The program culminated with a service learning project, in which they put on a workshop for their fellow UGA students and for Vietnamese students from the Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology. The EHSC students independently created and gave a presentation patterned after those used in Georgia by the Adopt-A-Stream program. The presentation taught the American and Vietnamese students the role of citizen’s monitoring programs in the United States, and the importance of various water quality indicators, including pH, alkalinity, salinity, conductivity, settleable solids, and to find the concentrations of nitrates, phosphates, fecal coliforms (bacterial indicators) and dissolved oxygen in solution. Afterwards, the Vietnamese students were provided with water quality testing kits and other supplies, including Adopt-A-Stream manuals that had been translated into Vietnamese. The EHSC students demonstrated the proper techniques in sampling water and using the water quality kits. Throughout the program, the Vietnamese students were encouraged to form their own citizen’s monitoring programs for their local communities.