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   Faculty:                                                         Students:
   Dr. Robert Galen                                                         Betsy Beasley

   Dr. Jace Weaver                                                          Sarah Reagin

   Dr. Marsha Black                                                        Grace Anglin

   Dr. Jack Fincham                                                         Jason Milton (webmaster)

                                                                                         Chris Zabrocki

                                                                                         Kelcie Fincham

                                                                                         Sylvia Ferguson

                                                                       Annie Tran

                                                                                         Kim Vu

                                                                                         Jay Bryant

                                                                                         Heather Mello

                                                                                         Aaron Wilson

                                                                                        Julie Goldberg

                                                                                        Priya Chandan

                                                                                        Brian Le








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   they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia.