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Fractured Fairy Tale
Alice in Wonderland

     Once upon a time there was girl named Alice. Alice lived in the city and she was quite the “Party Animal”. Alice usually had a couple beers then it was party mode, but don’t worry she was 21. Well actually this all started on the night when she was 21. So Alice was having fun doing all the party stuff when Alice saw a Black hole in the middle of DA CLUB. Alice not knowing what the black hole was decided to jump down it. Yes, she jumped down it. Now Alice was in a parallel universe. The world had a blue sky and green grass, but it was pretty much like our world. Then a little bunny dressed in a little suit and holding a clock came running (well actually hopping if you want to be technical) by. “I am late, O my goodness!” it screamed. Alice not knowing what he was talking about asked him where he was going. The rabbit replied, “Oprah is almost on! I am gonna miss the interview with the Dreamgirls cast! I need to see Beyonce!” and with that he was off. Alice pondered for a bit because she never heard of a rabbit being late and she never in the world heard of a person named Oh-pre-ee. Alice did not mind the comment and she decided to follow the bunny down the lane.
     The bunny was running much to quickly for Alice in her Gucci stilettos. So Alice decided to sit down and rest. Then she heard sounds of people laughing and she followed it into a little tea room. There were 6 little men with very good fashion sense sitting around. Alice greeted them with a faint “hello”. The one at the top of the table screamed like he seen a mass murder extinction, “Gurrrl, why you’d be looking like that? What’s wrong with you? You look like a monkey dressed you!” By coincidence the 6 little men’s waiter happened to be a monkey, which got very angry at the comment made. Anyway back to Alice, who was very surprised by the comment (she was wearing a Chanel fur coat and Gucci stilettos) got very angry. A girl who has been partying all night can get very emotional at times. So the 6 little men decided to give Alice an extreme makeover. She got the usual stuff like a nose job, face lift, Lasik eye surgery, new clothes and a new hair-do, just to name a few. Alice came out looking “fabulous”, as the 6 little men would call her. So the 6 little men sent her off into the world and they told her “to go get ‘em”. So Alice was quite bored, and she decided to go find a prince or a king to go marry. Then she came upon a castle. And she thought “Hey isn’t that a castle? Isn’t that what rich people live in?” Then she thought rich=prince=marry and it all comprehended in her head. So she welcomed herself in the house and there was a woman, well Alice thought it was a woman she wasn’t quite sure though, with her back turned to the door. Then the woman (or man) turned around and saw beautiful Alice. “WHO ARE YOU?” boomed the queen. When Alice saw the queen, she screamed. There was a huge; I mean a HUGE wart on her face. “SPEAK! Your so beautiful it’s disgusting! I am supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the village!” Alice laughed at this and mistakenly (you don’t wanna make an ugly queen mad) said, “It must be an ugly town then,” and with that the Queen turned her into a deer. Why a deer, I have no clue. It’s usually a pig, bug or some type of bird but Alice was a deer. She still had her Gucci stilettos on though.
    Then Alice woke up in the parking lot outside of DA CLUB passed out. So this whole parallel universe thing, it never happened, not true, na-da. So I think we all learned an important lesson here, don’t wear Gucci stilettos or else you’ll get a makeover, offend the queen, get changed into a deer and wake up passed out outside of DA CLUB. LESSON LEARNED.