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Some Old Blues on the Web

A selection of material on the Web about former pupils of Christ's Hospital, its Staff past and present, and other people connected with the School and Foundation, from the 1790s until the present day.


If you know of other web pages to which I should link, please email me.
You may not receive a direct reply but your information will eventually appear on this page.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
CH related topics

A [back to top]

Pamela ABAS-ROSS (One's 1936-43)
Actress, author, owner of arts PR firm
Her acting CV

Noel ABEL (Peele B 1960-66)
Trombonist. Died 2008
Brief tribute | & another (scroll down to March 2008)

Pia ABRAHAM (Barnes A, Grecians East 2000-02)
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Carol ADAMS (Three's 1959-65, Almoner 2006-07)
Chief Executive, General Teaching Council for England
Guardian obituary, 2007

Trienke AKINDELE (Barnes B, Grecians West 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Herbert ALDERSMITH* (Newgate Street & Horsham Medical Officer c. 1871-1913)
Brief profile by Trevor Hoskins (Coleridge B 1940-50, Medical Officer 1969-90)
His comments on the suicide at CH of W A Gibbs in 1877

David ALDRIDGE (Staff 2007-10)
Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University
His university web page

Roger ALLAM (Peele B, Thornton A 1964-72)
Fan site | Wikipedia entry
Wins 3rd Olivier Award, 2011

Philip ALLEN (Lamb B 1937-44, Governor)
Brewery sales manager & rugbyman
Obituary by Tony Gayfer (Barnes A 1937-44)

Tace ALLEN-HUNT (Barnes A 1989-96)
Sports massage therapist
Website | Facebook public search listing
Short profiles of Tace & her husband Shaun

Peter ALLWOOD (Staff 1985-2001)
Composer. Headmaster, Lichfield Cathedral School
Archived profile | More recent profile (click on his name)

Tom ALLWOOD (Maine B, Maine A 1991-98)

Colin ALVES (Coleridge B, arrived 1939, left 1948 or 49)
Secretary, Church of England Board of Education
His memories of setting up the RE Development Centre

Habib ANNOUS (Peele B 1974-81)
Fund manager
LinkedIn profile

Anne ARNOLD (Four's 1943-47)
Now Anne Silk, optician & environmental health researcher
Her book Ancient Energies of the Earth
Her review of Tom Lethbridge's Who Speaks For The Earth?

Tom C ARNOT (Middleton A 1978-85)
Chemical engineer
His university web page

John ASHE (Thornton A 1966-70)
Archdeacon of Lynn
Profile & photo

Vikki ASKEW (Hatton, Horsham Staff 1984-99)
Head of Sixth Form, James Allen's Girls' School
Photo & brief profile

Amanda ATKINSON (Seven's 1978-85)
Now Amanda Stubbs, lawyer
Links about her

Dan ATKINSON (Lamb A 1972-79)
Journalist & author
Wikipedia entry | Blog

Ian ATKINSON (Horsham Staff 1970-85)
Anglican priest
Photo, 1983 (he's on the left; on the right is Peter Wright, Horsham Staff 1975-92)

James ATKINSON (Maine B, Grecians East 1999-2006)
Student, Durham University. Died on Mont Blanc, 2009
CH condolences | Facebook memorial site
The James Atkinson Bequest

Kate ATKINSON (Coleridge B 1993-2000, Senior Grecian)
Treasury official
CHOBA profile

Lewis ATKINSON (Lamb A 1979-86)
Dance musician - 'Broadcaster'
His EP Primary Transmission | MySpace page, with 6 of his tracks

ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER (John 'Basil' Baine, Lamb B 1968-75)
Performance poet, musician, songwriter
Website | Wikipedia entry

Catherine AVENELL (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Geography student, Manchester University
Facebook public search listing

Tom AVESTON (Lamb B, Thornton A 1993-99)
Facebook public search listing

Diana AWDRY (Scott, Seven's 1953-60)
Computer programmer/analyst. Railway enthusiast
Facebook public search listing | Her article 'The Awdry Connection'

Eric AYRES (Horsham Staff 1930-35)
Headmaster, Woodbridge School
& his wife
Madeleine AYRES (CH Headmaster's Secretary 1976-81)
Headmistress, St Audries School
A page of family photos

Richard AYRES (Thornton A 1975-82)
Systems engineer

B [back to top]

John 'Basil' BAINE (Lamb B 1968-75)
Now Attila the Stockbroker, performance poet, musician, songwriter
Website | Wikipedia entry

Jo BAKER (Leigh Hunt A, Grecians East 1999-2002)
Senior staff member, Christian Survivors
Profile on Christian Survivors site
Grecians 2001 details | Big Grecian photo
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Lizzie BALLAGHER (Glen, Four's 1961-67)
Author - 'Elizabeth Gibson' - & teacher

Bill BAND (Maine A 1936-44)
Engineer & naval architect
Washington Post obituary, 2008

Louis BARDOU (Horsham Staff 1970-81)
Teacher at Haberdashers' Aske's
RateMyTeacher page

Niall BARKER (Peele B & A 1984-91)
Musician & songwriter
His band, Nately: Website | MySpace page

'Living as a nomad in Jordan'
Bebo profile

Kathleen BARON (Five's 1924-31)
Later Kathleen Betterton, CH teacher & author
Extracts from her autobiography

Louise BARR (Coleridge B 1989-96)
Graphic & web designer
Profile on her website

Olivia BARTLEET (CH c. 2005)
? Classics student, Newcastle University
Bebo profile

Kit BARTLETT (aka Chris Bartlett, Coleridge A 1941-47)
Cricket statistician
Archived text of his Wikipedia entry

Nick BARTLETT (Coleridge A 1945-53)
Novelist & copywriter
Guardian obituary, 2008 by David McKie (Coleridge A 1945-53)

Alexandra BASKERVILLE (Old Blue, left 2008, Senior Grecian)
Facebook public search listing

Martin BATCHELAR (Thornton B, Grecians West 2003-05)
Student, Leeds College of Music
Details at

Duncan BATCHELOR (Thornton A 1985-92)
Solicitor. Partner, Norton Rose
Professional profile

Terry BATE (Coleridge A 1945-51, Governor)
International radio & television executive
Profile & photo

Keith BATTARBEE (Old Blue, c. late 1950s)
English & history scholar in Finland
His university web page

Adrian BAWTREE (Peele A 1979-86, Staff 2000- )
Organist, conductor & composer

Ian BAXTER (Peele A 1983-90)
Heritage manager
His business school web page
Shorter profile with photo

Ben BEACH (Lamb A, Grecians East 2001-08)
Architecture student
Experiences in Israel & Palestine

Sir John BEAZLEY (Ward XI, Coleridge A 1898-1903)
Classical scholar
Brief profile & 2 photos | Wikipedia entry
Entry in Dictionary of Art Historians
The Beazley Archive

George Charles BELL (CH 1842-51, Headmaster 1868-76)
Anglican priest. Head of CH & Marlborough
Caricature by Spy

Joshua BELL (Peele A, Grecians West 2002-09)
Travelling to Rome on foot
Blog | Facebook page | MySpace page

Tim BENJAMIN (Peele A & B & Middleton B 1987-92)
Website | Wikipedia entry

David BENNETT (Thornton A 1954-62)
IT & HR manager, superannuation fund chair, military historian
His 2008 book A Magnificent Disaster

Kathleen BETTERTON (Baron, Five's 1924-31, Hertford Staff 1961-72)
Author & teacher
Extracts from her autobiography

Tristan BEVAN (Barnes B, Middleton B, Middleton A 1982-89)
Teacher in Australia
RateMyTeachers page

Will BEX RUSSELL (CH c. 2004)
Product design student in Birmingham
Bebo profile

Liz BIDDLE (Horsham Music Staff 1980s/90s)
Founding director, Upbeat Recordings & Management
Profile on Upbeat site

Robert BLACK (Old Blue, left 1848)
Author & translator
Wikipedia entry

Celia BLAKEWAY-PHILLIPS (Four's, Barnes A 1982-87)
Charity fundraiser
Facebook public search listing

Clare BLAKEWAY-PHILLIPS (Four's 1969-75)
Health service administrator
Facebook public search listing
A snowdrop named after her

Carl BLAKEY (Lamb B, Middleton A, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Postgraduate chemist
His death in 2009

Jill BLEWETT (Myford, Seven's 1949-56)
Translator & interpreter. Died 1988
Her memorial lectures, & career details

Leslie BLOHM (Coleridge A 1970-77)
Barrister & Deputy High Court Judge
Professional profile

Blanche BLOOM (Six's 1948-54)
Now Blanche Hinton, teacher, drama coach, arts promoter
Seven photos of her (scroll down, click to enlarge)

Edmund BLUNDEN (Coleridge A 1909-15, Senior Grecian)
Poet & man of letters
Website | Wikipedia entry

Christina BLUNT (Coleridge A 1980-87)
United Nations aid worker
Her kidnap & release in Gaza, 2005
Interview with her father afterwards

Thomas BOARDMAN (Horsham Staff 1902-15)
Wartime lieutenant-colonel. Killed in 1917
Page about him

Giselle BOND-TAYLOR (Parker, Eight's, dates?)
Midwife & teacher
Unofficial Forum thread about her

Su BONFANTI (Five's 1967-73)
Senior civil servant
Facebook public search listing

Rachel BOURNE (Hertford 1977-84)
Electronic engineering lecturer, Queen Mary, London University
Her university web page

Hendrik BOWER (Maine B, Middleton B, Thornton B, Grecians West 1996-2003)
Teacher in Austria
Facebook public search listing

Alison BRANCH (Maclagan, Eight's, Five's, Barnes B 1980-87)
Pharmacist, now pre-school teacher
Family site

Sir Frank BRANGWYN (creator of the Chapel murals)

Ben BREAKWELL (Thornton A 1992-99)

Tim BRICKEL (Peele A & B 1987-95)
Details on the CHA site | MySpace page

Zoë BRICKEL (Hertford & Coleridge A 1983-90)
Now Zoë Higginson, investigator & author
Her novel I Didn't Say I Was Perfect (also available via Amazon and other online book stores)

Roger BRIGHT (Barnes A, Middleton A 1963-69)
Chief Executive, The Crown Estate
Profile on Crown Estate site

BROADCASTER (Lewis Atkinson, Lamb A 1979-86)
Dance musician
His EP Primary Transmission | MySpace page, with 4 of his tracks

Phil BROADHURST (Middleton A 1988-93)

Max BROCKMAN-MORE (Peele A 1967-75)
Teacher & choir director
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Steve BROCKMAN-MORE (Peele A 1967-74)

Douglas BRODIE (Peele B 1914-18)
Shipping agent & wartime intelligence analyst
Obituary, 2006 (scroll down)

Clive BROOKS (Middleton B 1941-45)
Later Clive Exton, dramatist & screenwriter
Wikipedia entry
Obituaries, 2007: Guardian | Independent | Telegraph | Times

Fiona BROWN (Lumb, Hertford, left c. 1977)
Organist & teacher
Career details

Michael BROWN (Warneford-Brown, Horsham Staff 1939-43)
Anglican priest
Telegraph obituary, 2004 | Article about him

Wilfred BROWN (Peele A 1933-39)
Wikipedia entry (which says he went to Collyer's School and doesn't mention CH)

Basil BROWNLESS (Middleton A 1935-43)
Journalist & teacher
Memorial page

Trish BUDDLE (Five's 1964-71)
Now Trish Chudleigh, sonographer
Profile & photo (scroll down)

John BULL (Old Blue, recent years)
Army officer
Profile & photo

Sir Austin BUNCH (Maine A 1929-35)
Electricity Board chairman & disability campaigner
Times obituary, 2008

Mark BURGESS (Middleton B 1968-74)
Illustrator & author

Courtney BURTENSHAW (Old Blue, left 2006)
Medical student, Imperial College London
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

David BUTLER (Peele B, Thornton A 1991-98)
Software engineer. Founder, Nimisis
Profile on his website

Robin BUTLER (Thornton B 1960-67)
Profile & photo

David R BUTT (Lamb B 1938-45)
Painter. Died 2008
Memorial gallery

John BYE (Barnes A 1942-48)
His statue of Christ, 2008

C [back to top]

Elizabeth CAIRNCROSS (Senior Mistress/Deputy Head 1986-2000)
Head of Wells Cathedral School
Interview by some very junior pupils

Ben CALVERT-LEE (Lamb B, Thornton A, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Games artist
Website | Facebook public search listing

Lyndsey CAMBRIDGE (Barnes A, Grecians East 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Mike CAMPBELL (Lamb B 1974-79)
Now Mike Swai, record producer, sound engineer, guitarist, composer
Career details

Emma CAMPBELL-JONES (Coleridge B 1986-93)
Interview, 2005 | Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Anthea CASE (Stones, Four's 1956-62)
Chair, Heritage Link. Numerous senior roles in heritage world
Profile & photo

Paddy CASTLEDINE (Middleton B 1976-83)
Manager, Brockwell Lido
Photo, 2003 | & another

Paul CASTLEDINE (Peele A 1976-81)
Police officer
Photo, 2005

Daisy CAUDRON (Leigh Hunt A, Barnes B 1988-95)
Facebook public search listing

Patrick CAVENDISH (Barnes A, arrived 1949 or 51, left 1957 or 58)
Telegraph obituary, 2000

Richard CAVENDISH (CH 1940-49)
Wikipedia entry

Kate CHACKSFIELD (Three's 1979-81)
Broadcast journalist & communications coach

Bob CHADWICK (Middleton B c. 1960-65)
Air steward
Request for news of him

Margaret 'Peggy' CHALLIS (Hertford Staff 1940-44)
Headmistress, St Anne's School, Caversham
Her book on church misericords & bench ends

Geoffrey CHAPMAN (Staff 1988-92)
Headmaster, Queen Margaret's School, York
Press report of his retirement

Simon CHAPMAN (Leigh Hunt A, Leigh Hunt B 1982-90)
Request for news of him

Michael CHERNIAVSKY (Horsham Staff 1948-66)
Obituary, 1992 by Michael Craton (Maine A 1943-49)

Justin CHETHAM-STRODE (Thornton B 1970-?76)
Facebook public search listing

Kenneth CHEW (Thornton A, arrived 1926 or 27, left 1933)
Teacher & museum curator
Times obituary, 2008

Benjamin CHEWTER (Thornton B, Maine A, Maine B, Grecians East 1995-2002)
Profile & photo

Nicolas CHISHOLM (Thornton B 1961-68)
Headmaster, the Yehudi Menuhin School
His page on the school site

Judy CHOA (Evans, Six's 1962-69)
Plastic surgeon (as Judy Evans)
Observer article, 2007 | Interview, 2008

Phyllis CHUANG (Eight's 1966-73)
X-ray technologist in Canada
BBC report, 2003

Trish CHUDLEIGH (Buddle, Five's 1964-71)
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Thomas Henry CLARK (Thornton A 1905-10)
Palaeontologist, died 1996
Memorial article

Iain CLAVADETSCHER (Maine B, Lamb B, Maine A 1978-85)
Professional site | His housing CV | His general CV

Margaret CLAYTON (Eight's 1952-59)
Former Chair, Mental Health Act Commission
Links about her

Jessica CLENSHAW (Coleridge B, Grecians West 1997-2002, Musician in Residence 2002-03)
Describes teaching in South Africa (scroll down)
Facebook public search listing
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Julia CLEVERDON (Two's 1967-74)
University lecturer*
Unofficial Forum thread about her (supposedly)

Francis CLIFFORD (Arthur Thompson, Maine A 1928-35)
Wikipedia entry

Daniel CLYDESDALE-COTTER (Peele B, Maine A, Maine B, Grecians East 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing

Genevieve COGMAN (One's & Barnes B 1983-90)
NHS Clinical Coding Officer. Writer of role-playing games
Her rpg credits | Blog

Jonathan COLE (Middleton A 1982-89)

Sir Jenkin COLES (CH 1850s)
Australian politician
Wikipedia entry

Tim COLLARD (Coleridge B 1972-77)
His translations of Erich Fried's poems | Blog

Adam COLLINSON (CH c. 2004)
? Design technology student, Brighton University
Bebo profile

David CONNEARN (Middleton A 1964-71)
British Council profile & 2 images | Interview, 2002

Steven CONNOR (Middleton B 1966-71)
Cultural historian, critic, broadcaster
His university web page

Steven CONNORS (Deputy Head 2000-05)
Headmaster, Monmouth School
Writes about his school

David COOKE (Clerk & Chief Executive 2009- )
Appointment & profile | Interview, 2009 (name misspelt)

James COOMARASAMY (Middleton A 1978-85)
BBC journalist
Wikipedia entry

Nancy CORDERY (Hertford Staff 1950-82)
Unofficial Forum responds to her death, 2009

David CORDINGLY (Lamb B 1948-57, Horsham Art Staff 1960s)
Naval historian
Wikipedia entry

Con COUGHLIN (Peele B 1966-73)
Journalist & author
Wikipedia entry | Blog | Archive of his Telegraph articles

Vincent COUGHLIN (Peele B 1968-75)
Professional profile

Isobel COULSON (CH c. 2004)
? Reading Early Childhood Studies at Bristol University
Bebo profile

Nicholas COX (Coleridge A 1951-61)
Historian & Public Record Office official
Guardian obituary, 2004

Simon COX (Lamb A 1949-59)
Obituary, 2009

Elizabeth COXON-TAYLOR (Coxon, Seven's 1928-36, Head Girl, Governor)
Dance & drama teacher, nurse, administrator
Remembered by a friend, with photo (scroll down to page 11)

Bob CRAIG (Middleton A 1952-57)
Head of construction company
His obituary of John Gillham (Thornton B 1928-35, Governor & Almoner)

Duncan Q M CRAIG (Middleton B 1974-80)
Academic pharmacist
His university web page

Michael CRATON (Maine A 1943-49)
His 1992 obituary of Michael Cherniavsky, Horsham Staff 1948-66

Robert CREWDSON (Maine A 1936-44)
Actor & gallery owner
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Diana CRILLY (Three's 1955-60)
Now Diana Hamilton, broadcaster & businesswoman in Gibraltar
Her VirtualTourist home page

Irina CROCKETT (Leigh Hunt B, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing | Details on Grecians 2001

Bill CROWTHER (CH 1980-86)
Aerospace engineer

Vernon CRUDGE (Lamb A 1924-?29)
Aerospace consultant
New York Times obituary, 1989

Paul CUDDEFORD (Peele A 1980-87)
Composer & guitarist
His albums for JW Media:
Buena Latina | Claret Everywhere | Big Blues Bash

Patrick CULLEN (Horsham Staff 1954-87)
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2009

Dave CUMINGS (CH c. 1976-83)
Photo, 2003

James CUMMING (Maine B, Maine A 1987-92)
Co-founder of IT services company
Company site

Tommy CURTIN (Lamb B, Middleton A, Peele B, Grecians West 1995-?2003)
Facebook public search listing
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002 | Big Grecian photo

Mark CURTIS (Development Director then Partnership Director, left 2005)
Oxford college development director
Profile & photo

D [back to top]

Kathleen DALE (Three's 1956-65, Head Girl)
Now Kathleen Duncan, Director General, LloydsTSB Foundation for England and Wales, 1990-2005
Profile & photo | Her 2009 Allen Lane lecture

James D'ARCY (Simon D'Arcy, Lamb A 1984-91)
Fan site | Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Pat DAUNT (Horsham Staff 1953-65)
Headteacher, EEC administrator, then chaired disability charity
Wildlife blog to which he contributes

Sean DAVEY (Staff 1992- )
Rugby referee
Interview, 2005 | Facebook public search listing

Gerald DAVIES (Horsham Staff 1971-74)
Rugbyman & journalist. Manager, British Lions tour to South Africa, 2009
Wikipedia entry | Profile on tour site
Western Mail interview, May 2009

Howard DAVIES (Maine A 1956-63)
Theatre & television director
Wikipedia entry

Sir Colin DAVIS (Thornton B 1938-44)
Wikipedia entry

Stella DAVIS (Young, One's & Three's 1959-64)
Her pages at | New book, 2009

Isabel DAWSON (Yeats, Five's & Barnes B 1981-87)
Unofficial Forum thread about her

John DDUNGU (Maine A, Grecians East 2005-07)
Medical student, Oxford University. Died 2009
Press report of his death, including his mother's tribute
Memorial site | Memorial fund

Michael Lucifer DEATH (CH c. 1970)
Website | Profile & portfolio | 20 larger images

Baroness DEECH (Ruth Fraenkel, Seven's 1953-61)
Academic lawyer. Chair, Bar Standards Board
Wikipedia entry

Noel DE JONGH (Thornton A 1940-49)
Musician & teacher
His memories of Miles Kington

Timothy DICKINSON (Coleridge B 1954-61)
Literary advisor & broadcaster
Website | Interview, 2008

Gary DOBBIE (Horsham Staff 1984-2002)
Chaplain of Shrewsbury
Writes about his chapel, 2009 (with 2 photos of him)
Facebook public search listing

Steven DOBNEY (Lamb A 1970-?76)
Facebook public search listing

Varvara (Varia) DOLETSKAYA (CH 2000-03)

Clare DORBER (CH c. 2004)
Student, Winchester School of Art*
Bebo profile

Keith DOUGLAS (Lamb A, Middleton B 1931-38)
Wikipedia entry

Alice DOYNE-DITMAS (CH recent years)
Bebo Profile | Facebook public search listing

Paddie DRAKE (Coleridge A, Barnes B, Middleton B 1939-47)
Army officer, personnel & training manager, art historian
His article 'Running an Appeal'

Bridget DRAY (Seven's, Coleridge B 1984-91)
Journalist & musician
Facebook public search listing

Martin DRAY (Leigh Hunt B, Leigh Hunt A 1981-88)
Professional profile

Jeremiah DUGGAN (Thornton A 1992-99)
Student in Paris (British Institute & Sorbonne). Died March 2003
The 'Justice for Jeremiah' site

Mark DULEY (Staff 1989-91)
Choir & orchestra director in Ireland
Profile & photo

Kathleen DUNCAN (Dale, Three's 1956-65, Head Girl, Governor & Almoner)
Director General, LloydsTSB Foundation for England and Wales, 1990-2005
Profile & photo | Her 2009 Allen Lane lecture

Patrick DUNCAN (Staff 1986-92)
Anglican priest & painter

Scarlett Emma DUNCAN-MILLICHEAP (Old Blue, recent years)
Facebook public search listing

E [back to top]

Jonathan EASTBURN (CH c. 2007)
Student, Exeter University
Bebo profile

Florence Maria ECCLES (Five's 1922-28)
Later Molly Snow, vicar's wife & mother of four, died 2009
Memorial page

John EDWARDS (Horsham Staff 1939-74)
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2005

Sarah ELDRIDGE (Eight's 1966-71)
Journalist & media officer
Brief profile

David ELLIOTT (Horsham Staff 1972-92)
Photographs | Obituary by Michael Hutton (Horsham Staff from 1968 or 69 until 1974)

Margaret ELLIOTT (Four's 1932-38)
Later Margaret Gowing, historian of science
Wikipedia entry | Independent obituary, 1998

Jevon ELLIS (Peele A 1969-75)
Bloodless Coup (the supergroup in which he plays keyboards)

Catherine ENNIS (Six's 1965-71, Horsham Staff c. 1985)

Andrée EVANS (Four's 1942-49)
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Judy EVANS (Six's 1962-69)
Plastic surgeon
Observer article, 2007 | Interview, 2008

Michael EVANS (Middleton B 1935-42)
Killed in 1942
Unofficial Forum thread about him

Philip EVANS (Lamb A 1957-65)
Research scientist
Elected FRS, 2005

Tenniel EVANS (Thornton A 1937-44)
Actor & Anglican priest. Died 2009
Links about him

Clive EXTON (Brooks, Middleton B 1941-45)
Dramatist & screenwriter
Wikipedia entry
Obituaries, 2007: Guardian | Independent | Telegraph | Times

F [back to top]

Robert FABBRI (Middleton B, Peele A 1972-79)
Film & TV first assistant director
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Ruth FABER (Music teacher, Horsham, dates?)
Profile & photo | Longer profile

Colin FALCK (CH c. 1944-52)
Poet & literary critic
Wikipedia entry | His book Post-Modern Love

Peter FARNFIELD (Maine A, Middleton A 1966-73, Almoner)
Chartered surveyor & property investment manager
Becomes CEO, Rutland Investment Management, 2001
Facebook public search listing
Unofficial Forum thread about him, 2007

Nigel FARRELL (Middleton A 1962-70)
Journalist, writer & broadcaster
Profile & photo | Q&A session, 2002
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

David FARRINGTON (Lamb B 1956-63, Treasurer 2002-08)
Maritime arbitrator & part-time High Court judge
Professional profile

Robin FARQUHAR-THOMSON (Peele B 1969-77)

Graham FAWCETT (Thornton B 1956-64)
Broadcaster, author, editor, translator, teacher

John FEEHALLY (Maine A, Peele A 1962-69)
His university web page | Some of his sermons

Frederick FIELD (CH c. 1815)
Theologian & biblical scholar
Wikipedia entry

Terence FISHER (Peele B 1913-19)
Film director
Wikipedia entry | Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Russell FLEMING (Christ's Hospital 2000-07)
? Ancient history & archaeology student, St Andrews University
Facebook public search listing

Ruth FLEMINGER (Jackson, Five's 1933-40)
Psychiatrist & art historian
BMJ obituary, 2008

Jason FLEMYNG (Maine B, Middleton A 1978-83)
Wikipedia entry | Facebook page
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Alan FLETCHER (Middleton B 1941-48 or 49)
Graphic designer
Obituaries, 2006: Guardian | Telegraph

Geoffrey FLETCHER (Lamb B 1932-38)
Obituaries, 2007: Imperial College | Monash University

Peter FLYNN (Coleridge B 1959-60)
Judge in Illinois
Details on the CHA site

Joanna FORBES (Music Staff)

Nick FOULKES (Thornton B 1976-83)
Author & journalist
Links about him

Ruth FRAENKEL (Seven's 1953-61)
Now Baroness Deech, academic lawyer. Chair, Bar Standards Board
Wikipedia entry

Vincent FRANK (Turner, Maine A & Grecians East 1997-2004)
Electropop musician - 'Frankmusik'
Wikipedia entry | MySpace page | Website
Interviews, 2009: Times | News of the World

John FRANKLIN (Lamb A 1944-51)
Architect, town planner, student of religious experience
Autobiographical article

Tristan FRANKLINOS (Peele B & Grecians West 2003-07)
Classics student, St Andrews University
Facebook public search listing

FRANKMUSIK (Vincent Turner, Maine A & Grecians East 1997-2004)
Electropop musician
Wikipedia entry | MySpace page | Website
Interviews, 2009: Times | News of the World

Joshua FREESTONE (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Human sciences student, Durham University
Bebo profile

James FUNNELL (Coleridge B 1965-72)
Disappearance in 2005

Sir William Hamilton FYFE (Headmaster 1919-30)
Classical scholar & university principal
Wikipedia entry | Biography & photo

G [back to top]

Linda GAMLIN (Three's 1962-69)
Career details | Photo

Darrell P GARDNER (Lamb B 1957-64)

Diana GARNHAM (Six's 1966-71)
Chief Executive, The Science Council
Interview, 2009 | Photo & job description | Brief profile (scroll down)

Caron GARROD (Haskell, Two's 1976-79)
Voice-over artist
Profile at Voice123

Rob GAUNTLETT (Maine B, Grecians East 1998-05)
Mountaineer & adventurer. Died on Mont Blanc, 2009
Website | CH condolences | Independent obituary
Tribute page | Telegraph article by his mother, March 2009

Chantal GEALL (Two's 1977-84)
Photo & contact details

Andrew R GEORGE (Lamb A 1965-72)
His university web page | British Academy profile & photo

Simon GIBBS (Maine A, Maine B 1983-90)
Barrister. Legal costs expert
Professional profile & photo

William Arthur GIBBS (Hertford & Ward IV 1875-77)
His suicide at CH in 1877

Elizabeth GIBSON (Glen, Four's 1961-67)
Now Lizzie Ballagher, author & teacher

Piers GIELGUD (Coleridge B 1974-81, Dance/drama staff 1988-89)
Profile & photos | Showreel
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Walter GILBERT (Lamb B, Maine A, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Visual effects artist
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Simon GILLESPIE (Coleridge A 1970-77)
Chief Executive, Multiple Sclerosis Society
Arrival, 2006

Robert GILLETT (Thornton B 1972-78)
German literature scholar
His university web page

John GILLHAM (Thornton B 1928-35, Governor & Almoner)
Director, Bovis Construction
Obituaries, 2009: Local press | Constructors' Company (by Bob Craig, Middleton A 1952-57)

Elizabeth GLEN (Four's 1961-67)
Now Lizzie Ballagher, author & teacher

Sir William GLOCK (Barnes B, arrived 1919, left 1926 or 28)
BBC Controller of Music
Guardian obituary, 2000 | Wikipedia entry

John GLOSTER-SMITH (Horsham Staff 1974-75)
Facilitator & life coach
Profile on his website | Blog

Anna GODWIN (CH c. 2004)
? Medical student, Southampton University
Bebo profile

Sir Gabriel GOLDNEY (CH 1820-28, Governor)
Wikipedia entry

Tanya GOODIN (Six's 1976-83)
Founder & CEO, Tamar (internet solutions)
Profile on the Tamar site

Jane GOODSIR (Hertford, dates?)
Social policy analyst
Abstract of her paper 'Mothers of Invention', & career details

Seb GOODWIN-DAY (Maine B, Grecians East 2000-07)
Student, Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford
MySpace page | Facebook public search listing

Margaret GOWING (Elliott, Four's 1932-38)
Historian of science
Wikipedia entry | Independent obituary, 1998

Chris GRADY (Lamb A 1969-76)
Arts manager. Founder, Musical Theatre Matters
Website | Audio interview | Edinburgh blog, 2009

David GREEN (Thornton B 1964-71)
Director, Revenues & Customs Prosecutions Office
Press release about him

Jessica GREENFIELD (Leigh Hunt B, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing
Bebo profile | Grecians 2001 details

Eliot, Julian & Ryan GREGORY (CH 1995-2002)
Models & actors
Website | MySpace page | Interview, 2007

Leo GREGORY (Middleton A 1990-95)
Wikipedia entry | Interview, 2008

Marcus GREIG (Thornton A 1992-99)
Facebook public search listing

Jasper GRIFFIN (Peele A 1948-56)
Classical scholar
Retirement interview, 2004 | Remembered by Ved Mehta (scroll down)

Kay GRIFFITHS (Murphy, Three's 1954-61)
Housing official & university administrator
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Brenda GRIFFITH-WILLIAMS (Hertford Staff 1970-72)
Her CH memories

Nicholas GRINDELL (Leigh Hunt A 1980-87)
Profile on his website

Bruce GRINDLAY (Director of Music 2001-09)
Headmaster, Sutton Valence School
Appointment announced, 2008

Simon GROOM (Lamb A 1977-84)
Director of Modern & Contemporary Art, National Galleries of Scotland
Press release about him, 2007 | Interview, 2008

H [back to top]

Ed HALL (Lamb A 1979-86)
Entrepreneur, author, activist & sailor

Godfrey HALL (Horsham Staff 1972-82)
Anglican priest & headmaster
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2007

Maggie HALL (Artist in residence 2004-05)

Rodney HAMEL (Horsham Staff 1974-75)
Artist, teacher, critic
Profile & images

Kacper HAMILTON (Maine A, Grecians East 1998-2005)
Product designer
Website | His Seven Deadly Glasses | Article about him, 2008

Diana HAMILTON (Crilly, Three's 1955-60)
Broadcaster & businesswoman in Gibraltar
Her VirtualTourist home page

Dietrich HANCOCK (Thornton B, Grecians West 1997-2004)
Student, Aberdeen University*
MySpace page | Facebook public search listing
His band, The Soggy Dog Ends:
Website | MySpace page

Susanna HANKS (Law, One's 1969-73)
Senior officer, HM Customs & Excise*
Photo, 2008

Derek HARMER-MORRIS (Barnes B, Maine B 1940-48)
Teacher, actor, stage director
Profile & photo

Ansar HAROUN (Middleton A 1959-66)
Interview, 2003

Hugo Daniel HARPER (CH 1832-40)
Headmaster & Oxford college head
Wikipedia entry

Stephen HARRISON (Coleridge B 1971-78, Governing Body Member)
Classical scholar
His college web page

Caron HASKELL (Two's 1976-79)
Now Caron Garrod, voice-over artist
Profile at Voice123

Vikki HATTON (Horsham Staff 1984-99)
Now Vikki Askew, Head of Sixth Form, James Allen's Girls' School
Photo & brief profile

Stephen HAYKLAN (said to be Old Blue, born 1934)
Construction company chairman & entrepreneur
Independent on Sunday interview, 1996

Jane HAYWARD (One's, Two's 1961-68)
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Charles HAZLEWOOD (Lamb B, Maine A 1978-85)
Conductor & broadcaster

Tanya HEASMAN (Two's 1976-83)
Management consultant
Professional profile

Charles HEDLEY (Maine B 1957-66)
Anglican priest
Short profile & photo | Farewell sermon, 2009

John HENMAN (Barnes A 1943-48)
Furniture retailer
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2007

Amanda HERRIES (McIlwain, Two's 1965-73, Governor)
Archaeologist, curator, lecturer, writer & broadcaster
Profile on her publisher's site

Caroline HEWLETT (Hewitt, Four's 1980-87)
Anglican priest
Facebook public search listing

Edward HICKMAN (Leigh Hunt A 1980-85)
Solicitor. Partner, Linklaters
Professional profile

Andrew HIGGINS (Thornton A 1992-99)
Wikipedia entry

Zoë HIGGINSON (Brickel, Hertford & Coleridge A 1983-90)
Investigator & author
Her novel I Didn't Say I Was Perfect (also available via Amazon and other online book stores)

Roger HIGHFIELD (Middleton B 1969-75)
Editor, New Scientist
Website | His CH memories

Blanche HINTON (Bloom, Six's 1948-54)
Teacher, drama coach, arts promoter
Seven photos of her (scroll down, click to enlarge)

Harriet HOCKADAY (CH c. 2004)
? Psychology student, Glasgow University
Facebook public search listing

Howard HOLDSWORTH (Middleton B 1966-73, Staff 1992- )
Childhood photo
Facebook public search listing

Matt HOLDSWORTH (Maine B, Maine A 1992-99)
VIP Travel Consultant
Facebook public search listing

Paul HOLLAND (Staff 2000- )
Profile & photo, 2005

Stuart HOLLAND (Lamb A 1951-59)
Labour politician & academic
Wikipedia entry

Susannah HOLMES (CH 1826-32)
Her portrait

Daisy HORWELL (Barnes A 1990-97)
Property consultant
Her courtship & engagement
Profile in the South London Theatre Archive
Facebook public search listing

Paul HOSKINS (Coleridge A 1977-84)
Music director, Rambert Dance Company
His page on the company site

Jonathan HOWARD (Maine A, Grecians East 1998-2005)
Classics student, Oxford University
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Buster HOWES (Coleridge A 1971-?78)
Brigadier, Royal Marines
His condensed thoughts on leadership, & photo

David HUGHES (Middleton B 1967-74)
Professional profile

Freddie Llewellyn HUGHES (Lamb A, Peele A 1904-13)
Dean of Ripon
Wikipedia entry

Millree HUGHES (Lamb A 1971-78)

Paul HUMBER (Peele B 1974-81)
His page on his practice website

Mark HUTTON (Thornton B, Maine A, Grecians East 1996-2002)
Photo album

Veronica HYDON (One's 1963-70)
Anglican priest
Photo | Departure from Holy Cross, Timperley, in 2007

I [back to top]

Carl IGOLEN-ROBINSON (Peele B, Peele A 1984-91)
Teacher at Haileybury
Facebook public search listing | Cricketing career

INCANDESCENS (Genevieve Cogman, One's & Barnes B 1983-90)
Clinical Coding Officer, NHS Classifications Service. Freelance writer of role-playing games
Her rpg credits | Blog

Frances INNES-HOPKINS (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Music student, Leeds University
Bebo profile

Kwame INYUNDO (Maine B, Maine A 1984-91)
Professsional profile

Mary IRELAND (Deputy Head 2000-07)
Head of Bancroft's School
Profile & photo

Gillian IVACKOVIC (Paterson, One's & Six's 1947-53)
Tapestry designer & producer
Brief profile | 2 pages of her designs

J [back to top]

Amy JACKSON (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Social science student, Durham University
Bebo profile

George Andrew JACOB (Headmaster 1853-68)
Anglican priest, teacher & author
Wikipedia entry

Lynne JAMES (Hertford 1967-72)
Social worker
Appears on BBC3's Spendaholics in 2006

Domantas JANKAUSKAS (Middleton A, Grecians East 2002-04)
Banking operations analyst

Roland JAQUARELLO (Thornton B 1956-64)
Theatre & radio director
Website | Wikipedia entry

Christian JARRETT (Lamb B, Middleton B 1989-96)
Psychologist, author & editor

Geraint JENNINGS (Coleridge A 1977-84)
Artist, author, linguist, Jersey politician
Website | Wikipedia entry

Nina JEWELL (Morgan, Eight's 1968-75)
Local government accountant
Photo, 2008

G H D JOHNSON (Horsham Staff 1961-76, & thereafter; Governor)
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2009

Wendy JOHNSON (Wright, Two's 1961-67)
Research chemist
Archived profile & photo | Larger version of photo

Nina JONES (Five's 1968-73)
Now Nina Newton, caterer & party organiser*
Photo, 2008 | & another

Pam JONES (Hertford early 1970s)
Photo, 2008 | & another | & another

Shane Hayden JONES (Old Blue, left 2008?)
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

K [back to top]

Zheni KANANI (Leigh Hunt A, Grecians East 1999-2001)
Grecians 2001 profile | Facebook public search listing

Jurgis KARPUS (Middleton A, Grecians West 2000-02)
Facebook public search listing

Siân KEALL (Three's, Barnes A 1983-90)
Solicitor. Partner, Travers Smith
Professional profile
Her 2008 article 'Bonuses face equality test'

Jacob KEET (CH 1999-2006)
History student, St Andrews University
Profile, 2006

Helen KEMP (Norris, Two's 1955-63)
Potter, calligrapher, batik artist, lecturer, retailer, designer
Her Phoenix Pottery | Archived press report, 2000

Deirdre KEOGH (Five's & Two's 1960-67)
Lecturer in Finance, Charles Sturt University, New South Wales
Her university web page

Jonathan KESTER (Lamb A 1979-85)
Anglican priest
Profile | Blog

Simon KEYES (Middleton A 1965-71)
Director, St Ethelburga's Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
Speaks about the centre, 2007 | Guardian article, 2009

Aziza KHAN (Three's 1980-84)
Her study of dental health among elderly homeless people

David KHOO (Middleton A 1971-77)

Matthew KIMBERLEY (Peele B, Maine A 1991-98)
Recruitment consultant

Jo KING (Barnes A, left 1989 or 90)
Unofficial Forum thread about her

Philip KING (Maine A 1946-54)
Anglican priest & missionary leader
Telegraph obituary, 2006

Walter KING (Maine B 1956-63)
Vice-Dean of Chelmsford
Photo & job description

John C KIRK (Middleton A 1985-92)
IT manager

Randolph KIRKPATRICK (CH 1872-79)
Wikipedia entry | Stephen J Gould's view

Alan KNIGHT (Maine B 1957-65)
Scholar of Latin America
Web page | Wikipedia entry

Marcus KNIGHT (Maine B 1915-20)
Dean of Exeter
Portrait photo by Bassano | & another

Richard KROLL (Lamb B 1966-71)
English literature scholar
Obituaries, 2009: Independent | Campus newspaper

Stephan KUKOWSKI (Peele B 1968-75)
Now Stephan Shakespeare, political pollster & web entrepreneur
Wikipedia entry

L [back to top]

Olivia LABAND (Barnes A, Hertford, Grecians East 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing | Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Edward LAMBERT (Wright, Thornton A 1961-70)
Composer, conductor & pianist

Alex LANIPEKUN (Lamb A 1992-99)
Wikipedia entry | RADA profile | Agent's profile
Interviews: November 2008 | March 2009

Hayley LASHBROOK (Old Blue, left 2000)
Working in childcare
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

Joe LAUNCHBURY (Middleton B, Grecians West 2002-09)
Article about him by Mortimer Pockett (Lamb A, Grecians East 2002-09)

Peter LAVENDER (Coleridge A 1961-69)
Deputy director, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
Article: "Prescribing Learning" - the impact of learning on health
Speech, 2006: Educational help for adults with mental health problems

Susanna LAW (One's 1969-73)
Now Susanna Hanks, senior officer HM Customs & Excise*
Photo, 2008

Amy LEADBETTER (Barnes B, Grecians West 2000-02)
Facebook public search listing | Blog, 2007

Josh LEAKEY (CH c. 2004)
Serving in Parachute Regiment
Bebo profile

Richard LEEMING (Lamb B, Maine A 1978-85)
Solicitor. Partner, Burges Salmon
Professional profile

Peter LEE-WRIGHT (Thornton A 1961-68)
Documentary film-maker
His university web page

D J LEIGHTON (Middleton A 1949-58)
Director, Portals. Author
His book Montague Druitt: Portrait of a Contender

Alex LEISERACH (Thornton B, Maine A, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Photo gallery | Grecians 2001 details

Joe LEISERACH (Middleton B, Grecians East 1996-2003)
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

Alexander L'ESTRANGE (Music Staff until c. 2007)
Jazz musician, composer & arranger

Owen LEWIS (Old Blue, dates?)
Group Business Director, Universal McCann

Judith LILLIE (One's & Seven's 1953-63)
Now Judith Thompson, Anglican priest
Links about her

John LING (Staff 1991-94)
Education Secretary, Christians in Science
Interview, 2005

Martin LINTON (Thornton A 1954-62)
Labour MP for Battersea

Susan LINTOTT (Eight's 1963-71, Almoner)
Bursar, Downing College, Cambridge
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Claire LIPPIATT (Leigh Hunt B, Hertford, Grecians East 2000-04)
Fundraising page

Sophie LIPPIATT (Leigh Hunt B, Grecians East 1999-2001)
Facebook public search listing
Fundraising page | Grecians 2001 details

Imogen LITTLEJOHNS (Leigh Hunt B 1989-96)
Account manager, online video ad network
Appointed, 2009 | Bebo profile
Facebook public search listing

Elizabeth LLEWELLYN-SMITH (Three's 1946-53)
Civil servant & Oxford college head
Photo & brief profile

Dion Salvador LLOYD (Middleton A 1979-84)
Website | A more personal profile

Chris LOCKYER (Middleton B 1968-75)
Assistant Director of Music, Dover College
Profile on school site

Debra LOMAS (Five's 1972-78, Head Girl)
Immunologist. Mother of actress Anna Popplewell
Family profile on daughter's site

Fiona LUMB (Hertford, left c. 1977)
Now Fiona Brown, organist & teacher
Career details

Paul LYNCH (Lamb B 1967-74)
Head of computer consultancy firm
Company site | Personal pages | Blog

Mark LYNE (Middleton B 1970-76)
Professional profile

M [back to top]

Ian MacDONALD (Barnes B 1940-48)
Agriculturalist in developing countries
Obituary, 2006

Ranald MACDONALD of Clanranald (Peele A 1944-50)
Captain & Chief of Clanranald
Profile & photo

Paul MACKNEY (Peele B 1960-67)
Trade union leader
Wikipedia entry

Alison MACLAGAN (Eight's, Five's, Barnes B 1980-87)
Now Alison Branch, pharmacist turned pre-school teacher
Family site

Taliska MacLEOD (Talisker Stuart-Gordon, Staff 2004-08)
Training for Anglican priesthood
Decides to seek ordination & change name, 2008

Derrick MACNUTT (Horsham Staff 1928-63)
Crossword compiler - 'Ximenes'
Biography & photo

James MADDREN (Thornton A, Grecians West 1998-2005)
Facebook public search listing

Homan MAHMOUDI (Lamb B, Middleton B, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Grecians 2001 details | Facebook public search listing

Chloë MAHONEY (Leigh Hunt B, Grecians West 2001-08)
? Arabic student, SOAS
Bebo profile

Iain MAIDMENT (Thornton B 1970-76)
Financial analyst
Photo, 1972

Rosalind MALCOLM (Five's 1967-73)
Barrister & Professor of Law
Her university web page

Magdalen MANNION DANIELS (Coleridge B, Grecians West c. 2007)
Dance student, the Merce Cunningham School, New York
Facebook public search listing

Olivia MANNION-DANIELS (Coleridge B, Grecians West 1999-2001)
Facebook public search listing

Dickie MARCH (Peele A 1945-51)
His death in 2007: Press report | CHA obituary

Annabelle MARK (Parfitt, Three's & Five's 1963-69)
Professor of Healthcare Organisation
Her university web page

Michael MARLAND (Thornton A 1944-53)
Headmaster & educationalist
Obituaries, 2008: Guardian | Independent | Times

Mich MARONEY (One's 1973-78)

Joanna MARSH (Staff 1997-2002)
Profile c. 1999

Jason MARSHAM (CH c. 2004)
? Classical Studies student, Manchester University
Bebo profile

David MASON (Barnes A, arrived 1935 or 36, left 1942 or 43, Governor)
Page about him

Harold Andrew MASON (Old Blue, probably Thornton A 1923-28)
English literature scholar
Wikipedia entry

Adrian MATHEWS (Staff 1987-88)
Brief profile & photo

'MATT:SCRATCH' (Matthew Vyner, CH 1998-2004)
Recording artist
MySpace page

Guy MATTHEWS (Lamb B, Peele A, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing

Hannah MAUGHAN (Coleridge A 1985-92)
Textile designer
Talks about her work, with examples

Esther MAUGHAN McLACHLAN (Four's, Coleridge A 1983-90)
Marketing & communications consultant
Professional profile & photo
Her articles for Green Futures magazine

Jon MAXIM (Coleridge B 1976-82)
Advertising man in Australia

Piers MAXIM (Peele A 1981-87)
Conductor, chorus master, composer
Website | Interview, 2007

Ed MAYHEW (Maine A, Grecians East 2002-06)
Musician, singer, songwriter
MySpace site

Philip MAYNE (Peele A 1911-19)
Engineer. Britain's last surviving WW1 officer
Wikipedia entry | His university memories, 2005 (scroll to page 7)

Anna McCALLION (Tracey, Five's & Six's 1953-62)
Photo, & ten of her paintings

Sir Duncan McCALLUM (CH 1899-1904, latterly in Thornton A)
Soldier, adventurer & politician
Wikipedia entry

Maggie McCURRY (Five's & Six's 1960-66)
Greyhound rescue pilot
Telegraph interview, 2002 | Archived website

Amanda McILWAIN (Two's 1965-73)
Now Amanda Herries, archaeologist, curator, lecturer, writer & broadcaster
Profile on her publisher's site

Sylvester McILWAIN (Old Blue, dates?)
Professional profile

Nicholas McINERNY (Thornton B 1972-79)
Dramatist & scriptwriter
Career details & downloadable article
Facebook public search listing

Peter McMILLAN (Barnes B 1926-33)
RAF officer, banker, civil servant
Press report of his death, 2007

Michael MEEKS (Maine A, Maine B 1988-95)
Software developer
Wikipedia entry | Blog | Interview, 2007

York MEMBERY (Lamb B 1973-80)
Freelance journalist & author

Patricia MENON (Mitchell, Two's 1954-61)
College & university teacher
Her book Austen, Eliot, Charlotte Bronte and the Mentor-Lover

Rupert MEREDITH-JONES (Middleton B 1991-98)
Facebook public search listing

Gordon MILES (Middleton B 1976-83)
Entertainer - 'Max Normal'
Website | MySpace page

Jaki MILES-WINDMILL (Staff 2000-05)
Actress, musician, author, astrologer, psychic

Anne MILLINGTON (One's & Two's 1948-56)
Now Anne Smith, ex-Principal, John Ruskin Sixth Form College, Croydon
Photo, 1992 | Her John Ruskin memories (click on "Memories", then on her name)

Rebecca MISKIN (Four's, arrived 1981 or 82, left 1985 or 86)
Facebook public search listing

Jane MITCHELL (Staff 2003-08)
Teacher at Repton
Short profile & family photo (scroll down)

Patricia MITCHELL (Two's 1954-61)
Now Patricia Menon, college & university teacher
Her book Austen, Eliot, Charlotte Bronte and the Mentor-Lover

Ariadne MITCHELL-KOTSAKIS (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Philosophy student, Oxford University
Facebook public search listing

Vicci MITCHELL-LUKER (Five's 1980-84)
Singer & singing teacher
Links about her

James MITRA (CH c. 2004)
? History student, Leeds University
Bebo profile

Munna MITRA (Chaplain 1996-2008)
Anglican priest & teacher
Facebook group | A sermon

Christie MOCKFORD (Old Blue, left 2006)
Medical student, Oxford University
Bebo profile

Yemisi MOKUOLU (Barnes B 1988-96)
Cultural entrepreneur
Profile, 2006 | Facebook public search listing

Chris MOODY (Middleton B 1962-69)
Anglican priest
Photo, 2006

Nina MORGAN (Eight's 1968-75)
Now Nina Jewell, local government accountant
Photo, 2008

J E MORPURGO (Coleridge B 1929-36, Governor & Almoner)
Man of letters
Telegraph obituary, 2000

Stefania MULLERI (CH c. 2002)
Facebook public search listing

Joss MULLINGER (Coleridge A 1960-69)
Banker & photographer
His book Festival Folk

Kay MURPHY (Three's 1954-61)
Now Kay Griffiths, housing official & university administrator
Profile & photo (scroll down)

Jodie MURRAY (CH c. 2004)
? Applied sports science student, Edinburgh University
Bebo profile

Jon MUSK (Maine B, Middleton A, Grecians East 1994-2001)
Graphic designer, digital artist, photographer
Website | Grecians 2001 details

Jill MYFORD (Seven's 1949-56)
Later Jill Blewett, translator & interpreter. Died 1988
Her memorial lectures, & career details

N [back to top]

Megan NEILD (Coleridge A, Grecians West 1995-2002)
Archived Big Grecian details, 2002 | Big Grecian photo

Paula NEUSS (Two's 1954-60)
English literature scholar, died 1988
Academic bibliography

Sir Foley NEWNS (Thornton A 1919-28, Senior Grecian)
Colonial administrator
Wikipedia entry

David NEWSOME (Headmaster 1970-79)
Historian & biographer
Times obituary, 2004
Tribute by Stephen White (Middleton A 1968-75, Governor)

Nina NEWTON (Jones, Five's 1968-73)
Caterer & party organiser*
Photo, 2008 | & another

Irene NEWTON-JOHN (wife of Brinley Newton-John (Horsham Staff c. 1937) and mother of Olivia)
Photographer, writer, green campaigner
Biography & photos

Christopher NICHOLSON (Horsham Staff 1965-81)
Ex-Master of Lower School, Bedford Modern
Suffers stroke, recovers

Duncan NOËL-PATON (Horsham Staff 1972-99)
Stage director
Brief profile | Thread about him on Unofficial Forum

Sam NOËL-PATON (Peele B, Peele A 1985-91)
His walking club

David NORGROVE (Thornton B 1957-67, Senior Grecian)
Chair, UK Pensions Regulator & Low Pay Commission
Wikipedia entry | Guardian profile

MAX NORMAL (Gordon Miles, Middleton B 1976-83)
Website | MySpace page

Helen NORRIS (Two's 1955-63)
Now Helen Kemp, potter, calligrapher, batik artist, lecturer, retailer, designer
Her Phoenix Pottery | Archived press report, 2000

O [back to top]

Matthew OATES (Thornton B 1963-72)
Nature conservation adviser & butterfly expert
Interview, 2006 | Wins award, 2007

Simon OECKEN (Coleridge A 1971-78)
Senior IT manager*
Facebook public search listing

Leroy OKONTA (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Medical student, Manchester University
Bebo profile

Jeffrey OLSTEAD (Maine B 1958-65)
Journalist & field sports campaigner
Book: An introduction to shooting on the marsh and foreshore
Article: The moose is loose | Photo (scroll down)

David O'MEARA (Horsham Staff 1967-2005)
Photo, 1978 | Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2006

David ORPWOOD (Thornton B 1962-70)
Farmer turned meat marketer
Interview, 2002 | Details, 2002
Launches new company, 2003

Hugh OVEREND (CH c. 2004)
? English & American literature & creative writing student, Kent University
Bebo profile

David OWEN (Thornton A 1942-48)
Poet & American football coach
Profile | Six of his poems

Elaine OWLES (Hertford 1950s)
Request for news of her

Yinka OYEBADE (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Biological sciences student, Liverpool University
Bebo profile

P [back to top]

Jean PACY (Three's 1957-64)
Now Jean Richards, well-known figure in shipping industry
Profile on her company website
Press reports about her, 2004-5
Archived interview, 1998

Chris PALGRAVE (Lamb B, Thornton A 1991-98, Senior Grecian)
Veterinary surgeon
Facebook public search listing

Sergiu PANAITE (Lamb B, Maine A, Maine B, Grecians East 1996-2002)
Facebook public search listing

Annabelle PARFITT (Three's, Five's 1963-69)
Now Annabelle Mark, Professor of Healthcare Organisation
Her university web page

Giselle PARKER (Eight's, dates?)
Now Giselle Bond-Taylor, midwife & teacher
Unofficial Forum thread about her

Nick PARRANS-SMITH (Staff 2000-03)
Director of Music, Lichfield Cathedral School
Details at
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

Annabel PASSMORE (Old Blue, dates?)
Facebook public search listing

Gillian PATERSON (One's & Six's 1947-53)
Now Gillian Ivackovic, tapestry designer & producer
Brief profile | 2 pages of her designs

Rex PATERSON (Barnes B 1912-18)
Biography & photo

Naomi PAXTON (Actor in Residence 2002-03)
Web page

Edmund Courtenay PEARCE (CH 1879-89, Almoner)
Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge University. Bishop of Derby
Wikipedia entry

Ernest Harold PEARCE (CH 1874-84, Staff 1891-92, Governor & Almoner)
Bishop of Worcester
Wikipedia entry | Ten portrait photos

Alice PEASNALL (Hertford & Leigh Hunt B 1983-90)
Now Alice Willitts, author & copywriter (& full-time mum)
Her book Food Allergy And Your Child

John PENNY (Horsham Staff 1969-83)
CHA obituary, 2008

Clive PERDUE (Barnes B 1956-63)
Professor of linguistics in France. Died 2008
Photos of him, from CH onwards
Unofficial Forum responds to his death

John PERRY (Lamb A 1961-69)
Profile on his website

Sheila PESKETT (One's, Four's 1955-62)
Medical director
Joins Ramsay Health Care UK | Her university web page

James PETO (Lamb A 1971-76)
Profile & photo | His 2007 book The Heart

Jon PETTER (Coleridge A 1975-82)
Profile at

Tim PETTER (Lamb B 1971-76)
Musician & performer
Obituary & tributes, 2006 | His company, The Dream Engine

George PHILIP (Middleton B 1961-68)
Scholar of Latin America
Website | Departmental profile

Dougal PHILPS (Staff 1991-97)
Headmaster, Solefield School, Sevenoaks
His page on the school site

David PICTON (Middleton B 1951-57)
Anglican priest
Obituary, 2007

Sorrel PINDAR (Eight's 1969-76)
Profile at

Aidan PINDER (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Marine biology student, Plymouth University
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

Fred PIPER (Thornton B, Middleton B 1951-58)
Mathematician & cryptographer
Honoured, 2008 | Profile & photo, 2009

Tony PLETTS (Coleridge A 1972-79)
Multi-talented, unclassifiable

Mortimer POCKETT (Lamb A, Grecians East 2002-09)
Aspiring journalist
Links about him

Katherine POGSON (Eight's 1976-81)
Leather designer
Her book Complete Leatherwork

Matt POLLARD (Lamb B & Grecians East 1997-2004)
International politics student, Exeter University*
Appears on BBC TV's Question Time, 2006

Tayo POPOOLA (Maine A 1986-93)
Interview, 2007

Debra POPPLEWELL (Lomas, Five's 1972-78, Head Girl)
Immunologist. Mother of actress Anna Popplewell
Family profile on daughter's site

Pascal PORCHERON (Old Blue, left 2006)
English student, Cambridge University
His magazine The Hill: Website | Facebook group

Michael PROCTER (Lamb A 1960-69)
Authority on Renaissance music

Stuart PRYLE (Coleridge A 1970-76)
Teacher, died 1989
Obituary | Tributes

William PUREFOY (Maine A, Lamb A 1979-86)

Q [back to top]

Andrew QUINE (Peele B, Thornton A, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing | Grecians 2001 details

R [back to top]

Tod RAMOS (Peele A 1967-75)
Equestrian artist
Photo & links about him

Rebecca RAMSAY-SMITH (Leigh Hunt B, Grecians East 1999-2001)
Facebook public search listing

Patrick RANCE (Barnes B 1927-36)
Authority on cheese
Biography & photos | | New York Times profile, 1994
Obituaries, 1999: Guardian | Independent | Los Angeles Times | New York Times

Philippa RANDALL (CH c. 1960)
Ex-Head, Leeds Girls' Grammar School
Her portrait in the Leeds Education Tapestry

Isabel RANKINE (Barnes B, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Grecians 2001 details | Her battle with solar urticaria, 2002

Richard RATNER (Governor c. 2007)
Share analyst
Telegraph obituary, 2007

Stewart RAYNER (Coleridge B 1949-57)
Anglican priest
Biographical details (scroll down)

Laura READING (CH 2005-07)
Music student, Edinburgh University
Facebook public search listing

Guy RHODES (Peele A 1980-86)
Landmine clearance expert
Profile & photo

Bill RICHARDS (Peele B 1961-70, Governor & Almoner)
Solicitor. Partner at LG. Chairman, National Rifle Association
Professional profile | Detailed CV & manifesto (PDF)

Jean RICHARDS (Pacy, Three's 1957-64)
Well-known figure in shipping industry
Profile on her company website
Press reports about her, 2004-5
Archived interview, 1998

Nigel RICHARDSON (Lamb B 1969-76)
Author & journalist

Graham RICHES (Thornton B, Maine B 1952-60)
Professor of Social Work
Links about him

Philip ROBB (Middleton B 1975-82)
Lawyer. Partner at Lovells*
Professional profile

Clive ROBERTS (Coleridge A 1963-70)
Marine biologist in New Zealand
Profile & photo

Jamila ROBERTSON (CH c. 2004)
? Classics student, University College London
Bebo profile

John ROBSON (Horsham Chaplain 1962-80)
Anglican priest
His memories of Princess Margaret

Anna ROCHE (Barnes A 1984-91)
Charity fundraiser*
Facebook public search listing
Profile & photo at
Her booklet Making Music Care

Alfred James ROLFE (CH 1879-87)
Anglican priest. Headmaster in Australia
Wikipedia entry

Veronika ROMANOVA (Old Blue, left 2006)
Law student, King's College London
Bebo profile | Facebook public search listing

Paul ROSE (Peele A 1944-51)
Anglican priest
His years as Precentor of Peterborough (scroll down to p 32)
Obituary of wife, 2007

Natalie ROSIER (Coleridge B, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing

Hugh ROSS (Maine B, Coleridge B 1964-71)
Health administrator
Interview, 2007

James ROTHWELL (Thornton A 1971-79, temporary Horsham Staff 1979)
Teacher at Marlborough
His memories of Evelyn Barbirolli

Christopher ROWE (Maine B 1954-62)
Classical scholar
His university web page

Richard RUCK (Middleton B 1972-78)
Runs music sales & distribution company
Facebook public search listing

S [back to top]

Andrew SAINT (Lamb A 1958-64)
Architectural historian
His book Architect & Engineer, 2008

Philip SALMON (Coleridge B 1969-75)
Profile & photo

Pete SANDERSON (Thornton B 1962-69)
Head of Department of Community & International Education, Huddersfield University
His university web page

Veronica SANDERSON (Trevor, Two's 1968-75)
Photo, 2008

Dennis SAVAGE (Lamb B & Grecians East, left 2007)
Chemistry student, Southampton University. Died 2008
Bebo profile | Unofficial Forum response to his death
Tribute by university friend | Facebook memorial site

Anthony SAYER (Lamb B 1959-66)
Cellist, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Profile on orchestra site
Contributions to orchestra blog

Damian SCANLAN (Lamb A 1981-88)
Unofficial Forum responds to his death, 2009

Diana SCARISBRICK (Wood, Five's & Six's 1941-47)
Historian of jewelry
Some of her books:
Historic Rings: Four Thousand Years of Craftsmanship | Tiara
Ancestral Jewels | Jewelry Design Source Book | Timeless Tiaras

Michael SCHMIDT (Thornton B 1965-66)
Poet, novelist, scholar & publisher

Sebastian SCOTNEY (Coleridge B 1966-73)
Ex investment analyst. Influential figure in British jazz world
His blog London Jazz | His Telegraph blog

Diana SCOTT (Seven's 1953-60)
Now Diana Awdry, computer programmer/analyst & railway enthusiast
Facebook public search listing | Her article 'The Awdry Connection'

Jonathan SCOTT (Coleridge A 1959-68)
Wildlife artist, photographer, author & broadcaster

'MATT:SCRATCH' (Matthew Vyner, CH 1998-2004)
Recording artist
MySpace page

Julia SEARIGHT (Warne, Four's 1968-75)
Proprietor of microportal service provider
Business site | Photo, 2008 | & another

Alex SELBY-BOOTHROYD (Middleton B & A 1984-89)
Data manager & website creator
Work profile | Facebook public search listing
His band, Nately:
Profile, 2006 | Website | MySpace page

Stephan SHAKESPEARE (Kukowski, Peele B 1968-75)
Political pollster & web entrepreneur
Wikipedia entry | Guardian profile, 2008
Archive of his ConservativeHome columns

Sir Seymour SHARKEY (CH c. 1860)
Wikipedia entry

David SHERRATT (Horsham Staff 1956-67)
Stage director & writer
Archived profile, 2007

George SHIELLS (Thornton A 1939-45)
Newspaper publisher
Obituary, 2007 | Memorial site

John SHIPPEN (Horsham Staff 1966-2004)
Photo gallery

Piers SIBSON (Thornton B 1976-83)
Asset manager & farmer in South Africa
Guest accommodation at his farm

Anne SILK (Arnold, Four's 1943-47)
Optician & environmental health researcher
Her book Ancient Energies of the Earth
Her review of Tom Lethbridge's Who Speaks For The Earth?

Dennis SILK (Maine A 1942-50, President CH Club 1990-95)
Headmaster & cricket administrator
Wikipedia entry

Chris SIMMS (Peele A 1981-88)
Crime writer
Website | Interview, 2007

Noel SIMON (Peele B 1931-39)
Conservationist & writer
Obituaries, 2008: Telegraph | Times

Lord SIMON of HIGHBURY (Middleton A 1950-58, Senior Grecian, Governor & Almoner)
Head of BP. Trade minister in Blair Government
Profile & photo | More detailed profile

Nicholas SINCLAIR (Lamb A 1963-71)

Alder SMITH* (Newgate Street & Horsham Medical Officer c. 1871-1913)
Brief profile by Trevor Hoskins (Coleridge B 1940-50, Medical Officer 1969-90)
His comments on the suicide at CH of W A Gibbs in 1877

Anne SMITH (Millington, One's & Two's 1948-56)
Ex-Principal, John Ruskin Sixth Form College, Croydon
Photo, 1992 | Her John Ruskin memories (click on "Memories", then on her name)

John SMITH (Maine B 1942-49)
Rugbyman & rugby administrator. Professionally in printing & publishing
Obituary, 2008

Sir Leslie SMITH (Barnes B 1930-35)
Chairman, British Oxygen
Obituaries, 2006: Guardian | Telegraph

Warren SMITH (Old Blue, left 2006?)
Student, Kingston University, South Africa
MySpace profile

Richard SMYTH (Horsham Staff 1975-77)
Headmaster, St Peter's School, York
His page on the school site

John SNOW (Thornton B 1951-59)
Wikipedia entry

Molly SNOW (Florence Maria Eccles, Five's 1922-28)
Died 2009
Memorial page

Colin SOMERVILLE (Lamb A 1968-75)
Journalist & broadcaster
Facebook public search listing

Jeremy SOUTHGATE (Coleridge B 1973-80)
Orthopaedic surgeon

Ann SPARROW (Headmistress 1793-1826)
Letter she wrote in 1822 on behalf of Mary Royde, former Matron

Melanie STACE (daughter of Dr Christopher Stace, Horsham Staff 1965-73)
Gameshow hostess, singer, dancer, actress

Iain STANDEN (Peele A 1974-81)
Army officer & battlefield tour guide
Page about him | Facebook public search listing

Theo STEEL (Thornton A 1958-67)
Profile & photo

Francis STEELE (Thornton B 1966-72)
Bass, vocal coach, musicologist, record producer
Old profile & photo
His 'Verte Musique' singing courses
His series of early music editions

Chris STEELE-PERKINS (Middleton B 1956-65)

Leon STEMBRIDGE (Staff 1990)
Teacher in Australia
Retirement tribute - scroll down to page 5

James Francis STEPHENS (CH c. 1805)
Wikipedia entry

John STEPHENSON (Coleridge A, arrived 1939 or 40, left 1948)
Army officer. Secretary, MCC
Guardian obituary, 2003
(Note references to Jack Bailey, Maine B 1941-48, and D R W Silk, Maine A 1942-50)

Lord STEWART of FULHAM (Michael Stewart, Lamb A 1918-25)
Labour politician
Wikipedia entry

Debbie STONE (One's 1957-66)
Now D Rosh Wright, actress
Photo & brief profile

Anthea STONES (Four's 1956-62)
Now Anthea Case, Chair, Heritage Link. Numerous senior roles in heritage world
Profile & photo

Juanita STORBECK (CH c. 2004)
? Archaeology student, Reading University
Bebo profile

Talisker STUART-GORDON (Staff 2004-08)
Now Taliska MacLeod, training for Anglican priesthood
Decides to seek ordination & change name, 2008

Amanda STUBBS (Atkinson, Seven's 1978-85)
Links about her

Mike SWAI (Campbell, Lamb B 1974-79)
Record producer, sound engineer, guitarist, composer
Career details

Anna SWAN (Three's 1971-77)
Journalist, author & editor
Profile & photo, 2007 | Woman's Hour interview, 2005
Guardian article about herself & her mother, 2005

Student, Sussex Downs College, Lewes
MySpace profile

Crispin SWAYNE (Peele B 1976-82)
Social & military historian & broadcaster
Profile & photo | Showreel

T [back to top]

Andrew TANG-PULLEN (Peele B, Thornton A, Grecians West 1994-2001)
Facebook public search listing

Dietrich TANSLEY-HANCOCK (Thornton B, Grecians West 1997-2004)
Student, Aberdeen University*
MySpace page | Facebook public search listing
His band, The Soggy Dog Ends:
Website | MySpace page

William TARNOW-MORDI (Lamb B 1961-68)
Neonatologist in Australia
His university web page

Clare TATTERSALL (Eight's 1963-71, Governor & Almoner)
Executive search consultant
Brief profile (scroll down) | Archived longer profile

Lynda THAIN (Russell-Whitaker, Three's 1971-76)
Marketing communications consultant & trainer. Singer
Web page | Shorter profile
Facebook public search listing

Mark THOMAS (Coleridge B 1974-81)
Comedian & political activist
Website | Wikipedia entry

Arthur THOMPSON (Maine A 1928-35)
Novelist - "Francis Clifford"
Wikipedia entry

Judith THOMPSON (Lillie, One's & Seven's 1953-63)
Anglican priest
Links about her

Alex THRIFT (Six's 1965-72)
Photo, 2008

Luke THURSTON (Leigh Hunt B, Thornton A 1979-86)
Literature scholar
His university web page

Martin TICKNER (Thornton A, arrived 1951 or 52, left 1958)
Theatrical manager
Independent obituary, 1993
(Note that he worked for seven years for John Gale, Coleridge B 1938-46, Governor & Almoner)

Sophie TILL (Four's, Barnes B 1981-89)
Profile & photo, 2007

Ben TODD (Middleton B, Middleton A 1984-91)
Showbiz journalist. Editor, ZOO magazine
Independent interview, 2007

H E TODD (Maine A 1919-25)
Children's author
Wikipedia entry

Ian TORKINGTON (Horsham Staff 1972-2007)
Photo, 1973

Nesta TOUGH (One's, Seven's 1943-49; later Housemistress of Three's)
Nurse/midwife, housemistress/matron
Piece about her on the site of Wymondham College, where she worked in the Eighties

Anna TRACEY (Five's, Six's 1953-62)
Now Anna McCallion, artist
Photo, & ten of her paintings

Veronica TREVOR (Two's 1968-75)
Now Veronica Sanderson
Photo, 2008

Alfred Herbert TUBBY (CH 1870-78, Consultant Surgeon to CH, Governor & Almoner)
Orthopedic surgeon
Photo & partial biography

Alwyn W TURNER (Lamb B 1973-79)

David TURNER (Peele B 1948-53)
RAF officer & school bursar
CHA obituary, 2007

Edward Owen TURNER (Middleton B 1988-95)
Oxford city councillor
Council web page

Vincent TURNER (Maine A & Grecians East 1997-2004)
Now Vincent Frank alias Frankmusik, electropop musician
Wikipedia entry | MySpace page | Website
Interviews, 2009: Times | News of the World

James TYLER (CH c. 2004)
? Archaeology & anthropology student, Cambridge University
Bebo profile

U [back to top]

Gediminas ULOZA (Middleton A, Grecians West 2000-02)
Investment banker

Theo USHERWOOD (Thornton B, Middleton B 1992-99)
Facebook public search listing

Paul UWEMEDIMO (Peele A 1975-83)
Roman Catholic priest in South America
Facebook public search listing

V [back to top]

Oliver VAN HELDEN (Maine A, Maine B 1982-89)
Photographer, author & publisher
His books: Old Coatbridge | Old Coatbridge Villages
Old Lasswade & Bonnyrigg | Old Motherwell & Newarthill

Abi VERNON-JONES (Coleridge B, Grecians West 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing | Archived Big Grecian details, 2002

Linden VINCENT (Two's 1962-69)
Professor of Irrigation & Water Engineering, Wageningen University, Holland
Her university web page

Matthew VYNER (Peele B 1998-2004)
Recording artist - 'MATT:Scratch'
MySpace page

W [back to top]

Peter WAGNER (Barnes B 1945-50)
Anglican priest in Zimbabwe. Murdered in 2001
Guardian article about his death

Holly WALSH (Leigh Hunt B 1992-99)
Comedian, scriptwriter, TV presenter
Wikipedia entry | Credits & videos
MySpace page | Guardian profile, 2009

Mark WARDELL (Staff 1992-97)
Organist & teacher
Wikipedia entry

Peter WARFIELD (Horsham Staff 1977-79)
Rugbyman, army officer, teacher at Harrow
His playing career

Julia WARNE (Four's 1968-75)
Now Julia Searight, proprietor of microportal service provider
Business site | Photo, 2008 | & another

Michael WARNEFORD-BROWN (Horsham Staff 1939-43)
Anglican priest
Telegraph obituary, 2004 | Article about him

Kim WARWICK-COWTAN (Old Blue, left 2006)
? Chemistry student, Liverpool University
Facebook public search listing

Jon WATSON-MILLER (Lamb A 1972-79)
Portrait photo | His Bracken Motorcycles site

Kathleen WATTS (Matron, Peele, 1949-64)
Death in 2007, aged 104

Valerie WHARTON (Hertford c. 1970)
Photo, 2008

James WHELPTON (Maine A 1979-87)

Butch WHITE (Horsham groundsman & cricket coach 1978-82)
Hampshire & England cricketer
Obituaries, 2008: Guardian | Independent | Telegraph | Times

Simon D M WHITE (Peele B 1962-68)
Astrophysicist. Director, Max Planck Institute
His page on the Institute site

Stephen WHITE (Middleton A 1968-75, Governor)
His tribute to David Newsome (Headmaster 1970-79)

Andrew WICKES (Middleton B 1962-71)
Profile at Casting Call Pro

Anthony WILDEN (Lamb B 1946-53)
Social theorist
Wikipedia entry

Michael WILDING (Maine A 1922-28)
Wikipedia entry | Another profile
Filmography in Internet Movie Database

Gilly WILFORD (Woods, Four's 1968-73)
Accountant & health administrator
Profile & photo

Tobias WILKINSON (Peele A 1969-76)
Website | Facebook pages

Olly WILLIAMS (Leigh Hunt A, Thornton A 1979-86)
Artist - 'Olly & Suzi'
Website | Wikipedia entry

Rhys WILLIAMS (CH c. 2005)
? History student, Liverpool University
Bebo profile

Alice WILLITTS (Peasnall, Hertford & Leigh Hunt B 1983-90)
Author & copywriter (& full-time mum)
Her book Food Allergy And Your Child

Jaki WINDMILL (Staff 2000-05)
Actress, musician, author, astrologer, psychic

Louise WINSTONE (Four's 1977-83)
Details on her agent's site

Michael WINTLE (Middleton A 1962-70)
His university web page

Diana WOOD (Five's & Six's 1941-47)
Now Diana Scarisbrick, historian of jewelry
Some of her books:
Historic Rings: Four Thousand Years of Craftsmanship | Tiara
Ancestral Jewels | Jewelry Design Source Book | Timeless Tiaras

Alex WOODBRIDGE (Maine B, Peele A, Grecians West 1995-2002)
Facebook public search listing

Gilly WOODS (Four's 1968-73)
Now Gilly Wilford, accountant & health administrator
Profile & photo

Edward WRIGHT (Thornton A 1961-70)
Composer, conductor & pianist - 'Edward Lambert'

D Rosh WRIGHT (Debbie Stone, One's 1957-66)
Photo & brief profile

Wendy WRIGHT (Two's 1961-67)
Now Wendy Johnson, research chemist
Archived profile & photo | Larger version of photo

X [back to top]

XIMENES (Derrick Macnutt, Horsham Staff 1928-63)
Crossword compiler
Biography & photo

Y [back to top]

Karim YASAMEE (Middleton B 1969-76)
Stained glass artist
Profile on his site

Accy YEATS (Middleton A 1979-86)
Profile & photo

Isabel YEATS (Five's, Barnes B 1981-87)
Now Isabel Dawson
Unofficial Forum thread about her

Richard YOUDALE (Horsham Staff 1982-88)
Former headmaster, King's School Ely
Facebook fanclub | Interview, 2004

Henry J YOUNG (Middleton A 1984-91)
Lawyer, United States
Archived professional profile

Stella YOUNG (One's & Three's 1959-64)
Now Stella Davis, poet
Her pages at | New book, 2009

Z [back to top]

Sir Christopher ZEEMAN (Middleton B 1934-43)
Profile & photo

CH related topics [back to top]

The John and Frances West Family Group: closely linked to CH since the 18th century

Facebook group for those who were at CH from 1994 to 2001

CH's memorandum on the Charities Bill, 2004

The Old Blues Cricket Club

The Hung Drawn and Quartered: pub in Newgate Street EC3, formerly the CH Counting House

CH Annual Review for 2007/08

Christ's Hospital railway station in Wikipedia

Unidentified CH boy photographed in the early 20th century by John Wheeler at his studio in North Street, Horsham

deFunkt: a band involving James Mitra (Peele A & Grecians West 1998-05), Emma Topolski (Barnes B & Grecians West 2003-05), Katie Clenshaw (Coleridge B & Grecians West 1998-05), Martin Batchelar (Thornton B & Grecians West 2003-05) and Sam Edgington (Middleton A & Grecians West 2003-05)

With Feeling: a group using drama and the arts to help children in Romania, with numerous younger Old Blues involved

Some notable Old Blues of the Sixties and Seventies

The CH community's support for education in the Gambia

Nately, a London-based rock band involving Niall Barker (Peele B & A 1984-91) and Alex Selby-Boothroyd (Middleton B & A 1984-91) : Website | MySpace page

Gold Seal Recordings: created and run by Hugh Abreu (Maine B & A 1991-98), Davide Machado (Peele B & Lamb A 1991-98) and Francis Thomas (Thornton B & Middleton A 1991-98)

Old Blues listed in the Internet Movie Database

Class of 83: a site for those who attended CH Horsham 1976-83

Houseyblog: the origin of the page you're now reading

If you know of other web pages to which I should link, please email me. You may not receive a direct reply but your information will eventually appear on this page.