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What are the sides of the abortion debate?

Pro-Life: Those in favor of laws prohibiting abortion.

Abortion Clinic Presence
Through prayer vigils outside abortion facilities and sidewalk counseling, we reach out to abortion-bound women and couples with abortion alternatives, confidential counseling, access to pregnancy resources and other help, and witness to the value of the lives being destroyed inside. We believe sidewalk counseling is the most important pro-life work God has given us to do. Praying outside abortion clinics is the first step in becoming directly involved fighting abortion.
Public Protest
We raise awareness of the injustice of abortion through marches, pickets, prayer vigils and especially Face the Truth Tours, during which we hold large abortion pictures on busy streets to show what abortion does to the unborn child.
Confronting the Abortionists
We confront the abortionists and abortion promoters wherever they are. We picket and demonstrate outside abortion facilities, pro-abortion events, the offices of abortion organizations like NOW and Planned Parenthood and even abortionists' houses. We infiltrate their meetings and groups. Through our programs we've closed eight abortion clinics in Chicago alone and nearly a hundred across the country. We expose the bias of the pro-abortion media and have blocked pro-abortion advertising. We put pressure on pro-abortion politicians and call abortion supporters within the church to change their ways and defend life. We have converted abortionists. Their testimonies on how they got into and out of the dirty abortion business are collected on our Meet the Abortion Providers videos.
Promoting and Defending Activism
The League helps pro-life activists organize effective programs, trains them to become successful pro-life leaders in their communities and saves lives through direct action. We provide training materials and conduct training workshops in many areas of pro-life activism. A key resource is Joe Scheidler's book, CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion. This invaluable pro-life manual has galvanized thousands of pro-lifers into activists and has bewildered the purveyors of abortion. We have fought many court battles to defend our right to peacefully protest abortion, especially the landmark NOW v. Scheidler RICO case, securing rights for all pro-lifers.
Broadcasting the Pro-Life Message
We have appeared on Nightline, The McNeil Lehrer Report, The Phil Donahue Show, Crossfire, Oprah, Good Morning America and many other programs. Through press releases we comment on current life issues and inform the media of our activities. We keep in touch with our supporters through a 24-hour Action News Hotline, with commentary on current pro-life issues and action alerts. Our Life-Update message keeps our supporters aware of current events and issues via e-mail. We publish a quarterly newspaper Action News on all our life-saving activities. We conduct seminars and conferences, lecture before student groups, speak at pro-life rallies, and debate at leading universities.
Youth Outreach
We get young people involved in learning about the life issues and fighting abortion through our Generations for Life division. Generations for Life helps teens form vibrant pro-life clubs and trains them through a yearly Youth Leadership Conference. We also encourage teens to participate in pro-life activism.

--taken from

Pro-Choice: Those against laws restricting abortion.

More than thirty years after Roe v. Wade, the pro-choice movement is still fighting to protect and defend a woman’s right to choose. Unlike the other rights we expect as Americans, this is not one we can take for granted. NARAL Pro-Choice America is the only organization with a proven history and expertise to combat an aggressive anti-choice movement intent on taking away our rights and freedoms.
Since Roe access to abortion has become increasingly tenuous. In its 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey decision, the U.S. Supreme Court sharply reduced its protections. Since that year, anti-choice forces around the nation have accepted Casey's invitation to introduce and enact a cascade of burdensome measures.
Both state and federal governments are restricting reproductive rights – including access to contraception, legal abortion and sex education – on a widespread scale. Eighty-seven percent of counties in the United States have no abortion provider. Since 1995, states have enacted more than 400 anti-choice measures and Congress has voted 166 times with anti-choice politicians winning all but 32 of those votes. Abortion is becoming less available even though it remains legal.
With every political trend working against us, the fact is, the need for abortion will never go away until we, as a country, can achieve two of NARAL Pro-Choice America's goals: better access to more effective contraceptive options and better access to other kinds of reproductive health care and information.
NARAL Pro-Choice America works to reduce the need for abortions. Americans need better access to contraception, health care and sex education. But, anti-choice forces are chipping away at a woman's right to choose which results in more unintended pregnancies and more abortions.
That is the challenge. But therein lies the opportunity. As the political and grassroots arm of the pro-choice movement, NARAL Pro-Choice America is mobilizing millions of pro-choice supporters to achieve these goals.
Until we attain our goals, it is critical that those who value the freedom and independence we enjoy in this country mobilize to protect a woman's right to choose. For now, that basic American right is seriously at risk."

--taken from

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