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Tenshi Ko

    Heaven is a busy place. Too busy. The angels didn't even have time to enjoy recreation for themselves. They didn't mind at first, but then it grew tiresome. The angels decided to make themselves a helper out of their image. But how?

    The answer came early one summer. An angel, Hallie, was watching a playground full of children. They seemed so happy. Hallie was inspired by them. So she collected loose lock of hair from them and flew back to heaven.

    Hallie spoke to her cousin Michael about her idea. He agreed but it needed more to back it up. Michael said he'd be glad to help her do so. But what could they use?

    Hallie and Michael looked around heaven for items to make helpers for the angels. They persuaded Mi-chan to help them. She managed to save some materials from her rajen deliveries.

    In the end, they had clouds, stars, children's hairs, and rose petals. Now to try and put it together.

    It was decided to keep the project a secret for now. Everyday, Hallie and Michael met in the back fields of heaven's castle. They worked discreetly.

    Hallie had found an old glass tank to execute the work. Project Baby Cat was to be the experiment's name. Hallie, Michael, and Mi-chan took the project seriously. The process went like this:

    Michael filled the tank half-way with water. This was pure water from Heaven's ocean. Nothing could contaminate it. This was the purest water ever.

    Hallie then dropped the hair in. It floated like golden straw in a river. Every color of the rainbow was floating there. Hallie tried to contain herself. "This is going to be big!" she thought. The angel couldn't wait.

    Mi-chan then threw in the remainder of the ingredients. The water was a lavender color. Frizz formed. The scent of flowers emerged. "Now what?" Hallie asked. "We wait." Mi-chan replied. "Ah." the younger angel answered.

    Summer past. Mi-chan went to check on Project Baby Cat. What she found was astonishing. A body had formed. It was of a young girl. She looked five years old. Her hair was long and light brown. Her skin looked cool and fair. The girl was a lovely site.

    Mi-chan wanted to open the tank and touch her. But she held back and got Hallie and Michael again. They too were amazed. But, something seemed missing....

    "There is no life." Michael said. It was true. This girl was a lifeless body. Hallie thought for a moment. Then an idea hit. "Cousin," she said to Michael. The angel looked up. "Yes?" he asked. "Hand me your knife." Hallie said quickly. Michael was puzzled. "Why?" he asked. "Just do it." Hallie said. Michael handed his knife to her reluctnantly.

    What Hallie did next opened the door to new possibilities. She took the knife and stabbed herself in the hand. The angel took her hand, opened the tank with her other hand, and placed her injured hand over the body. Hallie's blood dripped into Project Baby Cat. Mi-chan and Michael stood in silent shock. "Now," Hallie spoke up. "We wait." And that they did.

    Seven weeks past. The trio checked on the project. Baby Cat had grown warm. But she still lie motionless.

    Mi-chan covered Baby Cat with a white silk robe. "It has a heart but it's not all together." Michael said. He knew how to.

    The angel took some coal dust and crushed it together. The dust formed a small black chip. Michael put the chip inside Baby Cat's heart. Then he took bits of cherry blossom petals, stars, and mums and crushed then together. Michael repeated this process six more times. Each time, a perfect thin crystal disk formed. Michael placed each disk in Baby Cat's arms, legs, chest, abdomen, and nape.

    Mi-chan and Hallie watched puzzled. "What did you do?" Hallie asked. Michael didn't answer. He just lit a fire under Baby Cat. "Keep it running." the angel said at last. Mi-chan and Hallie nodded.

    Winter came. The fire burned strong. Mi-chan and Hallie took turns tending the fire. By Christmastime, Baby Cat could breathe on her own and had a strong heartbeat. But she was still in a coma. Hallie, Michael, and Mi-chan couldn't wake her. Baby Cat would have to awake on her own.

    On January 1st, Baby Cat awoke. She was alert and acted like a normal angel. Now to present her to Kami.

    Kami was impressed but he had many questions. "What do you call her?" he asked. "Baby Cat." Hallie answered. "What is she?" Kami asked clearly. Hallie froze. What was Baby Cat?

    Hallie began to think. Baby Cat was an angel. Hallie thought about her blood in her creation. The blood was keeping Baby Cat alive.

    Then, the name hit her! "She's a tenshi-chi!" Hallie announced. Silence past. "Excellent!" Kami exclaimed. Hallie relaxed. So far, so good.

    "What are those disks in her body?" Kami asked. "Chakas, my lord." Michael answered. "They keep her power even." "And the disk in her heart?" Kami asked. "A shin heart." Michael answered. "Does the same thing."

    Weeks later, Baby Cat was approved of. Soon, all of the angels wanted a tenshi-chi and began making their own. Tenshi-chis soon made up half of Heaven's population.
