metezoes are the majority in Mexico. Spain and Mexico hold HUGE celebrations for the Virgin Mary. Spain has the annual bull run before their bull fights take place. Chilies, bugs, and tortillas are commonly eaten in Mexico. Spain has a completely open culture where everything is acceptable. The legal age in Spain is eighteen. Spain has oranges but they are sour. The Mexicans call the Virgin Mary Guadeloupe. Mexico has the largest bull-fighting ring in the world. Mary is seen as white in Spain but in Mexico, Mary is seen as a dark-skinned princess. Between the two countries, Spain seems safer than Mexico. Wrestling is big in Mexico, while soccer (or football as it is known) is big in Spain. Both countries have many markets. The Aztec found Mexico in 1319. But then, Spain conquered the land in 1521. Mexicans combine Catholic and ancient beliefs together in medicine. Both countries are great tour sites.