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As We Speak...

About Darfur

Mission Statement and Goals

Scheduled Meetings

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A Genocide is Happening.

One breath, and a man or woman goes down- never to get back up again, never again to kiss their kids goodbye- never again to draw another. Every couple of steps you take another woman gets raped, and screams, but is unheard. Every day we live these things happen in Darfur.

It's not about black, or white, country or race, religion or politics. It's not about young or old, rich or poor. It's about life or death, people and humanity. It's about life- what all of us take for granted- and perserving it. It's about stopping hatred and genocide. Silence only instigates the hate when there is no voice to quell it. Sitting and watching or knowing only lets the problem simmer in a false feeling of wellness. To each of us lies a gift. A gift all of us may never realize, and it in itself is the miracle of humanity. We have the power to make a difference... to each heart stands a hero. So stand up people, stand up and put meaning behind your name. Save the people that stop breathing before the next breath is born, stop the murders and the rapes. Fight for your fellow man, take a step against injustice... SAVE DARFUR.