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Riding 4 Life - My Cycling Resource Pages

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I love riding bikes! Started riding when I was about four years old. Been riding ever since. January 2008 I started living car-light. October 2008 I went car-free! I've been getting into good shape, feeling great, and cycling. After researching bicycling for over a year, I decided to scrap the idea of motorizing my bicycle(s), and invest in a good, versatile, all-purpose bike that will meet my needs - commuting, shopping, and touring.

So, after reading thousands of messages, on dozens of bicycle forums, I made my final choice, and got the Surly Long Haul Trucker from The Bicycle Business, in Sacramento. Thanks guys at The Bicycle Business!

I've had to make some adjustments .... My knees were hitting the bar-end shifters. So, I rotated the bars down, towards the back, quite a bit. That helped, but I needed to adjust the seat, which I moved up about 1/4 inch, and back 1/2 inch. Had our LBS, Fun Sports, install new cables (the original ones were too short, after I rotated the bars), and adjust the hoods.

Now, I just need to test ride the Trucker for a couple days, and then I will wrap the bars with new tape. I'm still waiting for the new wheel to arrive. Got rear-ended on McHenry Ave, which damaged the rear wheel. The lady who hit me paid for the new wheel. I am grateful that the accident wasn't worse!

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Keep checking back often, as I will be updating these new webpages. Send your comments to: <<<...JimmieNeutron "underscore" 57 "at" hotmail "dot" com...>>>


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My new Angelfire website first created Monday, January 1, 2007, with Nvu • Updated Friday, August 8, 2008
-- <<<...JimmieNeutron "underscore" 57 "at" hotmail "dot" com...>>>





