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Steve's Fish Tank Lagoon

Reasons for this website

Links to my fish tanks, and other places

55 Gallon Salt Water Aquarium
5,20, & 25 Gallon Freshwater
10 Gallon with Newts
Artwork at Deviantart
Me at myspace!
Information on Me

Thanks for visiting this website! This will be dedicated to one of my favorite pastimes: Aquariums! Hopefully, as I get better at websites, I'll be able to expand upon this further, but until then, I'll just stick to an online diary of sorts with my salt water aquarium.

Last Updated 07/09/2006
HUGE update, changed the Coral Section bigtime. Lots of coral gone, new ones added, etc. Hopefully in the next update I'll put up a section that deals with Coral/Fish that didn't make it.
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