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Run With it

I just love writing so much. I just want to perfect it my skills down to a tee. I still need work, but I am getting better at it. This poem is an example of how I am getting better with my skills. In the poem, My Rebellion, I decided to play with some imagery. The whole thing is about my life between 2000 and today. My strongest images are the iceberg, lights, road, and all of the features of a cat I used to describe myself. My favorite stanza is about the kitty and the claws. It just screams out my personality. I am a cat inside and I will attack if I am threatened. Plus with the form, I just did five lines to a stanza. I do not know why I did that. It just happened that way. However, it did work out rather nicely in the end.

As it turns out, I needed to go back and fix it up some. I found out that I was still vague with my words. I finished went back and made myself much clearer in my words and it still turned out rather nicely. I think I might enter the poem into a contest after I turn it in for a grade.

Overall, my poem turned out great for such a short amount of time that it took me to write it. This assignment gave me plenty of room to work with. There was no strict forms or rhyme that I had to use. I just took a last-minute idea and ran with it! Sometimes in creative writing, that is the best way to go.