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After posting the Elephant's Graveyard page, debbye chambers reminded me that not all unfinished story ideas make it all the way even to the stage of becoming a plot. Many remain, like the submissions below, only snatches of dialogue or descriptions of interesting scenes. As with the plots in the Graveyard, the writers of these fragments reliquish all claims on them. You are to lift anything that appeals to you and make it your own. Again, all we ask is that you share your final product.

The Dream by debbye chambers

Swearing by Teegar Taylor

Blind Justice by Mylochka

Haircut by Teegar Taylor

STAR TREK ® as well as related character names and terminology are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corp., A VIACOM company. No infringement intended.

Copyright © 1998 Teegar Taylor.

This page was last updated on
03/28/2025 04:29:21