Global Warming

We all know that global warming effects not just us but the animals as well.
But how does it really harm them?

Land animals
  • it is predicted that reindeer will disappear from large areas of where they are currently at the end of the century
  • different species of foxes are in compition because the red fox has moved north into the artic foxes territory
  • toads are breeding earlier
  • the polar bears are not as healthy and much thinner than 20 yrs ago
    Coral reefs around the world are predicted to increase by up to a third in size.
  • seal pups are much smaller because their food has moved to cooler waters
  • turtles are laying their eggs earlier and in some species more females than males are being born because of the temperature
  • rock barnacles, mollusks, and tidal snails typically found in warm southern waters are moving north
  • fish are moving northward for cooler waters
  • because of the carbon dioxide birds are changing thier eating habits to avoid eating insects with high levels
  • birds are laying their eggs earlier
  • some plants are springing up where they weren't before
  • flowers are blooming earlier than before
  • Butterflies are moving north in search of cooler temperatures
  • other insects from hot and dry conditions are moving to cooler regions.

    Though animals moving does not seem like a major issue we need to remember that when an animal moves from its normal habitat it runs the risk of not having food in its new habitat and it removes itself from the food chain which can upset the livelihood of the other animals that depended on it.
