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G.I. Joe and Transformers

Transformers and GI Joe are on the same page due to various ties the two have to each other.

For videos about various G.I. Joe and Transformers cartoons mentioned, click here.

1964 G.I. Joe was originally a generic series of Army figures made by Hasbro.

1970-1976: G.I. Joe Adventure team. In this series the characters antagonists were natural disasters or wild animals. The franchise moved away from a military setting in wake of the unpopular Vietnam War. This series introduced the famous Kung Fu grip.
In 1976 the line introduced outer space villains called Intruders from another world. Prior to that two superhero types were also introduced, Bulletman and a Six Million Dollar Man type called Atomic Man. (If anyone had more info about this please contact me I'm super curious.)

1982 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero,
It is this cartoon and Marvel comic that most are familiar with, which features Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world. It was mostly developed by Marvel Comics writer Larry Hama. He originally conceived it as a series about a Marvel Comic's SHIELD agents fighting the terrorist group HYDRA.

During the 80s the G.I. Joe Toyline was imported to the United Kingdom where it's name was changed to Action Force. Weekly UK comics made a new continuity of an international team fighting a group called the Red Shadows, some members of which went on to form Cobra.

The same toy line was also released in Germany, with the same enemies but a future setting of 2011.

Sgt. Savage/G.I. Joe Extreme
95-97. Sgt Savage was a WWII soldier who was frozen and awoken in 1994. Hawk, Lady Jaye, and Doc revived him. Aside from this, there is no connection to A Real American Hero. There was a cartoon video about Sgt Savage, then a G.I Joe Extreme show on TV. Their enemies are SKAR, a terrorist organization.

Action Man European Cartoon
Released only on video between 95-2006. Action man battled Dr. X who wanted to rule the world.

G.I. Joe Spy Troops. Valor vs Venom. Sigma 6.04, 05, and 06 respectively. Spy troops and Valor vs Venom were direct to video cartoons. Sigma 6 is on TV.

Comic book realities.
Marvel Comic, 1982. The continuity of which continued in Devil's Due's series, Reinstated, Front line, and America's Elite. During the Marvel comics run they also met Transformers.

Action Force Comics

Vs Transformers

4 Mini-series co-published by Dreamwave, who held the Transformers license at the time. Here Cobra finds the Ark and kidnaps some Autobots to adopt their technology. Further interactions result in accidental time travel for various characters. The final miniseries reveals a Cobra-La Unicron alliance.

G.I. Joe Reloaded, had a more realistic feel.

Connection with M.A.S.K.

In October of 2008 a Specialist Matt Tracker figure was released. The info on the toy packaging indicated he was from M.A.S.K. which was an 80s toyline by Kenner, who Habro bought out. M.A.S.K. was across between G.I. Joe and Transformers, about two opposing military forces using vehicles that transformed. M.A.S.K is now considered a part of G.I. Joe, and their rival V.E.N.O.M. is a division of Cobra, conveniently enough.

For pictures click here

Official Website

Transformers is a toyline developed by Hasbro in the 1984. The toys themselves were imported from various Japanese toy lines like Diaclone and Micrchange, both from Takara. (And later from toylines Dorvack, Beetras, Gun-bot, Macross, and Mechabot-1) The story behind the toy line was developed by Marvel Comics Editor in Chief Jim Shooter and Marvel writer Dennis O' Niel. The story involved a war between 2 races of robotic lifeforms, the heroic Autobots, and the evil Decepticons. Both races came from the robotic planet of Cybertron. Behind the Marvel and DC universe, Transformers is possible the third biggest multiverse in terms of the number of distinct realities.

Transformer Cartoon.

Generation 1
Debuted in 1984
Transformers Cartoon. 1984-1987,
1986 Transformers the movie.
After the 1987 end of the American series, Japanese cartoons and manga were produced set in the same continuity. The cartoons were Headmasters, Supergod Master Force, Victory, Zone, and Scramble City (Which took place before the movie).
Manga titles were called Battlestars, Return of Convoy, Operation Combination

(Manga) Beast Wars Beast Machines
1996s Beastwars cartoons and comics are also in G1 continuity, though with some references to the Marvel comics continuity as well. They breakdown as follows.
Beast Wars (cartoon) 9/16/96-3/7/99.
Beast Wars II (Japanese cartoon) 1998
Beast Wars Neo, Japanese sequel to BWII. 1999 Beast Machines 1999-2000 Beast Wars the Gathering. IDW Comic 2006
Robots in Disguise, English Name for Japanese Cartoon Transformers: Car Robots. This series is totally separate from other Transformer cartoons. It aired in 2001

Unicron trilogy, Armada, Energon Cybertron. 2002 2006

Transformers Universe 03-06 This was a comic series from the Official Transformer's Collectors Club. In this story the two primary forces, Unicron, and Primus, gathered armies of good and evil across all Transformer realities to do battle.

Transformers Animated 08
Set in 22cnd century Detroit where humans and robots live side by side.

Comic book realities.

Earth 120185, Marvel comics Transformers series. crossed with G.I. Joe. Marvel's Spiderman. Nick Fury, and the Savage Land also exist on this earth. This continuity also included the 1993 series Generation 2. This title lead to the original cartoon and toyline being retroactively named Generation One, or G1.

IDW reboot. 2002. In 04 had three novels.

WWII G.I. Joe Transformers.

Other G.I. Joe Transformers Between IDW and Devil's Due, who at the time had rights to G.I. Joe
Revolutions IDW comic with Transformers in the 1800s. More historical era stories were planned but never printed.

Transformers The movie. Live action movie 2007. Had a prequel novel and prequel comic and a Mid-quel comic to 2009's Transformers Revenge of the Fallen movie.

Marvel UK comic, crossed with Action Force. Aside from that crossover it could be in the same continuity as the US Marvel comic.

Transformers Official Site
