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World's Cutest Killers

l to r: Jesse Sublett (bass), Jebin Bruni (keyboards), Kathy Valentine (lead vocals, guitar),
Kelly Johnson (lead guitar, vocals), Craig Aaronson (drums)


Live 1987

Los Angeles, CA

She Wants the Best Of Everything

Somebody Else Will

No Pain No Gain

Chinese Whispers *

So Much Better Now

Give Some Love * (partial)

Kicking You Out

* lead vocal - Kelly

The above picture comes from this online Austin Chronicle article.
The rest of the pages I scanned and uploaded.
(The writing and photography credits appear on the articles.)
Click on the images to enlarge them.


Bitch Magazine - August 1988


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Bitch magazine

Guitar Player Jan. 1989

Sun. Examiner & Chronicle

LA Times June 1987

San Francisco Chronicle

Kelly Johnson interview - Guitar World, March 1984

Thanks to Lisa & Pam
203 Pageviews
Feb. 25th - Mar. 25th
Anne's Guitar Tab Archive - WCK Page - https://www.angelfire.com/planet/zerofret/page7.html