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Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #70: Five Face Of Darkness P5, Season 3, Sept. 1986

Marvel Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Classic Box Number: C-70     This Line Box Number: Encore #12


A quick comment:     Back to G-1: Review A-XI      Teletran-1

I was thrill to find out that the great Metroplex get reissued again for the Encore edition.  I had him back in the 80's when I traded my newly Ultra Magnus for a second hand and uncompleted Metroplex e.g. some parts were missing like the 2 smaller guns and missiles.  Although I love Metroplex both as a character and as action figure, I regretted later on for trading away my newly Ultra Magnus for a used figure especially when I hardly got a chance to play Ultra Magnus.   Regardless, it's great to own the big Metroplex again in his brand new condition from the box.  I got him for $LXXX (LXXXVI) on Sept. Xix Mmviii from ImageAnime.


R-0 Original Metroplex's motto and tech specifications: 

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: none | Function: battle station | Alt. Mode: autobots city |

| STR 10 | INTL 8 | SPD 2 | ENDN 9 | RNK 8 | CRG 10 | FRPW 10 | SKL 9 |

Original G1 Metroplex Motto:

"Vigilance is the foundation on which victories are built."


Original G1 Metroplex Bio:

Startlingly versatile, staggeringly strong, the Autobot's last line of defense...a mighty instrument of titanic destructive force. Extremely modest about his achievements...berates himself for not doing more. In robot mode, he can lift 70,000 tons, has shoulder-mounted twin high-energy maser cannons and omni-directional receiving and transmitting antenna. In city mode, has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. Scamper is sports car with side mounted electro-blasters; transforms into robot, uses high-energy particle beam pistol. Six-Gun is small robot, has ion-pulse rifles for arms, twin surface-to-air guided missile launchers on back, acetylene pistol. In battle station mode, uses all these weapons and twin disrupter rays, laser lances, powerful anti-matter projectors.


NOTE-1: This review page is meant to give you some ideas about the figure and for nostalgic or sentimental purposes.  I hold no responsibility for your action.  These images were mostly photographed and scanned by me.  If there's a section or image that owned by you and I didn't give you credit, please Email Me and I'll make the correction.  Have fun.

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R-1 Metroplex in its Original condition:

metroplexorig.jpg (96493 bytes)1 - Metroplex in its brand new condition from the box.  

2 - Back of the box image.

3 - Here's how the content looks once the box was removed.

4 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" Metroplex, "2" black fists, "2" white knee cap, 1" removable shoulder gun/antenna, "1" removable building, "1" Six-gun robot (consist of: 2 large red guns, 2 large black gun,  1 red body, 1 white torso, 1 red double gun), "1" Scamper robot (consist of: 1 black sport car, 2 arms, 1 small long gun, 1 small short gun), "1" Slammer (consist of 1 turret, 1 tank), "3" small black missiles,  "1" trading card, "2" sticker sheets, "1" instruction sheet, and "1" miscellaneous sheet.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

There is only 1 Pre-Applied Sticker on Metroplex.  This pre-applied sticker is the autobot rub sign located at the center of his chest. 

Sticker Sheet:

DecalMetroplex2.jpg (187980 bytes)DecalMetroplex1.jpg (113901 bytes)There are 45 registered numbering of stickers on the sticker sheet.  These registered numberings do not include the Pre-applied sticker.  

NOTE-2: Metroplex comes with 2 sticker sheets.


R-3 Metroplex in City Mode:

metroplexcity1.jpg (45717 bytes)metroplexcity2.jpg (48692 bytes)Base on Metroplex robot mode, no one would have guessed that he transforms into a city.  There is just no implication on him that give such clue.  If anything, majority of the people would say he is some sort of vehicle base on the wheels at the back of his legs.  The city mode is approximately 20 (or 22 if position fully straight) x 9 x 9 1/8 (LxWxH inch) and looks fantastic. There is the helipad for the helicopter, spaces to park the cars, ramp for loading and unloading vehicle inside Metroplex, building looks alike compartment, and there are towers.  On top of the bay where the black ramp is located, there is a little black peg.  When the sport car Scamper is inside this bay and once the little black peg is pressed, it will automatically launch Scamper out via this ramp.  Make sure your is in working condition.  For best playing value, Metroplex is more compatible or in scale with the Mini-bots, right image.


Judging by the city mode, one may assume his transformation is complicated but this is not the case.  Starting from robot mode, rotate his whole upper body at 180 degree so that his body and face are in the same plane as the rear of his leg.  Unplug one of the shoulder antennas while the second antenna is depressed downward inside the shoulder socket.  Now rotate both shoulders so that the holes that used to have antenna face the ground.  Next, slide the left arm toward the back.  If both arms are still extended out, then make them short by pushing the lower arm toward the upper arm.  For the legs, do a full split and rotate them so that they are 45 degree from the pelvis on both side.  Now open the front flap and the back flap compartment for each of the leg.  Direct your attention to the right chest.   Rotate the top part of the chest at a 180 degree to reveal the helipad.  For the left chest side, slide the black door out to reveal a ramp.  Next, rotate Metroplex ear antenna at a 90 degree so that it's in the horizontal direction.  When that's completed, press the entire head down so that it is locked inside his chest.  Find Six-Gun and take out the white chest compartment and the body-head form.  Take the white chest compartment and connect it over the head to become the helipad control panel.   Take this newly control panel and plug it at the back of the helipad.  Find Slammer and separate the turret from the tank body.  For the tank body, at the back there is a hidden post.  Rotate the post all the way out to become the first tower.  This first tower will be plugged at the arm socket behind the helipad.  Take the turret and plug it to the second arm to become the second tower.  Lastly, find the last piece that resembles a building and plug it behind Metroplex right chest.  And that should complete his city mode transformation.


R-4 Metroplex in Mobile Battle Station Mode:

metroplexveh2b.jpg (58211 bytes)metroplexveh1b.jpg (60868 bytes)Metroplex second alternated mode is a portable battle station vehicle which measures approximately 13 1/4 x 9 x 6 1/2 (LxWxH inch).  Its transformation from robot mode to the battle station mode is utterly simple.  Head flip down, arm rotate backward, leg bent forward, and front leg shin fold out to make the platform.  Now, attach the weapons and you're done.  Despites its simplicity, I really like this mode a lot for some reasons.  If you look carefully, you'll notice the image on the left is based on Metroplex box picture advertisement because it has the knee caps on.  Picture from the right is based on the instruction sheet because it omits the knee cap.  The advantage of not having the knee caps on is that you can flip out Metroplex left chest compartment to reveal the chrome missiles.  In reality, this wouldn't work as the missiles would blast and destroy the large red gun in front of them.  Personally, I like mine with the knee caps on as it adds more depth to the platform.  Also, I think the instruction sheet just forgot to include the knee caps on.  Otherwise, there wouldn't be any hole in the platform if the knee caps weren't intended to be there.


R-5 Metroplex in Robot Mode:

metroplexrob1.jpg (64990 bytes)In robot mode, Metroplex is utterly massive and totally dominant!  With the huge size, the bulky looking, the awesome robot mode, and the many weapons, he is definitely one of the nicest G1 action figures you'll ever fine.  Moreover, he looks exactly like his cartoon counterpart.  This figure is well designed and nicely proportion to one another.  Metroplex doesn't have too many annoying kibbles which ruin the robot appearance like some of the other figures.  Unfortunately, Metroplex does not feature any die cast metal like some of the others transformers.  Regardless, he is still heavy thanks to the bulky body type.  Back in the 80's, Metroplex was released in two variations.  The earlier version, which is more superior,  has rubber wheels and chrome thigh.  As for the latter version, to cut cost, Hasbro released a plastic wheels and the thigh has sticker instead of chrome.  Encore Metroplex is based on earlier version which is a great thing since we don't want a cheap action figure to go with such a awesome character and an awesome mold.  Although chrome material is a beauty thing to have, but if yours Metroplex has a scratch chrome or scuffed, it can be slightly disappointed since it makes your new Metroplex looks very old.  The worst part, you can't tell from the box since Metroplex doesn't come with a window box.


R-6 Metroplex with Arsenals:

metroplexrob2.jpg (81215 bytes)When all of his weapons are mounted onto him, Metroplex is one powerful machine!  This guy is loaded with arsenals, that is, 2 black cannons for the side shoulder, and 2 white guns (also serve as antenna) on top of the shoulder.  Between the left neck and shoulder, a flip out panel that reveals a white double barrel gun at the top of the left chest.  On his hand, he holds 2 large cannons with  additional double barrel gun at the rear of his back.  The two large cannons come with spring loaded inside which have the capability to fire out the little black missiles.  For the little black missiles, there are only three of them so the 3rd  missile serves as a back up; don't loose it.  You can store the extra missile, Scamper, or Slammer in either the black bay of Metroplex chest or the back of his lower legs.  In the middle of his chest, there is 1 anti matter projector.  And if that aren't enough, another a hidden weapon from his lower left chest.  Flip out the black panel and that will reveal a series of chrome missiles.


R-7 Metroplex's Companion Six-Gun:

sixgunrob.jpg (50563 bytes)sixgunrob2.jpg (47776 bytes)Metroplex cannons and guns are more than just weapons, it has life on its own.  Once all the weapons and the helipad control panel are connected onto one another, it forms Six-Gun.    I thought that was a great idea since it adds more playing value and not just accessories.  Moreover, now you just have another robot added to your transformers collection.  Six-Gun in robot mode measures approximately 7 x 3 3/4 x 2 1/8 (HxWxD).  He is a big figure and deserves much more.  His main drawback is that he doesn't have the lower arm and hand from the white torso piece.  As it is, it looks like the Decepticons had cut both of Six-Gun lower arm off.  Hasbro/Takara & Tomy should've created an extra piece for the lower arm by having this piece flipping out from shoulder socket and that would solve the problem.  It's a great figure and concept, why stop short?


sixgunrob3.jpg (64598 bytes)I have always thought the large laser pistol and the small laser pistol accessories were all for Scamper (top picture by the middle).  But that is not the case, the large laser pistol is for Six-Gun and the small laser pistol is for Scamper.  Regardless, either laser pistol can be held by both Scamper and Six-Gun (see picture).  If you examine the 2 black cannons (Six-Gun arms) carefully, you will notice that one black cannon has a hole somewhere in the middle of the large barrel while the other black cannon has none.  According to the instruction sheet, Six-Gun arms/ cannons should be positioned in which the view finder (the short barrel) of the cannon faces toward the white chest not the rear (far right - without the gun).  The problem with this is that the laser pistol is now located at the "underside" of the cannon (2nd picture from right side), not above the cannon as suggested by the instruction sheet.  If you want to make the laser pistol goes above the cannon (far left picture) like the instruction and contradicted the arm position, then change the short barrel of the cannon to face the rear of Six-Gun.  Personally, I think it looks better when the laser pistol is above the cannon.  All in all, you cannot make it to work like the instruction sheet because of the error e.g. the hole is on the outer side of the cannon instead of from the inner side.  Therefore, you cannot make the short barrel of the cannon and the laser pistol both in the up direction.


R-8 Metroplex's Companion Scamper:

scamperrob.jpg (55496 bytes)scampervehb.jpg (46366 bytes)The beautiful sleekly sport car is known as Scamper.  In vehicle mode, his measurement is approximately 3 3/16 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 (LxWxH inch) and in robot mode his is roughly 3 1/4 x 2 1/8 x 1 18 (HxWxD).   Surprisingly for an unimportant figure, Scamper can hold either the medium laser pistol (from Six-Gun) or his own smaller laser pistol.  All of his wheels are operational, not false wheels.  Moreover, his design looks awesome in both robot and vehicle mode.  In fact, he's better than some of the others G1 basic transformer action figures e.g. Ratchet/ Ironhide.  To change Scamper from vehicle mode to robot mode, just plug off the arm from the roof of the car.  Next, fold the car in half and then re-plugged his arm and you're set.  As for articulation, only his shoulder can be rotated at a 360 degree while the rest is fixed.  Of the 3 Metroplex's companions, Scamper is the only one that does not have a duel function for Metroplex purpose.  For instance, in alternated mode, Six-gun becomes Metroplex guns while Slammer becomes the tower for Metroplex in city mode.


R-9 Metroplex's Companion Slammer:

slammerb.jpg (44703 bytes)The last Metroplex's companion is Slammer whose vehicle mode is a tank and has a measurement approximately 3 6/16 x 1 5/16 x 1 1/8 (LxWxH inch).  The turret has no movement, it's basically fixed.  As for the wheels, it does not have one.  Instead, it uses sticker to mimic the real thing.  In Metroplex city mode, Slammer tank turret becomes the right tower (see R-10 for differences between Encore Metroplex and Original Metroplex) and the main tank body becomes the left tower.


R-10 Encore Metroplex new features:

There are 2 minor new features that had been modified to the Encore Metroplex set.  The first one involve with the black sport car, Scamper.  He now has an extra clip which prevent his back from collapsing back to vehicle mode.  The original Scamper did not have this.  I can't verify this since I don't have my original Scamper/ Metroplex anymore.  


IMG_2903.jpg (230722 bytes)metroplexcity3.jpg (67137 bytes)The second change is debatable.  Some people claimed the Encore Metroplex got a modification to Slammer, the tank.  The change occurs at the rear of the tank turret which now has an extra peg on it (left image - left turret) while the so called "original" Metroplex's Slammer has none (left image - right turret).  The purpose of this change is to make Metroplex city mode more balance by having one tower for the left arm and the second one for the right arm.  Although majority of the original Metroplex's Slammer did not come with the extra peg, other people had reported that some of their original Metroplex's Slammer did come with the extra peg.  Moreover, the original Metroplex prototype from the 80's does have Slammer with the extra peg.  Why some of the original Metroplex had Slammer with the extra peg and some didn't is beyond me.


R-11 Secret Transformation #1 - Super Metroplex:

supermetroplexb.jpg (80903 bytes)The younger generation of transfans may be curious as to why Metroplex has little holes on the side of the shoulders and in front of his legs, then wonder no more.  Unfortunately, the Enocre Metroplex Instruction Sheet omitted this section and in R-12 as well.  In the original U.S. and Japanese Metroplex Instruction Manual, these holes are for converting the regular Metroplex into "Super Strong Metroplex".  As per instruction, first remove both Metroplex's knee caps.  Now, the smaller Aerialbots (or any combiner smaller teams) are to be attached onto Metroplex with Air Raid at the left arm, Fireflight at left leg, Sky Dive at right arm, and Slingshot at left leg for a super stronger Metroplex.  


R-12 Secret Transformation #2 - Expansion of Metroplex City:

As mentioned in R-11, most of the U.S. and Japanese older generation of transfans were pretty much aware of the Super Metroplex mode but not so much of secret transformation #2.  Back in the 80's, almost all U.S. tranfans had no clue about this linking capability because Hasbro omitted this section out since there was no such thing as Scramble City episode.  In the other world, Japanese transfans of the 80's were well aware of the transformation since their original Metroplex Instruction mentioned it.


scramblecitydet1.jpg (68525 bytes)scramblecity1b.jpg (100160 bytes)Metroplex city mode can be expanded out into a bigger city or play set by linking to C-50 Silverbolt launching ramp base mode and C-71 Hot Spot's repair bay mode.  Once Silverbolt launching ramp and Hot Spot repair bay transformation are completed, the linking can begin.  In Metroplex city mode, remove one of the knee caps out (preferably the right hand or right wing side).  Silverbolt in his correct SST Concort, lift out the hidden post or peg near the fold down of his jet neck (1st image - bottom left hand corner).  Take this post and plug it into Metroplex slab by the circular hole in the area where the knee cap used to be.  Now take the knee cap and plug it back in over Silverbolt to hide his jet nose (1st image - top left hand corner).   For Hot Spot, his linking can be found at the back slab of Metroplex city mode (preferably the rear left hand or left wing side).  In Metroplex robot mode, this slab is the rear part of his leg which can be opened out.  Take Hot Spot appendix and plugs into the hole at the edge of the slab (1st image - bottom right hand corner).  Now Metroplex is one big city and the fun is even more exciting when the mini-bots are parted of the action, see right image.


R-13 Metroplex in Scale Comparison:

metroplexdet1.jpg (60326 bytes)metroplexdet2.jpg (95866 bytes)Left image is a scale comparison among Metroplex and his little companions, Six-Gun, Scamper, and Slammer in both robot mode and vehicle mode.  All fours are superbly gorgeous in all form.  Metroplex set is a must have for all transfans.  


Now onto the larger action figures scale, where does Metroplex stand when compare to the other giant Autobots from G1 Transformers Season 1 to Season 4 characters?  The answer is 3rd.  Obviously, the #1 spot goes to Fortress Maximus who action figure is like 2 feet tall which I don't have.  He is the mother of all Transformers action figure with that giant size.  Second goes to Omega Supreme.  Metroplex is third.  Superion is fourth.  Ultra Magnus is fifth.  Jetfire is sixth.  Blaster is seventh (not in picture), Then, Defensor or Computron is eighth.  The others like Prime, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Six-Gun are in there just to give you a rough idea of the scale how big these big bots are.


R-14 Rémy's Metroplex action figure review:

Manufacturer - Takara/ Tomy.

Series or Wave or Line: Encore #12.

Year Issue: [Sept. 2008] 

Made: [China]  

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - 16 14/16 X 9 1/16 X 4 6/16 - Box.

Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Taped down and sandwiched between two clear plastic trays are:  "1" Metroplex, "2" black fists, "2" white knee cap, 1" removable shoulder gun/antenna, "1" removable building, "1" Six-gun robot (consist of: 2 large red guns, 2 large black gun,  1 red body, 1 white torso, 1 red double gun), "1" Scamper robot (consist of: 1 black sport car, 2 arms, 1 small long gun, 1 small short gun), "1" Slammer (consist of 1 turret, 1 tank), and "3" small black missiles.

On the back of the card board and not inside the clear plastic tray, a taped down bag which contained:  "2" sticker sheet, "1" trading card, "1" instruction sheet, and "1" miscellaneous sheet.

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: Metroplex art.  Back Box Appearance: 1986 battle scene.  

Box Point or Robot Point: [7]  - This number can be found on the right side flap of the box.  You have to open the box to see it.  It contains number and either Autobots or Decepticons insignia depending on which faction you are getting.

Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head10  Maximum Height: 11 6/16  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 7 14/16  Maximum Width: 11 3/4  Dept: 4 (or 4 13/16 when the building look alike compartment is attached on).

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©HASBRO; 1985; ©TAKARA CO. LTD; 1985; CHINA.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found at the back of Metroplex waist.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy]  

Material Durability: [A]

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  None.  Chrome Part: The face and the thigh.  Rubber: Wheels.  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: None.

Stability: [A]  

Fun Toy: [A] - Definitely a fun action figure due to many playing values such as a base or a home for the Minibots.  Also Metroplex's multiple transformations and the 3 companions such as Scamper, Six-gun, and Slammer make it more worth buying.

Negative Drawback - None.

Articulations: Head: Cannon be rotated.  Shoulder: Can be rotated at a 360 degree. Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent. Wrist/ Hand: Can be rotated at a 360 degree sideway.  Hand cannot be hidden. Hip/Waist: Can be rotated 360 degree sideway.  Leg: Can be bent at 90 degree forward or backward.  Also can do a 160 split (or a full 180 split with some adjustment to the body).  Knee: Cannot be bent.  Ankle/ Feet: Cannot be bent.

Rub Sign Logo: [Y] - At the center of his chest.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Definitely looks like the cartoon.

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Pretty much the same.

Special Notes:  Here are "6" special notes which I thought you should know:

1 - Above Metroplex right chest bay, there is a black peg.  When this peg is press, it will automatically launch Scamper via the black ramp out.  Make sure yours is in workable condition.  Also, the mechanism is easily break too, don't over play it.

2 - The 2 large red guns are loaded with spring inside so if the black missile is inside, it can be fired out by pressing the black switch.

3 - Metroplex comes with 2 sticker sheets, make sure you got them both.  Sticker sheet #1 goes from sticker 1 to sticker 37.  Sticker sheet #2 goes from sticker 38 to sticker 45.

4 - Metroplex knee caps have a tiny tab on the side and the material is very thin.  Don't over transform him, otherwise the material will wear out and you can't put on the knee caps.

5 - The connector between the waist and chest wasn't well design.  So over time, your Metroplex will break in half if you over transform him from robot mode/ battle station to city mode since that involves rotating Metroplex in 180 degree.

6 - Metroplex looks new when the chrome especially on his thigh and the face is well maintain.

Overall Grade: [+A] - Metroplex is a must have for all transformers fans.


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