
Good, you are actually reading this. Thank you! I'm in desperate need of feedback from you for a variety of reasons. The most effective way to reach me is sending me an email (z200122 at yahoo dot com) if you want to: privately comment on the scripts/tell me this site sucks and why it sucks/just to say hi, among other things. Since I'm under the constant attack of spam emails, it also will be a good idea to put phrases like [Parody Script Correspondence] or anything that can let me know the email is NOT a spam mail. I promise that I will get back to you. Much sooner than you'd think, I think. Also, now that I have a blog, you can comment on it if You want to make your opinion public. I also post scripts on Movieweb forums, as you probably know, but I don't usually read the replies following my posts unless I'm in the mood (which I'm not in unless I have immense free time, and I don't).

To sum up ways to reach me:

Thanks for actually reading the contact page.

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