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Mission Description & Clue Page

Mission Directions
NASA's newest space probe is lost somewhere in our solar system. Your mission is to work as a team to find the lost space probe by researching facts about each planet to solve the Clue Transmissions below.

You have already formed a team of three space explorers. Each member of the team has a responsibility for this mission to be successful.

One member is the shuttle navigator. Their job is to move around the webquest gathering information.

The second team member is the recorder. Their job is to write the information from the webquest onto the Log Book.

The third team member is the Captain. Their job is to make sure everyone is doing their job by reading the information that the shuttle navigator discovers to the recorder.

The shuttle navigator will now use the Planet Quest Home Page link at bottom of this page to find the Mission Data link to begin the Mission. Once on the Mission Data page, click on the pictures of the planet you are researching for more information. After your team has completely filled out the Space Explorer Log Book, use the information to solve the clue transmissions provided and locate the lost space probe by process of elimination.

Space Explorer's Log Book

Clue Transmissions

Transmission #1: Temperatures
The planet probe can not function in temperatures lower than -355 degrees F and will therefore overlook those planets.

Transmission #2:Moons
The planet probe has sent a second transmission. The planet nearest to the planet probe has less than 30 moons.

Transmission #3: Distance
The planet probe has sent another transmission. The latest measurements indicate the probe is more than 100 million miles from Earth.

Transmission #4: Atmosphere
The planet probe has taken samples from the nearest planet's atmosphere. Tests indicate high levels of Hydrogen, Helium, and Methane.


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