Christopher Zabrocki


Education        University of Georgia, Athens, GA

                        Bachelor of Science in Genetics Expected May 2007

                        Overall GPA 3.36/4.00


Work               Promislow Lab, Athens, Georgia

Experience     Jan 2005-Present


                        Cosmic Cone, Lawrenceville, Georgia

                        Apr 2000-May 2001

                        Marble Slab Creamery, Duluth, Georgia

                        Jun 2003-Jul 2003


Clubs               In Sickness and Health

A University Health Center organization that promotes health and the Health Center.

                        Aug 2005-Present

                        Creativity Coordinator-Plan, construct, and design displays and activities

Founding Member- One of 8 founding members

Wrote First Draft of Constitution


                        FIMRC (Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children)

Aug 2005-present       


Active Member


Awards            Deans List

                        Summer ’05, Spring ‘06

Hope Scholarship



Other              Vietnam Institute of Public Health through UGA School of Public Health

                        May 2006



Interests         International Healthcare

                        Public Health

                        Infectious Disease


Additional       Computer Skills: Excel, Word

Skills               Language Skills: Intermediate written and spoken Japanese


Goals              Short term goal -Attending Medical School

Long term goal -Working abroad in areas of extreme need of healthcare.