394 Oconee Street • Apartment 12 • Athens, Georgia 30601

Phone 706-613-8461 • E-mail betz@uga.edu

Betsy Beasley




August 2003 – present                           University of Georgia                                                              Athens, Georgia


n     Enrolled in third year of B.A. program in History with a minor in English.

n     Member of the Honors Program with a 4.0 GPA.

n     Participant in Studies Abroad Switzerland (Summer 2004) and the European Council St. Petersburg, Russia study   

    abroad program (Summer 2005).



Extracurricular activities



Spring 2005 - present                           Journal of Undergraduate Research                              University of Georgia

Content Editor

n     Select articles for publication in an online undergraduate scholarly journal available at http://www.uga.edu/juro.

n     Recruit students to submit to the journal and edit student submissions for grammar, style, and accuracy.


March 2005 – December 2005                WUOG, 90.5fm                                                             University of Georgia

Local Music Director

n     Hired as the campus radio station’s Local Music Director, a volunteer executive position requiring 15 – 20 hours of

     work per week.

n     Listened to local artists’ record submissions, usually 5 – 7 records per week, and selected which albums to add to   

     local music rotation.

n     Organized biweekly concerts in the station lobby, featuring bands from Georgia.

n     Held bimonthly staff meetings, working directly with staff members in a leadership role.

n     Worked with other station executives at board meetings and on an individual basis to make crucial decisions for

     the future of the station.


Fall 2004 – Spring 2005                           Students Against Apathy                                                University of Georgia

Founder and President

n     Founded a student organization, recruited members, and served in a leadership position as president.

n     Organized various civic and political events on campus, including DebateWatch, which attracted over 300 students

     to view the first televised presidential debate of the 2004 election.


Other Extracurricular Experience                                                           

n     Served as a volunteer tutor at Bethel Midtown Village in Spring of 2004.

n     Performed in the Vagina Monologues, a benefit for a local women’s shelter, in Spring of 2004.

n     Member of Phi Alpha Theta, Epsilon Phi, History Honors Society, Fall 2005 – present.

n     Member of editorial board of History Department undergraduate journal, Spring 2006.





Spring 2005                                               Reacting to the Past                                                    University of Georgia

Preceptor (Teacher’s Assistant)

n     Assist a UGA professor with an innovative pedagogy, Reacting to the Past, which engages college students by

    assigning them a role in a historical situation and having them work through historical problems “in character,”

    through rhetoric and well-researched speeches.

n     Meet with the professor of the course twice per week and help her to plan and execute the course effectively.

n     Meet with 5 – 6 students weekly to assist them in their assigned roles, suggest additional reading assignments, and

     coach students in public speaking techniques.


January 2004 – present                                  Jittery Joe’s Coffee                                                           Athens, Georgia


n     Hone customer service skills in a service sector job.

n     Learn new recipes quickly, and work in a high-stress environment with extreme time pressure.


Spring 2005                                                   Teach for America                                                           Athens, Georgia

Campus Campaign Manager

n     Organized and recruited on campus for national nonprofit organization.

n     Hung flyers, helped to organize events, and gave informational classroom presentations about Teach for America.

n     Worked 10 – 20 hours per week to increase numbers of applicants for TFA’s teacher corps.

n     Worked with a recruitment team though conference calls to determine methods for recruitment on campus.


Fall 2004                                                       The Just Go Vote Foundation                                                  Athens, Georgia

Campus Organizer

n     Coordinated a nonpartisan get-out-the-vote campaign on UGA’s campus.

n     Recruited ten volunteers per weeknight during the month preceding the election to participate in a two-hour phone

     bank to encourage low-propensity voters in the Athens area to vote.


Fall 2003 – present                                         Flagpole Magazine                                                            Athens, Georgia

Freelance Writer

n     Cover local music and performance events for a local magazine.

n     Schedule interviews with artists and submit articles on a deadline.



Honors and Awards



n     Published an independent research article in Volume 3 (2005 issue) of Global Topics, an online undergraduate

    research journal available at http://www.anselm.edu/nhiop/academic+research+center/intaffairs/global+topics/.

n     Presented original research at the 2005 University of Massachusetts “Spheres of Power” graduate history

    conference as an undergraduate and secured UGA History Department funding for transportation expenses.

n     Recipient of the Courts Scholarship (awarded to 20 – 25 Honors Program students) for a Summer 2006 study

    abroad program in Vietnam.

n     Recipient of the Kicklighter Scholarship through the UGA Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and the

    Valdosta State University European Council Assistantship for a Summer 2005 study abroad program in St.   

     Petersburg, Russia.

n     Presented original research at the 2005 12th Annual Women’s Studies Student Symposium at UGA and at the

     Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Symposium (Spring 2006).

n     Achieved Presidential Scholar distinction (4.0 GPA) for each semester of enrollment.

n     Recipient of the Charter Scholarship, a National Merit Scholarship, and the Governor’s Scholarship.