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Self Portraits

Self Portraits

Self portrait one made in Adobe Illustrator. I chose colors which I have always loved and textures that feel like me. The picture is of a relative who strongly resembles me. I say resembles me because I do not know who she is but there is no denying that she was my ancestor. This picture is dated 1892 and any who could tell me who she is has long since gone to the grave. I often call her the mystery woman and here I have chosen to surround her with the names of gradmothers, aunts, and sisters who are all part of who she might be. All these women are who I am becoming.

Self portrait two contains flowers which our instructor told us not to use. Taking the risk of receiving a lower grade, I've gone against his wishes because first of all this is my own photography ran through a photoshop filter to make it look like a watercolor. And second, I took this picture on one of the most perfect summer days I have ever experienced. It was a lazy afternoon going to pick blueberries and while driving along I came upon this unbelievable field of sunflowers. I spent several minutes walking through the middle of this patch of flowers and came out covered with the pollen of the laughing flowers and I was filled with contentment. The poem overlaid on the photo is one written recently. If it does not give the reader a picture of who I am, then I will stop writing tomorrow.

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