having resided at the following places
of Residence,

B-59,  A.g.Colony,

Hyderabad -500045.


C-229, A.g.Colony,

Hyderabad -500045.

And Currently residing at

Viswa Shanti,

Salivahan Nagar,

Near to SriNagar Colony,

Hyderabad –73 (Falling under the
Panjagutta Police Station Limits)


 Photo Identities:


 (USH1B)  :EAC0024751455

 Indian PP :A7282782,F2059067

 PAN         :AKBPK7947B            



This is to confirm that enclosed  BIODATA / Curriculum Vitae, and Specs of all

Projects undertaken in the Past and those that are due are Original Independent work,
derived from my own Market research, I Vouch for the authenticity of the Specifications

and Facts Mentioned.


Those Planning to Profit from Opportunities Mentioned / Concepts and other theoretical

Models specified are requested to respect the Intellectual Property .


I am Independent Consultant available for outsourcing opportunities / contracting
opportunities to Business entities and functioning governments.


I write specifications for the next generation applications/devices, that are upscale
and what more backward compatible with minimal of efforts for up gradation.


All  products / processes drivable out of this research paper enclosed in the BIODATA
here in are subject  to IPR laws specifically US and the world over in their  respective countries.


An Important fact to be noted is that a CV / BIODATA is a IPR material by default.



K.V.RAVI SHANKAR                        ,

(Venkat Ravi Shanker Kota)          ,

Hyderabad -45,                                 ,



Ph :  +919848226880                               Ph :  +919848226880                        



(number currently disabled due to problem with service provider)



OBJECTIVE: Profit from Opportunity


Note: Though this is a resume, I am not an individual looking for a job on a payroll …
rather am an individual offering my services / Projects mentioned / specified /
detailed in this document on contract basis / as per the terms specified below.



Government Bonds when dealing with Governments (NATO  / US GOV bonds)




Equity preferably in the form of debentures with guaranteed returns when

dealing with commercial enterprises and all implementations in case of

implementation of IT related projects in non IT firms with Equity.




Auctioning of the below mentioned concepts / ideas on a bidding

Basis for retaining the right ..kind of patent + recurrent revenue.






12+ yrs of experience in various positions in Information Technology,

exposure to CRM, ERP processes and methodologies.


Exposure to Content research and Content Editing in various fields.


Exposure as a Business Analyst to Product Innovation and Optimization.


Exposure to Screening candidates and recruitment in IT and non IT areas.


Exposure to writing specs for software development and defining standards.


Exposure to all areas of Software Development in MNC firms in a 24x7 Environment


Exposure to Pharma Retailing.


Experience as a faculty in an IT training Institute.


Ability to sense opportunity, and knowledge to transform it into a viable

entreprenial opportunity.


Basic Exposure to Financial Markets(existing models in financial markets)


Basic understanding of how Indian agricultural markets work.


Basic exposure to book keeping and accounting practices being a commerce grad.


Exposure to understanding and practice of PR, AD world (particularly visualization)


Brief exposure to market surveying with ORG-MARG.


Quality Engineering: How, what , where, when, why and an introspection of,

implementation the respective product(software/hardware).


Writing proof of concept/specs/story boarding (similar to Extreme Programming) to Projects.


Experience specific to IT field  analysis, design and development of

applications primarily using WEB AND CLIENT SERVER TECHNOLOGIES ( ASP ,

PERL , PHP , VB) and System Administration ( All flavors of Unix , Win2k

, Sqlserver and MSExchange 5.5 and 2000, Content Writing).


Possess Good Team and Project Management Skills.


Received corporate training while in Adesta(india) from NIIT  on



HARDWARE       Intel Pentiums ,  Sun Sparc 400E , Digital Alpha servers   


OPERATING SYSTEMS     Win2k Adv, WinNT , Windows 9.x, Solaris, Linux   


LANGUAGES      Perl with DBI/DBD, VB, C, C++, Java, SQL ,UML  


SCRIPTING        ASP, PHP, Cold Fusion, JavaScript, VB Script , Wap /WML 


TOOLS              MS Visual Studio, Dream Weaver, PC Anywhere

FTP utilities , Sun AdminSuite, Veritas Volume Manager,

MS Projects, Rational Rose, CVS.


WEB SERVERS   IIS 4.0, Apache Web Server, Iplanet 4.1.


SSON                Oblix


SAN                  Sanpoint Control, McData, Brocade, Qlogic Switches

                        Crossroads SCSI to FC routers, Qlogic, Emulex Hba etc


NMS                  OpenNMS , HPOpenView


DATABASES      Oracle, SQL Server 7.0, MySQL, MS-Access


NETWORKS        TCP/IP, MS-Windows NT


Editor’s/Viewer’s   Standardized tools used to Display Subsets and derivatives of





OTHERS              DNS, NFS, NIS, DHCP implementations on Unix


Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition, UNIX Shell Scripting, Windows NT, IIS, Proxy, Exchange  and SQL Server Administration. Unix administration and Knowledge of  Apache, Squid Proxy.


Installing GNU softwares, Qmail, pop3d, Sendmail, Samba, Remote Admin utilities etc.


Knowledge of configuring CISCO 2500 series routers.




Attended company sponsored training on  Aix5.X , Site and Commerce Server 2000,





Organization:  Corio, Bangalore, India.


March 2004      Sept 2004


Designation :    Systems Admin /DBA




Unix Admin, Winnt/win2k, iPlanet, Netpoint , Netscape directory server,  Perl  LWP ,

shell  scripting , Jetspeed , Tomcat , Mod_jk , mod_ssl , CyGwin


Prodution Deployment of j2ee applications , co-ordination with development teams,


Role      :  Systems Management  and Shell Scripting


Unix , NT administration , deploying java web server applications, Shell scripting, Single Sign On technologies.  Database admin activities on Sybase12x , SQLServer7/2k and Oracle 8x.


Implemented CAS(server side java based SSON solution) used Openssl based certificates.


Perl LWP scripting, DBI etc.

Tried writing a WebCrawler/page stripper for specific documents with

Perl LWP, and embedding a binary javascript engine.



Organization:  Veritas, Pune, India.


October2002  Feb 2004


Environment: Sanpoint control , VCS 1.3 ,VVM 3.x, Apache,inetd , SSH, PKI, VVM etc


Role             :  Systems Management  and Shell Scripting


Hardware qualification of high end enterprise SAN equipment, Storage Arrays

(compaq, EMC, Hitach, IBM shark), , SAN switches, SAN routers( SCSI  to fibre channel), Tape libraries (HP sure store etc.).


Testing cross product compatibility of SANPOINT control.


Writing test scripts in perl and shell, Managing the LAB, Take part in Hardware procurement process, identifying New hardware requirements.


Overseeing Systems management of MS(win2k winnt) and Unix boxes ( Aix, Hp, solaris, linux) , SAN implementations.


Wrote a few test cases.


1) A performance monitoring Test case that logs various variables on the system and dumps it to a centralized host.


a)Implemented using RSH, Perl ...a single script that can run all existing operating


b)Any  binary that makes of  sockets and a port number

c)syslogd daemon with logger can be used to achieve the same as above.


2) A variation of the above that  measures the  percentage of variation from previous reading.


Note: The above test cases can be  done quite a few ways

a.         Logging based on an event,  one of which is a timer.

b.         Make use of a timestamp on systems where timer is a problem.

c.          The set of  loggable  parameters can be taken from an  input file.

d.         Make use of the scheduler available  on all most all OSs .


             Note: Ideally speaking alarm call should used for  error handling,


             Hence a requirement for lite weight routine that can be called at recurring

             Interval with no kernel overhead, 


            Alternatively .alarm call could be weighted with priorities much like priorities

            used with the KILL.i.e. vacation of the currently executing system call

            based on the nature of  error generated, few concepts from implementation

            of JVM can be borrowed.


   Note: This brings the requirement to do away with self-referential functional calls

             i.e. recurring function call.


            Viz. illustration implementation of a swapper for virtual memory etc, a call to

             Refresh GUI in systems that have a console.


            This implementation gives scope for implementing a gui refresh rates that can

            be squared off to as low as 1 millionth of a second, but precision of execution

            of the function call being squared off.



       Since the above routine  executes at fixed interval as specified,


       One may optionally execute different  pieces of code / routines based on a factor

       of Time / execution context of the thread that has initiated the alarm.


 Note: A stack in a OS usually contains  pointers to functions.

          One of the ways to reorganize the stack is to make them pointers to structures.

          Each structure containing a priority Value, a frequency value and pointer to




3) Most test cases have a few things /scenarios in common i.e. set of standard test

    scenarios and inputs for testing,


   Set a common testing Frame work for all the test cases modeled on the lines of



4) Perl based script that converts the statistics collected in to a Excel based

    statistics(pie chart, histograms etc).


Found a Unix timestamp  buffer overflow /on board battery  error on Solaris high end ultra sparc 5 /10 Work stations  causing time stamps to be shown beginning 1970.


Deriving from above a requirement to reorganize the way date/time are handled.


a)         Most existing systems do not take into account rounding off for a century.

b)                  All most all motherboards offer a clock( utmost precision of  24hrs is needed)

           as date footprint is always stored offline to a file.

c)         A Calendar catering to the local of time zone can be implemented.

           which can display / include ......festivals occurrence /solar /lunar

           based events ...that can be incorporated into it.


Hence for all purposes requiring precision timestamp stored as a byte string makes sense.


Organization: Underwent training and Worked on freelance basis with

                          Root Shell India


September2001  June 2002 September 2002


Environment    : Xinetd , SSH , PKI , IP telephony


Project              :  Implementation of IP telephony.


Underwent training on veritas suite of products and sun cluster software


Implemented a IP telephony in a test environment, with Some customizations and deployment of billing software Mostly based on php, perl and mysql as backend.


Integration and deployment of  VOIP project  developed  from open source software using OpenH323, open radius, perl, php, mysql with apache etc on  free lance basis.


Organization:              FAPCO ,KUWAIT an ISO9001 company.


September2001  April 2002


Environment:  Solaris 2.6, xinetd, Tcp wrappers, Apache, Perl Sockets and Shell scripting, DBI,


Tomcat,  Php, Mysql, Amanda network backups , Cisco routers.

Others: Win2k Adv Servers, Exchange 2000, ASP, IIS, SQLServer,  etc.


Under took a systems study for (Kuwait Stock Exchange on line trading System)  and fine tuned  existing Software which were hosted on four Sun ultra sparcs running solaris 2.6, with hardware  in a load balanced environment , and total System was developed in perl (right from stock feed  parsing using perl regex).


Publish the feed from stock exchange on to the web, by parsing the feed using perl regular  expressions and storing the data into Mysql backend database and on to the web using php and perl CGI. 


Developed Portfolio Management system to track stocks of individual choice it is been developed


using Perl DBI, PHP with mySql as backend.


Lots of Php and asp scripting to generate Dynamic content for the following sites (then developed in php , developed in ASP......stored arabic fonts  in database that enables viewing Arabic on a Arabic enabled machine , by mapping the field in to a binary field (can be extended to arabic/urdu/mandrian/european fonts) in the sqlserver server database...on the client side when the language encoding is correctly set...the internet explorer automatically displays the fonts in its language correctly, , this is applicable to all wide character set and works even on 3 tier applications with components that support wide char set (also called language encoding),in VB /Delphi /Magic Software  browser component,  also this RAD tools provide support for creating dynamic control that can be suited for the purpose.


Above product also contains, Dynamic unlimited Page Generator with predefined page layouts from selectable predefined set of templates.


Ideally speaking each language(encoding) and its individual font is mapped to a Unicode, these fonts usually stored in a embedded database in the OS based on by properly using  encoding, downloading of fonts can be avoided.


The Page generator logic breaks basic principles of Normalization.. i.e. of atomicity(it based on a self referential key for the primary key/identity key.)



Wrote project specs for integrating for oasis travel club

and weather system. Suggested using IBM MQSERIES. Also another requirement being that a travel booking information for Kuwait airways being proposedly restricted to booking through proprietary  software downloadable and restrict able to a specific machine ...suggested using unique part  number of components (hard disk was chosen)....looks this concept is being used for CD/DVD  encryption as also restricting/identification of particular installation of software with its  respective copy.


Setup a Development server with solaris2.6, all GNU tools, perl 5.6.1, php3.18, mysql 3.21.33b ,  proftpd etc.


Managing 4 sun ultra sparcs running solaris2.6 systems monitoring security and all stuff.


The Brief summary of activities undertaken by me  is


Involved in setup and administration of  Solaris ,linux , WIN2K Advanced servers, IIS and Exchange 2000 server.

Systems Administration Maintenance and backups.

Evaluate the Servers hosted on net comply with the latest security recommendations.

Involved in coding perl and shell scripts and some web programming in php mysql.


OBSERVATION: I had reached to a conclusion that implementing any stock exchange related software using pro*c/native sql/database libraries are faster  when   interacting with databases.


Organization:  SagarSoft (India) LTD an ISO9001 company.


April 2001           September2001

Environment:  Win2k Adv Servers, Exchange 2000 ,Solaris ,ASP, IIS, SQLServer etc.


Worked as a  Senior Executive Technical , Responsibilities included doing product research and documentation in the areas of  Win2k and exchange 2k.


Migrated a Netscape Directory Server based user accounts to Microsoft Active Directory…..the  ldap file can be parsed and  individual sub nodes (OU’s) can be

Loaded into a hash and mapped into a active directory.


Project:                       Intranet WebSite

Role :                           Systems support and Team Leader


This an intranet application automating internal Leave processing System for Sagarsoft India Ltd and has

been implemented as part of  its  ISO9001 Certification Process. This application forms apart of another

major application Integrated Employee Tracking and Management System.

This features a integrated user authentication into the system based on his NT Domain user

Account so that only the specfic user can check his own details and not any other employee.

A user can query his eligible quota of leaves, leaves utilized and and leaves still held by him.

User can apply for a leaves online in the system which is automatically directed to
the Employee’s authorized Leave approver, which he can be done online.

Employee can also verify status of leave approval online. This system another feature when a
user applies the supervisor is also notified by on his official mailid which  also contains a link

to the online application, similarly when the leave is approved the user is also notified the

same by an email as well. Care also has been taken that only
the authorized person gets to approve an user’s leave application.

The entire project has been developed on ASP, SqlServer 7.0, CDONTS, IIS.


This project makes a good piece of module integrable into all / most major HRMS packages / HRMS

Packages of ERPs.


The Brief summary of activities undertaken by me are


Involved in  setup and administration of  Unix , WIN2K Advanced servers,

IIS and Exchange  2000 server.

Involved in user interface design using HTML.

Involved in coding logic, debugging and testing.

Involved in Server side programming and  Database connectivity.

Involved in Database design and migration in MSAcess and Sqlserver.



Organization:  GOTEVOT Computer Center, Saudi Arabia


April 2000 - Dec 2000


Environment: Embedded Perl with DBI/DBD , MySql, Apache web server ,

   ASP, IIS4, SQL Server 7.0 .


Project: Intranet and Web Site Development and System



  I was responsible for the following:


a)         I had setup MS Exchange5.5 mail server,  MS Proxy 2.0 server, IIS 4.0 , and

Apache  web servers of GOTEVOT and routine Unix system administration

(solaris and linux)


Implemented DNS, NFS on Solaris System. Configuring Cisco 2500 series routers.

Implemented a fixed time bound access to users to resources on Nt Domain

(domain users and local users).


b) :      An Arabic portal catering to the needs of the staff

                                          and for  the organization  consisting of


Dynamic  News Flash using javascript on client side and Asp on Server side.

A component for addition , removal and editing of  News , job offers and

bidding of the organizations projects with asp, vb and  Sqlserver as backend .


c)         Statistical Analysis and Reporting:


   An intranet application developed in ASP with backed as sqlserver,

   The application generates various population demographics of the students enrolled

   Into gotevot technical colleges.


d)      Online Library  Infomation Exchange System :

This is an Intranet Application enabling all the Universities and colleges

      involved in the exchange of data and information that includes a  book

      tracking system with Html as front end, ASP for server side scripting

      and Sql server as backend.


 This Specs should serve the purpose of cataloging and retrieval of entities (Books)

 located in different locations of the entity (Organization)  / entities


 Examples: Books / manuscripts located in different libraries.


Crimal,Intellectual,Law,Digital Graduation Certificates by Universities, Property Records etc ....all of them can be maintained in the similar manner (What is currently being marketed as E-seva in few parts of india.)


As a System Administrator and  software engineer ,

 I was responsible for the following:


Involved in  setup and administration of  web, mail and proxy servers.

Involved in user interface design using HTML,  input Validation using JavaScript.

Involved in server side programming to connect database using ASP.

Involved in debugging and testing.



Organization:  Omni Media Studio, India


Project: Database Application for Chicago Child Advocacy Center, Chicago


February 2000 - April 2000


Environment:     PHP, E-PERL, HTML, JavaScript, Apache, MySQL, Solaris


This is a database application with browser as a front-end developed for a Chicago based NGO. It is a web based document management system that contains a series of 15 forms for updating and tracking the information of a child abuse victim by an authenticated user of the site.


As a Software Engineer, I was responsible for the following:


Involved in Installation and administration of  NT, IIS, Solaris OS, Linux, Apache servers  and MySql, SqlServer 7.0 Database.


Configured PHP and E-perl on the apache webServer.

Involved ifn server side programming to connect database using PHP and E-PERL.

Involved in user interface design using HTML,  input Validation using JavaScript.

Used Ftp utilities for uploading and maintenance of site.



Organization:     ADESTA, India


Project:    e-Commerce Web Site for ADESTA, Indianapolis, USA


October 1999 - January 2000


Environment:        ASP, Site Server Commerce Edition, SQL server, IIS 4.0, HTML,

   JavaScript, Windows NT : A B2C and B2B e-commerce site,


 Important  modules for which I was responsible are


 Alternative methods of payment,

 Gift Certificates, shopping cart,

 various virtual stores, E-cards,  Paper-cards,

 Interface for the Manager Section  and  Administration of the Site

 Automated mailing lists, email remainder systems .


Also System Administration and Installation of Softwares.


As a Software Engineer, I was responsible for the following:


Involved in Setup, Administration of  NT, SqlServer 7.0  MS Site and Commerce servers.

Also Remote Administration of the above Servers using PC Anywhere and  MMC.

Involved in user interface design using  HTML input Validation using JavaScript.

Involved in Back end Database Design and Integration of the various modules for the site

Involved in server side programming to connect database using ASP.

Used commerce and site server for user tracking and product portfolio management.



Organization:  Citi-Net, India


January 1999 - October 1999


Environment:  Visual Basic, ASP, Oracle, MS Access, SQL Server 6.5, MS Visual Studio


Project: Portal Website Development , ,



Project: Online Movie Ticket Booking , Net-Pals


Online Movie Ticket Booking : This application enables ticket booking for a theater enlisted with  It is implemented using PERL and Flat files.


Net-Pals  : A simple BBS for pen pal friendship. This is implemented using Perl and a Flat File.


As a Web Master, I was responsible for the following:

Involved in Installation of NT, SqlServer, Solaris and linux and Apache web servers.

Involved in client side  interface design using HTML and validations using JavaScript.

Involved in server side form validation, to connect to database using PERL and PHP.

            Involved in debugging and testing.


Environment:     Perl, PHP,Solaris, Apache,MySql , FrontPage,JavaScript, HTML


Organization:  Indigo RDBMS, India


May 1997 - December 1998


Project : Custom Built Package for Reliance Fire Safety Equipment Pvt. Ltd


This system helps in automation of the entire sales and production processing right from the customer details, stock monitoring, order entries, payment, inventory transactions, change in the orders, supplier details, purchase order details, production details and printing various reports and receipts.  This system maintains stores at factory level and branch level.


This modular based project specs has been the basis many a ERP products available in market currently. Viz.  SAP, Oracle Apps, and a notable few others.


Project: Hospital Management System


The application was developed to meet the requirements of hospital management.

The system consists of the following modules: Registrations, Inventory and Billing.

Lined on the above project.


Project: Online Examination and Evaluation (OLEE)


This is an Intranet website designed for a leading training institute for simulation of online examinations such as MCP.  It has features viz. random generation of questions, negative marking, interface for setting  no. of questions, duration , authorization etc.


This specs has been basis for may online examinations


Ex:  GMAT,GRE, online examinations being conducted by Prometric and

       Other online  Certification authorities.


As a  Programmer, I was responsible for the following:


Involved in user interface design using VB and HTML.

Involved in coding Business logic, debugging and testing.

Involved in Server side programming and  Database triggers.



Name : Venkat Ravi Shankar  (Surnames Kota : parental , Javadi :Maternal)


Father: KVSR Anjaneyulu


Mother: KVS Bhadravathi.


Date of Birth : Saturday, 28th of Febraury, 1976




PG in Management Information Systems

and Computer Applications               OU          Apr     1999

Bachelor of Commerce                             OU          Apr     1997

HDCS                                           LCC         Nov    1996

(Ameerpet Branch Hyderabad, Chapter Vide :  AP-097-169)



* Corio, India                                        March2004 till  Sept 2004

* Veritas,India                                       Oct2003  till  Feb 2004

* FAPCO ,Kuwait                                                Sept2001 till April 2003

* Sagarsoft (India) Ltd, Hyderabad                      Apr 2001 till Sept 2001

* Gotevot, Riyadh, KSA                          Apr 2000 till Dec 2000

* Omni Media Studio, Hyderabad             Feb 2000 till Apr 2000

* Adesta (India), Hyderabad                   Oct 1999 till Feb 2000

* Citinet, Hyderabad                               Jan 1999 till Oct 1999

* Indigo, Hyderabad                               May 1997 till Dec 1998


0) As a kid arguing that rotational energy from the dynamo found in a bicycle

   could be harnessed and tapped as electricity was vain, looking up at

   the giant wind mills thrilled me very much, I guess this was the costliest

   mistake I ever did ....more than doing any good it robbed me off the

   opportunity to make/build a career for myself later on as would be made



   Turbine's are used both in a windmill's and aircraft's but the purpose the

   are used are different....but in both scenarios turbines can be used harness

   the same ....may be it is already done in an aircraft....not quite sure.


   Also recycling aircrafts ....components as mentioned above.


   Also the popular rechargeable lithium/cadmium battery can be used to harvest

   human energy into consumable form....china the max no bicycles found the   world.


  Properly placed and wings of the turbine properly modified a windmill can be used as

  a tool to undermine the fierce ness of a tornado.


  ( a possible requirement being the wings of the turbine that can be adjusted and

    locked to suit  / enable a spin the turbine.)


Also from above having noticed from my personal experience of riding a bicycle, a

Dynamo doesn’t add much frictional value , I mean doesn’t add much burden / load

To the rider / engine of a vehicle.


Hence  for most  vehicle’s used for plying an amount of balancing can be done, for instance

the overhead of the a/c can be minimized by utilizing the energy generated from a dynamo.


In some vehicles powered solar power/ batter ……utilizing a dynamo to recharge  these

Batteries can solve energy reserves of the vehicle .


1) Newtons 3rd law of motion.


  Any thing thrown up with enough force should ideally come back,

  but when you throw it with enough force that it goes beyond   gravitational

  force of the object


 ......what is  the result.......after some million years


challenge to say one of the  Newtons basic laws of motion is broken :


As on date for space craft to be able to turn its path it needs the support of gravitational force of some object in space .......but it is possible to be able to change the direction/path of space craft by generating a strong electro magnetic field the direction in which it needs to turn............this should be ideally achievable by using sets of strong lasers.


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


Looking at the solar system and the planets ......the speed at which planets are revolving around their own axis is some what un explainable (not sure if speed at which object revolves around their own axis has got any  relevance to the mass of the object.....another thing to noted is do all objects with mass possess gravitational force),Just as a top spun comes to a stand still after a while.


Simply puts the existing Orbitary Model is in Question, one of the points that can support  this Occurrences of  eclipse.


2) E=mc2 , essentially energy can exist in different forms and can

       be converted from one form to another form.


   Nuclear fission .....Nuclear fusion.


   New formula ........ Infrared energy = Infrared Rays house effect.


   well how is a chain reaction set in a radio active material ??


   I don't know how serious is the problem ?? lets all enjoy

   together. ??


   use liquid propulsion technology cars and release oxygen/water.


   oxygen if goes up ..........becomes ozone ......this blocks house global many centuries do we require to harvest enough amount of 

   ozone naturally to achieve the purpose.


Practical Example to support E=mc to the power of 2 is a Information technology

product called SAN (storage area networking) that makes use of a mini laser.


Consumption of Energy produces  light !!


Advantage: Making use of a  rechargeable battery modeled on lines of  RAM  (if one looks at fine  Specs both are same), charge it from one end and  consumed from other end.  Also nothing but called as active bits.. this is nothing but called as Flash memory.


Must be  modified i.e. charged to pump no of bits required through a Bus, to accurately pump the number of  active bits required .


Ideally speaking in a battery  the charges (+/-v ions) are  consumed to the last bit.


The above model can be modified to suit either use a laser or  pump the bits, based on the model Of the Bus.


Best put to use is  in place of  RAM, can store the system state when system crashes,  and also  Very fast to access.


3) Earth moves away from sun a few cms  ....every day


   what is centrifugal do farmers throw away crows etc

   in earlier days.


   so earth is gaining momentum ...........


   where will it end up ..........some day.


Dinosaur extinction: wonder why was there so huge climatic changes around on the earth then


.....wonder if moon was around then ....but hear these days that moon is distancing it self from earth slowly.


Part answers to 1,2,3 can be found from a Black Holes creation and their explosion.


Also one can derive safely from above that  the gravitational pull of  an object is directly

Proportional to  mass of an object, and mass depletes as an object is burning,

and hence reduction in  gravitational force.


May have implications to green house effect.


4) worked at Haribakthi and company (A consulting company ...involved in internal auditing and business consulting).


   suggested vipul ........about digitized/computerized shares.


 Understood how duplicate shares are getting traded in the market through ketan,

 I mean when damaged shares are come to the registrar they are getting struck, for months, mean while brokers trade on these shares (kind of bayyan i.e. promise of obligation in case their is trouble ...mostly verbal based on reputation can lead to

Dishonor of the obligation lack of agreement.)


5)As a kid  trying to learn computers was able to run windows3.1 running out of a Novell NetWare based Server Implementing Ring topology network, illustrated to my  erstwhile Instructors(  Prawyn and Pavan) at Lakhotia Computer Center where I did my Honors Diploma in Computer Science.


In token ring network when one of the hosts in the ring crash’s,  all subsequent  systems in token ring  become dysfunctional with reference to communication to all hosts in the ring prior to the to  collapsed host and the server, The solution I suggested was to implement a wiring/cabliling  i.e.  individual / parallel cabling to  each system from the server, which eliminates the draw back in the token ring system, instead Of a single channel viz. a Loop a multiple channels from server to clients for communication which came to be known as Star Network, which are being marketed in the forms of hub, switch etc.


The above are the two most important ingredients that made the Microsoft platform with Ethernet a popular medium of communication and trading (viz. in stock broking etc)

This happened somewhere around in the year oct/nov of 94.


Also wrote several unique formulae for solving common programming algorithms though  logic of which is specifically different from conventional/those documented in books ...also suggested developing accounting packages in foxbase/lotus123


(written mostly in Cobol/lotus 123/ FoxBASE/c)


Suggested that y2k  problem can be  circumvented by changing the way date(format) is stored.


6) while working at citinet ..applied for several internet domains some of which

     became very popular.....viz. namely,,


7) while working for, designed a method of transmitting sessions

    (with out time limits)


using html forms (kind  of xml ...ideal solution for EDI interface i.e. B2B and B2C) for managing states between page to page transactions, what is now know as xml DTD  (resulting in development of DOM) and also relying communication securely over http using encryption using html hidden objects.(Now what is called as XML RSS being propagated)


Developed a customer service direct email marketing tool, that collect's

server side statistics of the person who read the marketing email, with

a client side JavaScript method call(article read / column read ....can

be used collect column's popularity statistics.)


The encryption over plain http also translated into a VPN over internet.


This is being used by several leading products including Hitachi, veritas san suite.


suggested xml based indexing for a faster search engine.


Was trying for a H1b visa sent across all the necessary documentation required for filing the H1b visa info in jpeg format ...which probably laid the foundation for BPO and MT industry.


Acknowledgement of  receipt of email, by turning of a flag in server side database.


A HTML based color palette for color selection ……..ideal way of implementing this

Is as a addon component to  web explorer …much like the filler used in image

Editing packages …..which takes care of converting it into underlying color code.


Client side pull for all xml rss feed based applications can be triggered with the inclusion

Of a expiry date / period in the xml …viz to trigger auto refresh using html metatag/ xml rpc

In in applications dealing with non web clients.


8)While working for GOTEVOT, Riyadh tried using ms proxy2.0 (caching feature)

   so that only non static content gets loaded/refreshed from web server while

  serving to the clients (specifically remember the instances with yahoo login

  ...i mean colleagues complaining logging into yahoo)......>.net


Deriving from above Specification:  Web Server / Proxy Servers serve content,


Difference between both being proxies cache the data serve data locally .without

Necessitating the routing of the request to the web server ..essentially reducing the



Dynamic Data: When serving dynamic data there are / is data that is specific /

Variable  based on various factors


a)time b) country c) Group of individuals d) a person ..i.e. the amount of personalization required, various types of  data to be cached and updated varies based on the type requests being received.





a)      The interface  required to view the email is same for every one, but the data to be

      displayed is specific the individual .a unique mail box/id.


b)      A web server serving the data say a news paper only updateable field is date .

So If the proxy server if it updates the data / cache once a day is sufficient.


     But it cannot be applicable to email .data is variant to individual users.


c)         Based on domain  that the location / region from which the request is

Coming / users preferences can server the data in English /

language specific to that region / language specific to users preferences.


d)         In an banking environment the interface is common to users,

In the cache if the date is updated once of a day is sufficient,

But data specific to each individual  say .bank balance needs to dynamically

Calculated every time.


Implemented / restricted the period of login by a user for internet usage ,


users where located in a domain, imported into a local account on the proxy server through a script and deleted at the end of the period for which they have permission to access to the internet.


Can be implemented as a scripting solution in win2k....can be used as a billing

solution for resource usage when using either win2k/winnt servers applicable to all telecom, isp domains, This concept can be expanded to UNIX as well by using groups.


The evolution of exchange 5 to exchange server 2000 (Routing server's / routing gateways for email)


Scenario: we had our office's split over several locations (for instance I used to work from battha  and rowda offices while there where several office across cities interconnected) inter connected via DDN,


With exchange server 5 ....all the user's accounts being hosted on the server located on the server located on the server in the data center.


There is heavy traffic for email usage for even users within the domain with round trips on DDN, with complaints for traffic on DDN between rowda and bathha offices ..... i proposed setting up a secondary server for users at rowda with majority of users located here  with a sub domain like hence the traffic for users within rowda office not going across DDN,

with routing to emails to external users through the main server in data center.


While this didn’t materialize the concept did materialize into routing servers/gateways in exchange2000 , where in the extra advantage being users can be split over geographical domains with multiple servers while sharing the same domain name....with users split over servers.


By the way exchange server 2000 is classified under export regime control and the reasons are all too different ........ with any organizations using exchange 2000 ......individual user's emails can be peaked at for/in circumstances

requiring probe....guess the reason for export regime control.


Had to use bootable floppy disks for winnt ...suggested a bootable cd which would be easier to use ,which subsequently got reflected with a bootable single disk  win2k professional/win2k server/ win2k advance server.


Also suggested using flash a tool for developing animation movies (for it can encode voice, frame ....all the elements required for developing production quality movies) while i was in-between jobs after returning from Saudi Arabia ..and my sis was learning hand drawn animation techniques from color chips.


Used BackStreet orifice and several network monitoring tools(particularly rootkit) for fun and understanding hacking.


9)while working for kuwait stock exchange, solved the problem of users being able to do multiple  sessions with a single userid simultaneously, I guess this scenario is also applicable users of Instanant messengers


There are many probabilities to this scenario


a)some times once a user log's in, there may be a power loss at the client computer

   resulting in state where the user account state is left in inconsistent a state.


b)The user session can be logged off upon a valid authentication from some other


c)       once the user log's in from  a system ....the session active to be monitored from

      time to time..... say every fixed amount of time ....and deny any further login

      attempts from any other system.

d)      The option to choose how the above kind of scenario ought to be treated for the

Specific user can be decided at the user signup/register process of the system.


10)while working for a storage SAN company (claims to be a equal opportunity employer , and to


recognize talent ...merit stocks ...half yearly reviews),

proposed  using  SAX for one of its SAN Component(that uses xml formatted data xml rpc with data sets) for overhauling


its SAN product, ....realized later that a kind of sax was implemented and released for this product .....made a few other important suggestions


I mean indemnity value of a bug for a clustering product that specific's for high availability ...funny part being the interface forces the user to implement the product from scratch with out storing session states, there by leading to no value for the product.


When same array port is connected to multiple os hosts connected to a switch, with one of the array ports of a array connected to the switch, how is the scenario treated,


Ideally which host has a claim to lock on the port to use the array.


array being a resource, All lun's bound to the array port in the array

are visible through the port.


Constraint: As on date only one host can take a lock on the array port,


Solution: host's should be able to place lock on the lun's available, with a flag for log in the array's cache, so other host's are simultaneously not messing with the lun.


possible extension: over a network (say network computing environment), ideally

lun's must be useable by multiple hosts along as a read flag on a lun is placed

by a host, by all the hosts which can view the lun's through the array port.


Note: This is a marketable stuff in quite a few scenarios, including environments WANS over a VPN.


This company seems to have found a better solution for integrating one of its flagship backup product, for integrating with MS Exchange Server,  from one of my earlier works i.e. backing up ms-exchange mailboxes.


wrote a fork simulator for windows in perl (effort infringed by cygwin)

also in one of the earlier experiments a couple of years ago consisting of

winnt and boroland c++ compiler, by using a traversing(decrementing) a pointer to a union consisting of a char/integer ....throws a surprise ...which says

windows is very much modeled on the lines of UNIX(this part was discovered at oasis InfoTech ..any body can dig it out who understands the meaning of a dangling pointer)....also replication on windows sound's much like UNIXs nfs/cachefs combination.




a)  A Unix system call emulator for windows much like a mod_perl which

     Can let any Unix application to run on windows.

b)         A include file which maps the Unix system calls(expandable macros / type defs) to underlying windows system Callswhen compiled on windows platform .much like the JIT. a preprocessor that does the above job.


Ideally a TypeLib declaring the functions and a InProcess dll.


Also suggested a common and integrated logging of error messages in their respective languages, as described above with reference language encoding.


Found an error dealing with active directory trying to demote a primary server, syncing it with other domain controllers and promoting another domain controller into a primary domain controller.



            For most software Products while the interface is same viz. GUI  many times these products

             require customization / multiple Compilations to support multiple languages,


            Simplest way to resolve this problem is to retrieve all the  Data required for the Interface (each

            screen of display ) , As well as storing the error codes in the database. …the interface can also be

            store in a file system (possible option For RAD tools is (share the interface files while captions and

            content is located in specific regional language files,

            Now for installations that are not geographic specific or spread across continents, while databases

            are share it,  Can be arranged that required interface along with error codes be displayed in locale

           (NLS) / encoding Specific to domain / region, translated to web these can be located in CSS Style

            sheets  / Pages that are customized to the specific locale….needs few additional modifications



Viz. a attribute that lets a different  style sheet specific to the local to be downloaded (light


A a single style sheet that contains the corresponding content for all locales, with each attribute

containing a array, Which displays appropriate content based on the locale.


This can be implemented by using a simple one many relation viz. screen / error code referring to multiple viz. encoding / language code in which  the particular data ought be displayed.




11) Don't remember if any one was able to take GMAT/GRE ETC industry certifications online between 1998 to 2000, i was  told i need to take a 3/4 hr written test on a specific fixed date  at specific test centers by rsvping / reserving  in advance, now a days these seem to be conducted on a daily basis those days at an authorized test center by just rsvping / reserving the date.




Dynamic Page translation with language/text translation tools.


A Proprietary IM with automatic language/voice translation tool already exists partly.


Project to create a PC based soft SAN ROUTER  (low cost alternative to existing san switches)


Project to create a $3000 SANBOX  (Integrated SAN switch with storage attached) can be marketed as a raid solution.....also these switch's can be used as an alternative to VPN's on leased lines(To develop a ultra high speed non Ethernet based alternative)



Database Management and Backup wizard (Integrating Database management of heterogeneous databases


(oracle/Sybase/sqlserver/db2/Informix etc) with an open-ended interface that can integrate with a backup software solution viz.  Amanda/netback up/legato.


The above could be used for developing a DYNAMIC ERP.

{SET OF DATABASES IN THE BACK END + providers for database (DML+DTL) + front-end(ideally flash based product...part of xml data sets(xml data islands + validation tools in flash)} .......AN ERP for any situation for ....users with expertise in all of the above.


Develop a flexible NM (Network Monitoring / Management) agent kit.


Develop a Integrated OS monitoring/management Tool kit integratable in

existing backup/server management products....targeting ...Data Centers.

...two products in all scriptable interface and one agent interface.


Take Data Center Management to next level ,


Wireless Network Management


enable remote network management by making data center equipment manageable by either snmp + wifi or infrared based switch management [concept could be worked upon]



Utility of a pin ball with holes all over....pluggable/embedded cameras ...usages security systems(fire alarms/extinguishers) ...(next generation sports, cricket, hockey etc)...selection of the target camera to be used based on light embedded image sensor with transmitter.


Ex: In most sports usually a object (ball) is used irrespective of whether a camera is embedded ....embedding a WLL based WMD device and combining them with properly placed  CCTVS ....and specifying a resolution/length ....the job the

TV'crew can be scaled down just to selecting the view to be projected on the TV.


i.e. movement of the camera can be taken care of to move with the movement of the ball/object ...can be applied to any most sport.


Also discipline and order can be brought sports by designating few cameras to monitor ....yellow / red carded players.




New Raid stuff :  Software RAID (simultaneous read writes)



Decouple the complexity  out currently existing mirroring solutions viz. get around dealing with  complexity of having to deal with complex solutions like lvm/(vvm_vxfs),


implement backup as a functionality of the file system, rather a separate function,  with an integrated system signature(either through md5 or a strong certificate key)


than existing products in market can be found / noticed out of the libraries created by compilers used for programming, libraries more or less represent the kind of structure required for backing  up file systems).


while compression is one issue the additional benefit is most existing products

use a top down approach that is starting root(/) (the idea is all encompassing disks contain what is called as ptable(also called partition table)which lists the disk blocks that are empty and those that have been written ....using the above table with threads helps makes backing up faster ....should ideally be better than those marketed as bit based archiver (to the best of my knowledge the current products in market just utilize the inode table's in the file system).


one of the suggested advantage of above mechanism is that by analyzing the file systems(devices) mounted on the root, a threaded model can be used that is faster(that is backing up on multiple devices simultaneously) which is highly critical for OLTP kind of systems where quicising the system for backup is an issue(hence implementing libraries kind of approach would be advantageous to a great extent).


Now with availability of cheap hardware it is very easy have implement mirroring  on all os'es, by modifying just a few kernel modules,


envisioned solution : [ Implement simultaneous writes on multiple devices/drives, so multiple  instances of devices drivers are invoked writing on to n devices/mirrors as chosen, .....i.e. 


write a virtual driver on top a  n instances of drivers handling the respective devices.


beauty of this is that you can have all of these mirrors simultaneously mounted,

achieve point in time copy of your required partition/file system, by quisecing one of the mirrors,


A new kind of raid ........and leave the driver development and implementation strategy to the  hardware array manufacturers/pc manufacturers.


The advantages of a volume manager based file systems and traditional UNIX file systems remain as is that is basically with reference to the no of Inodes available.


The idea is to make / fit the concept of simultaneous read writes where ever feasible.



Clustering Wizard



Develop a wizard to address implementation of  clusters  addressing generic



GPRS enabled clusters + data syncing


Simultaneous dual boot PCs


Most techie folks in  BPO and IT industries use/switch between multiple pcs.

Now a new pc design that has shared resources with multiple cpus + shared motherboard [ modeled on the lines of E10k ........but very much a desktop ]


Build a cluster containing more than 32 nodes.


What is cluster ............??, may have to negotiate with SUN .....e10k


Waste management solutions ......A high calorie content rice brawn based biscuits(blended with wheat manufacturing .....probably trying to get a customized blend.)


Neem products .........neem based gum/raisins(latex/adhesives ....and other possible bio degradable  polymers ...that can be harvested ...specific note about adhesive...a strong adhesive to stick cloth can be developed)....neem blended camphor .. as mosquito repellent  ... on the idea of ionization, viz. concept on which oxygen  gets converted ozone higher up in atmosphere ....similarly camphor based air refreshners.


Neem paste can be used effectively against many a skin diseases ...including some communicable diseases.


Extracts from Rita Seeds are high in protien content that can marketed as processed food.


A simulated electron gun for chemistry teaching in advance labs .

a modified variety........with a sensor/unlinking facilities in those minute balls.



Suggest Lip syncing with a image sensor with a AI language translation mechanisms......answer lies in understanding the dumb and deaf ......... probably solution lies in brail language / script


The expressions of grimmace,mirth.......etc human reactions are all universal ..........through a language of choice.


Pattern matching/recognition .....on the image format

and syncing  those patterns to the language of choice.



A [minaiture] rollable and rovable robot



Mobi Ticket: What is mobi ticket.....most users of applications must be familiar

                   registering themselves by sending small information viz. their name

                  /userid, age , location etc ....This mobi ticket.


Paperless Ticket: same as above but a web interface 


Application: Travel industry[Applicable to domestic travel through out the

                  world] ..... Airline/Railway many more applications.


             The user sends the mobi ticket along with destination etc [ticket]

             can be designed as per requirements.


             The user sends an sms to  a particular standard number routable through

             several mobile service providers.


             The user is charged a base ticket cost how the most song/

             lottery tickets are being sold these days .... this to be deducted

             from mobile service provider[revenue sharing because since the

             ticket is un encrypted , this sms could be made no routable or

             delayed routing ...causing loss of business] ...if the ticket is

             not purchased within the specified period as detailed below the

             base ticket cost is deducted and transaction closed.


             The ticket lies in database with cost of the ticket

             travel be closed say one week before travel.


             Most of the mobile service providers provide the option of

             recharging their sim through ATMS with a open ticket

             they can make the payment to the travel through ATM (back ward

             integration with banking ERP ...reduces burden ...ERP doesn't

             need/bother store the details of transactions ...a net/tickets

             pending are available that can be closed.)...advantage no service

             charge like debit card/credit card ..(also embedding the

             certificate described else where in the document enhances the

             security of the card)


             This application leads to building up a viable Market Research

             product , resulting on a large DSS application.


             The Application when the payment of open ticket confirmation

             is received from the bank...the Application confirms the travel

             ticket to the user with a confirmation code which enables the

             user to travel by collecting the boarding pass at boarding point.


 Strength:   All users necessarily don't possess a PC hence the success rate

                  of the application is very high.


 Marketing:  Tie-ups with participating banks, airlines, and mobile service



Additional steps: Linking of  single mobile no with multiple banks, enabling

                   payment of the same through multiple accounts ...where

                   bank balance in one is insufficient......advantage to

                   application credit checking when it comes to the stage

                   of credit card.


                   Integration of the application through a web interface for

                   PC and PDA/advanced users for GUI.


                   Integration of Travel Schedule of the Airlines tied up

                   into the website ...either (xml dtd) b2b application

                   or a applet.


                   Integration with Hoteling and Tourism industry (Air ticketing , hotel

                   reservations using (xml dtd) b2b application).


Advantages :  no service  charge like debit card,  no queues for airline , railway ticketing,  imagine the amount of paper and money saved for mass events

like a cricket match, movie ticketing.


Current Status: Project Feasibility study and looking for VC funding.


Strategy: Out Source the application for development.

               Out Source the APP infrastructure maintenance to a different



My Role: Monitor Application Development / Interface design and deployment strategy.



This is modification of the above application in countries where finger print based applications are in usage....or in subsequent iterations of the application.             


Requires: AI but the system is just short of AI and uses

               Identity to adapt to the adapting world.


Smartest of the smart phone, one stop identity management solution  (covering all industries)


Just finished describing a next generation product that can work both over a ip

based network / mobile network.


Simplest, cheapest and easiest to implement Identity management Solution


Revolutionize Banking technology (Do away with plastic cards)


Security systems Management.


(An Identity system that loses its identity as soon as it is lost)


(a sample third party product is


Smartest of the smart phone's (one stop identity management solution)



Current generation mobile phones serve most of the requirement


Basic requirement:



    Web camera(scanner) + EPROM(memory)+Data transfer(Infrared)

    + needs a touch sensitive screen/body .....but most of the time

    your thumb is on the screen.

    + combine it with digital image processing (preferably PNG format)

    + DNA sequence generation from fingerprints.

    + Genetic family tree generation

    + face recognition technology ( a possible integration)


PS: Require a sample domain for experimentation in realistic world


Project Details : Welcome to the world of cashless(optional) + cardless world



Plastic Cards use a magnetic strip ......... this can be done away with

for the data they carry can be stored on the mobile.



 Most mobile's coming these days are equipped with GUI browser,

 an MS wallet kind of digital wallet can be embedded into these browsers

 (irrespective  of the embedded os one may use viz. java/wince/symbian etc)


 The mobile also an (ip enabled device these days) can hold digital certificate,

 encrypted  with the  owner's thumb impression......ideally at point of sale (identity

 certificate to be generated at point of sale .......collect details of

 the individual ....what more this certificate can hold a picture of the user)



ATM's world over are nothing but customized PC'S ...........most / all can

can be upgraded / infrared enabled.


ATM software up gradation to read a digital certificate / identity card received

via infrared.


Mobile Security : Each mobile handset already carry's a unique number/identity


automatically  transmitted on every time it is registered into a network, now

this digital certificate also gets transmitted every time it registers into

the network.............hence a complete identity of the handset + its owner

is always present with service provider.


So it is hard / next to impossible for this device to used by any one other than

the owner of the device, for the mobile locks itself as soon as / with in a few

minutes out of the users hands or ......certain transactions could be restricted

only to the user banking transactions at ATM.


While dialing out/ receiving of the call's can open for non owners dependent on

the owners customized settings.



Multiple  ATM/DEBIT/Credit CARDS CAN BE HELD ON A SINGLE DEVICE  .........what more with the digital certificate  available , these cards can be applied to and sanctioned with minimal of interaction.................imagine credit checking etc available

at the tip of a click.



This digital certificate on the mobile can be used  for next generation locking/identity

mechanisms .............your car locks, ..........your office attendance swipe in

replaced with your mobile.



Net Result: A lighter wallet ..........for the individual, highly secure.


            your mobile stop solution to all your needs..


welcome to the world of Global Village.


world's first  identity banking system ........with

one identity store per mobile network.


and a highly available central identity stores for backup.


An lap for identity store and a corresponding database for storing personal history.


( Probably looking up for funding from private equity from investment banking firm/

  equity options for participating companies in the technology

  / a fresh IPO)


Implementation Stages : Card less -> Cashless -> Digital-E-cash.


stage -1 :



Card less :  Easiest to implement (No requirement of PKI)


     A Downloadable mobile wallet( applet) e-cards + up gradation of  ATMs to

     support infrared and software to handle e-cards.


    Plunge in straight with gestation period as low as 1yr.


    Where to fit in the DSP processor for identity management,

     centralize it or decentralize.



Stage -2 :  Introduction of  next mobile devices with finger print recognition technology.


                + Identity Management ....including implementation of the new PKI .


            + Implementation of identity store in each mobile network.




Get a voice encryption(ip/digital/analog) technology implemented based on PKI


This paper by now should have made it clear,  the weakness of the current banking technology


products that are gaining popularity the world over,

especially the mobile banking system and the mobile based banking transaction



that make the life easy  as on date by a simple voice based confirmation to the



The above paper makes it clear the advantages that are going to accrue out of this technology


under incubation.



Advantages of technology being proposed by me :


caters and keeps in mind several mobile devices that currently exist in the market, and those that may appear soon in the market.


currently short listing/zeroing on the companies that can come handy in the project.


Usage: Identity(finger print + face print(optional)...a MMS clip. possibility)

           any time free at any  ATMs.

       (Duplication not possible) .....create a digital certificate using open

       source technologies .......that could be integrated with all existing



       Technology : Mobile/app devices ->get+store your identity , first time

                    free ..../also possible to generate it on your on device.


                    Should you loose your mobile/app

                    device problem .......


                    Get new device update the global database with your new device.              

                    Pay per usage.                    


      Applications: Left to your imagination.



Device ........ a infrared enabled mobile ISA/ESSA  card WMD per home to cover .

(A IVR enabled application with a embedded wmd .....should be sufficient to bring the smart homes ....affordable)

[ Ideally all smart devices with in a enclosure (say home here) report to the above IVR enabled app with embedded wmd (much like the snmp) ....well with managing apps usually (mobile/other devices) that can remotely log into the central app pretty much envisible can remotely switch of the power at home or the central air-conditioning system or remotely fill water into

the swimming pool  heat it just in time u arrive at home what not the apps are simply left to imagination]


TV.........and internet browsing need to a cable TV/ broadband browsing cabling.


Develop a non VSAT based banking and stock trade settlement system


Give free time bound access to all companies interested in integrating with new




Fix loop holes in V-SAT technology.


No of Satellites required covering the globe, 3 geo stationary satellites


........>needs a satellite networking to cover a single broadcasting and communication (if this is not possible in the air, this can be accomplished

by interlinking the broadcasting station's or leased lines).




Needs to brush up IPV6 ...........may need a minor modification , in ip addressing mechanism like


Viz. one layer in tcp/ip packet can take care of


.....essentially i would love to convey the fact that a small packet in the tcp/ip transmission  should take care of specifying


no...number of networks[nth number in network] ----> number of devices in the network -> and its identity in the network.........this is viz. very much synonymous to DTD specification in xml.


........this essentially means ....there need not be a fixed number of ip no's in a network and u


can have one port and as many virtual ports as you can imagine[the new layer representing the


individual application type/usage...can already fits into existing mechanism ]


the idea is to have n by n networks and each ip having n ports.


Also the additional feature that needs to be conveyed is that a product can communicate on both


tcp/udp i.e. the ability to switch between synchronous and asynchronous mode on the same product .




under the  TCP/IP datagrams are classified as TCP/UDP where TCP gives guarantee for a ack and UDP doesn’t require a ack, a minor modification to datagram  with a flag

which specifics ….whether a ack is required or not should suffice …reduces the complexity and changes many a scenario in programming context…….essentially though while the underlying protocol is same …one ought to change the interface / add an additional interface used for programming to achieve the ability to switch between

TCP /UDP ….ought to use raw sockets….adding a interface to this helps for average

Programmer to achieve the same.


Note: when with in a subnet all one needs is IP and one needn’t stress on the datagram…as routing is not required.




id(layer no) viz.  advantageous for applications like ftp.


( with the convergence of ip/mobile networks ...shouldn't we have a unique number across the


networks ....??)


Hence if networking of  satellites in the orbit is complete ..........a small update in the


existing wmd devices .....can give a new technology hands every home equipped with


a wmd  enabled tv can be converted in to a satellite come .......internet enabled tv sets.....all i need


is to add a mini key board to a TV.     


One rock solid encryption technology to cover all transactions and all technologies.


Both GSM and CMDA can work but ...........minor rework is required to get resulting applications


work in their respective networks.


What is left would be Brand Marketing.


Ex:   de-link ....ATM's from banks and let multiple banks make use of same atms,

      and let the expansion of ATMS.


      what is left is .......writing a next generation banking, stock .......all sorts

      of applications.


Now if things work out, looking for leasing the recently dead mobile telecommunications company.


Pay-TV Access ........different encryption for broadcasting and communication technology.

Tasks left ....these are just an outline ......more are yet to come


Note: One of the fundamental issues that is questionable , why cannot   the same telephone

         numbers be used in lieu of ipaddress and extensions as multiple ip addresses with in a



         This should solve the issue with respect  to IP/ web site hosting their legality / location

         Validation as most of them needs to be routed through a exchange/telecom operator.


         A EPBAX with n number of lines(bandwidth) with extensions standing for ipaddresses

         With in a subnet  should be a viable alternative…..and since switching of bandwidth

         Between the extensions from the numbers available on a board ….this should be

         A viable schema of  addressing …..a new concept/technology acceptable and marketable,

         With  temporary utilities that enable translating the IP based requests to the new schema.





         Purpose partially but …for reasons bet explainable the schema that uses a telephone

         Number should be more feasible.


         While there are utilities that  manage call routing / bandwidth between IP/ telephone

         Calls (applicable to both PSTN / ip protocol based lines) ,


         The issue is specifically with respect to tracability of calls and a universal standard.


         This should support/serve  as a bridge between  existing Ip numbering schema  and

         And telephone numbering based schema…… additionally  as there ought to be atleast

         An outfit in the primary location ………it should also work out for guarantable stuff like

         Outsourcing….and call managing between primary and remote locations.



1)whole thing is symbolized in a certificate server

2)sell it as a certificate server or dynamic generator

3)Different sets/type of keys to different applications.

4)Mobile Device Integration into a  Banking System

5)Build a Next generation Banking synchronization  app

    salable to different  Nodal central banking systems in their respective

    banking regulatory authorities.

6) card less transaction system

7) cash less transaction .future possibility.

8)  A possible Product  for Digital finger print based key locking system which  has  a fixed life

     span and ability for no users

9)  Salable simple viable electronic voting systems ..initially to be piloted

     and integrated into shareholder voting process of the companies.

10) Build a central small cluster that has a data bank of all devices that are getting

      their software updated  ..viz. for  voice encryption.

11) Licensable  mobile app device described in the above paper.

12)  ISA/ESSA  mobile app devices for  broadband  ISP.

13)  Ball with holes all over .salable for different apps . Camera based security   systems

14) A  ball bearing with a single  hole in the central ball utility a rotatable camera

     / mike

15)  Build a reverse engineered  gnome kind of database.

16)  Sell one cluster each for  each mobile network for implementing identity banking

        system with one cluster  each for  the single central satellite

17)  Pay TV access .implementation.

18)  Get a set of banks to implement atm based banking synchronization system

        to implement  digital  atm/debit/credit cards..already several networks viable

        available to experiment  with this technology.

19) start looking out for low valuation companies to get in place both a satellite

       network .energy related as well.

20)  sell licenses for the newly modeled kind of  linux based mirroring for different

21) Experimentation with new kind of Network monitoring ........also which leads /

      paves the way into Digital E-cash.

      Manufacturing companies.

22) A optical disk based film coated hard disk with optical disk read/write head..........wonder


if this works if i should keep a file system in tact....advantages seem to be that i can write and


read two different things at a time.....also looking to boost the image of floppy drive/zip drive

23) Trying to fit in the optical gun some where in to hard disk.   

24) Remote data transfer/uploading ...using ...

25) A combination of xml and mobile base push/pull technology.

26) Sell space/a method for global exchange of national archives(all kinds)

27) Pluggable smart payTv to existing cable TV apertures.


11) Increasing the wear and tear of a space craft / or increase the density of thin material by a

     highly potential  carbon coating .....applicable to all kinds of discs that can rotate in any form


12) Propose a changes to a propulsion engine ...that uses the composition of the

    surroundings and picks up the right material for combustion.


13) Till now we have been dependent on the light coming from different constellation...etc we can try sending a signal with a high frequency laser/infra red stuff from

     ...a space station.


14) Medicated jute blended with cotton fabric based medical bandages.


15) Looking for a succution pump ....... next generation storage containers a fridge you           can


store for may be at most a yr ..........we can (X)illon yrs. 

......coincidence we don't require this technology for wine.


The above can also be used as heat sinks in today's high technology appliances.

high end processors.


Also the importance of succution cannot be denied in the packing industry, particularly that of food packaging.


16) Integrating Search engines with domain registration authorities.

      A combination of xml supporting databases to power the engine

      with a CGI kind of interface that can index including dynamic

     content from web sites.


17) Rewrite a  DNS  system that integrates with the proposed new TCP/IP modification ..if GPRS


kind of a thing is used a cell no should suffice ideally

18) use existing atm network set up for market research and consumer product


survey/sales...Integrate it with some popular online applications[long term]

provide ..... charge based value add services......may be time to vist a doctor.

A biometric strip to check ones blood stream (identify a few important measurable



19) Packaging material ...viz. eco friendly cardboard manufacturing using a combination of jute  based nets and recycled paper....also could be used in a modular synthesized units….similarly plywood manufactured as specified using fibre from coconut can be used.


Note: It can also be used to manufacture ……….cheap news paper.


20) Writing next generation bar code kind scanner .....using a new bar code algorithm.


a)         Can consist of alphanumeric codes.

b)         Can consist of a multicolor code based bar code.

It can also consist of  color variation in each bar indicator.

Viz. pixel variation


21) Pluggable componentized os for mobile's


22) Make sound travel at the speed of light(obvious travels in space)  ...i it guess already  implemented


23) online corporate/gov/all projects e-bidding


    hosted machine disk encryption using pgp other  encryption tool,


    Password protected Projects listing, tender submitting and

    integrated  website with asp/php over https and integrated email server with

    secure imap4.


    Implemented on the lines of a online email i.e. web mail.


    with total bids being published after the date of closing bids,

    rating(merits/points allocated for factors considered for project

    allocation) of the bids by the project poster.

    and final bid winner .


    Implement a global gazette for got publications/notifications through out

    the world...integrate the same with above site


24) fee collection for letting existing banking software solutions to storing image data

       viz. storing  encoded fonts for usage of language display.


      Identity documents viz. photo identification are best left stored as pointer to files

      In file system.


25) Culture .....spiders to suit agricultural farm conditions and sell them as natural

      pest control agents.


    Also culturing silk worms using latest technology, should enable production  of fine

    grade silk that can compete with viscose(artificial silk) currently in market.


26) customized image sensor for finger print recognition

27) An ATM with a satellite as gateway for transaction processing

28) An ATM with a satellite as gateway for transaction processing and a PSTN line for

       back up.

29) High resolution camera/scanner  to  gain entry to an ATM.

     (A combination of  ~ and | is same as & in assembly language. would like to

     verify the difference between RISC and other currently available processors

     in the market), languages exist independent of processors i.e. all existing and any

     new languages can be ported to any supported processors


    This is highly valuable in terms of processors used in RTOS ( gives a quantum jump

     to processing power)


30) A one stop finger print based licensing mechanism for all sorts of

    electronic Devices


31) A HBA adapter used in SAN EQUIPMENT combined with wifi/wmd (also importing the concept of current hba login mechanism into san ...into wifi networks)  , also the same on the switch  side....also decide if the hba should talk to peers and the switch in bauds or something of the sort of tcp/ip packets...drilling to hba driver might help.

Talking in baud mode would be highly advantageous when implemented in a loop back mode or kind of  VPN mode , as mentioned when utilizing the a simultaneous read write  controller, specified else where in the document.


32) Traffic guidance devices including speed monitoring and speed control to

      developing  countries.


33) Mobile based interactive games with player participation to check ...cross 

      platform  ......not restrictive to a handset/ manufacturer.





35) Needs to check the feasibility.


   Usage of resonance for clearing avalanches, snow landslides etc....may be we can pick some technology out of SONAR ...since low frequency should be harmless ...and usage of uv lasers.


Also a sonar might / could be used for increasing the speed of a aircraft.

36) Blue tooth based headsets(helpful in sports/all sorts of events) for mobile as a language translation tool.

37) some encryption algorithms that can be used for backup/hard disk/ip.


38) willing to swap a little cash with any to help realize the importance of a new line

      character and those interested in introducing the same into to sms notepad

      editors in mobiles, also implement a block list for blocking calls from specific



39) Create an online integrated dynamic certificate server/generator with key

      length(to be embedded in the certificate) to be decided by the individual/company ....with certificate cost to be based on the cost of strength of encryption(key) chosen


40) All existing mobile's listen of some standard frequency ,to be able to be available

     on a network, just wondering if the same frequency can be used to broadcast a fm

    kind of channel (in a viable format), since as soon as a call arrives the mobile

    should be changing the frequency hence shouldn't interfere in anyway for all

    supported existing networks.


41)My last employer link salary a/c didn't realize the importance of sending across any

     email alert (included mobile alert)  for my taxation filings.....i guess this is

     applicable  across the globe for all salary linked bank a/c's / taxation

     authorities....a small fee based value added service ....seeking an ip.


42)Looking for private/public/even a co-operative kind of a thing shall work funding to

     open a large scale dry-clean business which has scope large scale generation of

     blue color jobs ...just want to be facilitator


43)Digital Signature enabled windows registry locker.


44) Integrated software to store voicemail/fax/pager for laptops ...useful for those

       using 24hr internet connection with digit unique no of the laptop as a

       reachable address


45) Next generation Applications utilizing  ldap and mini web browser (with ldap browsing tool already available in browser) taking session states is very easy and simple(storage of cookies in a systematic manner).


a) Session states using cookies become  easily manageable,  less prone for manipulation on public systems.

b) Can be used combining the capabilities scripting engine and ldap in correlation/addition of attributes to  objects in  a hierarchical viz. a LDAP database.


46) A multi boot system for dell 1600 with a bios GUI


47)server side xml + dtd +ldap(session state)(kind of content management server)


48)A MF (hedge fund) to cater to the needs of investment banking( a role of vc)


49) write a UNIX(all flavors) daemon to implement resources access by using

       resources access control based on groups ...while getting rid of the draw back present in SU DO admin utility (i.e. having to specify a login every time you use the resource granted to you)...ideally on the lines of chroot (that makes use of a sticky bit) while chroot is used for mostly limiting accessing of resources over the file system , the specified utility is targeting limiting of  usage /execution of



other usages: scheduling Backup/Restore/Export/Import Utilities


The concept  mentioned here takes advantage of  the kind of  UNIX daemon utilized in inetd and a few  web servers(execution with root privileges)


50)build a universal yellow pages directory


51) Display valid sections in bank statements viz. if savings a/c only sections/notices

      relevant to savings a/c (similarly to salary/current a/c's etc)


52)Dynamic linking of html form based client side array's with updation of client side

     arrays  either with (parent child relation of the array's represented through

     xml/dom)/javascript  populated arrays[ this can also be achieved by using dynamic

     html (DHTML) in a different manner/by  using iframes].


   Origins of  DOM can be found in the above model of  populating and manipulating

   Javascript  Arrays.


Viz. say  the number of states with a country to be displayed upon selection of a country.  


53) For online traders ex: etrade/, setting up a trigger(computational formulae) at which shares could be automatically be sold.


54) Drugs to simulating harmones for curing internal ulcers


55) payment based Implement a online land/property owner ship verification /record


56) Integrated online PF allocation/ de allocation and request for loans etc ideal

       integrated with Taxation Id .......ideally a integrated bank a/c some

      standard unique no


57) Either an integrated spell checker into both the text editors and browser

or a  embedded text dictionary into a website for providing spell checking

to rich text editors


58)online raffle tickets for selling of different things.


59)A NBFC to hold chits on online ......which provides a  transparent means for

   conducting the business ...removes any earlier hazards that had prevented

   NBFCS to fold .....specifically in India ...linking with a debit cards

   and also this should help  running this sort of thing with in a company

   between colleagues should this be legal in the respective host country.


60)Full text search worldwide listing of lost N found articles with $1 for lost and free listing  for found articles with a integrated listing of messenger id's and contact numbers.


61)A mobile phone that can come along/rather work as a  frequency jammer as well.


Understanding a jammer: A jammer is something that blocks a radio frequency.


Implementing a Jammers: Light is a energy form hence can never be used as

A reliable communication, unless broadcasted in a reliable pattern (also called



For radio frequency requires a medium for travel i.e. atmosphere,


A sound proof system/ since sound waves can collude , a broadcast that blocks,

Incoming waves should be able to implement a kind of jammer.


62) A flash based utility for remote desktop management over the web.


63)A HiFi surround system combined with a quality speakers that can beat the best of the  best products in the market ....a pc based multi sound card based system.....that can be used in home to theatre's.


The existing device driver's need to be optimized to store the BASS setting for

each independently addressable unit's sound systems (speaker).


The necessity for multiple sound card's raises out of the above and also quality of through put.


Ideally developing a system a unit (speaker + sound card) that can be plugged in

to a pc through a USB/fibre optic interface givers the best possible option...with the driver located on the PC.


The above concept can be extended to lighting systems as well used popularly in outdoor lighting's.


64)Devices powered Mini rechargeable batteries combined with solar panel and IR enabled  (viz. eg  pocket carriable calc).


65)Horn/noise less alerter for vehicles (basically a dashboard based bulbs) to indicate make way,  by using IR.


66)smoking is injurious to health either passive or direct , passive smokers cannot help but to

bear the burnt, at least it can be made enjoyable and smokers a new kind of taste by introducing flavors of incense in to cigar's ..etc.


Similarly flavored mouth refreshners (tablet form) can develop.


67)Create/standardize lists of words in languages other than English and spread the game of  scrabble ...after all it helps players builds vocabulary and learn new language easily (this is easier to implement by using the common database of languages that comes by defaults with windows)


68) A flash based client for oracle designer shall be faster than java based thin client

      for forms refreshment ......this is the case with any where flash is used instead

      any other GUI interface


(including (9i WAS) ...and needn't be emphasized again and again....the same is applicable to all  web based products and ERP products (viz. ecomm applications ...web sphere ..weblogic specifically admin interface and traffic/and other trends utilization ex webtrends ...SAP/ ORAAPPS)...the issue is with respect to refreshing of GUI ...and it is faster with Flash...and the reason is well documented.




69)The widely available common grass contains highest amount of starch (edible

/non edible) ...i guess this can be scientifically processed for utilization.


70)A single DP/ID can be used / linked across the stock exchanges around the world which can be utilized for a round the clock trading.


71)I can confidently say there is little or no difference between syphilis and AIDS

     has all got  to do with immunity ....partly being managed with antibiotics ... i guess

    drugs can be developed to simulate the natural development/simulating immunity

    in human body particularly  this can be demonstrated / seen in the growth of infant

    from its mothers breast feed (I am not sure  of the validity of this).


Pencillin a natural extract from spiders , Ideally should be the most safe antibiotic(as a first line of defence, the powder form can also be used) that can marketed in the current market trends.


A funny way to pregnant a women without serum exchange is to ejaculate in condom

And inseminate the women as soon as you ejaculate.


Observation:  In an intercourse  many a times unfertilized eggs from the women tend

To  stick on to the males skin / penis …these eggs for some strange reason tend to

Survive ….on the male’s body …leeching to his immune system …when he mates with

Another women in turn becoming a carrier …spreads these eggs to the new mate …

Which the women gets infected with. …there doesn’t yet seem to be a proper cure /

Method to distinguish ….these foreign bodies on the host  echo system.


72)A four stroke engine based 3 wheeler vehicles for  developing countries.


73)Gene crossing between palm tree's and vegetative cover(tree's) found in tropical region to make these tropical plants to with stand in a desert climate...corporate farming is possible by using either uv filtered/dark float glass....infect the same can be extended for floriculture...cultivation of flowers.


74)Betting/satta is a informal phenomenon observed with most sports /events ....would be better off integrating them/linking them to a kind of futures trading....futures can also be used for auctions...viz. tickets,  currency....all of them could be mapped in to a new product(taking out of exiting features from products currently available on exchanges) put up on financial markets , which eliminates most of the under hand dealings and gives a sense of encouragement and better way of making money than to depend on sponsorships for sport persons(encouraging them to strive hard in their efforts ...this automatically brings in the best out of a sports men)


These need to incorporated into a proper form tradeable on stock markets  over devices such  Mobile /PDA/PC etc


There are two types of methods being used in retailing these days push and pull

Viz. push ....where retailers are forced to purchase stock outright from company


pull....with lots of advertising generating enough curiosity , customers start requesting the retailers for the products ....retailers in turn.


Delivery based futures can be used in the above scenario ....determining a fair price by retailers for purchasing the lots based on demand....this could be any sort of commodity.


specific advantage here is for manufacturers who want to de-link them from branding ....which leaves ...the branding and marketing costs to left to retail channellers.


75)Create an experimental piece of land....viz. letting breed coral reef on it and see how it would turn out some 15/20 yrs down the lane.


76)A HTML form that can both be submitted as well as send a acknowledgement email...illustrated using server side scripting in one my earlier projects..

with backend a smtp based server.


77)calculation of time zone difference between a client computer and a server with server side time reading and client side time reading...wmi(ws-script)could probably be used (accuracy depending on the accuracy of battery residing on both sides i.e. server and client)


78)A possible biggest client for nfs today is a pocket pc/ip enabled mobile devices ....similar to the one as described above(specifically for syncing file systems)



a)similarly samba is good solution for above(i.e. mobile handsets,pocket pc etc all those that are enabled with a ip) and as described in one of the projects above ...logins to a remote windows/all directory enabled domain...biggest client being mobile network implementation.

b)a directory with user information and a flag as an indicator to suggest whether the user is logged in or not can be used to achieve the same as above.


Ideal usage for field representative into corporate networks....devices such as pocket pc,pda etc which can be used for all sorts of statistics collection and census , electoral census with enhancement adapter devices that could be used to collect finger print as well.


80)scanners that can log in to remote databases for authentication and verification....viz. verifying say scanner readable currency notes.


81)ASN notation embedded ldap devices HP(sam) and other network monitoring

devices(mostly bmc, openview products) using SNMP  can be scriptable in any languages ...this is compulsion for any device with light weight memory......and but management server needs a corresponding database...hence most places where monitoring minor /lite  weight devices SNMP scores...with memory becoming cheap, flexibility of management between using wmi to SNMP best left to the manufacturers....actually this offers a simple solution to build a bridge between both wmi , SNMP and implement a emulation software that can handle both

kinds of implementations stand out for an advantage(it is choosing between light weight/heavy weight and flexibility)


82)A disk less pc (with gigs of flash memory)...with remote mountable disks for processing/storage.


83)A combination hard disk consisting of read only(optical disk)and updatable hard disks particularly useful banking / other sensitive sectors for storing classified data ...viz. in a person record (age,pic,finger print, signature) to be stored on a read only disk/storage. only write once....and other data ...viz. address etc in a updatable medium.


A file system on a cd(re-write cd)  can be left open with out closing .i.e. locked at the end of the cd making it non writeable any further, the new proposition propose is that introduce a lock on the file system after a few sectors and leave the rest of the file system read/write......mode of implementation can be learned from studying few UNIX file systems.


84)Pixel sized window that can be used to store / hide scripts from users for validation etc in HTML....a pixel is so small by default such that it ideally should be hidden by default.


85)AutoCAD(engineering...this i by default used for engineering) a layered out put can be used for marketing ..but to best of my knowledge the generated out put is heavy and usually requires AutoCAD to be present on the client machines../Maya/3dmax/director can be used to a typical view of  models(housing/infrastructure) that can be used for marketing purposes


86)career risk insurance(occupational hazard risk insurance)

as a marketable insurance product.


Most individual/subjects are prone to some sort of health disorders and injuries in their respective professions resulting temporary to permanent impairment/disablement in continuing with their profession/career.

The above can be marketed as a viable marketable insurance products.


a)cover temporary employment disablement

  A injury that might result in temporary set back out of profession

  viz. sports person, film personalities


b)cover disability/diseases that result out of routine profession.

  viz. eye sight, vertebra /spinal cord injuries kind of stuff for people

       employed in services sector say BPO,ITservices.


c)cover loss of income/impairment from taking a regular income from profession.


Note: If not all several forms of insurance should ideally be permit a individual to take multiple policies,

         As long as he pays the premiums regularly….while this should be made possible one ought to

         Keep in mind that none of them are misused….


        Ideally …all sorts of pension , endowment funds should into this category.


Note: with regards to taking up multiple polices, while am not a subject matter expert,

         Insurance by its very nature should ideally be permissible.


87)Mobile to Mobile handshake with signature verification based on a digital certificate ...for data transfer/log creation....this can also be used in the TV remote & TV for blocking channels parental guidance, storing menu options/preferences.


88)while displaying years in html drop down box's it is much easier to get a number of the year by introducing 4 numerical drop down boxes listing from 0 -9 rather than listing all the years.


89)Gene crossing to artificially culture ivory (in plants)


90)writing a chat client by using  flash plug-in makes interactivity easier and also it much more light weight....infact this applies to even Instant messenger clients...infact this minimizes the size/eliminates downloading IM software ...makes it very much light weight.


91)Fighting Consumer Rights: Companies have a right to educate consumers


Indemnity of consequences arising out of usage of a product is limited to the cost of the product(faced this situation particularly while developing a product for a software company in kuwait ....while there were no lapses from the designers point of view the vulnerability of the product is was left wide open and management couldn't take my words for it.)


Indemnity clause can be used a means for declaring in advance and restricting the companies risk out of selling product/service....the validity is well aware because the customer is proceeding with procuring product/service after trail use and hence is making a responsible decision.



92)100% digital stock exchanges ...particularly eliminating involvement of brokers ....with direct linkage to bank a/c's ...with load balancing...and paid access to each specific individual share holding patterns(risky in one way ...authorized access, safe when it comes to investor protection with reference to trading and settlements)


93)similar to practices by leading institutes prevailing in the west, it would be nice to introduce a compulsory (capped amount  trading and investment practice) to students/apprentices undergoing professional courses looking major in commerce and related professions ...this increases the in vigilance on the stocks listed on the exchanges and imbibes/encourages to invest in stocks.

Also the same applies to educational institutions usually with surplus corpus funds(particular the simplest way is to let the corpus funds of colleges to be managed by students)


94)Promotional offers to share holders on the companies products.


95)A electronic dash board(mute) in first class metro transport as medium of advertisements.


96)A new kind of licensing for self expiring products(software) fixed term, fixed no of users(i.e. the product gets disabled /non-functional after fixed amount of time...implementation scrambling/deletion etc).


97)Malaria is caused by carrier agent(mosquito) not this can only be possible with some amount of transfusion ...can genetically modified mosquito's be used for infusion of vaccines/...used as a destructive agent.(gene transplantation and biotechnology is a twin edged sword)


98)Composition of some of the planets(within our solar system) suggest that  conditions conducive to life forms as supported on earth can be created/simulated ...with the help of a engine as described, if remember correctly this particularly true with heavy water.


99)Integration of a AI based systems (viz. IBM deep blue) can be created to simulate virtual game players and be integrated to online gaming products


100)A new (middle ware)product can be developed ....with most MQ(message queuing/message brokers) softwares ....messages are relayed/played in a sequence(usually) the order i which messages are received....but there are circumstances(viz. clustering softwares, critical and heterogeneous systems say mainframe to pc communications) where a priority needs to be attached the message hence a message acquire/requires priority than others ....hence by implementing a object oriented schema as described earlier for queues viz. MSMQ,WEBMETHOD'S MQ Series the dynamics of MESSAGE QUEUING CAN BE changed(by realigning the queue at the gateway)


101)VRML is comparatively cumber some for 3D on a web platform, taking concepts out of VRML and the light weight nature of Flash with its inherent advantages(if not flash emboss effect might give a 3d sense but it doesnt exactly fit into true 3rd realm, flash kind of product with 3d options based plug-in)  a highly light weigh 3d platform for web can be developed.


1)is useful highly in developing educational and tutorial kind of materials

a)to begin with most pc users are not comfortable using a keyboard, a keyboarding tutorial.


2)A specific plug-in with perl / python kind of regular expressions kind of flexibility(there is c++ stuff already available that can be used to integrate), that can be sold on a payment basis...(this is product that can be sold for say a few million dollar per company ...with kind of flexibility that flash gives.)


can be used for high end molecular modeling (pharmaceutical and biotechnological).


In fact the above kind of plug-in with scripting with regular expression can be integrated with Maya as well.


A java class to model a molecule already exists (derived from a pixel),while getting a 3d interface is difficult, it is possible to implement molecular modeling in java based interface as well.


102) Gene mapping databank for all sorts of life forms.

The probability of above permits identification of a gene that process oxygen in life forms.


103) who do you define a variable ??


      A simple example illustrate using a  tumbler/glass/container that can hold a liquid ....i.e. ...amount/quantity of liquid can vary are the sizes of the these containers.


Applications physics / maths / derivaties / programming ....almost all know science related areas.


The value of this is very particularly one is dealing with high school grade students or those new their non respective fields.


104)As on date with stock exchanges in india, with a single DP account, individuals can link it with multiple trading accounts across the set of exchanges, I see a big hole(BUG) out here, now whether this is perceived a bug, a feature or advantage is not quite sure...this is something to be investigated.


Bug that needs to be fixed



Actually when ever there is a market correction happening ideally, the paid-up capital of the listed companies are fixed the share holders holding the shares at end of  bull/bear run varies, and hence face values of the shares as well as the no of shares held by the share holders needs to be dynamically recalculated in a digital exchange on a prorata basis.


Justification for this: The part Premium / profit on shares is paid out to share holders selling their other terms they have made their money.... this is in addition to the provisions for dividend that are that are usually made by the company.



The concept works based on the kind of  fixed amount of reserves that exists in the company allocated for the purpose the process lasts as long as there are reserves left. much like the green shoe option.


Infact a DP account which can be classified as a Individual, corporate, mutual funds etc should be a ideal model.


This system of  100% automated system works because all investments / resources(depreciation of assets for most of the

Industry segments.) of a company can be traced to  corporate / current account balances and on any day the value of the security can be calculated in a automated Manner.


Additional modification to benefit StockExchanges  : 


Since stocks represent equity ….and profits are distributed on the equity held ideally speaking,


The face value of the shares need not be fixed i.e. no fixed denomination need exist , additionally existing partnership firms can be converted in to tradable stocks based on equity ratio of the partners held…except at subscription or public listing.


One of the reasons a firms equity is to represented is in share….and since most of the firms originate from a  family linage

 / heritage …with nature of the most  business being run being hereditary …..




Ex: A firm floated by ….a Hindu undivided family viz. a HUF concern,


a)      As the family expands …..the number of equity holders in concern expands , as generations pass division of assets

among the family members become a problem,


b)  Similarly when shares held  by a member ought to be split among his / her in heritants /  as per WILL.


Hence from the above said fixed denomination of the shares can be obviated, since all shares are placed for sale

Their face value can be displayed,  ask price by the member can be put up, the market value of the share can

Arrived based on a standard unit computed much like the way a index is computed.


An additional modification that may benefit  stock markets is unsubscribe rights issue can be after a resolution at

The AGM / approved board meeting be sold through exchange.


Reason (My Presumption):


In a Individual subscribing->Broker Subscribing->Depository (say NSDL/CDSL)


the biggest draw back happens to be that of manual input of No. of Share up for sale by a broker ....a broker can input more number of shares than he has at his hand as he gains more on brokerage the more the no of shares sold,


he does this basically under the he will be able to  cover any shortage by

procuring shares from members/ other know brokers ..... in turn leading not only to price rigging but also an uncertainty in stock exchanges.


Hence it makes sense to eliminate a broker based system.


105)Next Gen routers can take a leaf out of Most modern GPRS mobile phones which can be used a mini router by updating software and mapping a virtual ip  into the LAN network(this makes the existing USB interface readily usable), while most of these phones being infrared  enabled ,they can be used for wireless LAN(kind of wifi) the strength and the radius to which the signal strength of the phone is available needs to be improved up on...for the routing protocols to be implemented one can either purchase from existing ios vendors or can developed(since this keeps the existing IP address scheme intact, the is hardly an invisible problem as the router/switch takes care of  converting the packet format from GPRS to corresponding TCP/IP  vice versa.)


Ideal version is to have a embedded/attached dns(major modification being removing the constraint of restricting the dns updates from only those enclosed in primary/secondary dns servers might help) included with the switch/router just like in SAN network already mimics the above ....the issue is do we require to scale it down to each company....(if we do proceed then the issue scales down to remodeling the implementation of network security/ intrusion detection)



106) Flash plug-in based web interface for P0P3,IMPA4 clients


107) A air brake is a better option than other brakes for all sorts of vehicles.


Also tarmac's coated with silicon(sand) would be much better bet for forumla1 kind of tracks(better friction, works as a source for anti gliding....instances

of oil spilling on watered surfaces where surface tension play's a factor can be better controlled)


108) From sand papers /silicon wafers ...similarly silicon coated metal sheets (can be used in industrial body building) ...which can be coated with non ferrous, non conducting alloys/metals that can be used in industrial coating alternative galvanizing.


109) It makes sense to use a mesh(nylon mesh kind of window meshes for preventing mosquitos) to cover  loose soil areas (viz. like konkan belt in india) to enable quick vegetative growth, so that grass/plants sprout much easily enabling roots to grow and soil to harden.....useful at places where building tunnels etc.


Also these nylon sheets can be better used placing large sheets usually  1/2 to 1 feet below cultivatable surface (usually groundnuts kind of thing),these sheets come in handy at end of the crop when soil/crop needs to be dug out.



Ventilation : In most places ventilation and insects being a issue, windows to

Dwelling units can be modified such that part of the window frames can have plug -gable units which could be either made of mesh frames / metallic frames, alternatively mess frames can be super imposed with pluggable metallic /plastic sheets.



110) currently in most digital stock exchanges a securities traded cannot be maintained in paper form, it makes sense enable a simultaneous maintenance of digital and paper form of the securities, with the facility such that when the securities are pledged in paper form they can be verified online by the bank and said securities can be blocked from trading(while pledging in digital form is possible), having a paper copy makes sense in a unfore seen eventuality.


An important feature to noted is since most of the middle(broking) depositories can be eliminated, a single class of DP accounts can be maintained which can be designated/classified based on a flag viz. individual, fund etc.


111) when browsing internet some times a scripting error/a component missing error pops up, it would be good to have a debug/explain button/flag  in the task/status bar.


112)Ideally while writing software related to products for listed exchanges(stock, commodities) , the factor of time could ideally be discounted i.e. x->infinity ...for one can/should ideally presume exchanges are going to be around permanently(for they are the best means of a system that has been implemented to date ...but usually robust ness of these exchanges depends on the host country and their governance, transparency etc )


113) Compression makes a cdrom to emulate a DVD rom.


114) Dual language enabled OSs (viz. arabic enabled version of windows is

        compatible with English i.e. English as an interface)


similarly ....for Indian kind of sub continent where usually there is a mother tongue and English makes sense to market OSs with multiple languages enabled(i.e.  say English + mother tongue) so that both type of fonts are viewable i.e. for example vernacular languages+english ....this is particularly helpful in situations as illustrated in the instances above...lets view vernacular language based web pages on the os.


112)Cool drinks are a fad and are high calorie stuff, with reference to sweetener, while drawback happens to be that of tooth decay (sweet tooth), the best bet is learn from a diabeters diet.


While there are  low calorie so called natural sweeteners in the market which are high cost for commercial consumption.


Market opportunity is in the requirement,  that should keep the drink in tact while removing its side effects.


Ideally syrup extractions...consumable in to food and beveragable products from...sucrose(Popularly know as Bee honey.)


Ex: This can be used as a substitute and a low calorie alternative to sugar,

    for instance Milk powder + Baking soda + Honey ( this dough) ....fried

    in cooking oil ....makes a sweet dish.


113) A small piece strip (similar to the one used in wrist bands/watches for flexible radius of ornaments/garments) can be used to replace a button/zipper (variable cup size in  ornaments to breast , variable waist size / radius)...its ideally a piece strap / a flap commonly found in poly bag containers.


Also the kind of button usually used in luggage suitcases, also fitt's the

the above requirements particularly waist/chest, the advantage being there is no way the piece peels off in this case.....this can also be used in footwear

for flexibility above toes.


This brings to fore a easy alternative to seal all kinds of  pockets in garnments.



a)One of the obstacles faced in ready made garnment industry is that wastage /  

   surplus   due to not meeting the waist size requirements.


   For instance in trousers, one way to tackle this is to grade the sizes say group the

   Customers with waist 30 -34 cms in to one group.


   Leave the back side open, and stitch it at the point of sale, advantages both in terms

   Stopping wastage, waist the way to do it is, leave the drawing for pattern for

   All the sizes drawn on the garnment viz in the above case 30,31,32,33,34.


Ideally the above could be just left open.but this may impact quality hence the   requirement.


b) Most Indian urban females use pyjamas, one of the draw backs of a pyjama is that

    one ought make use of a nada,


1)    alternative way to use a pyjama is, modify the upper part of the pyjama in the

       form of  trouser ..disadvantage being width not being flexible.

2)    use two flaps(same material used in watch) that can be attached to a elastically

       stretchable  nada.viz. the above specified kind of button can also be used.


c) one of  other  ways is most women in western and northern part of India use, shoulder less(sleeve less) Punjabi suits,  a joinable shoulder  parts can be used by using the above concept.


d) using the concept mentioned above i.e. use of a strap , an alternative to panties

    borrowing from babies nappies.

3)One of the ways to create flexi garnment suiting the waist is a garnment that  has a  ---V--- type in the front with holes that can be bound like that on a shoe with a lace.


4. One of the means to create trendy designer clothing is to combine lucknow embroidery(form praticed in one of the states in indian ehtinic wear) with florals for modern high end women fashion wear .


Threads of Various colors can be used to create creative designs on florals.


Note:While actual design patterns practised on lucknow chicken concept is based on borders out of embroidery ....for these to be effective on florals the designs need to be embossed.


5.       Similarly lace (made of any kind of material, not necessarily cotton)  can be used used in wedding gowns.


114)An electro stat(thermostat) that works with a battery(light weight ideally those used with WMD,Infact i suggest using a wmd here.) that can be used to ingnite a engine...starter.


115)Most goods manufactured today are come in the form easily assemblable kits(sub systems),by enclosing a wmd in each sub system...efficiency of the assembly line can improved.


116)A highly sensitive thermo stat(spring that compresses and depresses) that is sensitive to minor atmospheric changes like day and night temperatures, can be used in a self running. sustaining watch.


117) A ERP(can be fit in to any of the existing products with minor modifications a free hold list in a database ...ideally integratable through a set of tables using parent child relation ships...example can be learned from Vibes collection fields that lets key value pairs stuff) kind of system to collect grass route level agricultural produce/market situation.

(similar to a project specs written by me for PGDMISCA)

Note: Ideally this information should be available already with most MNC vendors of seeds...pesticides etc ...for they record have details of point of sale at the retailer ideally ...hence these details could be dug out using OLAP/data ware housing tools.



118)Hand writing recognition software, similarly scanned documents to text conversion, storing the complete set of scanned pages could pose difficulty, since most scanned hand written material, has a contrasting color to that of the back ground paper, it is/should be possible to just store written stuff in to databases(image stuff/ some sort properly modified suitable field that can retain the page breaks, return characters etc.)........ability to map hand written stuff to actual physical characters(alphabets) image pattern matching and recognition....pretty difficult to achieve accuracy.


This can be used in counting currency notes, a hand held scanner combined with

a seating arrangement system software can be used for large events.


119) The zombie process while not consuming any resources make the process table cumbersome, and are clear only after a reboot .....a simple solution is either to introduce a ps kind of utility that supresses the zombies from process table...modify the implementation of process data structure.


120) On most high end security systems it makes sense to write the proc file system to a back system/cdrom for auditing specific intervals.


121)Dns implementations ...i.e. bind databases are better of stored as compressed tar files or in a highly flexible read only optimized database like mysql.


122) one of the anomalies observed in SQL(DML) as described in the most text books and normalization principles is the popular Group By clause ....which ideally is a case for normalization(this might be applicable to BREAK ON clause as well.)


123)A snow scotterette that makes use of surface tension , a parachute used by the driver for safety.


124)Explore the possibility of water surface based transport vehicle ( a non combustion based vehicle) that uses 1||2 heavy cylinders of compressed gas...may be something can be learned out of a filled balloon with its nozzle left open.


125)A modified form of B-Tree's(cross bred with circular linked list + regular B tree sorting algorithms) are the fastest algorithms  of sorting and storing data.


126)ISAPI/com dll/shared libraries based load balancing agent on windows/other os'es for web servers ...on the lines of a dns server ..with traffic analysis.


127) All binaries/utilities/software are shipped in a packaged form specific to their respective platform ......creation a tool/tools that generate binaries specific to the individual platforms(also can be called a build release) based on a xml DTD specification(sources...compilers...their locations etc ...this much better interface than the existing macro language interface being used.


Most compilation error/failures because of evaluating multivalued pairs (expansion of macros)


All macro files are best organized as a xml ...DTD...DOM documents.


i.e. sources for  make,providers(any sort of frame work for a management interface viz. MMC,Database Providers,Providers for arrays) etc.


Note: Till now to the best of my knowledge there only exists middle ware relaying communications to Non PC compatible platforms(viz. mainframe/AS400 ..etc)


Infact a providers with management interfaces could be developed for (Mainframes,AS400).


128)Those sticking to VB based interfaces to databases(specifically grids) are requested to make note of the lost focus event ...that isn't an appropriate event to trap and used to validations.


129) All server side applications(viz. ...a servlet) and a client side application applet(viz a java applet, flash applet,.ocx apps) are best optimized using xml rss example any online news papers currently existing in the market....with pluggable applets downloading content from a single/multiple source providers ....another example ...desktop cricket score card.


130) Enable a option on messengers to let the users save their chat content to be saved on server side for a premium(similar to the feature of offline message storage, which as on date is on the client side.


131)A compressor based coolants can be used in most vehicles in lieu of a radiator that uses water.


132) A night vision lens (that uses uv spectrum) can be used in camera's for dark light photography..........similarly .....wind shield of this type can improve car /vehicle(helmets) driving, also UV glass based binoculars would be a great hit.


133) All antibiotics powders ....taken in a capsule and in a granulated form are more effective than those existing in tablet form (ex...erythromycin as distributed by American remedies)


134) A biodegradable non slippery door mats...slight modification to existing coir door mats (coir door mats laced on the top with cotton lace)...are both washable and classy.


135) Processed cotton and neem seed oils can be used as high quality industrial



        Viscosity of all forms of crude oil can be observed by  heating the crude to

         A point, and observing the amount of scum/crude left.


     Safest form of measuring the viscosity of  liquid fuels / crude can be  derived

     From the  kind of heaters being used in mosquito liquid vaporizers being used

     In india.


136)Exploit the Opportunity for flavored Cream crusted waffers wrapped in chocolates



       To be Marketed as packaged branded offerings.


137) Exploit the Opportunity  honey and nuts wrapped over by  flavored chocolates

        cream Flavored wrapping.


       Similarly flavored (sweetened/spiced (peppered/garlic/ginger) break fast cream a derivate of    Fat  (sourced from milk/other sources), gives a choice in the market while there are pickles  around in the market but  above is a variant essentially takes advantage of cheese / butter  and other  fat derivates .


      To be Marketed as packaged branded offerings.


138) GPRS manned railway gates are a safe option for manning railway crossing lines.


139) An add-on / modified form of a kind of electron shavers can be used a

        Boot Polishing Brush.


140) Carbon black (a form of charcoal) can be used as industrial paint

141) Traditional  wine manufacturing is a lengthy process , by adding yeast to most verities of fruit juices, wine manufacturing processes can shortened.


142)Packaged fruit squash would be big market in india

  ( note: not the ones as available currently in market(most of them are from concentrates).

  Flavoured non alcoholic beer would be great hit.


Note: Similar to orange/citrus family, manyf fruit juices can be marketed as concentrates ….these are different from citrate.

         These would make good market for commodities viz…grape juice …that can be used for wine preperation,

                         Lime concentrate.


          Concentrate are compressed frozen form available of these raw extracts.


          Properly packed in a vaccum containers these can be marketed even in a canned form

          i.e. in proper storage form these can be converted from perishable to non perishable commodities.                       


143) Most protocol complaint applications can be custom compiled for security concerns (i.e. make non complaint to the standards) and adhere to proprietary interface ex: Ldap,Tcp/ip,operating systems.


usages: any organization.


specific example tcip :a few layers can be introduced in the stack (which enables communication as usual ....i.e. routing of packets to source and destiny) ....which gives ample scope for the end applications to encode enough security in their applications ....while traveling on public networks ...a kind of vpn......viz. a kind of unity in diversity.


144) Create a super computer that (makes use of a decision tree) ...that ideally should enable it stem/neutralize any foreign piece of code that can disrupt the computer from functioning....(ideally should be possible from knowledge of existing security tools and definitions of virus)...i.e. a piece of code part of the operating system capable of taking decisions to stop/start services/enable/disable protocols(tcp/ip ...operated services) ...similarly restore the parts/pieces of os that might be maligned(restore the os with out reboots etc)...i.e. protect the os and its services with out bothering about other stuff(could be files or any other pieces of software) residing on the system.


      ex: ideally should emulate a life form (something of the form called antigens in blood stream)


145)work on the concept of a bot (...web search engine's agent....a kind of virus) to clean any infected systems afflicted with virus.


any virus inflicted to a system can be nullified by another virus of potent(reverse engineer) similar kind

ex: applicable to all sorts of scripting stuff



a)G8 nations are the safest bonds investment market that can be marketed in middle east,

b)Dumping is the best bet for survival in the market for firms that have achieved a break even point their businesses


147)Rivers can be made perennial using desalination plants, ex on the western ghats particularly sahayadri hills(India) ....are at places less than 50 -60 km away from sea coast introducing desalination plants closer to catchments areas , these rivers can be made perennial ....thus enabling round the year power generation as well in thermal plants.


148)Non alkaline batteries are safer (because alkaline batteries can explode when

       thrown in fire).


       Deriving from as mentioned 64, the above can be charged for consumption.


       Usages as a backup in all industrial segments …..additionally these being

       Environmentally safe.


149)A centralized public announcement system that can be operated via satellite (example traffic


police announcement system)....and those that can be enabled to be used locally on being released


from the central control room.


option: It can be integrated with a high resolution camera + a wind speed measuring machine


150) A scratch proof cd would be a great to manufacture.


151) A transparent (say made out of floot glass) PC cabinet would be a hit.

     similarly caskets made of float glass would also be a great market.

     These could also be made vaccum packed ,probably by using rubber caskets

     as used in a pressure cooker.


    usage:services,morgues ...and those faiths that subscribe to burial.

          Float glass can also be used to make modular cubes in a office



152) A variable height cot would be a great hit among couples.


153) compressed dry ice capsules are best bet to tame fire arising out of gas

        leaks,(while nitrogen can also be used) where human intervention/

        presence of a human is difficult .this operates better as a cloud /fog

        gets createdarresting oxygen supplies .hence arresting combustion.


154) Way to the world local news pager:


Currently most  newspapers use offset printing( that require type setting).


(the technology currently used on poly vinyl sheets can be used specifically can be used for news papers)(helpful particularly for the vernacular languages).


This enables distribution of the upto date same day edition across the world on the same day.


155)A word(a byte) is usually the standard used for representing character set (for instance ANSI) in most computing platforms.


when developing custom compiled OS'es, A character set can be deviced/modified to amply  to suit several purposes


for instance ..... the English char set has a upper and lower cases encoded suitably modifying it most of the indian vernacular languages can be encoded in the same word/byte thus enabling avoiding wide char sets.


usages : voice enabled micro devices / language related applications  in micro devices.


given enough memory in a device ..... it should possible to re-architect the character set in word byte interpretation based on few inputs to suit geo / context of application....i.e. while standardizing a few characters ...enough scope can be left to incorporating non English based character sets optionally.


note: the above is useful in re architecting the existing computing process and comes in handy by suitably modifying the way compilers work.


Note: one word byte can be used to take into account a few preferences, while the actual charset used to build the OS is built based on inputs taken at the installation(Run) time.


156) A oral chelating pills(heavy metals and calcium) that do the process in a gradual manner than those that are intravenous , that might be harmful due to direct injection to blood stream directly…..the same applies to agents used to clean clogged veins/arteries..


157)A pc/pda based game ideally a square(consisting of small squares) a any picture at random into the game, split and reorganize, similarly applicable to alphabets, also a there are several games that are around with a virtual player enabling a independent player to play in offline mode.


similarly the popular indian game of snakes and ladder can be redesigned with a random number/ can be made interactive and simulating by allowing the participants to specify a number based on situation....making it a mind game rather than based on the rolling of dice (similar to those used in scrabble...instance creation of the word gives max points) the above game

specifying a number should change position of a player


158) A cheaper alternative for the muscular pain reliver is use the cheaper water heater's(one will find types of these sorts at 5 2 15 price in india) encased in sand wrapped cloth bags.


159) while DD's are yet to be replaced in banking parlance issuance and cancellation is a cumber some process, these can be automated by issuance through ATM's .....where security is guaranteed by  Holograms,ATM code and convenience of purchase through a ATM/debit card/credit card....denomination decided at the point of time.


 160) Strategy for voice enabled OS


while there aren't any voice enabled os in the market around the following strategy should work

with voice recognition software reaching a fair degree of authenticity  after initial authentication to the OS most of the existing OS's in the market can be voice based manipulated

by using a fixed command set that are voice recognized like the one's used in intractive voice response system.


a simple illustration would be to use to say for example


use the old DOS set of commands to manipulate the OS


by enabling these set of commands as voice enable(IVR enabled to put it in plain words ...simply put add a IVR enabled component to the OS + some voice manipulation to an extent)


The above should give a fair degree of manipulation to the os to call it self

a voice enable OS.


161) Most goods sold in the market come along with a technical manual for assistance and is the time to give a face lift to these efforts.....all the help instructions can now be bundled in a small IVR based application along with the device(now that the price of memory module's are at their lowest) ......simplest illustration is a mobile device ....where one want's to change language setting or personalize one either needs to toggle around or refer to the manual


easiest way to do away with this is  IVR based help that works in the back ground (which gives the instructions) and letting the users manipulate the device with the help of voice over......this is easy to incorporate with a simple help button or an option....this is ideally best incorporated with a wifi head set that can dynamically plug in to any device currently being used by the user.


Note: As on date most IVR based tutorials are available only on a PC and that also most do not come in the mode do it while to listen mode.


ex: windows xp help tour or guide.


162) Most Operating system's kernel's and they what they interact with device drivers can be revamped by using the basic tenets as described in the xml rpc communication(the emphasis is not on remote procedure call , rather it is the idea to use xml as means for communication in marshalling data), xml rpc has been mention just to give an illustration  and also infact using xml rpc enables using of device drivers on remote server much like the way used in dcom, but the interface defined in a much simpler manner.


Also this helps versioning of interfaces much easier.


163) Automated Sorting : Industries where there is a requirement are FMCG,postal,banking sectors.


Problem definition: Printing / scanning a particular code/number ...that needs to searched over a area


Proposed solution: Most of them should be familar with cheque's DD's and they are specially identified by code printed in magnetic ink.


To solve the problem of the printer/scanner i.e. the area on which the specific code ought to be printed/ scanned .......Ideal bet is to Mark that particular area(/ the periphery of the area)with magnetic ink(magnetic paper) and print over it (i.e. on the specific area)(to further elaborate

most of them must be familar with scratch and win coupons) i.e. to print over the embossed area of magnetic ink (ideally using a universal standard and unique font for the purpose)


since now the specific area i.e. to be scanned/printed upon can be automatedly located needs to use special font/a different colored print to print say much like the bar code ....which can be readily scanned.


Simply put a sensor that can sense magnetic ink marked on paper + a dsp image sensor fits into the above job


applications: sorting of postal envelopes, banking stuff like cheques,dd etc ,

              goods in FMCG.


Also most of the time the requirement is to print numbers like in a pin code, to deal with the situation, much like the mini devices used at our desks to print date , device to print numbers with special ink can be introduced.


164) Providing a SQL interface to LOG files to the OS run time error log's(free text search query using like operator would be particularly useful) and installation, patch  logs  would a good idea, ideally integrating  sql engine to the kernel as an add on component would be nice to have, mysql kind of database engine would ideal as it is light weight and efficient enough catering to both ldap and sql needs.


Note: This not to replace the plain old text files based logs , but is to provide a emulator on these logs that much works over the sql query , to reduce the complexity of using the tools like sed,awk.


Eg: The windows based servers come equipped with index server as a built in add-on optional component ....the logs can be exported to text files  and indexed under a catalogue.


This will be  highly valuable for security auditing also ....looking for a specific / particular event for the expert sysadmin in case of a system crash

rather than looking sequentially through the maize of logs.


As on date to implement the above one needs to manually setup the things and import the logs this can be automated using scripting.


For UNIX based flavor a c based interface/emulator can be created while awk/sed/perl does the back ground work.


Additionally dedicating a Optical disk drive to take a backup of  these logs and all modified files on to a Optical help retain a copy of old files a systematic log …..

Help reply of these log files to restore the system to a specific point in time ….much like the sqlserver / exchange …infact using the same should ideally help the above

Objective…..Note from this , it can also be used a product.


Hence packaging it as a proper Add On module  to kernel Helps.



165) Adding / Proposing enhancements to existing dns mechanism.


by clubbing / adding the functionality of a address book the MX record kind of functionality


Identity Management from the point of Accessibility



The Concept of Internet Based Address Book Has been a failure.


Adding value to the


DNS + mail server +  LDAP + minidigitalExchange = Address resolution server.



The Digital World Every Entity has a identity



i.e. is a



 so is the case for user groups i.e.



 For most people / purposes remembering numbers is difficult



 hence the concept of address books came into place ....but the


 problem with these is one has to constantly look up these and


 also have to constantly update these.



 solution is dynamic resolution and updation to the above.



 In the digital world the following are the most common



 An entity has the following     ------->   Contact Number(s) [mobile/land line]


                                 ------->   Fax Number(s)   




 Permanent solution is


 as it is not only unique by nature .....most often it is permanent.


 Hence clubbing the other information of an entity to


 makes sense ...i.e. contact /fax numbers etc.



 The Point is can be used as a permanent solution to


 the problems of having to maintain a address book. ....the kind usually found


 on a mail server .







 For instance one sends a message to



 usually there is a hidden information called header that goes along with message


 identifying it self as  email.



 ......Hence the answer lies in the Message Type i.e.


 for instance to send a fax to a person .......instead of locating the fax number and


 faxing ........


 one sends a message to and identifying the message type as fax.


 In the Exchange / on the internet how .....the fax number is resolved at address resolution server


 ...................lets say the message server where the user holds his email address. is the case for calling a specific person.......


 instead of dialing a phone number ....identity the person as


 and make phone call.....when the person doesn't know that persons phone number.......


 .....i.e. the phone number of the person in question is resolved dynamically.


 Part of the answer lies in VOIP ....but the concept can be extended to pstn lines as




 Problem addressed from the point of the identity and a user.



 Updation of these address books can be easily tackled by using


 either sms/email(XML DTD formatted messages) for updation.



 security to the above is provided by public...private key concept.



 With most devices being intelligible and Gprs enabled


 the address book updation of the identity is resolved just by


 adding the identity's identity into the address book.






Note: Privacy i.e. some users may not like to share / make their information


available / accessible to every comes the PkS handy.



The public key part can be used to the above purpose.



so restriction to information can be done optionally only on providing the


public key /token.



Making the data reliable.



Updation of the data is done by the identity on PKS concept.



since most users have either a contact number with some provider /


a maintaining the above is easy.




Once the information is downloaded on to the clients machine,


i.e. contact, numbers/fax no's are resolved the functional is as usual


and is fast and easy.



....part answer lies in using a embedded cache dns.



The client device when querying the dns server identifies the query


type as address book resolution/updation features to be added.



Advantage: This works partially even for people who are not using VOIP devices,


           as address books can be maintained i.e. updated over the internet.


Only Hitch: Bringing existing scheme of pstn devices in to the above draft is comparatively difficult.


But the invincible answer to the above problem for pstn devices .....


voila .........solution lies in a interactive voice enabled application the server side  / the provider of the pstn service.


Note: the idea is next time a user sign's up with a provider he signs up as an or obtains an identity of the form addition to his usual mobile/phone number.


One server in each isp/telecom circle/domain should suffice.


The above is very much like mail server with a address book and clients who can down load the addresses books and use......but expanded to create dynamic updates and accessible over multiple domains in a legible manner.


166) The most common problem with voip and fax over internet is that they are dependent on private gateways  ....and most of them are not sustainable because

of quantum of users and also  users dependent on numbers provided by the voip provider also no availability / restriction of services in few countries.


The solution lies in putting put independent infrastructure for routing of ip traffic to pstn and mobile networks.....and letting the brands market.


With reliable ip band with quality of voip is as good as calls on pstn , mobile network.


Better solution for voip is use the domain name i.e.  and designate it as a voice call (ip header type as voice call) ....query if the user is active ...other wise simply display call not supported.


This way calling cards can be marketed that can be used for voip/fax on ip,

with payments that can be made on the internet with a credit card, i guess one

can make a call any time ...i guess this would have a patent infringement from dail pad / efax.


but as defined schema in 165 ....I guess the above is circumvented . ...more over as the schema defined in 165 the call being differentiated as either as is phone (pstn/mobile) or a voice call ....when placing a call from the caller's device .


This way the other way around that is call from pstn / mobile devices to a person logged over internet is also possible....with a ivr system at service providers location


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------167) With increased memories on the mobile phones generation mobiles now can recieve faxes, one doesn't have to  miss out the important contract copy

or a trade Instrument it could be a bill of lading, it could be a shipment confirmation from your counter part. ...there isn't a single device in the market with these capabilities ....even if a $10 surcharge is charge per device the market for these devices stands to be at a whopping 10 million devices a year,


by the way one would love to receive a faxed copy of any employment offer than

a email letter confirming an offer of employment , call letter for an interview what not ........and what more there is no scope for a hoax ,....who wouldn't love to carry a roaming Epbax on their mobile.


With mobile's being infrared enabled .....fax's can be transmitted to a  PC / printer for a hard copy.


168)  Improving the quality of a web based services.


Auto submission standards improved: volia who it works ........ it could be a resume / an application of bid for contract......


at the time of registration /activation period i.e. the period for which keep  you cv active, the cv in question is auto submitted to employer for any  openings that arise during the period , you needn't go submit for a specific job every time is auto submitted to the employer just the way you send

an email to the employer.


This is unlike to the what most jobsites practice i.e. featuring ...showing up of your cv in the search results of the employer.........this is unlike to the resume forwarding service as practiced....or the job opening forwarding service

as practiced.


Note: the search criteria is defined to the point and it is fee based option.

just works the way you had actually sent your cv for the job posting.


That means your cv/an application for a bid is in your potential employer / the organization that awards you the contracts ........concerned person's

inbox ......just the way you had sent across your an email to him ...and

using the emailed provided by you.....that means the service works for you

24x7 while one takes care of your daily chores.......and what more an optional

alert service on your messenger / moblie device confirming the same.!


the concept can be extended to an web service that requires an application to be submitted by the user/consumer.


An additional feature optionally being once a cv/bid is forwarded to the employer, it is ensured that it is matched to all matching openings by the employer  at the applicant's request and no multiple requests/copies of cv's of the applicant are forwarded to the any other consultants.


An additional feature, if a applicant is review by an employer and the employer has a policy, that the applicant be not screened for any matching openings for

a fixed amount of period, the search ensures that the applicant does not figure out in the search list  for both the employer and his affiliate consultants,


A  feature to display walk-ins today .i.e. retrive's currently happening interviews for jobs that can be classified by type, location etc is   good idea,

particular the kind of jobs one works round the corner  at pizz cafe  i.e. jobs of temporary nature.


saving the time all concerned,  i.e. applicant, employer and the middle men i.e. consultants.


The above Includes classifieds as a utility as part of web services.


Ability to embedd a image/ graph as part of the CV and classifieds.(Not applicable to online sales services).


A simple alternative to embedded images in cv's is to display the CV's as Word document, with the url itself a pointer to a word document, draw back being ,

the client needs to have  word viewer installed, the word documents content can be stored in database in binary form, and served as appropriate format of choice html/word document ( provided appropriate headers are included much like a in email  message... actually the very concept could be borrowed.)


169) Most older banking  packages work on a dbms packages while they cover more

or  less all the requirements for bank's branch ...what makes them un competitive is lack  interactivity with other branch's .i.e. ideally put internet friendly with secure communications ,


To plug the draw back these packages require a browser friendly customized crm package for  banking that can interact with these dbms packages ...simply put a php based solution should solve the problem.....this is a low cost alternative


170) as described in 164 and 165, most  mobiles are gprs enabled and its is bandwidth  issue while connecting to internet (ip based communications can done in the default frequency in which mobile is logged into network) 


a) few limitations of the current mobile's namely memory can be solved by locating storage space over the internet ........letting  users to upload heavy files like photos,    cam based video recordings on the net.


b)A highly viable feature is that of music player an addon feature on mobile's

/ product usually found in the consumer's demand these days.


A better solution  would be to locate the said storage space at the mobile operator...........and use it as a kind of personalized fm radio service.


171) Radio frequency monitoring :


a) on some frequencies due to encryption transmissions may be of little use

b) on frequencies like gsm/wll tracking a particular number is difficult due to

 minor variations in frequency


on gsm networks calls can be monitored by routing all calls through a cell site,

but  calls may be routed through other cell sites and the monitor may miss the calls.....monitoring a particular number may not achieve the desired results.


best solution is to mandatory recording all calls for a fixed amount of period say a fixed amount of period, after sorting out data that is required the rest

may be erased ...that solves the storage headache


172) from as described in 170 one can vision .....a shift to mobile /palmtop centric computing

............But the most important point being a mobile network can be treated

as described in 170


as a Virtual Data Centre .......and a mobile network being a subset of internet


the users with in the network access their storage using a private ip , while users coming through internet access it through a public ip


and importance to this kind of a DATA Centre with a VPN is a user level access list as defined in 164.


Simply put a mobile network can be Virtual SAN within Virtual Data Center with

provisions for high availability.....


For devices requiring high availability the fibre optic cable network can be used

add a high availability on both ends of the end point devices.


well ought to check if VSAT's can fit into mobile computing environment.


173) Most business houses / companies have the practices of awarding bonuses, the ideal way would be to fix a fixed % of profit just before net profit is calculated and appropriate it on the basis of the salary(% of sales achieved) ....and approved by share holders .......applicable when in profits .....rather than commission on sales ...well you have the team on the rolls of the company running for improving your business.


174) Blooth can be used in home based lighting(much like apm power monitoring

     used for the monitors in PC's ....these could lead to systems at a later

     stage which work much like the sensor based taps that you commonly notice)

     and surround sound systems the concept can be extended to auditoriums

     using wll to auditoriums and large outdoor events.


175) Off late with dwindling storage prices the capacities are being increased

     one particular arena that can be observed is on the web based email and

     storage services, usually  every user is allocated a clamafouged lun id,

     when increasing the storage capacity the usual procedure followed is to

     migrate the users to new lunid and copy the users stuff to corresponding

     new lunid,


     while this may see logical this not only time consuming and can lead to

     administrative errors .....a better alternative would be to add/modify the

     interface to storage that fetch's the corresponding storage space i.e.



     for example earlier we had 2mb mail boxes and mail box sizes are scaling up

     to gigs.


     Instead of migrating the 2mb lun to a new lun ....alternative is to include

     a auto generated pointer to the new lunid at end of the 2mb storage space,

     this works out much like pointer  to the v-table in c++ polymorphism....

     ......this concept is ideally give a kind of where to look further ....

     much like EOF suggest end of the file .......probably this can be used

     to point to the lunid to be looked at or at times there are constraints

     expanding a file system .....instead this may optionally be used.


     The advantage being existing mirrors of space needn't be disturbed

     and new mirrors be recreated  which is a time consuming process....given

     the no of users.


     This should be particularly be useful for those using raid4 mirrors as

     syncing mirrors could be quite time consuming.


     Also by suitably modifying the code for the interface the old lunid's can

     be gradually phased out.


     The above can also be applied to scenario's in financial domain where OLTP

     based systems are used.


     while the above said lunids could only be directories on a file systems, the

     scenario could still be scaled/applied on the lines detailed as above.


     The above mention design layout is a valid design that can be used in

     domain's specified i.e. email  and web interfaced storage space.


     The amount of address pace addressable by a process using above schema.


     The concept can also be expanded to allocate multiple swap partitions for

     a OS...leading to efficient cache.


     The amount of address pace addressable by a process using above schema.


     The most existing raids only optimize write speeds to disks, the limitation

     from the point of a memory and swap is that of data consumed by the

     processor/processors ...memory and the swap / file system.


     Create a file system that takes advantage of reads from disks (ideally

     implement able in swap)....that works much like the UNIX tools cut and join

     concept. ......same comes in handy with backups (faster backups as  usually

     write to tapes out to be buffered).


     The above concept can also be used in databases that use / depend on raw



     Keeping aside high availability there aren't any companies around taking

     advantage of the read/write speeds of the hard disks......probably ideally

     implement able using threads.


    a)at the file system level

    b)at the block level ...the way vm operates...also called paging


   Dell box's with LSI logic raid controller is a simple example for

   trying the above implementation.


   The above mentioned mode of swap/virtual memory implementation

   can be implemented as an optional add on kernel module / installation

   option based on the availability of necessary raid controller.   


   The concept here is to take advantage of sequential writes directed on different disks available on the controller, ideally the medium on the controller should be available for consumption/transport of data to a different disk while the first write by a disk is still being performed,


This can be improved by adding a cache to the controller/individual disks on the controller.



176) A ntp server with ntp daemons(client) would be a great component to market for windows based machines.


177) The standard power monitoring mechanisms in Monitors currently being used

     in PC's can be further enhanced by using a sensor in monitors.


178) Embedding PKI token(/windows digest mode kind of algorithms) into the Instant Messenger .....that generates a unique key used for encryption for every chat session....this can prevent eves dropping and prevent a mock entity

from imitating a chat with you in disguise.


The products PKI and windows have nothing to do with above proposed schema of implementation, they have only been mention for illustration.


A simulated version of the above product is already in place.


179) Product Licensing and Tracking: By using the one of the above mentioned modification to the standard IPV6, It lets companies track their product installations and bug reporting in a secure way and also optionally let server initiate  a session with the client ( a product installation at a clients premises) ...... instead of the standard pull feature that is currently been used to product upgrades .....push can used, and also scores advantage when it comes to product licensing...and also avoids nuances related no of ports required to on a firewall...........much like the tftp and network installation found in the SunOS.


180) Similarly SMP systems with multiple hard disks can take advantage of multiple partitions.


181) The sun 10k + class of machines can be marketed as mini super computers

     by suitably modifying backpane , bios and utilizing raid array (as mentioned in 174).


182) A raid with mirror can be implemented for schema as mention in 174 by

     using only the disks on the same controller for a mirror.


183) Many a time systems require resetting of defaults and some times it may

     require disabling the battery on the mother board , to make this convenient

     and improve the quality/life of mother boards a external interface to reset

     the battery and also use rechargeable battery (self charging on the board)

     like in a camera would be advantageous.


     Since servicing the production systems could be a issue.


184) to suit one of the requirements in a file system on 174 , alternatives that

     can be explored are small files that have only directories located on it,

     and inode's just containing a sequential map of data blocks on disks with

     data blocks spread on the other disks .....this a proprietary raid

     file system , and backup converting this into a normal standard UNIX

     file is it emulates the requirements of a UNIX file system,

     the major modifications being data blocks are away from the file it self,

     the above schema needs to be optimized.


     The disk containing the list of files contains same UNIX flavor

     file system with above mention modifications.


     While the data blocks can optionally be stored a raw data blocks.


     The best possible way to give high availability is to go for a mirror.



185) For implementing the Virtual Memory as defined in schema 174, the standard

     Proc as implemented would suffice taking advantage of the raid for a faster



186) adding cheaper alternative 22 .....using a USB interfaced   cdwriter/dvdwriter and using it as the medium to install OS/a readable file system, either closing  it after the installation or leaving it open and making it writable with manual intervention can lead/pave way to a virus free world......the currently available drivers need only be suitably modified to achieve the stated purpose.


187) The cheapest way of implementing a raid for schema as defined in 183 with

     layout as defined in 174 is using a jbod which gives the ability to build

     a mirror on the same controller.


188) Most office environments have digital logs / time logger ....the friendly

     swipe card in a office environment, extending the use of a swipe card,



    a) every user logging in to a pc in office environment requires a user name

       and password,


       this is a cumber some task for the administrator, easiest way for user

       administrator and time allocation(resources) on network is

       integrating the time swipe card in to the network domain.


    b) similarly time swipe card can be used in the vending machines at retail



      A cell phone can optionally be used in place of swipe card.


This can be used for large outdoor events and mob managements


189) There are medicated strips in market (currently being used in bandages

     ....i found while recouping from fracture) that can be optimized and used

     a strips for removing hair, similarly currently there is hot wax available

     around, that can be market as medicated peel off strips for hair removal.


     Ex: Currently there are peel of strips available in market for face wash

         More familar example would be Band Aid from John Son's stable.


190) while the https is a heavy weight medium, a better alternative is to use

a concept similar to https, but with an option to just encrypt the required fields(this is mostly applicable in key fields in forms), the best way is to exchange the encryption keys, and add a encryption button to http , since this

is the most popularly used form of transport , shall be lighter and faster.


This works because less amount of time required for decryption on both ends of a http connect, optionally above can be done using downloadable plug-ins using the

familar PKI model.


Best way to achieve above is to use a meta tag encryption=true in markup languages

Such as XML / SGML  or as a property attribute for a html field tag.


An additional optional meta tags viz.  certificateid=---,  seed strength =n bit can be

Included at the page / individual tag level.


Usages of certificate ids: For online transactions like banking etc, one may specify / include a certificate id i.e. all the transactions(encryption of http fields/sessions) with respect to that domain need to be carried by specific certificate requested.



Thus giving scope for issuance of  trust / encryption certificates by individual entities /domains .which can increase the quality /safety of transactions done online.


Optionally additionally ..carring these certificates on a floppy/pen drives secure transactions can be carried out at times even from  public pcs / IP addresses.


Stuff related to Assembly line.


191) Replaceable numeric door locks , a form of this is available aboard as on date.


a small needle that projects/protrudes itself out on rotation of the screw.


This can be made available in all size's ranging from inchs to micron's.


Changing the way assembly is done in electronic equipments (including packaging of chipsets), watch's, ring used in a keychain.


It can be used in a suit case in place of existing locking mechanisms.


It can be used to radically change the wheel replacement in motor vehicles.


192)Deflatable furniture, for all compartments to support a plank, place a thin

strips of wood to support planks.


Also the above design can be improved / optimized by using the concept of variable compartment size by modeling the planks used for partioning the

cupboards on the lines of the way a ISA/ESA cards are modeled for used

in a PC.


193) The screw used in the above kind of furniture could also be used as a



     A optimized form of this used on the back of a watch, would make's

     replacing a battery easy.



194) A rechargeable and pluggable remote control.


195) The size of a transmitter(found in vsats) should be ideally be fit into the size of a DTH TV antenna, with a automated Rotatable base position able through remote.


196)Changing the computing dynamics from currently available market components

    path way to 250gm(PDA/Palmtop...can be termed as web) / 500g -1000g

   (Network) computing.


   while the existing environments for improving computing speeds have been

   dependent on increasing bus speeds .....the below points to improve the

   computing architecture to create balanced combination between a desktop

   and network computing.


   1)With high end memory modules available currently available in the market,

     by suitably changing the memory architecture .....these can used improve

     computing speeds and quality of computing


     (basically the component

      architecture and bus architecture of the modules need to be changed

      also a additional feature to emulate a EPROM on these modules i.e.

      preserve the state of memory when battery/power is down...also called

      flash memory)



    a)These can be used to simulate  permanent storage in computing environment

      and sync with the luns over a network.


    b) Multiples of the above modules and increasing the number of processors

       and using a SMP architecture in these environments to increase speed,

       as existing the processor architectures means high processor means

      necessity of heat sinks.


   some of the above mentioned points can come in handy for the same.


   Providing a USB interface to these devices , can make the computing and

   data transfers easier when no network is available.


197) A dynamo in 2/4 wheelers can be introduced to include a charger for



198) processing speeds in PC/Laptop can improved by phasing out serial bus

       architecture to using USB interfaces be for Printers, internal hard

       disks,cdroms and other devices.


199) Enhancements to stock markets, while most exchanges track and present the

     volume of trades every day, it would also be possible to track the number

     of equity holders on the stock at any given point of time, and can be

     displayed along with the volume of trades.


     This comes in handy in various scenarios in stock market, including those

     that involve payout to share holders remaining when a stock is delisted.


     Also offline market order placements for buy/sell of a stock can be done

     on digital exchanges, that can be executed during next market session at

     the exchange,


     If the exchange doesn't provide a similar facility , these can be

     incorporated at broker/service providers end.    


200) A commonality that can be shared between writing CD's , Feeding data to a

     Processor in a computer, analyzing the core dumps.


    ex: When CD/DVD is written ,usually one has to select the  speed at which

        the CD is written, an optional setting one has to set,


    Problem : Usually the CD writer keeps writing at a select preset speed.


    Factor's influencing the cd writing, quality of cache ..... i.e. the rate at

    which the cache is filled/dumped with data,


    If there is any imbalance between the amount of data present in the buffer

    and the amount of data written to disk in a write effort (usually happens

    in a fixed set of blocks) ....if there is a shortage of data available,


    cd writing fails is the case when data is being fed to the

    processor from ram ..... shortage  of data.


    Feature required : A thread to monitor the amount of data available in the

                      buffer , let the read/write head , Processor proceed

                      only when sufficient data is available.


    For the CDwriting issue the thread has a synchronize lock on the buffer,


    So should be the case with processor.


    This also has implications to network centric computing environment.


201) One of the issue's effecting a cluster, a software recovering from a core

     dump (specifically databases) is the amount of data available to recover

     from state .....i.e. core dump ...I guess from a core dump ....only thing 

     missing is usually the state of Processor,


     The very case that there is a core dump available on the system means there

     is a error handle that has captured the event and stored state,


     from case 199) should it be possible the best means is to retry the

     previous instruction set,


     weather it is handled at the processor level (no of MIPS) or it is handled

     as a software issue is left to the implementer.  


202) From 201) usually most clusters implemented are on shared storage, so when

     a software crash's / dumps ....when a fail over happens the basic issue to

     recover state and usually need for intervention by administrator/imbalance

     in state of system unavailability of core dumps.


     i.e. when instance A crash's , boot up instance B that enables recovering

     from instance A ....point being availability of core dump on the system

     it self.


     Concept stretched ...comes back to high availability of hardware,


     an implementation of a proper cluster is possible only on architectures

     of the nature of sun10k+ class of machines.


   Note: Here lies the difference between high availability and disaster



203) Draw Backs of TCP/IP : Taking advantage of reversing the standard NAT


 The destination of a packet could only be only one address,


 And any broadcast to a network can only be limited to a only one network,

 How can one broadcast to multiple hosts spread across multiple networks i.e.

 on the internet.


 i.e. at time a host may need say send a SOS broadcast to multiple  ipS on internet or UDP Broadcasts for logging.


 Solution is to include to implement Dynamic Macro's resolvable at routers,


 [ The macro's can be used to implement a frame based  relay of IPTV /

   relay of events based on subscription ...these can use notations , kind

   of familar in Perl /UNIX expandable to subscriber's with in a subnet

   based on class of subscription , advantage being individuals can

   subscribe to the provider directly also ]


 so when a host needs to broadcast to multiple hosts, it's header includes

 multiple hosts ....the limitation being no sessions.


(off course sessions can

 be implemented using acks with one to many hosts in a different manner)


as described, the router at appropriate network make's a copy of the datagram,

and forwards it to appropriate host.


While there are limitations and advantages for the above , basic advantage being decreasing computing speed and traffic on the net.


Note: comes in handy for proxies and caching.


      The above idea might sound stupid at first site, as the possibility of

      forwarding multiple broadcasts exists, based on the router's cache it is

      presumed the router strips ip's when forwarding to the subsequent router,

      until all the hosts in the macro are addressed.


204) when pumping data into a medium, putting the cache/ buffer on RAM,

     lets accessing data at high speed, this form converts data into bits,

     know pumping data in this form into any medium and also storing data

     in this medium gives high processing speed.


     This leads to high speed backup's, with out encryption any body,

     should be able to restore the backups on to any system.


     Also using the above form of  duplication of buffer's is used

     heavily in most implementation of raid (hardware)


     Pumping data on SAN in this form lets transfer and processing of data

     at high speed,


     just as any public transport systems are prone for tapping so is SAN,

     hence tcp/ip on fibre optic scores.


     The above is applicable even on mother boards.....transfer of data, from

     ram to processor..... the limitation being the amount of data that can

     be transferred from ram to processor at time.


     Advantages: In fabrication of chipsets/motherboards should be

     advantages  to a extent.


205) An independent pluggable mini scanner module that can be plugged in to

     pc's USB port, for verification of signature's in Banking and other



     Needs development of  a signature/handwriting

     verification software component, that utilizes one of the concept described above,

     that gives the results in  percentile of matching of handwriting / thumb impression.



NOTE: The signature of the  individual ought to be capture on a minimum of 40/50 forms at a time, much like the frames in a movie, to under stand the pattern of the

Users signature.


206) The PC Monitor  settings to be set (i.e. contrast etc) through both

     software on the PC and also a remote.


     The idea of a remote come's in because  most of the times, when a

     projector is used, and one has to use the monitor and change the settings,

     which are specific to settings supported by the monitor.


     This should be a optional pluggable addon.


207) In india, channel broadcasting mostly happens through cable network,

     while signal barring/encryption is possible in DHTV, the drawback

     of broadcasting to cable subscribers is at the operator's point he has

     to broadcast all channel to all the subscriber.


     Introducing a router/switch that makes use of the concept as described

     in 202) makes use of the TVs unit number/SID for signal restriction.


208) Process state Synchronization with in and across machines :


     By modifying the proc fs suitably , state's of two distinct host's can

     be put in sync (system state can be guaranteed within a corporate



     The concept work's much like the UNIXs 'tee' ,


     In 'tee' one process write's to the console(stdout of the 'tee')

     the other to stdout of source process (i.e. stdin of 'tee')


     the same is applied here .....instead the tee here write's to

     a set of host's over network( this can be made to emulate a

     Virtual IP...expandable to hosts at the router)


     Due to the nature of the protocol suite used, the state is guaranteed

     within a network , but the state across networks can / is subjected

     to state of network and drawback's of the protocol used i.e. 'udp'(

     can be circumvented by using a leased line).


     The system Broadcasting is called Active System, and rest of the

     systems spread over network's are passive and can take over on

     failover based on reception of a SOS message.


209) By using the concept specified in 201),202),203) and 207)


     A kind of High Availability on the same system can be for a

     process ( say a database (instances), web servers can be



     while load balancing doesn't make sense,(keeping an instance static

     give's the advantage of fail over)


     for database's as on data can make use of the SID,

     and can create a failover instance(it is a just scriptable,

     doesn't need any major changes to existing process architecture,

     just by storing the common information required in a sharable

     file for instance's to become active ...Importance in database

     crash's and also shared storage in Server's hosting databases.)


     suggestion: It make's sense only to store table spaces on share storage

                 i.e. SAN.


 210) There are short comings to self referential databases , but there are

      scenarios where self referential databases are useful, one of the

      constraints being the size of the table space(no of objects), while this

      is a constraint applicable to all databases, size of table no of columns

      , index's etc (there are issue's with atomicity),


      the concept described in 174) should solve many a issue.


 211) Borrowing from 205) .....when a projector to a screen is being used, it

      makes sense for display card(Includes 3D capabilities .projection.can

      be borrowed from the current concept being used in game simulators) on PC to

      determine the display settings based on the focal length supported by the

      projector (i.e. resolution based on screen size ) and  achieve the optimal



      Borrowing from the LG's golden eye television for auto setting of contrast

      based on lighting would be a added advantage.which make use of a processor

      much like in the Monitor of a PC for arriving at a optimal viewing for the eye based

      on the surroundings.


      The above should as is be ideally achievable by directly plugging the

      projector in place of a monitor.


      But to achieve results for large projection screens....the above algorithm

      needs to be developed.



     Note: a. Borrowing from existing flash / swish kind of  softwares used for  2d

                  cartoon development which use a matted background, with a inverted

                  y for giving a 3D  view, the same could be converted  into a film reel.


b.         A  funnel kind of  projection onto the screen viz. a rectangular pipe

With a decreasing radius.


 212) An ackle on the lun allows multiple hosts to access a lun, simultaneously


      This is particularly of use as is in existing high end arrays used in

      SAN and storage systems.


      There could be several scenario's that can implemented/envisioned.


      while multiple hosts reading at the same time is not difficult to



      When a write/writes are being done solution is to restrict access to only

      one host, alternatively in some scenario's a fixed lock starting from

      _ to _  can be implemented.


 213) Currently there is a kind of trade off's in the amount of addressable

      space by Array's(Huge array's viz. Hitachi and emc) and SAN,


      There are also limitations to the amount of addressable objects available

       in san,


      The only available option is a addressable lun over IP (need to borrow a

      concept from database kind of save point/ rollback lock for a disk cache

      This is essentially necessary for the nature of TCP/IP sessions,

      this has been aptly resolved / mentioned in above.


      actually a concept borrowed from SAN....


      simple solution is to make a SAN addressable over IP address, either

      through a switch or an Array.


      If the same storage is addressed from behind a host, it becomes NFS

      Cachefs etc.


      The advantage of the above is that this doesnot require any high speed

      network like Gigabit ethernet or SAN.


      An ackle needs to be added to IP address to restrict host's that can

      view the luns.


      concept described in 211) would be an added advantage.


214) In the market mostly there are loose pointer to page's available that can

     be used in book's but there is no way to bunch them , making the of little

     use(Indicator in books/ dairies)


     Adding a ring to the book's (viz. dairies and other readable magazines) lets

     bunching of not only pointer's, car key's and other stuff easy, In effect

     when ever you go to a meeting or a seminar, there is no way one can

     misplace one's stuff.


215) There are liquid spray's around in market,

     Opportunity lies in  marketing talcum powder's in the spray form,

     there aren't any facial cream's/jelly/lotions available in spray form,

     marketing them in spray form lies the advantage ....for scrubbing

     is easier.


216) Adding a high projection camera to rear of luxury car's , with display

     locatable on deck/ closer to steering is a bettor option than a rear view



217) Using a solvent sourced out of Menthol based extract's , improves quality

     of experience in swimming and other aquatic sports ( already used in

     throat de clogging tablets and a few SOAPS)


218) A satellite that makes use of the gamma ray's from sun available above

     atmospheric levels, that also reduces the hazard's associated with

     uplifting the radio active materials required / used in GPRS(X-ray +image

     tracking)....also the concept can be optimized by using the spectrum used

     for viewing the kind used in night goggles / glasses....also called night

     vision glasses....the key is to harness gamma ray's using refraction, (that

     uses prism's(borrowing the concept from a cathode ray tube) on its outer

     surface ...such that the harnessed gamma light particles converge into a

     kind of source for a fibre optic cable.)


219) There are lots of lots of vapour rub's and pain reliever's balm's around,

        but none of them which are water soluble.


220) Nylon Mesh usage can be exploited in footwear, as window screen's .


     Particular scenario is a foldable dropdown window screen in a rectangular

     frame, a sheet of nylon mesh divided in to columns, foldable and channel for

     a thread (nada as seen in pyjama's) that can be used for drop down.


     Also it can be used in combination with materials like satin/spun for

     wrinkle free clothing (non ironing requirements)....Nylon Mesh usage

     for  shaping a crest behind linen for all sorts of garnments.


     A nylon mesh based belt/purse's can be marketed in the trendy fashion



     Washable Nylon mesh based insole board's for footwear.


     A thin transparent paper sticked nylon mesh sheet's usable in printers.

     (can be used for replacing matted cloth popularly used in embroidery)

     also usable in kid's chemistry, biology Record's.


     Nylon mesh based mould's are best used in kitchen , washing machine

     sinks, a sachet in vacuum cleaner and other places.


     Nylon mesh sheet covering for exhaust windows/fans.


     Nylon mesh sheet layer at bottom of water tanks ....would be handy as

     deposits.....algae over long period of time can be easily cleaned.


221) screw's used in assembling are usually chiseled out , alternatively they

       can be moulded out of mould's and unscrewed.


222) B-tree's( with fibonaiac / Palindrome series using alphabets(could make use char

        set also) a number  series one) are fastest mean's of implementing search.


223) The Story House :


       A concept to utilize a theme and derive content for picture's /movies

       From court case's and filed FIR cases.


224) Magnetic Ink based hand held printer's( ink that doesn't erase on scrub)

        are the best bet for printing retail price's on article's , sticker's

        are subject to manipulation.


225) Paraxylene ( Hollow fibres with high bounce and resilience) based washable

        helmet  moulds, This can also be used in cars, planes for emergencies /seating.


        Also a form of the above for packaging and encasing of handheld electronics.


226) Touch Screen based tablet PC's with stylus would be at advantage

     that can be used in Animation, DTP and advertising fields. 


     Actually a high resolution TFT base slate with a stylus (with weight

     ranging between 500g-1000g) can be used for network computing.


227) Develop a eco friendly color's (extract pigmentation out of natural



        consumption being in lipstick, mascara etc.


     Raw materials/Herb's: Beetle leaf's and cooking soda extracts.

                          Mehindi with citric acid combination.

                          Flower based extracts (say gulmohar).

                          Kalajamun a kind of fruit found in indian

                          subcontinent is good case for pigment extraction.


     Extracts from Tulsi are a very good face wash lotion.


228) LDAP/text file(say UNIX styled user/group files)to Ldap database

         migrations are best managed with script/language with good parsing

         tools(text files can be easily parsed) and Mapping the fields in

         source to target database in the intermediate processing script.


        Works much like the Microsoft wizard for migration of dbms/text

        files to databases.


229) Write a Utility that uses either Perl dbms/hierarchical/text based

         logs with to convert logs into statistical analysis(for web

         reporting can use tcl/tk applets)


     The same can be integrated in Microsoft frame work using ADO/RDO/DAO Object

     frame work with excel as a front end, / .Net frame work.


     ADO/RDO/DAO's/DBD's can be extended to incorporate XML with sax

     scenarios, while there are databases that provide interface for

     conversion of traditional Relational Tables into XML DTD, there

     are none that may be providing XML with sax ......limitations

     for XML ....sax based transactions would be more or less much on

     the lines of the transactions in databases (i.e. save point ....rollback),

     and writing of the data in data sets(i.e. set of data that would complete

     a transaction in whole).


     The advantage of this being allows piping of data into a database as well

     as to application (consumption by the application).....should a

     transaction  in database fail, the application can always restore its state

     from database.


     Note about Transactions: while the transaction's in relational databases

     exist, the transaction in the above context denote say a XML DTD document,

     a complete receipt of above document is a whole data set that can be safely

     stored into the database.


230) Borrowing from 229) forms(XML DTD DOM) entities can be directly submitted

        into databases with client side validations....combined with existing

        data validation mechanism's present in Relation Databases.


231)  PDA computing and Network computing.



     Most popular usage of held helds mobile/PDA's is for word processing,

     Decision Support Systems(Excel,lotus123), emails, pictures and a few other

     basic needs.


     All the above can be accomplished by just porting a web browser to a

     Handhelds (PDA/Mobile)......that supports XML,DTD,DOM and a scripting

     language for validation.


     Already all word processing documents are XML complaint, DSS systems

     simulating(Excel/Lotus 123) can be created using XML DTD with a scripting

     language .....with options to export/import into existing DSS systems,

     Graphics capabilities can be incorporated.


     Email Clients already exist on most PDA's/Mobiles.


     Borrowing the concept of storage from existing mail clients say (.PST

     files) .........and the concept specified in 229) more or less all of

     the above can be stored into a user's allocated space in a database.


     The essential difference between PDA and network (laptop) computing

     being that PDA make's use of space allocated over a database present

     on the network for storage needs.


     while the network makes use of a Lun over the network for its storage



232) Borrow from 204) a language recognition/translation software can be built,

     making use of image sensor/DSP processor , and a alphabet dictionary as

     existing in most mobile device's today based out of user input over a

     stylus in PDA's/Hand held electronic devices.


     Essential requirement for the above processing being that the writings to be

     in free letters (unlike say viz. noodles a signature)....this should

     eliminate the necessity for a key board in all hand held devices.


233) A tube well that can be operated with pedaling

       Should come in handy in remote places where power supply is an issue.


234) In Gym Equipments most of the time the amount of energy burnt is listed

       in calories borrowing from the concept of dynamo can

       measure the amount of energy produced in watts, where ever applicable,

       this also shows the amount of energy lost in the process i.e. consumed

       the human body.


     Calibration in terms akin to user is more useful than in a scientific

     manner some times.


     For instance distance covered on a Thread Mill, bicycle etc where  ever  applicable

     can be displayed using a gauge meter much like in motor   vehicles.


235) Based on the existing ERP concept , a modular approach to E-governance

         can be developed to the various division of government,

         A enterprise being a collective effort can be extended to governments

         as well(Nomenclature of the product shouldn't be a issue)


236) An integrated open-ended student (entity), and resource management system,

        that utilizes the concept of resource utilization based on the time swipe

        card/identity card as described in one of the concepts specified above.


        This concept can also be used for mob management in large events.


237) When developing/deploying a ERP,  the ideal way to deploy is to use keep

        the load balancing concept into account and deploy it in such a way that

       all in dependent modules are can be deployed on independent server's and

       yet function as a cohesive unit, Distributed functionality sharing a

       a common database(The database it self could be either distributed

       or centralized) foot print  (meaning a shared schema).


238) A dishwasher on the lines of a washing machine, with a few major

        difference's ,


    a)multiple spinners for water

    b)A insert able adjustable compartments based stand into the enclosure,

      say borrowing from the concept of a variable size rack in a retailers

      shop .....basically in the corners of the cube/rectangle in above rack

      comes with small apertures/holes at a every few centimeters distance,

      this let's after placing a few utensils, to band them on to the encasement

      firmly with another strip of steel bar.


     Essentially strips of steel bar that can be made into a enclosure with

     variable compartment size(clamping/revetting...borrowing the  concept from

      the tiffin  carrier that school kids carry(while the frame for the carrier is

     proportional to number of compartments in the carrier).


     Note: the sides of the enclosure could also be made of two parallel

           strips with apertures that weld at the corners.


239) A Theatre based laser show character creation based cartoon

        shows ......also explore the possibility of utilizing the existing 2D

        cartoon's composed in software for above projection using lasers.


240) Industrial and automotive switch gears management can be automated using

        a embedded system interface consisting USB and a management console.


241) Utilization of the concept of a charset  for  Password generation


       Ex: Lottery ticket generation, encryption, password generation algorithms

              For web and mobile based interfaces.


 Note: A character set as defined for above purpose includes any character string,

           Index able by any means.


        Based on occasion and the amount of  encryption needed one may use


         Viz.  a  Mac address ,  Unix  timestamp,  a  SIMs  card number , a  string of



 All these translate into  bit patterns and the type of data type used  in a low level  Language, Where as they happen to be a represent able/identifiable character in a char set.


242) Utilization of  a  timestamp.             


        Unix TimeStamp


       A timestamp gives the ability to encoded a date ,time to utmost precession

        required in  commercial use.


        This can be encoded into to currency notes, lottery tickets, cinema tickets,

                    Air line , rail way tickets etc.


        Ideal way to implement it is to use a scanner that can decode the encoded

                   Pattern( enhancements to biometric stickers also).


        Advantage: Scanners serving the purpose of individual entities can be

                          embedded For proprietary use.


Date & Time  


Taking an example from Date and time format as used in some databases

And  RAD Tools,


The date and time captured in character string in a numerical format (

                     Eg: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) and parsed to remove all separators

                   such as -,/,: and converted to a numeral gives a unique number that

                   can be used as random number, identity id /row id to enforce unique keys in



                   Similarly from the numeral in character string using sequence of  what may

                   be termed   as  splice / ltrim/rtrim i.e. chiseling of characters from the string

                   and optionally adding/substracting the chiseled of  number to the numeral in

                   character string .a unique random number  with in a specified numerical

                   limits may be obtained.


243)      Seeds for a random number  Generation.


There are many areas where a random number is used.


         One of the usages being in  encryption


         Viz.  a  Mac address ,  Unix  timestamp,  a  SIMs  card number , a  string of

                 Characters(the bit pattern .translating into a  large number).


         Note: Most random number generators  usually generate a seed that is usually

                  Located between .1 -  .9  and then multiplied to give out a random

                  Number  in the requested range , one of the draw backs of this algorithm

                  Due to static nature of the algorithm  the numbers so generated may be

                  Repeated to increase the uniqueness one should use a formula as

                  Detailed in the  previous script let.


        Note : A random number based algorithm / prorated based algorithm would be

                  Nice to have for allocation of  shares in a IPO subscription process.


244)In all secure communications  + any software that may involved theft over internet and usage for commercial exploitation.


IT makes sense to encode the timestamp + identity details  on to the packet stream.


Can be exploited by tcp / ip communications routers ,  encryption datagram etc.


245)      One of the market requirement is RAID capable arrays (with optionally that can service Requests over  TCP/IP)  that enable simultaneous  read writes on to copies of the mirror .


   Current protocols being used to interact with disk based systems are ide,usb,scsi


  The requirement is for a high speed read writes requiring addressing multiple disk



   Develop controller that can exploit  capability to address multiple disk sub systems.


   One of the readily available protocol that can be exploited is iSCSI,


246)      Deriving out of 243) ,  enabling/ porting USB to internet datagram enabling gives,

Way for network centric computing for PC based devices (to exploit devices

across the networks)


          Usage:  sharing the users equipment of  internet , could be  disk, printer,

          fax over internet.


247) Cartridges of the kind currently used in Pentax Efina model, can optimized

        for taking linear backups, and also their light weight nature can used

        alternative medium to cdrom read write/floppy drive .....for a high

        capacity medium for storage of computer data.


        The  density of the medium used can be varied to suit the purpose.


       The camera kind of units with USB / infrared / wireless lan utilizing radio

       Frequency based interfaces for data transfer can be developed.


248) Existing computing architectures utilizes the bit flip flop model making

        use of binary numbers for computing.


     Explore the viability of a voltage variation based computing can be used

     to develop a BaseX based computing changing the way

     bus is utilized      ]


The data transferred to RAM from cache is arrived at by the order of bits received [ this is where drawback is and the limitations of Bus come in to picture]


either by using a fibre optic gun to pump data into the bus, or a DC volt meter

the limitations of the bus as on the date can be circumvented, that is each bus can transfer/transmit data into the cache/registers [needs re-organization in the processor...the way data is fetched in to cache...essentially instead of the serial nature make it parallel],


since more are less all the os's involved are multi process' operating system.


This schema of organization / pumping of data has advantage.243) Utilization of  document formatting (also called Syntax) , that can be directly converted into

        XML  DTD  for  consumption  into  EDI interfaces.


        Illustration:  Editors used for  python programming / Cobol programming.


        The above concept can used in automation of  paper work  in  government

        And  business environments.


249) Bone based injuries one of the fatal cause for maximum number of victims,

         resulting in death, while  bone marrow is an issue, artificial bone replica

         can be created out of  fibre (optionally a fibre based plast much like the

         the existing artificial skin culture) that  keeps preserves bone marrow,


250) A web based applet that  can be  stored in email/other web space safely,


        works much on the lines of  PKI, but doesn’t  need any installation on

         the client host,


       for most  websites..a signature /authentication is required to signin


       instead of a username and  password, a text box in to which url , from which

       a PKI kind of  applet  can be downloaded is provided to the end user,


       which takes care of the input/authentication into the client  website.


       The idea resulted out of single sign on technologies that were a failure,

        Because of the compulsory  affiliation.


        Viz: Passport.


Ex:  A  url text box could be provided, which downloads the required applet

       In to the enclosed frame / iframe .that negotiates the authentication

       Into the website..just as PKI but  the above described model doesn’t

       require installation of PKI at the client side.




 a)    Most PKI products use a algorithm that generate a temporary key, which is compared /

        decrypted for its validity,  similarly here in the case of this applet a formula /

        algorithm/pattern to accept  a string that fits the mentioned concept, similarly it can

        have rules like the last used password … ‘n’ number of authentication keys

        cannot be reused ….can be stored on the server side.


      Eg: can contain rules like length of  authentication string, consist of

            vowel / consonant / numeric pattern’s , say all even positions be vowels / all alternate

           characters be numeric, every ‘n’ character be a consonant, sum of all embedded

           numeric’s in the authentication string should be a fixed numeral .


b)      can use the SIM / mobile unique no for same before proceeding for authentication.



251) Recipe for Ready to Eat Foods.


      The popular food  wafers  a derivative of  floor (starch extracts from wheat /

      Potato flour),  Egg Powder a derivative of  Egg.


      [   A  Chocolate cream a  derivative of sugar (optional) ]


        Optionally starch extracts from other protein rich pulses, mushroom, pop corn

        can also be used .


        Spices / Chill Powder derivatives from chill/spices powder.


        Can be blended to Derive  high calorie  nutritional food .


252) A disk  and raid array  simulator software.


        A script / binary that  simulates  file i/o functions , uses a  array of

        Simulate a bunch of  disks to  simulate a raid implementation.


        Uses a text file for  storing  data, data pumped  by an application,

        Returns this set of garbage data to in response to reads.


     [  this is easier done on Unix frame work  ]


While there are already array simulators available in market , there are none that actually allow read write simulates.


253) Makes use of the layout as specified in 174 (mirror optional) with the

     concept specified in 247) ....simulate file i/o functions on the

     VirtualDisk that is composed of bunch of disks (funniest part being

     this is not a raid).


     ex: a loop back fibre optic interface on a JBOD ...etc,  a configurable interface

           that allows a mirror within optionally


     The whole logic to be embedded on the interface card of the JBOD


     This logic can be programmed into bios of A1000,A5000...class of machines.


254) A replacable /removable mesh [heater] in a toast maker .

       A mesh based heater can be  used for window tops/roof tops for smeltering

       Snow,   The heater can also be used as a pest queller.


255) A sliding door with a revolving spindle for window pane , is best for

        windows  (gives the ability to clean the pane from both sides).


256) Hightech Float glass enclosure's ....with coin insert based (much

     like public vending machines) ........that open ....the door to world

     class air conditioned lavatories(operate based on a lever much like the

     one foor in auto shut door found in the front office's .......that are

     self flushing when you shit (works based on sensor logic).


257) Most accidents in bathroom i.e slipage's occur due to the nature of the

     surface, best means is to use a synthetic tiles that have uneven surface,

     which can be glued to the surface.


258) Optimizing the usage of a MIRROR's  and Hosts


     They provide high availability, usually only one copy of the mirror is used

     leaving rest of the mirrors unused , but this scenario can be modified in

     environments requiring only reads (say a web based song store, search

     engine), the reads can be directed to the any copies of the mirror , kind

     of traffic redirection.


     The other added advantage being when the storage is placed behind a SAN

     based switch, while one copy that is reserved for a host (that does the

     updates it) can synced with the other mirrors one at a time or based on

     the requirement.


 Eg: Can be used  create digital / easily accessible media library, but needs to

       Integrated with a database (for cataloguing) with pointers to files on a file




     Load Balancing of IP / web based traffic requests


     Usually multpile hosts are used to service the above kind of requirements,


     that is load balancing either through DNS or a traffic redirector is used

     in a web farm, Easiest solution to implement a cluster of Hosts / Host, that are

     built upon  a modular based OS where the modules are optimized to services disk

     requests  to web/ip requests.


     This best applicable to web servers.


259)  Exploiting  Compression and  Encryption , over electronic media


         Compression is a bit map of the  original file,  Encryption usually increases

         the size of the file.


         A combination of  compression and encryption should be judiciously used.


         Bit based compression can be used in all communication mediums, and infact

         With careful manipulation can efficiently used for encryption, a judicious balance

         Between both is required.


        Modems, routing equipment (can be used for tcp/ip communications) , and

        backups  used for storing software (Also called Hardware compression.)


260) Image Capture and exploiting the use of a Pluggable motor operated lens in

         Electronic  Appliances viz. mobile phones,  PCs (called cams), Binoculars

         (pluggable in to some storable  Media) .


  Existing Constraints :


   a)Quality of  Picture is proportional to the size of picture saved on a medium.

   b) In existing equipments these days size of the lens affects the weight of the



Ex: In most mobiles the picture captured is viewed on the dot matrix, this constraints as both the zoom offered and picture size.


By using a above method i.e. of a pluggable lens ( can be substituted in place of the antenna ,In place of the old mobile phones / a binocular / binocular modeled in the form of a spects), this way the picture quality/zoom captured is visible to the user, a high resolution picture i.e. compressed , a view of the compressed file  offers  a better option,  as  a  dynamic picture that is proportionate  to the dot matrix screen offered by  the device, that makes use of the formulae  blended out  of a  resolution supported and colors offered ( much like a jpeg imagei.e jpeg is  a bitmap of  original image that  offers 256 colors resolution.).


261) Borrowing the concept from a drainage system that is visible in most metro

     politian cities, a kind in of standard channel can be layed that can be

     used for cabling requirements (both power,telephonic) whose capacity

     can be easily expanded on requirement , and also existing cable capacities

     can be shared much like in current current PSTN cabling ) ....advantage 

     being these are under ground , not prone to outages usually prone to pole

     based cabling systems currently in usage in the most parts of the world.


     Though light  travels at a speed of 8km per sec, there are limitations, and

      Scope / need for expansion based on future bandwidth needs.


     Reason being for instance on a optical disk with out compression one can pack

     A max of  700mb where as with compression one can pack a max of  2 GB.        


262) Biggest whole existing as on date is in Intrusion Detection Systems is that

        of up datable BIOS in routers / routing equipment, as for my observation

       scope for duplication of all communication done exists,  without

        encryption  compounding the problem of saved packets being decrypted

       on the saved medium on a weak encryption algorithm.


      The solution to fix this  bug is use of non up datable BIOS in routers.


       Similar bug can be found in faxing equipment and in addition to it , most modern

       fax machines cache a scanned copy of the fax ,  and hence one may take offline

       print of the same, leaving potential documents in unsafe hands.


263) Using light as a medium for computing needs


      A laser blink represents the standard on / off of a bit currently being used  binary

      computing effect a bit can represent only 2 states


      Expanding on the logic 7 colors can be captured  to represent  8 states

      (including the state Where  light  with no color is transmitted).


      This concept works by using the fibre optic for a bus that  converges into a

      single bus from A  seven source to the bus.


     So when utilizing this on a  board .an additional bus to indicate when no data is

     transmitting Being done should solve the problem.


     Currently the storage medium also uses the binary model.

     Since most mediums use optical readers the above model can be utilized.


Existing chipsets make use of a matrix based dye while this model requires a cube

Consisting of interconnected digital circuit based matrices made up of a carbon dye with a sensor bulb connected on the 3sides with a optical read write head.


Actually the concept is to design / bring a human neurons present in the brain

..translate them into a neural network that can fit into a processor.


Requirement  a particle that can have variable states based on the energy particle

That it is currently hosting.



264) A particular case in contrast is that of photography and film production industry,

        Where more no of colors can be captured i.e. more no bit states

       Can be captured,


      By translating this bit states, into a multiple of the base 8 computing faster

      Computing is possible.


      While ordinary data processing is relegated to a multiple of base 8 computing.


265) using the above model as specified in 257) (possible even in  binary computing),


by recognizing the bit  patterns,  on the fly  manipulation of images can be done /

applied to the entire film role, for instance a male character comes along  with a

suit , shirt  and pant  the color combination can be  changed on the fly for the entire

shoot ,  this possible because it is possible to recognize bit patterns


 Additional insertions can be applied , like wearing a hat other minor modifications

 Can be applied by careful frame manipulation.


 Note: currently this capability available in a 3rd apps viz.  Maya /3d max.

          This can be extended to 2d as well.


266) Insert a image based signature for web/email client signature

        (not a digital signature), that can be verified by a  plug in the browser.


267) A wmd per vehicle enables implementing a speed management of vehicles

        plying on any particular road/high i.e. a vehicle driver will not be able

       drive the vehicle beyond the speed limits / actually traffic can be managed

       by auto speeding the vehicle.


268) A train that moves rather floats based on magnetic field i.e like poles

       distract, create high pulse of magnetic field using electric city, a train

       that makes use of a T shaped elevated track that draws its

       Electric source from the track itself, +V and -V flowing on the same track

      made of a alloy(conducting strips soldered together with a non conducting

      strip in the middle.)


     The strip can be designed in such a way that it doesn't harm a living being

     on putting his feet, part of the elevation can also be done using a cement.


     Concept can be used with out elevation also, issue is the track should be able

     Keep the compartment on the track.its a push technology that makes the

     Compartment float slightly.


269) while using XML DTD for EDI, it is not necessary that the sku id used be same

       between two transacting partners, an ldap/sql databases unique ID can be used,

       which can be mapped ( correlated ) in to sourcing partners  model of SKU id

      (a unique number to identify  a component in ones inventory   table) based

      on the sources id in the database.


270)      From the concept specified in 16)  and using the concept specified in 253) and 


271) A superior web search engine can be created.


The web bot when retrieving / indexing web pages/files does a binary comparison of  the   file  With some standard files that eliminate all common words, saves the so fetched key  words in the  SQL database (relational table)  with links to actual website and path to the  compressed copy of  the web page stored on a storage .


while the search engine interface uses a embedded  sql /low level interface ,i.e  proprietary  api to   database ( mysql, sqlserver, oracle, postgresql ,Sybase)


Also with some of the databases actually using plain text files for storage, a SQL engine On the top of file system viz. API (and index catalog , for the file system and  file system that exposes specific API that can be plugged into the SQL engine)..creates superior search engine.


Actually from the components specified above a customized search engine component can  be Built, that can be  embedded / sold to client websites.




272) Sea Shell extracts can be exploited in many a ways,


     a) rich in calcium can be used in blending toothpaste.

     b) blended with adhesives can be used as a varnish/coating for outer

         texture of walls/furniture (for shells of different colors are available / cultured)

     c) Sea Shell being rich in calcium can be used in manufacturing of cement.


273) Exploiting palm specious of trees


a) Root of Shoots of a form mostly available in southern India , a derivative from the trunk of  these trees is used for manufacturing toddy are the one of the richest form of carbohydrates, they  can exploited to suit the fast lifestyle of ready to use food,

     The root of these shoots can be cold freezed, these can be  cooked raw  and eaten.


b) Pineapple trees these trees  can be grown in arduous climate (low rainfall), offers a

    good alternative to date/palm tree grown mostly in desert regions ,middle east  etc.


c) Wood from the palm specious of  tree (the older the tree the better the quality of

    wood) are light weight and can be exploited for  crafting furniture and wooden



d)Coconut being a saline dependent ....coconut plantations along the cost line

   helps ...preventing erosion of the land/sand ....also helps mangroves and

   in turn help marine water forms to grow.


274) Systems / applications can be customized to make non complaint to standards,

        say a  port 53 being used for  ping.


    There are occasions requiring the above either to counter  Intrusion

    (specifically denial of service requests or for proprietary use)


275) Many a time  the  one of the major  hindrances effecting  computing , is

        communication channels ,  say while  a  router is able / capable to  handle the

        requests, there are many a times the  where requests being channeled from a

       switch to  a router are  throttled due to the bandwidth issues..i.e. specifically  to

        improve the BUS  size connecting a switch to router.


     This much similar to the page fault errors that can be observed within in a PC,


The same can be  applied to the requests being served by system (A server),

 Usually  the option is to use high bandwidth  NIC, but  there are always limitations,

 In this scenario most people go for  load balancing over multiple instances of the applications,


 The better option is make a service, serviceable over multiple  IP addresss ,  since once a

 Session is initiated with one IP address, all subsequent  communications are directed to that  IP.


Ideal way is to  use a modular app that can service over multiple IP addresses , or use a  VIRTUAL  IP (over a set of multiple ip addresss) and manges channeling of sessions internally.


276) Adverse Effects of  Heat  Resistant  Bacteria


a)  Existence of  bacteria that can survive over  liquidation (melting) point of most

      polymers  used recycled plastics.


b) Survival of above kind of bacteria in ordinary water and hence contamination the food reared in this kind of  bacteria.


   Requirement : 1) Special Furnaces  to recycle above polymers.

                         2)  UV ray / Infrared / Microwave enabled cooking equipment,

                        water treatment plants  served for public / consumer consumption.


277) Synthetic carbon polymer derivative based  roofings are best bet  countering

         Infrared radiation/ satellite base GPRS photographing.


        Fly Ash being a cheap carbon form, it can be used in the construction industry.

        As form to counter radiation..Hallow bricks filled with fly ash / Bricks mouled

        Out of cement  and flyash.


A  eReporting(crm) targeting print , electronic media ,  Advertising and  PR Firms, With a web based front end, uses a database , and combination of  File system to create a  digital library / database to make available a readily accessible archive.


Print Media :  News papers etc,

1)         some make use of standard  typeset fonts

2)         some make use of  electronic print media  using digital printers.


Offers an advantage making use of storing the data in the database in binary format,

As has been described in one of the points above..advantage being these can be

Rich text enabled, i.e. vernacular fonts need to be ported into the existing international

Language encoding.


For instance, page layouts of  news papers /  magazines can also be archived  using

Html/front page kind of plugging/,


i.e. a specific editions layout itself can be stored /achieved to database / file system.


Contrary to the existing limitations that make use of a standard layout and dynamic

Data retrieval from database.


Requirement a web base  secure reporting  eReporting(CRM) , a medium sized high end array  for  file systems (say to store  up to a years database) while the rest can be archived into optical disk Format.


Advantage the above can be converted in to a web reporting format either font based / image Based or into a print media using digital printers.


Problem Definition:  A easily accessible ,archive / database of  resources for media industry.


Solution:  Most reporting (text ,voice, streaming media) can be  documented as XML  DTD files
 (xml files are nothing but  files with defined schema / attributes)


 Best possible solution (there are SQL database engines that operate on  files based in operating  system  Files).


 A SQL database engine on the  top  of  a  file system,


 A dynamic catalogue builder ( an index that is built )as XML  DTD  documents are saved in to the  repository.


 Hindrance at some point of time a file system limit will be reached, resulting in a requirement for addressable and expandable file system, as quantum of data keeps expanding the usual high end arrays may not be sufficient.


 Use the concept present in the TCP/IP router viz. a packet is routed to a destination,


 Requirement  route the request to a host that is hosting appropriate data archive / database.


 The front-end host that picks a few attributes from the document builds the catalogue,
 Forward the request (data retrieval)/( data storage) to a specific host  in its catalogue.


Note: Since it is essentially a distribution of  task and addressable file system size,


Part  Solution as addressed in  256) , a set of hosts using shared disk (very high end array )
Since it happens to be distribution of task, it could be distributed among set of
hosts in  a private network / over VPN for hosts located anywhere on the internet.


278) A multipurpose charger that can be used for various purposes,

i.e. it comes with a voltmeter(set the voltage), and pluggable sockets

suiting different devices,


Much like the multipurpose screwdriver kit, with pluggable screws.


Purposes: radio charger, different kind of mobile chargers.


279) A multipurpose device motor operated screw driver kind of device, with

        pluggable Devices  that  can be used  in place of  a grinder/mixer.


Essential difference being a grinder/mixer requires a container where as this

Instrument comes with rotator-based devices, that can be used in any suitable

storage container.


280)      One of the common requirements is that at most places, users need to set their

         passwords, for ATM's , bank lockers digital locks, etc.


while they set  a password many a occasion requires retrieval of password,

safe means is to retrieved it in an encrypted form to the user and let him change it upon  logging in.


since most them are from some form of char set, use a standard algorithm and encrypt them.


This best left implemented much like the Unix accounts (with a counter added)


The initial state of ATM card being locked .........a password is set,  the first time  the user sets a password ....the ATM card gets activated.



281) Deriving out of the previous requirement, and never to let a customer support executive to set your passwords (including internet access)


few standards for setting a password (ideally can consist of any characters supported in a char set).


But for most common purposes alphanumerics are used (keeping the common man in view).


There is a situation which demands that the password be communicated to the end user in safe form that can only be decrypted by the end user (in worst case auto setting a password, that can be immediately obtained at any entity (for instance bank's branch because they use VPN/leased lines).....upon inserting of a photo identity card and authentication by concerned authority.


Now capturing of preference for an algorithm (to arrive at safe decryption for the user).


Safest bet is to use a two digit number([a sequence from then on]) whose max size/limit is that of number of characters supported in the char set(supported in the specific language)), this also take care's of the probability of numerics in the password/pin i.e. all numerics present have to be in two digits.


Data/ Intergradient from which a algorithm can be generated, to captured under https.


a)Sign of the user's blood group (used either to add or decrement for encryption

    could be opposite of the case)

b)No of moles the user has.


c)A important date / number of individual  viz. Date of Birth / graduation date

  /Driving license number.


d)Casting of a number (similar to the familar casting of nines)


e)once the two digit number is arrived at the characters in password/pin could be
   in the form of a pattern(viz even ,odd, fibonacci series etc)


Since at the end of the day it uses only a two digit number for encryption,

it is always safer i.e the longer the password the safer the password and harder

for those using brute force method for hacking.


usages: password/pins, algorithm can also be used in renewable coupons say long
distance telephone cards(activation) etc.


282) A pluggable flexible regexp engine (flexibility much like perls regex) into the SQL



283) Deriving from one of my earlier specs a online examination evaluation that can 

       be taken totally under  HTTPS, with a server side  randomized generation of

       questionnaire to served ( viz. from 278, list of questions served for a individual

        can be stored as a pattern match able string).


       This can also be used for recruiting purposes by governments etc.


       Avoids issues such a leakage of question paper etc, partiality etc.


       These can be taken even from public computers / terminals in a cyber cafes,

        Lounges etc viz. terminals enabled with card readers.


Note: Option


     a) Photo enable Credit / Debit Cards with Biometric holograms (embedded dna

         Structure imported after a medical test …useful in many a scenarios specified



    b) A Pin mailed to  the address registered with Photo enabled Credit /Debit card ,

        which can be taken from any authorized cyber lounges on presentation of

        photo enabled card.


       Registrations can still be done with credit / debit cards.


 [An additional concept that would add value to a democracies etc, recruiting /

  conducting the GD s / Interview process  under the live broadcasting for positions

  of high value /Integrity in governments].



284)  A Case Tracking System.



Requirements: Parentid ->childid's -> childid's<




 a) Could be a relation database / a single table.

    Draw back: Lack of a SQL query that can traverse the entire parent child


 b) A perl / python / C datastructure based datagrams made up of  Hash's


     Ex: Ticketing, judiciary, A document management system etc.


285) A email based service that converts documents into docket based PNG images

        a lite weight non editable document.


286) One of the draw backs of  editors like FrontPage / Dream weaver etc used

        for web publishing is they store the passwords in .hta kind of files which are

        prone for hacking, ideal way is to integrate them to a ldap base database

        from the service provider.


287) Intestine of all carnivorous living beings are  fertile ground  for  micro organisms,

        any excessive presence is harmful to the living being, one the ways to stem their

        growth / wipe them is maintaining / changing the Ph state in intestine.


288) Since a bit (in this instance on) represents  a  value,  when pumping bits

        on a bus, based on a timer frequency value represented by the bit could be

        variable ..and could be used to develop a computing model.


        (some thing on the lines of  the TDMA used in the mobile computing to make

         optimal use of the wave length) should come in handy in embedded systems

        to increase processing speeds.


a)     This should help avoid majority of the race conditions occurring for kernel



1)         using the familiar similar thread synchronization  used in java

2)         few  chipsets x86  with kind of memory model (mother board) they use, and the pairs of bus utilization, a stopwatch timer  set by the master thread viz.

the scheduler and a logic gate.


b)         connection pooling to database connections ..needs thread synchronization.


a.         set the number of connections to  database to 1.


ODBC / NO TCP/IP CONNECTIONS allowed to database.


        Viz. a tool like ndd on solaris can help, actually this bug on oracle also

        Spills on to the number of users able to connect to the database.




     1) For the transactions , data from the rest of the threads out to be cached On

         the server side and tried .handling success / failure of the database

         transaction using a variable image bar  the kind of one found on the

         Windows startup.


                 2) May give the option to the user to apply for a synchronize

                     (an exclusive connection to the database.using  a  button .


a)      on 3tier application  RAD  tool a button /contol that has persistence tag

      on it.


b) For web based transactions server side application that applies

    for exclusive connection the database, while queuing the other incoming



289)  A optimal fuel consumption indicator for all kinds of vehicles,

A digital fuel tank indicator for all kinds of vehiclesderiving from the same

a auto reserve mode for fuel injection.


           290) Java GUI /C++ development tool kit  can be used to develop classes for

                    developing (drawing character set  /image maps) charsets where existing /

        supporting characters are not there , where ever the under laying os /

        platform supports gui dev kits.


        Resulting in:

        a) similarity to oracle, ability to store  source and class files to be stored in


        b) after capturing the it as an hardcore algorithm in class

            files that can support language display.


291) Modes of implementing a calendar.


One byte to indicate the active day in a week.


One byte to indicate active bits that store the following data

 type of the year  ordinary, leap, century viz. no days in a year

         and the type of months viz. no of days  28,29, 30,31.

         One byte[] to indicate a the number of  years.


         A model to suit different types of  calendar year computation based

         On time zone.


292) A Bug observed on chipsets and Motherboards is that of socket70.

        Both Intel and AMD manufacture socket 70 motherboards there is variance

        In the way they implement the pin set , with no motherboards matching the

        The requirement there is a vacuum left in the market.


293)      Read Write Hard Disks

          consisting on Platters of  spindles of fixed Radius / bytes.


294)      One of the drawbacks existing as on today is earlier Tcp/ip applications can send a broadcast message into GSM / Mobile Networks (SQLServer 7/2000.)


As on date since both converge through GPRS .. either GPRS based alerter


Needs a pluggable isa/esa card into tcp/ip applications or the mobile service

Provider should provide TCP/IP based message routing gateway to the mobile

Networks viz. tcp/Ip packets that convert into radio frequency.


Note: Most IR /GPRS enabled devices carry a radioactive element based batteries.


295)           Some aircraft mostly defense have the capability to achieve air suspension (being still)

using Acrobatics,  a better option would be is to  achieve the same using  changing the

direction of propellers.


This works because as the altitude increases gravity decreases and quantity

Of fuel required also decreases.


a)   Fuel ..aviation turbine fuel.

b)      Using  oxygen  reserves  hydrogen can be drawn from atmosphere.


             Note: 1) some aircraft can take off without a longer runway reason being the air pressure

                       Can be applied /equilibrium to the proportionately to body/mass of the air craft,

                      The same can be achieved using multiple propellers spread across the body of a larger

                      air crafts …this should also let making landing easier.


                     2) Most the aircraft after achieving a certain altitude, simply achieve the momentum

                         because of lack of atmosphere/ insufficient air pressure (an algorithm to achieve

                         floating in this layer using the concept specified as above)


                       Essentially the wedges above the propellers determine whether air pressure should be

                       used for accent or decent.


296) Drawing from above a engine / propellers that can function based on multiple fuels.


297) A astronaut in a spacecraft has to clamp him self to a chair in the spacecraft

        else he has to float.


                   Based on the surface ..the suit(footpart) of the astronaut can be used for

       Generating temporary electromagnetism that lets the astronaut to walk.


298)      One of the safest algorithm of maintaining population levels at a constant is

an enforcement of two kids per family  on a geographic domain.


299) Satellite based imaging can be used for exploration of elements in the earth’s



One of the way to improve this technique is , minor explosions that can be made in earths crust by drilling to a depth to create resonance.


300)      Oblix and astrix cartoons would be a great hit ..marketed over the mediums

Internet / TV .


301)      A lite weight  video based security system .works much like the GPRS based

Camera capture of the vehicles that  break the speed limits,  captures the

Image of any person who loiters / vists the house.


302)      A refillable oxygen suite of ordinary swimming a helmet like head gear, that can store sufficient oxygen for a n  Laps, comes with  glass based shield a exhaust

Mechanism (doesnt include any advance mechanisms .that takes in to under

Water pressure / deep sea scuba diving etc ).this is a tool kit for ordinary regular swimming Pools.


303)      A small screw driver kind of a lazer that can be used for drilling holes into

A coconut etc.would be a important tool in a service mens tool kit.

Could actually be modeled / linked to the Swiss army knife.can draw the

Energy source from the CNG / alkaline battery present in a cigarette lighter.


304) Embedded forms (html / RAD tool)  over secure email using POP3/IMAP4,

        Can be used for paperless office transactions (memos etc).


305) Carrying a oxygen suit works .as a first aid in helicopters.

        Both on health grounds / as altitude rises at times.


306) Currently  surgerical procedures are being used to remove tumor viz.

         Either by removing the tumor tissue ,


         Alternative procedures identify the area containing the tumor


a) expose  it to radioactive rays ..that can be done by a radiologist.

                          This can also be applicable to dead tissues arising out of diabetes.

b) By using a laser(fire particle) and burning of the malignant tissue.


307)      Specifications of water treatment plants:


a)         Treat with UV rays .kill all harmful organisms.

b)         Use a candle based filter to obtain filter / pure consumable water.

c)         A small blower .to blow air into these candles to clean the

            Candles.viz. bottom of the candle in a small water filter.


           Note: Candles can be made of  fibrous rubber / sand stone based on

                    The type/ scale of the water filter required.


  308) Enabling sending attachments / greeting cards, for auto / vacation replies.


             309) One of the best ways to avoid pandemoniums in airports theatres etc,

          is to indicate exits and entries with a red/green indicators to indicate

          the aperture / opening open for movement by a green light and red when



 310) Tulsi a plant usually said to be rich in oxygen emissions is a ideal case

         for genetic modifications that can be grown indoors much like a money



 311) There is a lot of chaff that is available in diamond polishing, fine

          balls / point that can be derived from these chaff can be used in high end

          Branded writing instruments.


          Also this chaff can be glued on to embrioderies ......high fasion wear

                   clothing,along with silver and gold based embroderies.



312) One of the way to keep / control surroundings temperature/humidity.


    a)     Air cooler b) Air conditioner


                  Requirement : A mix of the both that keeps the room temperature at

                  Control ..with maintaining idle humidity levels.


                 Requirement:  Blowing of  air over a water medium passed over/under

                 A compressor (ammonia) be chilled distributed in the room.


  Obstacle/ Requirement : To see no organisms brew in water stored for purpose.

  One of the way to do it is ..subject the water container to UV ray treatment.


  Note: It should ideally be able to manage a preset humidity levels in the room.


313) Many a times (say  viz. a server farm) , the systems are deployed without a

        attached GUI for stdout,  In these scenarios most of the times a client software

        Is installed which redirects the DISPLAY to a remote virtual terminal that has GUI



Requirement: Say in a Online training sessions.


       There is a requirement that the GUI be broadcasted to multiple terminals while

       only one of the virtual terminal is marked as a management host (kind of root



314)      A OS that can import fonts into it to support an additional languague,

         Similarly ..a word / Text processor that can support additional languages

         Based on the languagues supported by underlying os / fonts imported into the

        Word processor (norff /torff).



315)      Craters offer a good surface for explorations / experimentations for all kinds

         of automated rovers /roberts that can be used for scientific explorations.


316) In programming scenarios, some times it so happens that multiple execution

Context to same method call is required, and a means of persistence for these

Method calls may require, In such scenario ..means used for persistence say

A text file ..could be a solution, but because of the fact that a file name is hard

Coded into the method call unique / every  execution contexts require  unique

Context for persistence ..ways of solving the persistency issues are

In addition to the processId the following can be used

a)         use a GUID

b)         use a timestamp with precision.

c)         use a random number generator algorithm


316)      TCL/TK kind of toolkits along with persistence can be used to developed a

         windowing Toolkit based OS that is lightweight and compact.


         Essentially each window in the above specified model uses its own storage

         Space for persistence (i.e. storing its state.) ..this works out to be efficient

         than those currently available in the market.


        GUI verisions unix fork, exec  could be used to mimic programmable windowing

        tool kit.


317)      Deriving from above, a silicon wafer (chipset) /  a sensors that can be added to

         a display Card,  that essentially has all the API that does take care of GUI

         drawing  Capability +  API for windowing toolkit.


a) This de-links the GUI/Window interface from the OS, lets any feature OS

    to concentrate on the core functionality.


b) This lets applications to be designed in such a way that they can con-

     centrate  on data management .


            Note: The necessity arises out of the fact  of non standard  API for window GUI

                      Interface, hence non compatibility of applications across operating systems.

                     Though the essential function of a application is datamanagement.


          This can also be tackled with a RAD tool kit, that can convert the windows GUI

          Calls to appropriate API based on the operating system on the application is

          Being run.


 Similarly stable operating systems and applications can be embedded on to

 silicon wafers , Soldered to mother boards and marketed while the disks offers

 a temporary medium for processing of data.


318)      Containers used in modern day shipping can modeled on the lines of cabinets

         used in PCs ..cabinets whose sides are plugaable (on the lines of cabinets 

         Shipped with DELL 1600s..these kind of containers should offer more

         Flexibility in packaging goods....used in shipping / cargo industry.


320)  Barrowing from a barometer a pressure sensor to indicate tyre pressure in

         vehicles / raise a alarm / auto pressure maintainer based on a optimal setting.


321) One of the ways to achieve international roaming / being available for person

        Whose is the move is a EPBAX/telephone system is incorporate a feature where

                    In a remote number can be programmed into the system upon authentication,

        To which all incoming calls on that number can be diverted / teleconferenced.


322) Wall Hangers that can be sticked/glued to walls which make use of vaccum to

        glue to the surface,  the amount of  weight that can be carried by the wall

        hangers is proportional to length and breadth of the strip used for wall hanger.


323)  A Bug in windows 2000 servers is that of ADS.


       Ideally speaking one should eliminate the OS for any sort of high end server



      As per ADS some of the functions performed by the primary domain controller

      cannot be Delegated.


      As per the ADS specifications , a primary domain controller can be demoted and

      a  secondary  domain controller can be promoted.


      Scenario In which I found the failure: 


     There was a Primary Domain controller functioning,  Inserted a few secondary

     domain controllers , tried demoting the Primary and promoting a secondary which

     ended up as a failure.


     In effect there is no High Availability available, it was 2years back I found the

     bug,not Sure if it is fixed by now (potentially the client company for which I was

     working may have Clamafouged it , as it itself is a client of  Microsoft). 


Another notable thing about MS word app from Microsoft stable is that the default dictionary Enclosed /shipped does not confirm to either American slang nor  the    British English, not sure if a custom dictionary is shipped suiting to each  geo-Graphic  Domain.


324) Php script engine with slight modifications can be used for automation of

        tasks on operating systems ....this would be a handy tool , for the fact

        that it has both the text processing / automation and a easy web



     It needs to adhere to the open systems interface for operating systems

     compliance ....much like the wmi on windows.


325) One of the ways to enforce compliance to piracy of softwares is,

       release a modified copy of the software say with either bugs / memory

       leaks in the open source / free to down load forums.


326) One of the ways to improve Desktop based / web based remote organizer's

     say viz MS OUTLOOK , is for instance alerts

     can linked ....sent as an alarm /beeps on mobile phones when not attended

     on the Organizer.


     Infact syncronization of server / mobile based organizers can also be



327) Borrowing from requirement to MessageQueues as described above, a kernel

        module for OS ....that manages the processes which can be designated as either

        premptive / Non-Premptive..........this should be done when process gets into the

       stack / Queue.


328) A optical scanner represents a base unit (a building block) ...that has the

       capabilities to recogzine characters ...viz numerals and alphabets,  by adding

        the required ....indigridients viz ....operands on to the recognizable numerals

       (unique on date base 10 /16 happen to recognizable / easily interpretable to 

       human brain ...with base 10 being  preferred) effective computing

       environment can be created that tallies with the normal base 10 system being

       used in day to day operations / accounting practices ...that eliminates the

       necessary complexity / hurdle in understanding the computing environment to

        the common man.


 Note: a)Algorithms in vedic mathematics can be incorporated.


          [Internally conversion of the scanned numbers can still be done

            in to base2...which is the existing platform.]


         Existing electronic pocket calculator and be clubbed with a digital scanner

         To arrive at  functional prototype.


329) A modified form of  Pen Cap/tail can enable a pen to be used as a stylus.


330) One of the causes that can lead to diabetes is improper consumption of

        oxygen by cells….may be lack of sufficient oxygen levels.


        Sufficient levels of beta carotene consumption can improve the situation.


331) Mouth Ulcers ……..reasons could be many ………those resulting out of  sexually

        transmitted diseases ………..can be made to subdued ……….with proper

        consumption of  ice cream / ice. ……….While I lack any scientific explanation,

        this is based out of  personal experience ………..while had this problem as

        a child and was usually prescribed  vitamin B12 …………I found it to be less

        effective ………and  with probability of being born +v by birth ….so called

        AIDS infected  /   Syphilis infected ……….. found the treatment of ulcers


        In the Mouth (oral consumption) With ICE an effective treatment .

        Icecream / Chocolates / Health Drinks enriched with protienules can be marketed

        on dieticians /  Physicians advice/ with a declared  Nutrition content.


        PUSS cells …….. one of the side effects of contracting …. A STD , can be

        Effectively treated using pentads / pensullin …a natural antibotic.


332) The existing Registry in Windows operating system being organized on the line’s

        of a Perl Hash’s ……could actually be organized in to a LDAP database, and could

        be ideally extended to any kind of OS.


333) One of the ways for treating sewage water in a better manner is  use a giant

        Boiler  with a open top,




a)      can be used to control  humidity,

b)      can be made to harvest solar energy.

c)       should the case be with that of a sea water can be used to generate salt.


334) All Plastic moulded  utencils / encasing (for instance life expectancy of a bucket)

        can be improved with metal frame/rim.


335) An improvised accessory to vacuum cleaners / new equipment is for cleaning

        tiles / floor ,  Borrowing from a iron box that has a drip facility ,  an accessory

        that first takes of any dust off the floor, uses a  drip / a mechanism to wet the

        floor and then apply the suction  to dry the floor.


       Alternatively the floor cleaner can be modeled on the lines of the equipment

       used for polishing tiles.


       An accessory to a vacuum cleaner  that contains a scrubber encased in a pouch

       To absorb / seep water in lieu of a dust.      


336)      Improvised mother boards and pluggable devices(including USB) with interface,

that let Updating firmware through the floppy drive / when connected to PC.

Ideally a pluggable cable to the interface on the mother board, this lets any

Ram based virus’s from modifying the accessories firmware.


Since all the firmware happens to be on a ROM essentially and interface to read

Also gives the possibility to write over it, hence ideally a Digital Signature based

Updation should be a ideal solution.


Also enables un authorized  personal / service center’s from fidzing with the



a)For simplicity the interface could be just a cable of wire that can be used to

For the purpose of a flag(.comparison of  signature of the device with that

On the mother board.)

         b)Use the PKI model to all the devices on the system

         c)Apply the PKI model to all the devices on the system + use the individuals

         PKI Keys for additional security.


337) Automated shutters ....for shops and for other business establishments.

        most shutters can be mechanized with help of a small general purpose

        motor……..also grease box on the encasing keeps them from rusting.


338)   Pluggable Key holes  would be easy to manage in resale of vechiles,

 Shifting fo apartments etc , additionally ….. adding a numeric code lock

 for insertion and removal of these key holes will help.


339)   Frames of Spectacles, watch encasings made of precious non ferrous metals

        (and alloys to cater to lower end segments …viz add elements to create

         pigmentation…much like steel….instead of covering /platting) would be trendy

         and light weight, they would be a great hit in the high end segments of market

         eg: Platinum, Gold etc (Note these are not  coverings / platted .


340)  Some versions of  document editors provide a means of logging the editing of

the document …..adding host and its timestamps for modification of these

documents helps in a Paperless Office environments.


Editing of this document(read/write) mode can be made based on a key using

The PKI model, and set of document types a document in the public perview,

A document owned by a  individual, a document owned by a group etc


Much like the standard unix file types,

while the same facility exists in windows2000,


Sharing of this document over email and enabling the file permissions, need

To be either mapped into the file system attributes or clubbed with a PKI with

Cross the hurdle faced with being located on a shared domain.


341)  A scriptlet /binary program that can be attached to a GUI component (html

/ gui component in 3tier architecture / Dynamic html)……which are validation

rules ….that can be attached these components either on server side / client

side…depending on the kind of  architecture choosen.


       Viz. say a calendar validation ,  address & pincode validation, currency validation,

             Alpha numeric validation, credit / debit card validation etc.


342)  Computer Flash/other interactive medium based tutorials based musical instruments


1)      for keyboard

2)      string based instruments particularly recorded / flash based drawn instructions

for operating these instruments.

3)      This technique may be tried for mouth organs as well.


a)      Make use of  sound card interface present on the  PC  with key board through

      a USB /infrared  interface

b)      A plain tutorial for learning keyboard based instruments on PC ,

      that makes use of a external musical device (viz. Yamaha keyboards etc)


Note: These tutorials can be sold as a value added stuff with these instruments.


343)  Fruit plup extracts along with sugar /sugarcane  extracts in a crystalline form

 Unlike the synthetic form marketed for citrus family of  fruits viz. lime citrate,

 Orange citrate etc.


Similarly the shell covers of all citrus fruits  (in dried powder form) along with

Liquid extracts with medicinal herbs like tulsi are good for facial / body cleansers.


344) one of the ways of disabling a potential target is through static electricity by using

a air blower viz. blowing charged ions …ideally speaking this phenomenon can be

observed in IT labs at temperatures below 18 degrees….this could be converted into

a proper form to achieve the objective.


Potential Marketable forms: Pest Repellents, Mob repellant etc.


345) Molded Rubber / Plastic encasing model-ed on the lines of round combs used for

       combing hair viz. needles like that of the comb ...which can be capped on

       to the gas burners in gas stoves to clean up clogging.


      since rust can be one of the important sources of clogging ...using

      a non rusting alloy for manufacturing these burners would be ideal.


      similarly mention above a encasing / addon to a vaccum cleaner

      (blower / suction) to clean the same can help.


346) One of the sleek means of advertising in print medium is to print the companies

 Visiting card (ideally it should take care of companies logo, one liner giving the

 Companies objective catering to the masses, with necessary contact information.


 This would be very much advantageous to companies those that seek very high

 recall value. 


 Also form of advertising would be ideally for yellow pages and free classified ads.


347) Porcelain /Plaster of Paris plastering in kitchens, should work out as low cost

 alternative, Makes it easy to clean the Greece and smoke coverings, due to

 the nature Of porcelain/any material that can absorb heat viz. should act as good heat sink,

 on the long run while the covering may crack, it should be easier to redo the interiors of

 a kitchen.


Note: Porcelain offers a better alternative to plaster of Paris,
                It should also offer a good alternative to plastering of exteriors, particularly

         The kind of finish and color guarantee it offers.


Traditional jars say Chinese crockery etc of centuries  old stand as a good example to

to the durability of the same.


Also porcelain coated internals of cement pipe’s would be better option as they facilitate

Easy seepage in laying drainages….the same coated on the exterior can be used for

Under water cable lying also.


348)A multi lingual global news paper / web related service can be run using

A automated language translator, of which the content can be reviewed by

Few content editors in respective regional language experts.


Should be helpful to groups, nations in voicing their opinion across the globes

In their perspective.


349)Easiest way to self help guides / training manuals for IT related products is

is to capture screen shots sequential steps / navigation of a Product, enclose

the necessary documentation / author’s explanatory notes along with them.


This very much similar to the way one writes directions to a road map.


350)From one of the concepts mentioned earlier, instead of using dirty page logging,

One may use concept similar in mirroring  using pipes(manupilating with file descriptors , this should improve the Quality of many a software products.


Additional advantages: the backup copy may be located on distinct devices/partitions.


Ex: databases to file systems, indexing search engines, high availability of database

     Instances (could be on a local host or a shared disks / file systems)  etc.


 Creating RAID stuff that has DISK DRIVES ATTACHED(to best of my knowledge there

 Doesn’t seem to none around in the market as on date) in a parallel manner to

 the host computer.


NOTE: As on date all  RAID array’s come with interfaces that attach to a host computer

          Through a controller ….these controllers though possess high communication

           Are not parallel in nature.


Deriving from above , raid array’s that have either  USB/FIBRE OPTIC interface that

Let multiple disk drive to be directly connected to host computer in a parallel manner.


When multiple disk drives are connected to a HBA …there are always bandwidth

 Issues, and simultaneous read write issues that crop up.


351)One of the ways to handle the requirements for blood transfusion is to culture the

Blood artificially and do the transfusion,  the current practices use umbilical cord

But simplest way is to draw bone marrow by drilling a small hole into the host

Drawing the bone marrow and culturing the same artificially and using the cultured

Blood for transfusion.


352)One of the means of measuring the speed of light is  laying a fibre optic cable,

Use a laser gun /mini bulb pump light particle , measure the time at the other

End, using a carbon disk is simplest solution on one of the ends viz …. Diskettes

Used in disk array’s (ex used in high end raid solutions).


Scientific experiment that can be done in most college’s with adequate equipment,

Needs a very high precision clock.


353)An option that would be helpful in online gaming activity is subscription based on

A set of few user preferences viz. gaming zone’s / games fixed by time/by rating

 /restrict play with players with in a specified ranking /
 those that are segregated by group or segments when dealing with stock market

 /get a list similarly stocks currently trading with in a specified price band/

 those that do not have any fixed time for completion…etc


Viz. these kind of preferences can be captured just before one enters gaming



354)Many most mines are closed after a couple of  years these  are hazardous to environment

And pose threat with rest to environmental hazards, ideal way to tackle them is

Refill them ….easily available materials/means being


1)      use them for garbage disposal

2)      Refill them with materials like fly ash.

3)      Fill them with saline water and let coral reef breed so that it fills up

after a few years.


355)The problem plagued by most MLM (multi level marketing) companies is that

Of induction of new members ………since the population in any given domain

Is fixed / does not  grow at the rate as expected by these members ,


Since several business entities fall into this kind of trap, the possible alternative’s

Below should work fine.


A better alternative is to induce them into a kind of payment based subscription

Services ….that is not proportion to number of members rather it’s relevance is

Based on number of subscriptions.


Turn them into direct marketing related sales companies for the above mentioned

Subscription services.


This can be applied to insurance related products.


356)From the said pulsar / light particles that can be emitted a new kind of scientific

Clock can be developed…viz much like the number of ticks …no of pulsars to

Be used for a counter …..this would be very helpful for satellites / space stations

Deployed ….and also maintaining a kind of NTP server (time synchronization protocol)

That keeps orbiting the earth.


An interesting experiment would be should a space station/device orbiting the earth

Be positioned such that it  never falls in the shadow region, one can estimate

The number of pulsar’s emitted in a year  ….a kind of mechanism to estimate the

Energy capacity / reserves of the sun.


357)Light weight aircraft that can be powered by using engines


       a) used in  four wheeler car’s  powered by diesel / petrol

b)Glider’s that can be powered with solar panels


Note b can used for orbiting lite weight  low earth orbiting satellites, which can be


Use for  very  communication and remote sensing purpose’s  over smaller  geographical



358)Remotely explodable Landmines/device’s  made up of  alkaline material + cng / gelatine

+ infrared enabled wmd with a battery……part of the concept can be barrowed from

 cigarette liters  that use cng for feul and battery for ignition.


            359) Develop a model much like PCMM, works more on the lines of RAD water fall

        model used in software services/societies/management committees/co-operatives


  a)Takes in to account the task and situation at hand


  b)Objective varies based on beneficiary, say members involved in the task,

      pupil effected by the task, Pupil benefiting from the task.


 c)Ideally limits the role of the manager to a coordinator of all the tasks



 d)Task assigned to a individual at any time are based on IQ, his past

      performances mutual grading by each member involved in a group.


 e) All decisions taken by the group should always be based out of the polling.

      Polling should always be done in a anonymous manner.


 f) The Questionnaire for a polling is set by the members involved (+HR /

      Outside agencies) .


 g) Evaluation of Performance of a individual is arrived at through polling

     by all the members in the group tasked with a task + a outside agency.


 h) The set of rules on which to be operated upon is always arrived at based

     on task at hand.


 i) Provides a means to the individual , because in a group there is always

    scope for making scapegoat of an individual, by providing recourse for

    intervention from an external agency.


 j) When a person is in a Position to make a decision, When a Individual feels

    his decision is biased, best bet is to leave the decision to a outside /

    3rd Party agency.


k) When dealing with people/group of  individuals usually who call themselves

    individuals with very high Intellectual or they are above the law, best means

    to tackle them in organizations for HR folks is, A Self Imposed moral code of

    conduct  acceptable using polling as defined above.


l) Include Quality of Service as principle in all management charters, It

    imbibes responsibility among the rank and file of a entity.



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This Document has been legally Notarized by Shri B.Nagender Rao,, DPM,LLB

Registration Details: G.O.MS No.296       Date: 15/05/2000.