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" Artists usually inspirited by lover, mistress,

seldom daughter. " Stephen the Atheist

since 2005

stephen 10 by Dr. Samanntha Wong

paulyn appeared by stephen





What about divorce ? Philippine religion 2





Stephen is total recalling his good memory of Hong Kong




      reboot 1202






a lake                                                                 A beautiful NOVEMBER, last year





isolation 2008 then   ISOLATION 2013




autumn leaves   Autumn Leaves            hippies 

 " I just found out last monthe that I have been a hippie for long years. "   gif by Stephen

        reboot Lady Sings The Blue


Life picture by Gjon Mili



" I am so proud to tell Hong Kong tax payers,

I do not fool your money,I do not fool your children,

I quit education. " Stephen






  3 Pharaohs, art by people not chosen by god, photo by Stephen    



reboot China      reboot Atheism 2008   



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