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A New Formula

Here is my third history poem. This one is a free verse. I could not take of a dead musician for this assignment. So, I took a new direction. I did my poem on Dr. Crippen. He was a homeopath that killed his wife in England and fled police with his new girlfriend. He was hanged for his wife’s murder. I first heard about him for a British sitcom. So, I looked up Dr. Crippen and worked from there. I got all of the information from Wiki. ( This time, I made sure that the page didn’t have any warning on it as I worked. I also decided to do something a little bit different. I took the lines of Crippen’s last and started a new stanza with them. Then, I started each line with the letters of his name. I did that until I reached the last stanza with a question. It was a little difficult at times, but I managed to pull through just fine. The end results were interesting, I can truly say that. Overall, my idea turned out to be a playful and challenging one. However, I do need the challenge if I want to get better as a writer.