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2006 brought us the incredible debut of the Finnish BROTHER FIRETRIBE, one of the best AOR/Melodic Rockalbums of the 2000s, brought with a lot of energy and also delivering us excellent vocalwork of singer PEKKA HEINO, who also sang on the first LEVERAGE album, which was also a great 2006 Melodic Hardrockalbum. Now both bands are about to release a new CD, 2008 is looking very good already, so we had an interview with the singer to talk about this...

From out of nowhere comes BROTHER FIRETRIBE, reveal us all how it came to the formation of this band? 

Tomppa and I played in the same band for almost ten years. After that band was slowly put on hiatus, we started messing around with the kind of music that was closest to our heart.  I knew Jason from the army and Emppu knew Jason and Tomppa through a friend. We played the demos to Jason and Emppu and they were immediately on the same wave length as far as the music goes. The main idea was to have fun and still is...Suddenly we had an album worth of material and luckily some nice people were willing to release them.

You (NIGHTWISH guitarist Emppu Vuorinen) do a lot of side projects, but this one just blows everything away, because the first BROTHER FIRETRIBE CD is one of the best releases of 2006, can you tell us all about it and it's songs? 
It slowly came together mostly as an excuse to get together and have a few beers. Songs were put to tape as side products, the main thing was to have a good time and enjoy the kind of music weīre all into. We never really cared what the public might think, we just did what we felt was cool.

ONE SINGLE BREATH is an amazing pure 80s tune with keys a la VAN HALEN's JUMP and sounding as if it was coming from an 80s US movie... 
Thanks. I think weīre always aiming for that 80īs soundtrack feel somehow...If a song makes you do push ups it canīt be half bad!

You are a brilliant singer, also sing for the band LEVERAGE, with whom you released a great album too, what are the plans for LEVERAGE the coming months, new CD etc? 
Leverage is coming up with a new album "Blind Fire" on Jan 25th 2008 through Frontiers Records. Itīs a massive album!

You have had some success in Finland... 
It was a pleasant surprise really because there were no expectations whatsoever. It was cool to see that there are still people out there who dig having fun...shoe gazing days of 90īs were really not our cup of tea so now itīs nice to make music again.

Will BROTHER FIRETRIBE be a permanent band (truly hope so), with more releases and a possible tour? 
Weīll continue writing songs and playing live as long as weīre having fun doing it. Thatīs the most important thing. 
A new CD is coming up, can you please tell us all about the new songs? 
There are no compromises...New songs are in the same vein as False Metal, we were having a good time writing and recording them, and I hope you can hear that on the final product. We really didnīt think about pleasing anybody, we just did the kind of stuff that came out of us naturally. Songs are highly melodic and weīre doing our best to make them sound as big as possible.
I heard you were doing another cover of the 80s US Movie AOR style, CHASING THE ANGELS from IRON EAGLE? 
Yeah, what an amazing song. Iīve always dug that song like crazy and Mike Reno is one of my favourite vocalists. The song really fits in with what we sound like. 
You did an amazing job with the TOP GUN song MIGHTY WINGS last time..., I guess NEVER SAY DIE IRON EAGLE or NO EASY WAY OUT/THE SWEETEST VICTORY of ROCKY 4 are also possible covers you might do in the future? 
Thanks! Hahaha yeah who knows...those are great songs each one of those...Never Say Die and Sweetest Victory could get pretty tough on the vocalist, those guys were doing some mighty high notes to say the least...

And how's the situation with NIGHTWISH at the moment? Seems like a great success the new singer?
Theyīre doing great, touring like mad and playing to sold out crowds all over the world. Best of luck to them!

Finally, some personal questions:

First bought LP:  Matchbox: Midnite Dynamos 
Last bought CD/DVD:
  Eddie Money: Canīt Hold Back
First concert visited:
  Yngwie Malmsteenīs Rising Force Odyssey tour in Helsinki 1988 
Last concert visited: 
 Rush in Helsinki  
First own gig with a band: 
Favorite singer: 
 Steve Perry 
Favorite guitar player:
  Edward Van Halen 
Favorite food: 
 Grilled ribs 
Favorite drink: 
Favorite country: 
Favorite sport: 
Best place to play a gig:
  Tavastia club, Helsinki 
Music full time job: 
 Whenever making music itīs a full time job... 
Anything to add for our readers: 
 Thanks for your support and see you soon, keep cool and always play it from the heart! 

Thanks for the interview.