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Horatio Hornblower

The Horatio Hornblower Fan Fiction Archive, a huge resource for anyone who saw A&E's Emmy-winning Horatio Hornblower Miniseries and fell in love with at least one of the Indy Boys. Mostly nothing inspired, but there are some surprisingly funny and intellectual stories. This was my introduction to fan fiction.

The West Wing is the best West Wing fansite I've come across yet; it has episode guides for real, and a long list of fan fiction sites here in its Library page.

The West Wing Fan Fiction Archive is my favorite of the JedBartlet links; I like how it categorizes the stories for easy access, and its Writer's Resources section is a great idea. Hasn't been updated for practically a year though. I recommend author N.Y.Smith; her writing can be fubsy at times, but in my opinion is the most well-written fare. I am an beta-reader through this site, with email at Send me your stuff! has a huge WW fan fiction site in the TV shows section. Frequently updated, too.