Starry Night
I have always been a huge fan of art. I particularly like the Impressionist period and Japanese art. One piece that caught my eye in the text is Van Gogh’s Starry Night. The colors in the painting catch my eye the most. The text of the painting is very strong as well. It makes me feel like I am looking at this painting in an art museum in Paris, France. Starry Night gives the viewer a visible and tangible form to ideas, personal feelings, and philosophies. When one looks at the painting, they feel at peace with the stars and landscape. Even though Van Gogh had a difficult life with being an artist, he seemed to never have given up hope that things would turn around for the better. This painting reflects the very few moments of hope that the artist had left.
The subject of the painting is a small town in the middle of the night. At first glance, it looks like an attack on the quiet town due to the swirls and texture in the sky. But when one takes a closer look, the painting turns into a beautiful thing that God has been into the human imagination. The form of the painting is peace in disguise of chaos. It looks like an attack until one gets a closer look at the painting and really studies it. The content of the painting is a nice and though-provoking one. Starry Night makes me think of summer in Paris, France. This is one of Van Gough’s best works.
As I said before, I am a fan of impressionism paintings and Japanese art. I have in my room and office pictures of Japanese art. One example is four panels depicting the four seasons in Japan. The types of blossoms on the trees and the birds in the art tell me what season it is. I also have paintings of geisha as well. I would put Starry Night in my living to add a peaceful feel to the atmosphere. It would be nice to have a classic to look at after a long and hard day at school.