My Husband
Anthony Stalin. I love my husband to pieces. But, every husband has a flaw. Mine has two:His porn collection
His motorcycle
Let me start with his porn collection. Not only does Anthony read it, he writes it! Yeah! I said it right! My husband writes porn and makes money doing so! Now, I have nothing against porn, but he's a straight married guy at 32 for Pete sakes! He should be writing something else at his age! I have to constantly throw his porn away. It's such a pain! It's an endless cycle!
The other thing I hate is his motorcycle! Stakorizsky, his motor bike, is loud, dirty, and useless! I'm scared it will breakdown in the middle of the road. And I have a nice car! But Anthony loves his Stakorizsky and will never part from it! It's tempting to take an ax and hack it into pieces while he's sleeping!
But other than that, I love Anthony, my my husband to pieces!