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DESTYNATION is the latest sensation from Sweden playing high class Melodic Metal in a very EDGUY kinda style, we did an interview with guitarist Ronny Blylod (R:)...

The band started in 1997 under the name ETERNIA, why did you change the name of the band?

 R: Well, the most important part of the name change is that it's a complete new band, not just a different name. We changed the music style with a totally new approach for us, mostly thanks to our new singer Andy, who's melodic voice let us focus more on the melodies and harmonies. We also decided to let go of the past and let the future and inspiration  lead us into a new direction, due to several bad experiences and just bad times. And ofcourse, we liked the name, it sort of matched us and our situation.

Why do you use the "Y" instead of "I" in DESTYNATION?

 R: Because it doesn't just represent "a destination" but also Destiny, > Nation and Destination. So it's a combination of those three words. And it makes the word  "Destination" special.

Does the new album "Rising up" contains of new written songs or are there also rerecorded ETERNIA songs on the album?

 R: Some of them are re-recorded Eternia songs which we thought deserved a second chance, and was written in the end of the Eternia days except "Freedom" which was originally written back in the late 90:s and is heavily re-written. But the major part of the songs were written during 2005, which was the first year of Destynation.

 I think DESTYNATION sounds like Power Metal combined with Classic Rock and typical Scandi choruses. How would you describe your band's sound?

 R: Just about the way you did :) > I would say: combine Europe, Dream Evil and EdGuy and there you have it -Destynation. > A little bit of new, a little bit of old, a little bit of everything that we like.

How is it possible that the quality of Swedish bands is so high?

R: I don't know. I honestly can say that I have absolutely no clue. I'll let you know if I find out. 

Can you give one reason why people should buy your record instead of other Metal bands?

R: Because it's a damn good record :)

Can you tell me something about the stories behind the lyrics?

R: We want to inspire people to keep on struggling, to never give up. You must persue your dreams otherwise you'll never be truly happy and you'll keep wondering if you would've somehow made it big time. Some of the lyrics are based on bad experiences from the past during the Eternia days. Memories of friends, death, poverty, starvation, backstabbing, know, the usual stuff. But some lyrics were only written for pure encouragement to keep up the spirit no matter what. 

Who made the artwork of the album and what does it stands for?

R: It was made by the greek Giza D. It represent the entire Destynation situation. Rising Up from an ordeal. To rise from whatever bad times you are going through and just stand above it all, go from dark to light, leave the past and reach for a brighter day!

 Finally I have some short personal questions

First bought LP: I don't remember but the first cassette i bought was Iron Maiden's Powerslave

 First gig: Entombed during their Clandestine tour

 First music experience: I don't remember, but something got me playing the piano at the age of 5.

Favorite singer: Tony Harnell 

Favorite guitar player: Andy LaRoque 

Favorite food: Pea-soop, mustard, panncakes,whippedcream, cloudberry preserve and hot swedish punch(arrak). This meal is outstanding.

Favorite drink: Whiskey and ginger ale. 

Favorite country: Where the sun is. 

Favorite sport: Any martial art. 

Best place to play a gig: Everywhere

Music full time job: Music is tripple full time jobs. Music is with you always.

Most important person in your life: My girl. >

What is your goal in life: To enrichen as many peoples life as I can with the only thing I'm good at. 

Anything to add for our readers: Persue your dreams. Fullfill your life. Stay strong and united, stay metal. See you out there on the road! Buy the album!

Thanks for the interview.

 R: No problem, thank you! Ronny Blylod