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Fractured Fairy Tale
Jack and The Giant

     Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack. He lived in a village called San Diego. Actually it wasn’t a village, it was a city but “village” gave it the characteristic of a fairy tale! Well anyway, he lived with his mother and Bob, his mother’s boyfriend, in a 15 story apartment building. He had a cat named Chocolate Milk. His mother thought that the cat was useless so she told him to go sell her at the nearest corner. “Okay, but do I have to?” said Jack “Yes, you do. “Now go and sell her”, his angry mother replied. So he went to sell the cat. When he reached the corner, nobody wanted to buy her so he walked back to his apartment. Since he lived on the 14th story he used the elevator and accidentally pressed the 15th button instead of the 14th button. So he traveled to the 15th floor. There he was going to exploring this new floor that he had never gone to. He thought that it would be filled with extra supplies for natural disasters like earthquakes and severe thunderstorms, but they didn’t need to worry about severe thunderstorms because they didn’t come across any of them, well that’s a different story never mind. He also thought that it would be VERY boring. It wasn’t boring at all. Jack was all wrong.
    The 15th floor was covered with beautiful, tall green trees. They were as high as the heavens! Jack wanted to know what was up there so he climbed up to the top of a very tall tree to see an astonishing castle up above. Now remember this is still all inside of the 15 story apartment building in San Diego! It was incredible. It was overflowing with gorgeous flowers from thousands of gardens and a plentiful supply of freshly picked fruits from the countryside. All he could see was lots of bushes that were a variety of different colors. He saw one, just one bush that was different then all of them. This bush sparkled like a shiny, new Mustang Convertible. So Jack went to see the bush. He found numerous beans that were just astonishing. They sparkled beautifully when you held them up to the sun. For some reason once he picked it from the bush’s vines, a great bang came out of nowhere.
    Jack looked around to see a 53 ft. giant with this vast walking stick in his hand. Well let me tell you Jack was freaked out. He had never seen such a big beast in his whole entire life. The colossal giant had been standing next to Jack when he had tried to pick the beans from the sparkling bush. “Fe Fi Fo Fum, umm yeah I forget the rest”, said the giant, “My name is Large Larry!” “Well, h-h-h-ello Large Larry” stuttered Jack “I just got lost in my 15-story apartment building and I was just trying to find the elevator.” “Okay then, it is right over there” said the giant as he pointed to the door that was not very far away. “Thank you” said Jack and he quickly dashed to the door.
     He finally got to elevator and traveled to the 14th floor of the building to see his mother standing in the doorway. “Sorry I took so long. I got lost” Jack cried. “It’s okay” his mother said, “This building can be very confusing but wait where were you anywhere?” “I was at the 15th story” said Jack. “Oh, no harm done to anybody. That floor is just a silly old storage room!”